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Place the CD-ROM "\ -- & "drive now click OK."\ -- f"OK" "QUIT" -- -- It = " -- -- i = 3 "Unable locate CD,"\ & "exiting" <> -1 & ":\movies" currDrive = getFileOnlyList( )& ":\ g","","") c"brazil" enterApplication 40Win.DLL" INT horizontalDisplayRes() LinkDLL %es() > 640 captionBar = "World Factbook 1996 Edition" unlinkDLL "tb40Win.dll" = True = False disable "Print Text" defaultPage "Flags" = "" "Regions" = "" "Photographs" = "" "Background Notes" = "" "Economics" = "" "Human Rights" = "" "Terror Groups" = "" "Travel Topics" = "" "Appendices" = "" "Movies" = "" "Charts" = "" "Languages" = "" "Maps" = "" leaveApplication mmClose PrintText PrintLastImage 4ppage,pbook,pobject dpage = dbook = 8pBook = 9590,6796 'pObject 1440,1440,1440,1440 360,360 printerScaling custom 12000 printerSize printerLabelWidth ExitApplication exitApplication CopyText "Please some CopyLastImage copyLastImage 8"main.tbk" GoBack goBack MultimediaElements "multimedia" multimediaelements geographicSearch "Geo 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Photographs idNumber of this page = xBounds Movies Show Map pBook I_Flags Languages xName I_Charts Charts buttonUp {ploc B"I_Movies" B"I_Languages" objectFromPoint(pLoc) = tranparent >= False >= True rgbFill >= 0,0,0 4lBook 4lPage 4lField lbook lpage lfield 4pPage, pBook, pObject pbook ppage pobject "Please view image c) = xName = "" B"I_Photographs" = B"I_Flags" = B"I_Maps" = B"I_Regional B"I_Charts" = "No images available " && 1440,1440,1440,1440 360,360 printerScaling custom 12000 printerSize printerLabelWidth = 9590,6796 "flag" 8= 9590,6796 sysSuspenMessages = xBounds = x= (( 1) / 2) P) / 2) x = (9600 / 2) - x y = (7200 / 2) - y cNumber = = " & "WFB" sysSuspendMessages = B"Show Map" = " & = 9590,6796 = " & "multimedia" 8"main.tbk" >= 255,255,255 = "" False I_Movies I_Languages buttonDown Photographs I_Photographs False Regional Maps I_Regional Maps Flags Regions.tbk I_Movies Photos.tbk I_Languages charts.tbk Flags.tbk xbook I_Maps maps.tbk There are no slide-shows for Movies 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of this page = 4 idNumber of this page = 4 idNumber of this page = 4 idNumber of this page = 4 idNumber of this page = 4 idNumber of this page = 41 @80*4= System Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman idNumber of this page = 1 idNumber of this page = 4 Z:\movies page = 40 @80*4= @80*4= @80*4= Arabic tions Flags ge id 2 of Book "E:\96\FLAGS.TBK" geria Regions Maps ge id 29 of Book "E:\WFB96\REGIONS.TBK" onomics rth America Photographs ge id 1 of Book "E:\96\PHOTOS.TBK" stralia geria Background Notes ckground Notes Economics able Land Background Notes for Afghanistan (more) Human Rights About the United Nations Human Rights Notes for Afghanistan ge id 132 of Book "E:\WFB96\BACKGRD.TBK" Cross-Reference List of Geographic Names (more) Carpet market in Khroub Algeria *State Dept* WFB96\ECONOMIC.TBK" Economic Notes for Algeria Terror Groups Travel Topics Appendices ssport American Samoa World Factbook 1996 Edition TBK" Africa sque Djibouti *State Dept* Total Area ats in a tree Djibouti *State Dept* ge id 1 of Book "E:\96\PHOTOS.TBK" Egypt movies Charts Languages ge id 2 of Book "E:\96\BACKGRD.TBK" 15 May Organization iberation of Palestine (DFLP) stria *Jochen Fuehrer* Afghanistan J ge id 1 of Book "E:\96\HUMAN.TBK" I_Credits I_Multimedia I_Geo Search I_Outline Search I_Search Text I_Help I_Quit UzzOVUU UVVzz OUUyU U+UzUU +UUO+ UVz+U UyOVUU zUO+yO +UU+U UyOUVzU yOOUzU+yUU UUVzU UUVyO OVUUz UzUOUz ?9?c: 99^9]99j ]d323 OUVUO UUzzU 299293 89:dc] UOyzU+ yVVUzV VVzzU+z zUVVO 23922 UzOU1 +UzzU ++OUO @dcd^99 zO+zz UUzUzUV 2232399^]d 99]9?] UUV+z zVOUV ]99]9d] 1OzVU Uz+UU d:^dj UUyVU +UUVU d]:]]j d@@dj zUOzVOy UUVUO 9d99^9 U2zyUUy1U O+UOz zUzUz UU+yU U1+UOU d]9]]: jdd]9d]^ VzUzOUz U+UyU UUzzOUy dd^99 UzUOz z+zVy UUz+V OVVOUy zUUVOOz UzU+z U+UUV+ yUVz1 zUUzO UzzUUP *U[UU UVzUVOO VOOUUO yUOUO UtVUU UzOUy U+zUy UVUUz +OOUO +UUzy UzUzz VUzVV zVUyU UzzUU O+OO+ UzzOUO +UVz+yU Uy+OO OzzVUO +UVOz OzUzzOU UzzUU yVzU+z \++zV V+zUz +OzUU U+UU++ U+UUz UzUzy+U VVz+z yVUy+ UOVUO 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Getting around in this program: The First "Main" screen allows you to choose how to access the information about the 266 world entities or countries. 7 choices: (1) Multimedia Elements. View 200 photographs from around the world. See the countries up close! Play a slide show of all the images (click the slide show button) or select the image by name (scroll the list of images and click on the text to view). 20 + movies, flags, charts, or languages. (2) Geographic Search. Select countries geographically by region. See where the countries are in each region. Navigate between regions. (3) Outline Search. Lists of the various types of information available. These lists are of countries by type of information available. (choose by country name). Also includes lists of other information -- Charts, Terror groups, State Department Travel Topics, and Appendices. (4) Word Search. Quickly get a list of all the text portions with a search string. Then click on any list item to go there. The search string can be: a country name or any text. This search string can be more than one word and have boolean operators AND, OR Examples: UNITED KINGDOM (this is a search for the words "UNITED" AND "KINGDOM" and the results would be text portions with both words. This is equivalent to UNITED AND KINGDOM. TERRORIST OR CARBOMBINGS OR TERRORISTS (this is a search for any of three words TERRORIST, CARBOMBINGS, TERRORISTS the results would be text protions with any of the three words.) Searching works best one word, multiple words with AND between. (5) Help! Provides tips and techniques for using this program. This is what you are reading now. (6) Credits. The people involved in putting this project together. The sources for the text. etc. (7) Quit. Exit the program. At the bottom of each screen (except main) is standard set of options, including a way of getting back to the main screen. Tips and Techniques: How do I find something in this program: (searching for specific information) How to do a general search: From "Main" press the " Word Search" button, now press the button "New Search" after the text you want to search is entered. An example would be that you know "Mugabe" is the leader of some country -- but you don't know which one. Search for Mugabe to find out! How to do a specific search: - You want to know the ranking of Burkina's death rate in the world. Select "Outline Search" from "Main", click on "Charts" on left and then "Death rate" in the list. Now click on the "Find within Card" button and type Burkina. The High to Low list will highlight and scroll down to the entry if Burkina is ranked. - You want to know the date that Kazakhstan was established as a country. From "Main": click on the "Outline Search" , now click on "Countries" Using the "Go Back" button for repeated accessing of information from the same screen. Some examples: From the "Main" screen click on a continent such as "Africa", Click on "Southern Africa", now click on a country button. View the information/maps etc. Click "Go Back" to return to "Southern Africa", now click on another country button. From the "Main" screen click on the "Outline Search" button and then select "Charts" on left, now scroll the list of comparison statistics/charts and select one to inspect by clicking on its text. Read the rankings/search/view the charts. Now click on "Go Back" to return to the "Charts" listing. Features: * Information on 266 countries, territories etc. compiled by the CIA. * Extracted numerical rankings for 47 statistics from the CIA with bar charts. Statistics include: population, growth, economics, etc. * Information from the State Department on most countries, including: Entry Requirements (documentation needed to get into a country), Travel Advisories (what to watch out for when you get there), Consular notes (general notes on the country), Background Notes (what to watch out for when you get there), and other: General Information topics (HIV, Adoption, Abduction, etc.), and Terror Group Profiles. * Maps for the 266 countries, territories etc. * 23 Region Maps. * 20+ QuickTime videos. * 17 Regional Maps + world time zones. * 200 photos from selected countries. * Help. HelpText Wayzata World Factbook - 1996 Edition. Getting around in this program: The First "Main" screen allows you to choose how to access the information about the 266 world entities or countries. 7 choices: (1) Multimedia Elements. View 200 photographs from around the world. See the countries up close! Play a slide show of all the images (click the slide show button) or select the image by name (scroll the list of images and click on the text to view). 20 + movies, flags, charts, or languages. (2) Geographic Search. Select countries geographically by region. See where the countries are in each region. Navigate between regions. (3) Outline Search. Lists of the various types of information available. These lists are of countries by type of information available. (choose by country name). Also includes lists of other information -- Charts, Terror groups, State Department Travel Topics, and Appendices. (4) Word Search. Quickly get a list of all the text portions with a search string. Then click on any list item to go there. The search string can be: a country name or any text. This search string can be more than one word and have boolean operators AND, OR Examples: UNITED KINGDOM (this is a search for the words "UNITED" AND "KINGDOM" and the results would be text portions with both words. This is equivalent to UNITED AND KINGDOM. TERRORIST OR CARBOMBINGS OR TERRORISTS (this is a search for any of three words TERRORIST, CARBOMBINGS, TERRORISTS the results would be text protions with any of the three words.) Searching works best one word, multiple words with AND between. (5) Help! Provides tips and techniques for using this program. This is what you are reading now. (6) Credits. The people involved in putting this project together. The sources for the text. etc. (7) Quit. Exit the program. At the bottom of each screen (except main) is standard set of options, including a way of getting back to the main screen. Tips and Techniques: How do I find something in this program: (searching for specific information) How to do a general search: From "Main" press the " Word Search" button, now press the button "New Search" after the text you want to search is entered. An example would be that you know "Mugabe" is the leader of some country -- but you don't know which one. Search for Mugabe to find out! How to do a specific search: - You want to know the ranking of Burkina's death rate in the world. Select "Outline Search" from "Main", click on "Charts" on left and then "Death rate" in the list. Now click on the "Find within Card" button and type Burkina. The High to Low list will highlight and scroll down to the entry if Burkina is ranked. - You want to know the date that Kazakhstan was established as a country. From "Main": click on the "Outline Search" , now click on "Countries" Using the "Go Back" button for repeated accessing of information from the same screen. Some examples: From the "Main" screen click on a continent such as "Africa", Click on "Southern Africa", now click on a country button. View the information/maps etc. Click "Go Back" to return to "Southern Africa", now click on another country button. From the "Main" screen click on the "Outline Search" button and then select "Charts" on left, now scroll the list of comparison statistics/charts and select one to inspect by clicking on its text. Read the rankings/search/view the charts. Now click on "Go Back" to return to the "Charts" listing. Features: * Information on 266 countries, territories etc. compiled by the CIA. * Extracted numerical rankings for 47 statistics from the CIA with bar charts. Statistics include: population, growth, economics, etc. * Information from the State Department on most countries, including: Entry Requirements (documentation needed to get into a country), Travel Advisories (what to watch out for when you get there), Consular notes (general notes on the country), Background Notes (what to watch out for when you get there), and other: General Information topics (HIV, Adoption, Abduction, etc.), and Terror Group Profiles. * Maps for the 266 countries, territories etc. * 23 Region Maps. * 20+ QuickTime videos. * 17 Regional Maps + world time zones. * 200 photos from selected countries. * Help. I_printCredits buttonDown .'+ + False Country List buttonUp {ploc objectFromPoint(pLoc) = >= True >= False rgbFill >= 0,0,0 soc) = 1440,1440,1440,1440 360,360 printerScaling custom "Country List" 12000 printerSize printerLabelWidth >= 255,255,255 Search ~ $ P Click on Search Results Click on Search Results: Click on Search Results Enter search words: (more than one word implies a boolean "and") Search New Search mHitList HitList SearchWord Search mText hitList sText mhitList SearchWord hText buttonUp 4sText, mText, hText = "" = "" = "" "SearchWord" "hitList" "mhitList" Clear Search llllo 99d9d I_Previous .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Go Back .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Main .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Multimedia .'+ +F .'+ +F multimedia buttonClick buttonClick "multimedia" I_Geographic .'+ +F .'+ +F Geo Search buttonClick buttonClick "Geo Search" I_Outline .'+ +F .'+ +F out search buttonClick buttonClick "out I_Search .'+ +F .'+ +F Search buttonClick buttonClick "Search" I_Help .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick "Help" I_Next .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick z"z""3* z"z""3 "z"z"3 "z"z"3 $983| 3MPUM z"z"z3 z"z"z3 9UMM9MU9 ""z"z"z"z" z"z"z"z"3 M^eQm O6M96M9 "z"z"z"z3 "z"z"z""3 MM6M9LC5 "z"z"z V"qJ;HH:H: M9M6M 9698989 M99Pm z"z_:: +0MiQ0 xLiQM 9M69M6 3M9M^996 C0LC8 QM9M99M+ 3M69696996 9M6M0 6696P+ "z"zV 3M9M96i9 9M9MPX "z"z"3 "z3"z3 86868688RR "z"VV; xCC\C3M9M M9M89899 "z"z"3* "z3"z"3 RR8866868 8R8R88T "z{^622{ 2"z"z CxL8M 8M9899MPX "z"z"z"z3 z"3"z"3 8T8R88R8 +"{{9299= {"z"z"z& MeQL\ 0vM9+ 3M9M696969 6969M0 "z"z"z "z"z"3 OU6\K "z"z"z"& 99MM99 MM9MU0 "z"z" z"z""3 "z3"z"3 \K6KW |Xy6K6$ ^"z"z"z"z 9MQeL9M CC\CxCL "z"z3 6K6xm| K6KK3| 8"z"z"z CCe00QM 36MM696969 "z"z"3 ^92Wiiz{ z^"z 96MQQMM QQ^MM9 69MM9MMP z"z"z"z"3 z"z"z 8PPW3 e0^MM^ 69MM9 z"z"z"z"3 z"z"z"z =2z{{^{ +M6?^M9 99M6e "z"z"z"3 "z"z"z"3 L9MQi6 MM9MM 9MM9M9 "z"z"z" z"z"z"z3 "z"z"z "z"z"z"z3 ${+{{ $6MM6M6M6O 6M9696 2=229292 2=229292 TAREA Total Area title `!`!Total area Country km2 __________ _______ 510072000 World (1) 165384000 Pacific Ocean (2) 82217000 Atlantic Ocean (3) 73600000 Indian Ocean (4) 17075200 Russia (5) 14056000 Arctic Ocean (6) 14000000 Antarctica (7) 9976140 Canada (8) 9596960 China (9) 9372610 United States (10) 8511965 Brazil (11) 7686850 Australia (12) 3287590 India (13) 2766890 Argentina (14) 2717300 Kazakhstan (15) 2505810 Sudan (16) 2381740 Algeria (17) 2345410 Zaire (18) 2175600 Greenland (19) 1972550 Mexico (20) 1960582 Saudi Arabia (21) 1919440 Indonesia (22) 1759540 Libya (23) 1648000 Iran (24) 1565000 Mongolia (25) 1285220 Peru (26) 1284000 Chad (27) 1267000 Niger (28) 1246700 Angola (29) 1240000 Mali (30) 1219912 South Africa (31) 1138910 Colombia (32) 1127127 Ethiopia (33) 1098580 Bolivia (34) 1030700 Mauritania (35) 1001450 Egypt (36) 945090 Tanzania (37) 923770 Nigeria (38) 912050 Venezuela (39) 825418 Namibia (40) 803940 Pakistan (41) 801590 Mozambique (42) 780580 Turkey (43) 756950 Chile (44) 752610 Zambia (45) 678500 Burma (46) 647500 Afghanistan (47) 637660 Somalia (48) 622980 Central African Republic (49) 603700 Ukraine (50) 600370 Botswana (51) 587040 Madagascar (52) 582650 Kenya (53) 547030 France (54) 527970 Yemen (55) 514000 Thailand (56) 504750 Spain (57) 488100 Turkmenistan (58) 475440 Cameroon (59) 461690 Papua New Guinea (60) 449964 Sweden (61) 447400 Uzbekistan (62) 446550 Morocco (63) 437072 Iraq (64) 406750 Paraguay (65) 390580 Zimbabwe (66) 377835 Japan (67) 356910 Germany (68) 342000 Congo (69) 337030 Finland (70) 329750 Malaysia (71) 329560 Vietnam (72) 324220 Norway (73) 322460 Cote d'Ivoire (74) 312680 Poland (75) 301230 Italy (76) 300000 Philippines (77) 283560 Ecuador (78) 274200 Burkina (79) 268680 New Zealand (80) 267670 Gabon (81) 266000 Western Sahara (82) 245860 Guinea (83) 244820 United Kingdom (84) 238540 Ghana (85) 237500 Romania (86) 236800 Laos (87) 236040 Uganda (88) 214970 Guyana (89) 212460 Oman (90) 207600 Belarus (91) 198500 Kyrgyzstan (92) 196190 Senegal (93) 185180 Syria (94) 181040 Cambodia (95) 176220 Uruguay (96) 163610 Tunisia (97) 163270 Suriname (98) 144000 Bangladesh (99) 143100 Tajikistan (100) 140800 Nepal (101) 131940 Greece (102) 129494 Nicaragua (103) 121320 Eritrea (104) 120540 Korea, North (105) 118480 Malawi (106) 112620 Benin (107) 112090 Honduras (108) 111370 Liberia (109) 110910 Bulgaria (110) 110860 Cuba (111) 108890 Guatemala (112) 103000 Iceland (113) 102350 Serbia and Montenegro (114) 98480 Korea, South (115) 93030 Hungary (116) 92080 Portugal (117) 91000 French Guiana (118) 89213 Jordan (119) 86600 Azerbaijan (120) 83850 Austria (121) 78703 Czech Republic (122) 78200 Panama (123) 75581 United Arab Emirates (124) 71740 Sierra Leone (125) 70280 Ireland (126) 69700 Georgia (127) 65610 Sri Lanka (128) 65200 Lithuania (129) 64100 Latvia (130) 62049 Svalbard (131) 56790 Togo (132) 56538 Croatia (133) 51233 Bosnia and Herzegovina (134) 51100 Costa Rica (135) 48845 Slovakia (136) 48730 Dominican Republic (137) 47000 Bhutan (138) 45100 Estonia (139) 43070 Denmark (140) 41290 Switzerland (141) 37330 Netherlands (142) 36120 Guinea-Bissau (143) 35980 Taiwan (144) 33700 Moldova (145) 30510 Belgium (146) 30350 Lesotho (147) 29800 Armenia (148) 28750 Albania (149) 28450 Solomon Islands (150) 28050 Equatorial Guinea (151) 27830 Burundi (152) 27750 Haiti (153) 26340 Rwanda (154) 25333 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (155) 22960 Belize (156) 22000 Djibouti (157) 21040 El Salvador (158) 20770 Israel (159) 20296 Slovenia (160) 19060 New Caledonia (161) 18270 Fiji (162) 17820 Kuwait (163) 17360 Swaziland (164) 14760 Vanuatu (165) 13940 The Bahamas (166) 12170 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (167) 11300 The Gambia (168) 11000 Qatar (169) 10990 Jamaica (170) 10400 Lebanon (171) 9250 Cyprus (172) 9104 Puerto Rico (173) 7781 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (174) 5860 West Bank (175) 5770 Brunei (176) 5130 Trinidad and Tobago (177) 4066 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (178) 4030 Cape Verde (179) 3941 French Polynesia (180) 2860 Western Samoa (181) 2586 Luxembourg (182) 2510 Reunion (183) 2170 Comoros (184) 1860 Mauritius (185) 1780 Guadeloupe (186) 1400 Faroe Islands (187) 1100 Martinique (188) 1040 Hong Kong (189) 960 Sao Tome and Principe (190) 960 Netherlands Antilles (191) 750 Dominica (192) 748 Tonga (193) 717 Kiribati (194) 702 Micronesia, Federated States of (195) 633 Singapore (196) 620 Saint Lucia (197) 620 Bahrain (198) 588 Man, Isle of (199) 541 Guam (200) 477 Northern Mariana Islands (201) 458 Palau (202) 455 Seychelles (203) 450 Andorra (204) 440 Antigua and Barbuda (205) 430 Turks and Caicos Islands (206) 430 Barbados (207) 412 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (208) 410 Saint Helena (209) 375 Mayotte (210) 373 Jan Mayen (211) 360 Gaza Strip (212) 352 Virgin Islands (213) 340 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (214) 340 Grenada (215) 320 Malta (216) 300 Maldives (217) 274 Wallis and Futuna (218) 269 Saint Kitts and Nevis (219) 260 Niue (220) 260 Cayman Islands (221) 242 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (222) 240 Cook Islands (223) 199 American Samoa (224) 194 Guernsey (225) 193 Aruba (226) 181 Marshall Islands (227) 160 Liechtenstein (228) 150 British Virgin Islands (229) 135 Christmas Island (230) 117 Jersey (231) 100 Montserrat (232) 91 Anguilla (233) 60 San Marino (234) 60 British Indian Ocean Territory (235) 58 Bouvet Island (236) 50 Bermuda (237) 47 Pitcairn Islands (238) 35 Norfolk Island (239) 28 Europa Island (240) 26 Tuvalu (241) 21 Nauru (242) 16 Macau (243) 14 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (244) 12 Palmyra Atoll (245) 10 Tokelau (246) 7 Wake Island (247) 7 Gibraltar (248) 7 Clipperton Island (249) 5 Spratly Islands (250) 5 Navassa Island (251) 5 Midway Islands (252) 5 Jarvis Island (253) 5 Glorioso Islands (254) 5 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (255) 4 Juan de Nova Island (256) 3 Johnston Atoll (257) 3 Coral Sea Islands (258) 2 Monaco (259) 2 Howland Island (260) 1 Tromelin Island (261) 1 Kingman Reef (262) 1 Baker Island (263) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (264) 0 Bassas da India (265) Paracel Islands h!h!Total area Country km2 __________ _______ 0 Bassas da India (1) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (2) 1 Baker Island (3) 1 Kingman Reef (4) 1 Tromelin Island (5) 2 Howland Island (6) 2 Monaco (7) 3 Coral Sea Islands (8) 3 Johnston Atoll (9) 4 Juan de Nova Island (10) 5 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (11) 5 Glorioso Islands (12) 5 Jarvis Island (13) 5 Midway Islands (14) 5 Navassa Island (15) 5 Spratly Islands (16) 7 Clipperton Island (17) 7 Gibraltar (18) 7 Wake Island (19) 10 Tokelau (20) 12 Palmyra Atoll (21) 14 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (22) 16 Macau (23) 21 Nauru (24) 26 Tuvalu (25) 28 Europa Island (26) 35 Norfolk Island (27) 47 Pitcairn Islands (28) 50 Bermuda (29) 58 Bouvet Island (30) 60 British Indian Ocean Territory (31) 60 San Marino (32) 91 Anguilla (33) 100 Montserrat (34) 117 Jersey (35) 135 Christmas Island (36) 150 British Virgin Islands (37) 160 Liechtenstein (38) 181 Marshall Islands (39) 193 Aruba (40) 194 Guernsey (41) 199 American Samoa (42) 240 Cook Islands (43) 242 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (44) 260 Cayman Islands (45) 260 Niue (46) 269 Saint Kitts and Nevis (47) 274 Wallis and Futuna (48) 300 Maldives (49) 320 Malta (50) 340 Grenada (51) 340 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (52) 352 Virgin Islands (53) 360 Gaza Strip (54) 373 Jan Mayen (55) 375 Mayotte (56) 410 Saint Helena (57) 412 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (58) 430 Barbados (59) 430 Turks and Caicos Islands (60) 440 Antigua and Barbuda (61) 450 Andorra (62) 455 Seychelles (63) 458 Palau (64) 477 Northern Mariana Islands (65) 541 Guam (66) 588 Man, Isle of (67) 620 Bahrain (68) 620 Saint Lucia (69) 633 Singapore (70) 702 Micronesia, Federated States of (71) 717 Kiribati (72) 748 Tonga (73) 750 Dominica (74) 960 Netherlands Antilles (75) 960 Sao Tome and Principe (76) 1040 Hong Kong (77) 1100 Martinique (78) 1400 Faroe Islands (79) 1780 Guadeloupe (80) 1860 Mauritius (81) 2170 Comoros (82) 2510 Reunion (83) 2586 Luxembourg (84) 2860 Western Samoa (85) 3941 French Polynesia (86) 4030 Cape Verde (87) 4066 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (88) 5130 Trinidad and Tobago (89) 5770 Brunei (90) 5860 West Bank (91) 7781 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (92) 9104 Puerto Rico (93) 9250 Cyprus (94) 10400 Lebanon (95) 10990 Jamaica (96) 11000 Qatar (97) 11300 The Gambia (98) 12170 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (99) 13940 The Bahamas (100) 14760 Vanuatu (101) 17360 Swaziland (102) 17820 Kuwait (103) 18270 Fiji (104) 19060 New Caledonia (105) 20296 Slovenia (106) 20770 Israel (107) 21040 El Salvador (108) 22000 Djibouti (109) 22960 Belize (110) 25333 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (111) 26340 Rwanda (112) 27750 Haiti (113) 27830 Burundi (114) 28050 Equatorial Guinea (115) 28450 Solomon Islands (116) 28750 Albania (117) 29800 Armenia (118) 30350 Lesotho (119) 30510 Belgium (120) 33700 Moldova (121) 35980 Taiwan (122) 36120 Guinea-Bissau (123) 37330 Netherlands (124) 41290 Switzerland (125) 43070 Denmark (126) 45100 Estonia (127) 47000 Bhutan (128) 48730 Dominican Republic (129) 48845 Slovakia (130) 51100 Costa Rica (131) 51233 Bosnia and Herzegovina (132) 56538 Croatia (133) 56790 Togo (134) 62049 Svalbard (135) 64100 Latvia (136) 65200 Lithuania (137) 65610 Sri Lanka (138) 69700 Georgia (139) 70280 Ireland (140) 71740 Sierra Leone (141) 75581 United Arab Emirates (142) 78200 Panama (143) 78703 Czech Republic (144) 83850 Austria (145) 86600 Azerbaijan (146) 89213 Jordan (147) 91000 French Guiana (148) 92080 Portugal (149) 93030 Hungary (150) 98480 Korea, South (151) 102350 Serbia and Montenegro (152) 103000 Iceland (153) 108890 Guatemala (154) 110860 Cuba (155) 110910 Bulgaria (156) 111370 Liberia (157) 112090 Honduras (158) 112620 Benin (159) 118480 Malawi (160) 120540 Korea, North (161) 121320 Eritrea (162) 129494 Nicaragua (163) 131940 Greece (164) 140800 Nepal (165) 143100 Tajikistan (166) 144000 Bangladesh (167) 163270 Suriname (168) 163610 Tunisia (169) 176220 Uruguay (170) 181040 Cambodia (171) 185180 Syria (172) 196190 Senegal (173) 198500 Kyrgyzstan (174) 207600 Belarus (175) 212460 Oman (176) 214970 Guyana (177) 236040 Uganda (178) 236800 Laos (179) 237500 Romania (180) 238540 Ghana (181) 244820 United Kingdom (182) 245860 Guinea (183) 266000 Western Sahara (184) 267670 Gabon (185) 268680 New Zealand (186) 274200 Burkina (187) 283560 Ecuador (188) 300000 Philippines (189) 301230 Italy (190) 312680 Poland (191) 322460 Cote d'Ivoire (192) 324220 Norway (193) 329560 Vietnam (194) 329750 Malaysia (195) 337030 Finland (196) 342000 Congo (197) 356910 Germany (198) 377835 Japan (199) 390580 Zimbabwe (200) 406750 Paraguay (201) 437072 Iraq (202) 446550 Morocco (203) 447400 Uzbekistan (204) 449964 Sweden (205) 461690 Papua New Guinea (206) 475440 Cameroon (207) 488100 Turkmenistan (208) 504750 Spain (209) 514000 Thailand (210) 527970 Yemen (211) 547030 France (212) 582650 Kenya (213) 587040 Madagascar (214) 600370 Botswana (215) 603700 Ukraine (216) 622980 Central African Republic (217) 637660 Somalia (218) 647500 Afghanistan (219) 678500 Burma (220) 752610 Zambia (221) 756950 Chile (222) 780580 Turkey (223) 801590 Mozambique (224) 803940 Pakistan (225) 825418 Namibia (226) 912050 Venezuela (227) 923770 Nigeria (228) 945090 Tanzania (229) 1001450 Egypt (230) 1030700 Mauritania (231) 1098580 Bolivia (232) 1127127 Ethiopia (233) 1138910 Colombia (234) 1219912 South Africa (235) 1240000 Mali (236) 1246700 Angola (237) 1267000 Niger (238) 1284000 Chad (239) 1285220 Peru (240) 1565000 Mongolia (241) 1648000 Iran (242) 1759540 Libya (243) 1919440 Indonesia (244) 1960582 Saudi Arabia (245) 1972550 Mexico (246) 2175600 Greenland (247) 2345410 Zaire (248) 2381740 Algeria (249) 2505810 Sudan (250) 2717300 Kazakhstan (251) 2766890 Argentina (252) 3287590 India (253) 7686850 Australia (254) 8511965 Brazil (255) 9372610 United States (256) 9596960 China (257) 9976140 Canada (258) 14000000 Antarctica (259) 14056000 Arctic Ocean (260) 17075200 Russia (261) 73600000 Indian Ocean (262) 82217000 Atlantic Ocean (263) 165384000 Pacific Ocean (264) 510072000 World (265) Paracel Islands (266) &Button Charts title Header enterPage = True B"Header" /= title = False "(#6$ %<)6* I_view 10 highest .'+ +F .'+ +F titLe lBook lPage charts.tbk Charts buttonUp = True lPage = & "H" lBook = "charts.tbk" "Charts" = titLe defaultPage lpage 8lbook = False I_View 10 Lowest .'+ +F .'+ +F titLe lBook lPage charts.tbk Charts buttonUp = True lPage = & "L" lBook = "charts.tbk" "Charts" = titLe defaultPage lpage 8lbook = False Lowest to Highest showNameProp Lowest to Highest Highest to Lowest showNameProp Highest to Lowest Header showNameProp *able Land View 10 Highest View Ten Lowest I_Previous .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Go Back .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Main .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Multimedia .'+ +F .'+ +F multimedia buttonClick buttonClick "multimedia" I_Geographic .'+ +F .'+ +F Geo Search buttonClick buttonClick "Geo Search" I_Outline .'+ +F .'+ +F out search buttonClick buttonClick "out I_Search .'+ +F .'+ +F Search buttonClick buttonClick "Search" I_Help .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick "Help" I_Next .'+ +F .'+ +F buttonClick buttonClick I_Print s HtoL,LtoH idNumber of this page = buttonClick buttonClick 1440,1440,1440,1440 360,360 printerScaling custom "HtoL,LtoH" 6840,6840 printerSize printerLabelWidth xNum = 1440,1440,1440,1440 360,360 6840,6840 xid = xcv = " =" && I_Search searchHere buttonClick buttonClick searchHere I_PRint C Other Land Percentage z"z""3* z"z""3 "z"z"3 "z"z"3 $983| 3MPUM z"z"z3 z"z"z3 9UMM9MU9 ""z"z"z"z" z"z"z"z"3 M^eQm O6M96M9 "z"z"z"z3 "z"z"z""3 MM6M9LC5 "z"z"z V"qJ;HH:H: M9M6M 9698989 M99Pm z"z_:: +0MiQ0 xLiQM 9M69M6 3M9M^996 C0LC8 QM9M99M+ 3M69696996 9M6M0 6696P+ "z"zV 3M9M96i9 9M9MPX "z"z"3 "z3"z3 86868688RR "z"VV; xCC\C3M9M M9M89899 "z"z"3* "z3"z"3 RR8866868 8R8R88T "z{^622{ 2"z"z CxL8M 8M9899MPX "z"z"z"z3 z"3"z"3 8T8R88R8 +"{{9299= {"z"z"z& 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7 Wake Island (19) 10 Tokelau (20) 12 Palmyra Atoll (21) 14 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (22) 16 Macau (23) 21 Nauru (24) 26 Tuvalu (25) 28 Europa Island (26) 35 Norfolk Island (27) 47 Pitcairn Islands (28) 50 Bermuda (29) 58 Bouvet Island (30) 60 British Indian Ocean Territory (31) 60 San Marino (32) 91 Anguilla (33) 100 Montserrat (34) 117 Jersey (35) 135 Christmas Island (36) 150 British Virgin Islands (37) 160 Liechtenstein (38) 181 Marshall Islands (39) 193 Aruba (40) 194 Guernsey (41) 199 American Samoa (42) 240 Cook Islands (43) 242 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (44) 260 Cayman Islands (45) 260 Niue (46) 269 Saint Kitts and Nevis (47) 274 Wallis and Futuna (48) 300 Maldives (49) 320 Malta (50) 340 Grenada (51) 340 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (52) 349 Virgin Islands (53) 360 Gaza Strip (54) 373 Jan Mayen (55) 375 Mayotte (56) 410 Saint Helena (57) 412 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (58) 430 Barbados (59) 430 Turks and Caicos Islands (60) 440 Antigua and Barbuda (61) 450 Andorra (62) 455 Seychelles (63) 458 Palau (64) 477 Northern Mariana Islands (65) 541 Guam (66) 588 Man, Isle of (67) 610 Saint Lucia (68) 620 Bahrain (69) 623 Singapore (70) 702 Micronesia, Federated States of (71) 717 Kiribati (72) 718 Tonga (73) 750 Dominica (74) 960 Netherlands Antilles (75) 960 Sao Tome and Principe (76) 990 Hong Kong (77) 1060 Martinique (78) 1400 Faroe Islands (79) 1706 Guadeloupe (80) 1850 Mauritius (81) 2170 Comoros (82) 2500 Reunion (83) 2586 Luxembourg (84) 2850 Western Samoa (85) 3660 French Polynesia (86) 4030 Cape Verde (87) 4066 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (88) 5130 Trinidad and Tobago (89) 5270 Brunei (90) 5640 West Bank (91) 7781 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (92) 8959 Puerto Rico (93) 9240 Cyprus (94) 10000 The Gambia (95) 10070 The Bahamas (96) 10230 Lebanon (97) 10830 Jamaica (98) 11000 Qatar (99) 12170 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (100) 14760 Vanuatu (101) 17200 Swaziland (102) 17820 Kuwait (103) 18270 Fiji (104) 18760 New Caledonia (105) 20296 Slovenia (106) 20330 Israel (107) 20720 El Salvador (108) 21980 Djibouti (109) 22800 Belize (110) 24856 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (111) 24950 Rwanda (112) 25650 Burundi (113) 27400 Albania (114) 27540 Solomon Islands (115) 27560 Haiti (116) 28000 Guinea-Bissau (117) 28050 Equatorial Guinea (118) 28400 Armenia (119) 30230 Belgium (120) 30350 Lesotho (121) 32260 Taiwan (122) 33700 Moldova (123) 33920 Netherlands (124) 39770 Switzerland (125) 42370 Denmark (126) 43200 Estonia (127) 47000 Bhutan (128) 48380 Dominican Republic (129) 48800 Slovakia (130) 50660 Costa Rica (131) 51233 Bosnia and Herzegovina (132) 54390 Togo (133) 56410 Croatia (134) 62049 Svalbard (135) 64100 Latvia (136) 64740 Sri Lanka (137) 65200 Lithuania (138) 68890 Ireland (139) 69700 Georgia (140) 71620 Sierra Leone (141) 75581 United Arab Emirates (142) 75990 Panama (143) 78645 Czech Republic (144) 82730 Austria (145) 86100 Azerbaijan (146) 88884 Jordan (147) 89150 French Guiana (148) 91640 Portugal (149) 92340 Hungary (150) 94080 Malawi (151) 96320 Liberia (152) 98190 Korea, South (153) 100250 Iceland (154) 102136 Serbia and Montenegro (155) 108430 Guatemala (156) 110550 Bulgaria (157) 110620 Benin (158) 110860 Cuba (159) 111890 Honduras (160) 120254 Nicaragua (161) 120410 Korea, North (162) 121320 Eritrea (163) 130800 Greece (164) 133910 Bangladesh (165) 136800 Nepal (166) 142700 Tajikistan (167) 155360 Tunisia (168) 161470 Suriname (169) 173620 Uruguay (170) 176520 Cambodia (171) 184050 Syria (172) 191300 Kyrgyzstan (173) 192000 Senegal (174) 196850 Guyana (175) 199710 Uganda (176) 207600 Belarus (177) 212460 Oman (178) 230020 Ghana (179) 230340 Romania (180) 230800 Laos (181) 241590 United Kingdom (182) 245860 Guinea (183) 257670 Gabon (184) 266000 Western Sahara (185) 268670 New Zealand (186) 273800 Burkina (187) 276840 Ecuador (188) 294020 Italy (189) 298170 Philippines (190) 304510 Poland (191) 305470 Finland (192) 307860 Norway (193) 318000 Cote d'Ivoire (194) 325360 Vietnam (195) 328550 Malaysia (196) 341500 Congo (197) 349520 Germany (198) 374744 Japan (199) 383600 Greenland (200) 386670 Zimbabwe (201) 397300 Paraguay (202) 410928 Sweden (203) 425400 Uzbekistan (204) 432162 Iraq (205) 446300 Morocco (206) 451710 Papua New Guinea (207) 469440 Cameroon (208) 488100 Turkmenistan (209) 499400 Spain (210) 511770 Thailand (211) 527970 Yemen (212) 545630 France (213) 569250 Kenya (214) 581540 Madagascar (215) 585370 Botswana (216) 603700 Ukraine (217) 622980 Central African Republic (218) 627340 Somalia (219) 647500 Afghanistan (220) 657740 Burma (221) 740720 Zambia (222) 748800 Chile (223) 770760 Turkey (224) 778720 Pakistan (225) 784090 Mozambique (226) 825418 Namibia (227) 882050 Venezuela (228) 886040 Tanzania (229) 910770 Nigeria (230) 995450 Egypt (231) 1030400 Mauritania (232) 1038700 Colombia (233) 1084390 Bolivia (234) 1119683 Ethiopia (235) 1219912 South Africa (236) 1220000 Mali (237) 1246700 Angola (238) 1259200 Chad (239) 1266700 Niger (240) 1280000 Peru (241) 1565000 Mongolia (242) 1636000 Iran (243) 1759540 Libya (244) 1826440 Indonesia (245) 1923040 Mexico (246) 1960582 Saudi Arabia (247) 2267600 Zaire (248) 2376000 Sudan (249) 2381740 Algeria (250) 2669800 Kazakhstan (251) 2736690 Argentina (252) 2973190 India (253) 7617930 Australia (254) 8456510 Brazil (255) 9166600 United States (256) 9220970 Canada (257) 9326410 China (258) 14000000 Antarctica (259) 16995800 Russia (260) 148940000 World (261) Arctic Ocean (262) Atlantic Ocean (263) Indian Ocean (264) Pacific Ocean (265) Paracel Islands (266) 3 3 Land area Country km2 _________ _______ 148940000 World (1) 16995800 Russia (2) 14000000 Antarctica (3) 9326410 China (4) 9220970 Canada (5) 9166600 United States (6) 8456510 Brazil (7) 7617930 Australia (8) 2973190 India (9) 2736690 Argentina (10) 2669800 Kazakhstan (11) 2381740 Algeria (12) 2376000 Sudan (13) 2267600 Zaire (14) 1960582 Saudi Arabia (15) 1923040 Mexico (16) 1826440 Indonesia (17) 1759540 Libya (18) 1636000 Iran (19) 1565000 Mongolia (20) 1280000 Peru (21) 1266700 Niger (22) 1259200 Chad (23) 1246700 Angola (24) 1220000 Mali (25) 1219912 South Africa (26) 1119683 Ethiopia (27) 1084390 Bolivia (28) 1038700 Colombia (29) 1030400 Mauritania (30) 995450 Egypt (31) 910770 Nigeria (32) 886040 Tanzania (33) 882050 Venezuela (34) 825418 Namibia (35) 784090 Mozambique (36) 778720 Pakistan (37) 770760 Turkey (38) 748800 Chile (39) 740720 Zambia (40) 657740 Burma (41) 647500 Afghanistan (42) 627340 Somalia (43) 622980 Central African Republic (44) 603700 Ukraine (45) 585370 Botswana (46) 581540 Madagascar (47) 569250 Kenya (48) 545630 France (49) 527970 Yemen (50) 511770 Thailand (51) 499400 Spain (52) 488100 Turkmenistan (53) 469440 Cameroon (54) 451710 Papua New Guinea (55) 446300 Morocco (56) 432162 Iraq (57) 425400 Uzbekistan (58) 410928 Sweden (59) 397300 Paraguay (60) 386670 Zimbabwe (61) 383600 Greenland (62) 374744 Japan (63) 349520 Germany (64) 341500 Congo (65) 328550 Malaysia (66) 325360 Vietnam (67) 318000 Cote d'Ivoire (68) 307860 Norway (69) 305470 Finland (70) 304510 Poland (71) 298170 Philippines (72) 294020 Italy (73) 276840 Ecuador (74) 273800 Burkina (75) 268670 New Zealand (76) 266000 Western Sahara (77) 257670 Gabon (78) 245860 Guinea (79) 241590 United Kingdom (80) 230800 Laos (81) 230340 Romania (82) 230020 Ghana (83) 212460 Oman (84) 207600 Belarus (85) 199710 Uganda (86) 196850 Guyana (87) 192000 Senegal (88) 191300 Kyrgyzstan (89) 184050 Syria (90) 176520 Cambodia (91) 173620 Uruguay (92) 161470 Suriname (93) 155360 Tunisia (94) 142700 Tajikistan (95) 136800 Nepal (96) 133910 Bangladesh (97) 130800 Greece (98) 121320 Eritrea (99) 120410 Korea, North (100) 120254 Nicaragua (101) 111890 Honduras (102) 110860 Cuba (103) 110620 Benin (104) 110550 Bulgaria (105) 108430 Guatemala (106) 102136 Serbia and Montenegro (107) 100250 Iceland (108) 98190 Korea, South (109) 96320 Liberia (110) 94080 Malawi (111) 92340 Hungary (112) 91640 Portugal (113) 89150 French Guiana (114) 88884 Jordan (115) 86100 Azerbaijan (116) 82730 Austria (117) 78645 Czech Republic (118) 75990 Panama (119) 75581 United Arab Emirates (120) 71620 Sierra Leone (121) 69700 Georgia (122) 68890 Ireland (123) 65200 Lithuania (124) 64740 Sri Lanka (125) 64100 Latvia (126) 62049 Svalbard (127) 56410 Croatia (128) 54390 Togo (129) 51233 Bosnia and Herzegovina (130) 50660 Costa Rica (131) 48800 Slovakia (132) 48380 Dominican Republic (133) 47000 Bhutan (134) 43200 Estonia (135) 42370 Denmark (136) 39770 Switzerland (137) 33920 Netherlands (138) 33700 Moldova (139) 32260 Taiwan (140) 30350 Lesotho (141) 30230 Belgium (142) 28400 Armenia (143) 28050 Equatorial Guinea (144) 28000 Guinea-Bissau (145) 27560 Haiti (146) 27540 Solomon Islands (147) 27400 Albania (148) 25650 Burundi (149) 24950 Rwanda (150) 24856 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (151) 22800 Belize (152) 21980 Djibouti (153) 20720 El Salvador (154) 20330 Israel (155) 20296 Slovenia (156) 18760 New Caledonia (157) 18270 Fiji (158) 17820 Kuwait (159) 17200 Swaziland (160) 14760 Vanuatu (161) 12170 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (162) 11000 Qatar (163) 10830 Jamaica (164) 10230 Lebanon (165) 10070 The Bahamas (166) 10000 The Gambia (167) 9240 Cyprus (168) 8959 Puerto Rico (169) 7781 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (170) 5640 West Bank (171) 5270 Brunei (172) 5130 Trinidad and Tobago (173) 4066 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (174) 4030 Cape Verde (175) 3660 French Polynesia (176) 2850 Western Samoa (177) 2586 Luxembourg (178) 2500 Reunion (179) 2170 Comoros (180) 1850 Mauritius (181) 1706 Guadeloupe (182) 1400 Faroe Islands (183) 1060 Martinique (184) 990 Hong Kong (185) 960 Sao Tome and Principe (186) 960 Netherlands Antilles (187) 750 Dominica (188) 718 Tonga (189) 717 Kiribati (190) 702 Micronesia, Federated States of (191) 623 Singapore (192) 620 Bahrain (193) 610 Saint Lucia (194) 588 Man, Isle of (195) 541 Guam (196) 477 Northern Mariana Islands (197) 458 Palau (198) 455 Seychelles (199) 450 Andorra (200) 440 Antigua and Barbuda (201) 430 Turks and Caicos Islands (202) 430 Barbados (203) 412 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (204) 410 Saint Helena (205) 375 Mayotte (206) 373 Jan Mayen (207) 360 Gaza Strip (208) 349 Virgin Islands (209) 340 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (210) 340 Grenada (211) 320 Malta (212) 300 Maldives (213) 274 Wallis and Futuna (214) 269 Saint Kitts and Nevis (215) 260 Niue (216) 260 Cayman Islands (217) 242 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (218) 240 Cook Islands (219) 199 American Samoa (220) 194 Guernsey (221) 193 Aruba (222) 181 Marshall Islands (223) 160 Liechtenstein (224) 150 British Virgin Islands (225) 135 Christmas Island (226) 117 Jersey (227) 100 Montserrat (228) 91 Anguilla (229) 60 San Marino (230) 60 British Indian Ocean Territory (231) 58 Bouvet Island (232) 50 Bermuda (233) 47 Pitcairn Islands (234) 35 Norfolk Island (235) 28 Europa Island (236) 26 Tuvalu (237) 21 Nauru (238) 16 Macau (239) 14 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (240) 12 Palmyra Atoll (241) 10 Tokelau (242) 7 Wake Island (243) 7 Gibraltar (244) 7 Clipperton Island (245) 5 Spratly Islands (246) 5 Navassa Island (247) 5 Midway Islands (248) 5 Jarvis Island (249) 5 Glorioso Islands (250) 5 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (251) 4 Juan de Nova Island (252) 3 Johnston Atoll (253) 3 Coral Sea Islands (254) 2 Monaco (255) 2 Howland Island (256) 1 Tromelin Island (257) 1 Kingman Reef (258) 1 Baker Island (259) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (260) 0 Bassas da India (261) Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Paracel Islands COAST Coastline title [ [ Coastline Country km _________ _______ 0 Afghanistan (1) 0 Andorra (2) 0 Armenia (3) 0 Austria (4) 0 Azerbaijan (5) 0 Belarus (6) 0 Bhutan (7) 0 Bolivia (8) 0 Botswana (9) 0 Burkina (10) 0 Burundi (11) 0 Central African Republic (12) 0 Chad (13) 0 Czech Republic (14) 0 Ethiopia (15) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (16) 0 Hungary (17) 0 Kazakhstan (18) 0 Kyrgyzstan (19) 0 Laos (20) 0 Lesotho (21) 0 Liechtenstein (22) 0 Luxembourg (23) 0 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (24) 0 Malawi (25) 0 Mali (26) 0 Moldova (27) 0 Mongolia (28) 0 Nepal (29) 0 Niger (30) 0 Paraguay (31) 0 Rwanda (32) 0 San Marino (33) 0 Slovakia (34) 0 Swaziland (35) 0 Switzerland (36) 0 Tajikistan (37) 0 Turkmenistan (38) 0 Uganda (39) 0 Uzbekistan (40) 0 West Bank (41) 0 Zambia (42) 0 Zimbabwe (43) 3 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (44) 3 Kingman Reef (45) 4 Monaco (46) 4 Tromelin Island (47) 5 Baker Island (48) 6 Howland Island (49) 8 Jarvis Island (50) 8 Navassa Island (51) 10 Johnston Atoll (52) 11 Clipperton Island (53) 12 Gibraltar (54) 15 Midway Islands (55) 15 Palmyra Atoll (56) 19 Wake Island (57) 20 Bosnia and Herzegovina (58) 22 Europa Island (59) 24 Juan de Nova Island (60) 24 Tuvalu (61) 26 Jordan (62) 30 Bouvet Island (63) 30 Nauru (64) 32 Norfolk Island (65) 32 Slovenia (66) 35 Bassas da India (67) 35 Glorioso Islands (68) 37 Zaire (69) 40 Gaza Strip (70) 40 Macau (71) 40 Montserrat (72) 50 Guernsey (73) 51 Pitcairn Islands (74) 56 Togo (75) 58 Iraq (76) 60 Saint Helena (77) 61 Anguilla (78) 64 Belgium (79) 64 Niue (80) 69 Aruba (81) 70 Jersey (82) 74 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (83) 80 British Virgin Islands (84) 80 The Gambia (85) 84 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (86) 97 Barbados (87) 101 Tokelau (88) 102 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (89) 103 Bermuda (90) 108 Lithuania (91) 113 Man, Isle of (92) 116 American Samoa (93) 120 Cook Islands (94) 120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (95) 121 Benin (96) 121 Grenada (97) 124 Jan Mayen (98) 126 Guam (99) 129 Wallis and Futuna (100) 135 Saint Kitts and Nevis (101) 139 Christmas Island (102) 140 Malta (103) 148 Dominica (104) 153 Antigua and Barbuda (105) 158 Saint Lucia (106) 160 Cayman Islands (107) 161 Bahrain (108) 161 Brunei (109) 169 Congo (110) 177 Mauritius (111) 185 Mayotte (112) 188 Virgin Islands (113) 193 Singapore (114) 193 Syria (115) 199 Serbia and Montenegro (116) 201 Reunion (117) 209 Sao Tome and Principe (118) 225 Lebanon (119) 225 Romania (120) 273 Israel (121) 290 Martinique (122) 296 Equatorial Guinea (123) 306 Guadeloupe (124) 307 El Salvador (125) 310 Georgia (126) 314 Djibouti (127) 320 Guinea (128) 340 Comoros (129) 350 Guinea-Bissau (130) 354 Bulgaria (131) 362 Albania (132) 362 Trinidad and Tobago (133) 364 Netherlands Antilles (134) 370 Marshall Islands (135) 378 French Guiana (136) 386 Belize (137) 386 Suriname (138) 389 Turks and Caicos Islands (139) 400 Guatemala (140) 402 Cameroon (141) 402 Sierra Leone (142) 403 Western Samoa (143) 419 Tonga (144) 443 Cambodia (145) 451 Netherlands (146) 459 Guyana (147) 491 Poland (148) 491 Seychelles (149) 499 Kuwait (150) 501 Puerto Rico (151) 515 Cote d'Ivoire (152) 518 Paracel Islands (153) 531 Latvia (154) 531 Senegal (155) 536 Kenya (156) 539 Ghana (157) 563 Qatar (158) 579 Liberia (159) 580 Bangladesh (160) 644 Maldives (161) 648 Cyprus (162) 660 Uruguay (163) 698 British Indian Ocean Territory (164) 733 Hong Kong (165) 754 Mauritania (166) 764 Faroe Islands (167) 820 Honduras (168) 853 Nigeria (169) 853 Sudan (170) 885 Gabon (171) 910 Nicaragua (172) 926 Spratly Islands (173) 965 Cape Verde (174) 998 Algeria (175) 1022 Jamaica (176) 1046 Pakistan (177) 1110 Western Sahara (178) 1126 Finland (179) 1129 Fiji (180) 1143 Kiribati (181) 1148 Tunisia (182) 1151 Eritrea (183) 1232 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (184) 1288 Dominican Republic (185) 1288 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (186) 1290 Costa Rica (187) 1318 United Arab Emirates (188) 1340 Sri Lanka (189) 1393 Estonia (190) 1424 Tanzania (191) 1448 Ireland (192) 1448 Taiwan (193) 1482 Northern Mariana Islands (194) 1519 Palau (195) 1572 Namibia (196) 1600 Angola (197) 1770 Libya (198) 1771 Haiti (199) 1793 Portugal (200) 1835 Morocco (201) 1906 Yemen (202) 1930 Burma (203) 2092 Oman (204) 2237 Ecuador (205) 2254 New Caledonia (206) 2389 Germany (207) 2413 Korea, South (208) 2414 Peru (209) 2440 Iran (210) 2450 Egypt (211) 2470 Mozambique (212) 2490 Panama (213) 2495 Korea, North (214) 2525 French Polynesia (215) 2528 Vanuatu (216) 2640 Saudi Arabia (217) 2782 Ukraine (218) 2798 South Africa (219) 2800 Venezuela (220) 3025 Somalia (221) 3095 Coral Sea Islands (222) 3208 Colombia (223) 3218 Sweden (224) 3219 Thailand (225) 3379 Denmark (226) 3427 France (227) 3444 Vietnam (228) 3542 The Bahamas (229) 3587 Svalbard (230) 3735 Cuba (231) 4675 Malaysia (232) 4828 Madagascar (233) 4964 Spain (234) 4988 Iceland (235) 4989 Argentina (236) 4996 Italy (237) 5152 Papua New Guinea (238) 5313 Solomon Islands (239) 5790 Croatia (240) 6112 Micronesia, Federated States of (241) 6435 Chile (242) 7000 India (243) 7200 Turkey (244) 7491 Brazil (245) 9330 Mexico (246) 12429 United Kingdom (247) 13676 Greece (248) 14500 China (249) 15134 New Zealand (250) 17968 Antarctica (251) 19924 United States (252) 21925 Norway (253) 25760 Australia (254) 29751 Japan (255) 36289 Philippines (256) 37653 Russia (257) 44087 Greenland (258) 45389 Arctic Ocean (259) 54716 Indonesia (260) 66526 Indian Ocean (261) 111866 Atlantic Ocean (262) 135663 Pacific Ocean (263) 243791 Canada (264) 356000 World (265) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (266) S S Coastline Country km _________ _______ 356000 World (1) 243791 Canada (2) 135663 Pacific Ocean (3) 111866 Atlantic Ocean (4) 66526 Indian Ocean (5) 54716 Indonesia (6) 45389 Arctic Ocean (7) 44087 Greenland (8) 37653 Russia (9) 36289 Philippines (10) 29751 Japan (11) 25760 Australia (12) 21925 Norway (13) 19924 United States (14) 17968 Antarctica (15) 15134 New Zealand (16) 14500 China (17) 13676 Greece (18) 12429 United Kingdom (19) 9330 Mexico (20) 7491 Brazil (21) 7200 Turkey (22) 7000 India (23) 6435 Chile (24) 6112 Micronesia, Federated States of (25) 5790 Croatia (26) 5313 Solomon Islands (27) 5152 Papua New Guinea (28) 4996 Italy (29) 4989 Argentina (30) 4988 Iceland (31) 4964 Spain (32) 4828 Madagascar (33) 4675 Malaysia (34) 3735 Cuba (35) 3587 Svalbard (36) 3542 The Bahamas (37) 3444 Vietnam (38) 3427 France (39) 3379 Denmark (40) 3219 Thailand (41) 3218 Sweden (42) 3208 Colombia (43) 3095 Coral Sea Islands (44) 3025 Somalia (45) 2800 Venezuela (46) 2798 South Africa (47) 2782 Ukraine (48) 2640 Saudi Arabia (49) 2528 Vanuatu (50) 2525 French Polynesia (51) 2495 Korea, North (52) 2490 Panama (53) 2470 Mozambique (54) 2450 Egypt (55) 2440 Iran (56) 2414 Peru (57) 2413 Korea, South (58) 2389 Germany (59) 2254 New Caledonia (60) 2237 Ecuador (61) 2092 Oman (62) 1930 Burma (63) 1906 Yemen (64) 1835 Morocco (65) 1793 Portugal (66) 1771 Haiti (67) 1770 Libya (68) 1600 Angola (69) 1572 Namibia (70) 1519 Palau (71) 1482 Northern Mariana Islands (72) 1448 Taiwan (73) 1448 Ireland (74) 1424 Tanzania (75) 1393 Estonia (76) 1340 Sri Lanka (77) 1318 United Arab Emirates (78) 1290 Costa Rica (79) 1288 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (80) 1288 Dominican Republic (81) 1232 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (82) 1151 Eritrea (83) 1148 Tunisia (84) 1143 Kiribati (85) 1129 Fiji (86) 1126 Finland (87) 1110 Western Sahara (88) 1046 Pakistan (89) 1022 Jamaica (90) 998 Algeria (91) 965 Cape Verde (92) 926 Spratly Islands (93) 910 Nicaragua (94) 885 Gabon (95) 853 Sudan (96) 853 Nigeria (97) 820 Honduras (98) 764 Faroe Islands (99) 754 Mauritania (100) 733 Hong Kong (101) 698 British Indian Ocean Territory (102) 660 Uruguay (103) 648 Cyprus (104) 644 Maldives (105) 580 Bangladesh (106) 579 Liberia (107) 563 Qatar (108) 539 Ghana (109) 536 Kenya (110) 531 Senegal (111) 531 Latvia (112) 518 Paracel Islands (113) 515 Cote d'Ivoire (114) 501 Puerto Rico (115) 499 Kuwait (116) 491 Seychelles (117) 491 Poland (118) 459 Guyana (119) 451 Netherlands (120) 443 Cambodia (121) 419 Tonga (122) 403 Western Samoa (123) 402 Sierra Leone (124) 402 Cameroon (125) 400 Guatemala (126) 389 Turks and Caicos Islands (127) 386 Suriname (128) 386 Belize (129) 378 French Guiana (130) 370 Marshall Islands (131) 364 Netherlands Antilles (132) 362 Trinidad and Tobago (133) 362 Albania (134) 354 Bulgaria (135) 350 Guinea-Bissau (136) 340 Comoros (137) 320 Guinea (138) 314 Djibouti (139) 310 Georgia (140) 307 El Salvador (141) 306 Guadeloupe (142) 296 Equatorial Guinea (143) 290 Martinique (144) 273 Israel (145) 225 Romania (146) 225 Lebanon (147) 209 Sao Tome and Principe (148) 201 Reunion (149) 199 Serbia and Montenegro (150) 193 Syria (151) 193 Singapore (152) 188 Virgin Islands (153) 185 Mayotte (154) 177 Mauritius (155) 169 Congo (156) 161 Brunei (157) 161 Bahrain (158) 160 Cayman Islands (159) 158 Saint Lucia (160) 153 Antigua and Barbuda (161) 148 Dominica (162) 140 Malta (163) 139 Christmas Island (164) 135 Saint Kitts and Nevis (165) 129 Wallis and Futuna (166) 126 Guam (167) 124 Jan Mayen (168) 121 Grenada (169) 121 Benin (170) 120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (171) 120 Cook Islands (172) 116 American Samoa (173) 113 Man, Isle of (174) 108 Lithuania (175) 103 Bermuda (176) 102 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (177) 101 Tokelau (178) 97 Barbados (179) 84 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (180) 80 The Gambia (181) 80 British Virgin Islands (182) 74 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (183) 70 Jersey (184) 69 Aruba (185) 64 Niue (186) 64 Belgium (187) 61 Anguilla (188) 60 Saint Helena (189) 58 Iraq (190) 56 Togo (191) 51 Pitcairn Islands (192) 50 Guernsey (193) 40 Montserrat (194) 40 Macau (195) 40 Gaza Strip (196) 37 Zaire (197) 35 Glorioso Islands (198) 35 Bassas da India (199) 32 Slovenia (200) 32 Norfolk Island (201) 30 Nauru (202) 30 Bouvet Island (203) 26 Jordan (204) 24 Tuvalu (205) 24 Juan de Nova Island (206) 22 Europa Island (207) 20 Bosnia and Herzegovina (208) 19 Wake Island (209) 15 Palmyra Atoll (210) 15 Midway Islands (211) 12 Gibraltar (212) 11 Clipperton Island (213) 10 Johnston Atoll (214) 8 Navassa Island (215) 8 Jarvis Island (216) 6 Howland Island (217) 5 Baker Island (218) 4 Tromelin Island (219) 4 Monaco (220) 3 Kingman Reef (221) 3 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (222) 0 Zimbabwe (223) 0 Zambia (224) 0 West Bank (225) 0 Uzbekistan (226) 0 Uganda (227) 0 Turkmenistan (228) 0 Tajikistan (229) 0 Switzerland (230) 0 Swaziland (231) 0 Slovakia (232) 0 San Marino (233) 0 Rwanda (234) 0 Paraguay (235) 0 Niger (236) 0 Nepal (237) 0 Mongolia (238) 0 Moldova (239) 0 Mali (240) 0 Malawi (241) 0 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (242) 0 Luxembourg (243) 0 Liechtenstein (244) 0 Lesotho (245) 0 Laos (246) 0 Kyrgyzstan (247) 0 Kazakhstan (248) 0 Hungary (249) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (250) 0 Ethiopia (251) 0 Czech Republic (252) 0 Chad (253) 0 Central African Republic (254) 0 Burundi (255) 0 Burkina (256) 0 Botswana (257) 0 Bolivia (258) 0 Bhutan (259) 0 Belarus (260) 0 Azerbaijan (261) 0 Austria (262) 0 Armenia (263) 0 Andorra (264) 0 Afghanistan (265) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands PARLND Arable Land title u"u"Arable land Country % _________ _______ 0 Antarctica (1) 0 Aruba (2) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (3) 0 Baker Island (4) 0 Bassas da India (5) 0 Bermuda (6) 0 Bouvet Island (7) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (8) 0 Cayman Islands (9) 0 Christmas Island (10) 0 Clipperton Island (11) 0 Coral Sea Islands (12) 0 Djibouti (13) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (14) 0 French Guiana (15) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (16) 0 Gibraltar (17) 0 Glorioso Islands (18) 0 Greenland (19) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (20) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (21) 0 Howland Island (22) 0 Jan Mayen (23) 0 Jarvis Island (24) 0 Johnston Atoll (25) 0 Juan de Nova Island (26) 0 Kingman Reef (27) 0 Kiribati (28) 0 Kuwait (29) 0 Macau (30) 0 Marshall Islands (31) 0 Midway Islands (32) 0 Monaco (33) 0 Nauru (34) 0 Navassa Island (35) 0 New Caledonia (36) 0 Norfolk Island (37) 0 Palmyra Atoll (38) 0 Papua New Guinea (39) 0 Paracel Islands (40) 0 Qatar (41) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (42) 0 Spratly Islands (43) 0 Suriname (44) 0 Svalbard (45) 0 Tokelau (46) 0 Tromelin Island (47) 0 Tuvalu (48) 0 United Arab Emirates (49) 0 Wake Island (50) 0 Western Sahara (51) 1 The Bahamas (52) 1 Brunei (53) 1 French Polynesia (54) 1 Gabon (55) 1 Iceland (56) 1 Liberia (57) 1 Mauritania (58) 1 Mongolia (59) 1 Namibia (60) 1 Sao Tome and Principe (61) 1 Saudi Arabia (62) 1 Solomon Islands (63) 1 Vanuatu (64) 2 Andorra (65) 2 Angola (66) 2 Bahrain (67) 2 Belize (68) 2 Bhutan (69) 2 Botswana (70) 2 Chad (71) 2 Congo (72) 2 Faroe Islands (73) 2 Libya (74) 2 Mali (75) 2 New Zealand (76) 2 Oman (77) 2 Somalia (78) 2 Turkmenistan (79) 2 Turks and Caicos Islands (80) 3 Algeria (81) 3 Bolivia (82) 3 Central African Republic (83) 3 Egypt (84) 3 Eritrea (85) 3 Guyana (86) 3 Kenya (87) 3 Malaysia (88) 3 Niger (89) 3 Norway (90) 3 Peru (91) 3 Venezuela (92) 3 Zaire (93) 4 Colombia (94) 4 Cook Islands (95) 4 Jordan (96) 4 Laos (97) 4 Madagascar (98) 4 Mozambique (99) 4 Seychelles (100) 4 Singapore (101) 5 Canada (102) 5 Ghana (103) 5 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (104) 5 Northern Mariana Islands (105) 5 Sudan (106) 5 Tanzania (107) 5 Wallis and Futuna (108) 6 Australia (109) 6 Costa Rica (110) 6 Ecuador (111) 6 Guinea (112) 6 Panama (113) 6 Tajikistan (114) 6 Yemen (115) 7 Brazil (116) 7 Chile (117) 7 Hong Kong (118) 7 Kyrgyzstan (119) 7 Saint Helena (120) 7 Sweden (121) 7 Zambia (122) 7 Zimbabwe (123) 8 Equatorial Guinea (124) 8 Fiji (125) 8 Finland (126) 8 Indonesia (127) 8 Netherlands Antilles (128) 8 Puerto Rico (129) 8 Saint Lucia (130) 8 Uruguay (131) 9 Argentina (132) 9 Cape Verde (133) 9 Cote d'Ivoire (134) 9 Dominica (135) 9 Nicaragua (136) 10 American Samoa (137) 10 Burkina (138) 10 China (139) 10 Lesotho (140) 10 Maldives (141) 10 Martinique (142) 10 Slovenia (143) 10 South Africa (144) 10 Switzerland (145) 10 Uzbekistan (146) 11 Georgia (147) 11 Guam (148) 11 Guinea-Bissau (149) 11 Swaziland (150) 12 Afghanistan (151) 12 Benin (152) 12 Ethiopia (153) 12 Guatemala (154) 12 Iraq (155) 12 Mexico (156) 13 Cameroon (157) 13 Gaza Strip (158) 13 Japan (159) 13 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (160) 14 Honduras (161) 14 Ireland (162) 14 Trinidad and Tobago (163) 15 Burma (164) 15 Grenada (165) 15 Kazakhstan (166) 15 Virgin Islands (167) 16 Cambodia (168) 16 The Gambia (169) 16 Sri Lanka (170) 17 Armenia (171) 17 Austria (172) 17 Israel (173) 17 Nepal (174) 17 San Marino (175) 18 Antigua and Barbuda (176) 18 Azerbaijan (177) 18 Guadeloupe (178) 18 Korea, North (179) 18 Morocco (180) 19 Jamaica (181) 19 Western Samoa (182) 20 Bosnia and Herzegovina (183) 20 British Virgin Islands (184) 20 Haiti (185) 20 Montserrat (186) 20 Paraguay (187) 20 Reunion (188) 20 Tunisia (189) 21 Albania (190) 21 Korea, South (191) 21 Lebanon (192) 22 Estonia (193) 22 Saint Kitts and Nevis (194) 22 Vietnam (195) 23 Cuba (196) 23 Dominican Republic (197) 23 Greece (198) 23 Pakistan (199) 23 Uganda (200) 24 Belgium (201) 24 Luxembourg (202) 24 Taiwan (203) 25 Liechtenstein (204) 25 Malawi (205) 25 Sierra Leone (206) 25 Togo (207) 25 Tonga (208) 26 Netherlands (209) 26 Philippines (210) 27 El Salvador (211) 27 Latvia (212) 27 Senegal (213) 27 West Bank (214) 28 Syria (215) 29 Belarus (216) 29 Rwanda (217) 29 United Kingdom (218) 30 Serbia and Montenegro (219) 30 Turkey (220) 31 Nigeria (221) 31 Spain (222) 32 Croatia (223) 32 France (224) 32 Italy (225) 32 Portugal (226) 34 Bulgaria (227) 34 Germany (228) 34 Thailand (229) 35 Comoros (230) 38 Malta (231) 38 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (232) 40 Cyprus (233) 43 Burundi (234) 43 Romania (235) 46 Poland (236) 49 Lithuania (237) 50 Moldova (238) 51 Hungary (239) 54 Mauritius (240) 55 India (241) 56 Ukraine (242) 57 Jersey (243) 61 Denmark (244) 61 Niue (245) 67 Bangladesh (246) 77 Barbados (247) Anguilla (248) Arctic Ocean (249) Atlantic Ocean (250) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (251) Czech Republic (252) Europa Island (253) Guernsey (254) Indian Ocean (255) Iran (256) Man, Isle of (257) Mayotte (258) Micronesia, Federated States of (259) Pacific Ocean (260) Palau (261) Pitcairn Islands (262) Russia (263) Slovakia (264) United States (265) World (266) !Arable land Country % _________ _______ 77 Barbados (1) 67 Bangladesh (2) 61 Niue (3) 61 Denmark (4) 57 Jersey (5) 56 Ukraine (6) 55 India (7) 54 Mauritius (8) 51 Hungary (9) 50 Moldova (10) 49 Lithuania (11) 46 Poland (12) 43 Romania (13) 43 Burundi (14) 40 Cyprus (15) 38 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (16) 38 Malta (17) 35 Comoros (18) 34 Thailand (19) 34 Germany (20) 34 Bulgaria (21) 32 Portugal (22) 32 Italy (23) 32 France (24) 32 Croatia (25) 31 Spain (26) 31 Nigeria (27) 30 Turkey (28) 30 Serbia and Montenegro (29) 29 United Kingdom (30) 29 Rwanda (31) 29 Belarus (32) 28 Syria (33) 27 West Bank (34) 27 Senegal (35) 27 Latvia (36) 27 El Salvador (37) 26 Philippines (38) 26 Netherlands (39) 25 Tonga (40) 25 Togo (41) 25 Sierra Leone (42) 25 Malawi (43) 25 Liechtenstein (44) 24 Taiwan (45) 24 Luxembourg (46) 24 Belgium (47) 23 Uganda (48) 23 Pakistan (49) 23 Greece (50) 23 Dominican Republic (51) 23 Cuba (52) 22 Vietnam (53) 22 Saint Kitts and Nevis (54) 22 Estonia (55) 21 Lebanon (56) 21 Korea, South (57) 21 Albania (58) 20 Tunisia (59) 20 Reunion (60) 20 Paraguay (61) 20 Montserrat (62) 20 Haiti (63) 20 British Virgin Islands (64) 20 Bosnia and Herzegovina (65) 19 Western Samoa (66) 19 Jamaica (67) 18 Morocco (68) 18 Korea, North (69) 18 Guadeloupe (70) 18 Azerbaijan (71) 18 Antigua and Barbuda (72) 17 San Marino (73) 17 Nepal (74) 17 Israel (75) 17 Austria (76) 17 Armenia (77) 16 Sri Lanka (78) 16 The Gambia (79) 16 Cambodia (80) 15 Virgin Islands (81) 15 Kazakhstan (82) 15 Grenada (83) 15 Burma (84) 14 Trinidad and Tobago (85) 14 Ireland (86) 14 Honduras (87) 13 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (88) 13 Japan (89) 13 Gaza Strip (90) 13 Cameroon (91) 12 Mexico (92) 12 Iraq (93) 12 Guatemala (94) 12 Ethiopia (95) 12 Benin (96) 12 Afghanistan (97) 11 Swaziland (98) 11 Guinea-Bissau (99) 11 Guam (100) 11 Georgia (101) 10 Uzbekistan (102) 10 Switzerland (103) 10 South Africa (104) 10 Slovenia (105) 10 Martinique (106) 10 Maldives (107) 10 Lesotho (108) 10 China (109) 10 Burkina (110) 10 American Samoa (111) 9 Nicaragua (112) 9 Dominica (113) 9 Cote d'Ivoire (114) 9 Cape Verde (115) 9 Argentina (116) 8 Uruguay (117) 8 Saint Lucia (118) 8 Puerto Rico (119) 8 Netherlands Antilles (120) 8 Indonesia (121) 8 Finland (122) 8 Fiji (123) 8 Equatorial Guinea (124) 7 Zimbabwe (125) 7 Zambia (126) 7 Sweden (127) 7 Saint Helena (128) 7 Kyrgyzstan (129) 7 Hong Kong (130) 7 Chile (131) 7 Brazil (132) 6 Yemen (133) 6 Tajikistan (134) 6 Panama (135) 6 Guinea (136) 6 Ecuador (137) 6 Costa Rica (138) 6 Australia (139) 5 Wallis and Futuna (140) 5 Tanzania (141) 5 Sudan (142) 5 Northern Mariana Islands (143) 5 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (144) 5 Ghana (145) 5 Canada (146) 4 Singapore (147) 4 Seychelles (148) 4 Mozambique (149) 4 Madagascar (150) 4 Laos (151) 4 Jordan (152) 4 Cook Islands (153) 4 Colombia (154) 3 Zaire (155) 3 Venezuela (156) 3 Peru (157) 3 Norway (158) 3 Niger (159) 3 Malaysia (160) 3 Kenya (161) 3 Guyana (162) 3 Eritrea (163) 3 Egypt (164) 3 Central African Republic (165) 3 Bolivia (166) 3 Algeria (167) 2 Turks and Caicos Islands (168) 2 Turkmenistan (169) 2 Somalia (170) 2 Oman (171) 2 New Zealand (172) 2 Mali (173) 2 Libya (174) 2 Faroe Islands (175) 2 Congo (176) 2 Chad (177) 2 Botswana (178) 2 Bhutan (179) 2 Belize (180) 2 Bahrain (181) 2 Angola (182) 2 Andorra (183) 1 Vanuatu (184) 1 Solomon Islands (185) 1 Saudi Arabia (186) 1 Sao Tome and Principe (187) 1 Namibia (188) 1 Mongolia (189) 1 Mauritania (190) 1 Liberia (191) 1 Iceland (192) 1 Gabon (193) 1 French Polynesia (194) 1 Brunei (195) 1 The Bahamas (196) 0 Western Sahara (197) 0 Wake Island (198) 0 United Arab Emirates (199) 0 Tuvalu (200) 0 Tromelin Island (201) 0 Tokelau (202) 0 Svalbard (203) 0 Suriname (204) 0 Spratly Islands (205) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (206) 0 Qatar (207) 0 Paracel Islands (208) 0 Papua New Guinea (209) 0 Palmyra Atoll (210) 0 Norfolk Island (211) 0 New Caledonia (212) 0 Navassa Island (213) 0 Nauru (214) 0 Monaco (215) 0 Midway Islands (216) 0 Marshall Islands (217) 0 Macau (218) 0 Kuwait (219) 0 Kiribati (220) 0 Kingman Reef (221) 0 Juan de Nova Island (222) 0 Johnston Atoll (223) 0 Jarvis Island (224) 0 Jan Mayen (225) 0 Howland Island (226) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (227) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (228) 0 Greenland (229) 0 Glorioso Islands (230) 0 Gibraltar (231) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (232) 0 French Guiana (233) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (234) 0 Djibouti (235) 0 Coral Sea Islands (236) 0 Clipperton Island (237) 0 Christmas Island (238) 0 Cayman Islands (239) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (240) 0 Bouvet Island (241) 0 Bermuda (242) 0 Bassas da India (243) 0 Baker Island (244) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (245) 0 Aruba (246) 0 Antarctica (247) Anguilla Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Cocos (Keeling) Islands Czech Republic Europa Island Guernsey Indian Ocean Iran Man, Isle of Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Pacific Ocean Palau Pitcairn Islands Russia Slovakia United States World PERMCRP Permanent Crops Percentage title h!h!Perm crops Country % _________ _______ 0 Afghanistan (1) 0 Algeria (2) 0 Andorra (3) 0 Angola (4) 0 Antarctica (5) 0 Antigua and Barbuda (6) 0 Aruba (7) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (8) 0 Australia (9) 0 The Bahamas (10) 0 Baker Island (11) 0 Barbados (12) 0 Bassas da India (13) 0 Belize (14) 0 Bermuda (15) 0 Bhutan (16) 0 Bolivia (17) 0 Botswana (18) 0 Bouvet Island (19) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (20) 0 Burkina (21) 0 Canada (22) 0 Cape Verde (23) 0 Cayman Islands (24) 0 Central African Republic (25) 0 Chad (26) 0 Chile (27) 0 China (28) 0 Christmas Island (29) 0 Clipperton Island (30) 0 Congo (31) 0 Coral Sea Islands (32) 0 Denmark (33) 0 Djibouti (34) 0 Estonia (35) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (36) 0 Faroe Islands (37) 0 Finland (38) 0 French Guiana (39) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (40) 0 The Gambia (41) 0 Gibraltar (42) 0 Glorioso Islands (43) 0 Greenland (44) 0 Guinea (45) 0 Guyana (46) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (47) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (48) 0 Howland Island (49) 0 Iceland (50) 0 Ireland (51) 0 Jan Mayen (52) 0 Jarvis Island (53) 0 Johnston Atoll (54) 0 Juan de Nova Island (55) 0 Kazakhstan (56) 0 Kingman Reef (57) 0 Kuwait (58) 0 Kyrgyzstan (59) 0 Laos (60) 0 Latvia (61) 0 Lesotho (62) 0 Libya (63) 0 Liechtenstein (64) 0 Lithuania (65) 0 Macau (66) 0 Malawi (67) 0 Maldives (68) 0 Mali (69) 0 Mauritania (70) 0 Midway Islands (71) 0 Monaco (72) 0 Mongolia (73) 0 Montserrat (74) 0 Mozambique (75) 0 Namibia (76) 0 Nauru (77) 0 Navassa Island (78) 0 Nepal (79) 0 Netherlands Antilles (80) 0 New Caledonia (81) 0 New Zealand (82) 0 Niger (83) 0 Norfolk Island (84) 0 Norway (85) 0 Oman (86) 0 Pakistan (87) 0 Palmyra Atoll (88) 0 Paracel Islands (89) 0 Peru (90) 0 Qatar (91) 0 Saint Helena (92) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (93) 0 San Marino (94) 0 Saudi Arabia (95) 0 Senegal (96) 0 Somalia (97) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (98) 0 Spratly Islands (99) 0 Sudan (100) 0 Suriname (101) 0 Svalbard (102) 0 Swaziland (103) 0 Sweden (104) 0 Tajikistan (105) 0 Tokelau (106) 0 Tromelin Island (107) 0 Turkmenistan (108) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (109) 0 Tuvalu (110) 0 United Arab Emirates (111) 0 United Kingdom (112) 0 Uruguay (113) 0 Wake Island (114) 0 West Bank (115) 0 Western Sahara (116) 0 Yemen (117) 0 Zaire (118) 0 Zambia (119) 0 Zimbabwe (120) 1 Austria (121) 1 Belarus (122) 1 Belgium (123) 1 Brazil (124) 1 Brunei (125) 1 Burma (126) 1 Cambodia (127) 1 Ethiopia (128) 1 Gabon (129) 1 Germany (130) 1 Guinea-Bissau (131) 1 Hong Kong (132) 1 India (133) 1 Iraq (134) 1 Japan (135) 1 Jordan (136) 1 Kenya (137) 1 Korea, North (138) 1 Korea, South (139) 1 Luxembourg (140) 1 Madagascar (141) 1 Mexico (142) 1 Morocco (143) 1 Netherlands (144) 1 Nicaragua (145) 1 Papua New Guinea (146) 1 Paraguay (147) 1 Poland (148) 1 Solomon Islands (149) 1 South Africa (150) 1 Switzerland (151) 1 Tanzania (152) 1 Togo (153) 1 Uzbekistan (154) 1 Venezuela (155) 1 Taiwan (156) 2 Bahrain (157) 2 Bangladesh (158) 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina (159) 2 Cameroon (160) 2 Colombia (161) 2 Egypt (162) 2 Eritrea (163) 2 France (164) 2 Honduras (165) 2 Panama (166) 2 Reunion (167) 2 Sierra Leone (168) 2 Slovenia (169) 2 Ukraine (170) 2 Vietnam (171) 3 Armenia (172) 3 Bulgaria (173) 3 Ecuador (174) 3 Indonesia (175) 3 Liberia (176) 3 Malta (177) 3 Nigeria (178) 3 Romania (179) 3 Syria (180) 4 Albania (181) 4 Argentina (182) 4 Azerbaijan (183) 4 Benin (184) 4 Cote d'Ivoire (185) 4 Equatorial Guinea (186) 4 Georgia (187) 4 Guatemala (188) 4 Mauritius (189) 4 Niue (190) 4 Thailand (191) 4 Turkey (192) 5 American Samoa (193) 5 Fiji (194) 5 Guadeloupe (195) 5 Israel (196) 5 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (197) 5 Serbia and Montenegro (198) 5 Vanuatu (199) 6 Cuba (200) 6 Hungary (201) 6 Jamaica (202) 6 Portugal (203) 6 Virgin Islands (204) 7 British Virgin Islands (205) 7 Costa Rica (206) 7 Cyprus (207) 7 Dominican Republic (208) 7 Ghana (209) 7 Singapore (210) 8 Burundi (211) 8 Comoros (212) 8 El Salvador (213) 8 Greece (214) 8 Martinique (215) 9 Lebanon (216) 9 Puerto Rico (217) 9 Uganda (218) 10 Italy (219) 10 Malaysia (220) 10 Spain (221) 10 Tunisia (222) 11 Guam (223) 11 Philippines (224) 11 Rwanda (225) 12 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (226) 13 Dominica (227) 13 Haiti (228) 13 Moldova (229) 17 Saint Kitts and Nevis (230) 17 Sri Lanka (231) 17 Trinidad and Tobago (232) 18 Seychelles (233) 19 French Polynesia (234) 20 Croatia (235) 20 Saint Lucia (236) 20 Sao Tome and Principe (237) 20 Wallis and Futuna (238) 22 Cook Islands (239) 24 Western Samoa (240) 26 Grenada (241) 32 Gaza Strip (242) 51 Kiribati (243) 55 Tonga (244) 60 Marshall Islands (245) Anguilla (246) Arctic Ocean (247) Atlantic Ocean (248) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (249) Czech Republic (250) Europa Island (251) Guernsey (252) Indian Ocean (253) Iran (254) Jersey (255) Man, Isle of (256) Mayotte (257) Micronesia, Federated States of (258) Northern Mariana Islands (259) Pacific Ocean (260) Palau (261) Pitcairn Islands (262) Russia (263) Slovakia (264) United States (265) World (266) Perm crops Country % _________ _______ 60 Marshall Islands (1) 55 Tonga (2) 51 Kiribati (3) 32 Gaza Strip (4) 26 Grenada (5) 24 Western Samoa (6) 22 Cook Islands (7) 20 Wallis and Futuna (8) 20 Sao Tome and Principe (9) 20 Saint Lucia (10) 20 Croatia (11) 19 French Polynesia (12) 18 Seychelles (13) 17 Trinidad and Tobago (14) 17 Sri Lanka (15) 17 Saint Kitts and Nevis (16) 13 Moldova (17) 13 Haiti (18) 13 Dominica (19) 12 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (20) 11 Rwanda (21) 11 Philippines (22) 11 Guam (23) 10 Tunisia (24) 10 Spain (25) 10 Malaysia (26) 10 Italy (27) 9 Uganda (28) 9 Puerto Rico (29) 9 Lebanon (30) 8 Martinique (31) 8 Greece (32) 8 El Salvador (33) 8 Comoros (34) 8 Burundi (35) 7 Singapore (36) 7 Ghana (37) 7 Dominican Republic (38) 7 Cyprus (39) 7 Costa Rica (40) 7 British Virgin Islands (41) 6 Virgin Islands (42) 6 Portugal (43) 6 Jamaica (44) 6 Hungary (45) 6 Cuba (46) 5 Vanuatu (47) 5 Serbia and Montenegro (48) 5 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (49) 5 Israel (50) 5 Guadeloupe (51) 5 Fiji (52) 5 American Samoa (53) 4 Turkey (54) 4 Thailand (55) 4 Niue (56) 4 Mauritius (57) 4 Guatemala (58) 4 Georgia (59) 4 Equatorial Guinea (60) 4 Cote d'Ivoire (61) 4 Benin (62) 4 Azerbaijan (63) 4 Argentina (64) 4 Albania (65) 3 Syria (66) 3 Romania (67) 3 Nigeria (68) 3 Malta (69) 3 Liberia (70) 3 Indonesia (71) 3 Ecuador (72) 3 Bulgaria (73) 3 Armenia (74) 2 Vietnam (75) 2 Ukraine (76) 2 Slovenia (77) 2 Sierra Leone (78) 2 Reunion (79) 2 Panama (80) 2 Honduras (81) 2 France (82) 2 Eritrea (83) 2 Egypt (84) 2 Colombia (85) 2 Cameroon (86) 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina (87) 2 Bangladesh (88) 2 Bahrain (89) 1 Taiwan (90) 1 Venezuela (91) 1 Uzbekistan (92) 1 Togo (93) 1 Tanzania (94) 1 Switzerland (95) 1 South Africa (96) 1 Solomon Islands (97) 1 Poland (98) 1 Paraguay (99) 1 Papua New Guinea (100) 1 Nicaragua (101) 1 Netherlands (102) 1 Morocco (103) 1 Mexico (104) 1 Madagascar (105) 1 Luxembourg (106) 1 Korea, South (107) 1 Korea, North (108) 1 Kenya (109) 1 Jordan (110) 1 Japan (111) 1 Iraq (112) 1 India (113) 1 Hong Kong (114) 1 Guinea-Bissau (115) 1 Germany (116) 1 Gabon (117) 1 Ethiopia (118) 1 Cambodia (119) 1 Burma (120) 1 Brunei (121) 1 Brazil (122) 1 Belgium (123) 1 Belarus (124) 1 Austria (125) 0 Zimbabwe (126) 0 Zambia (127) 0 Zaire (128) 0 Yemen (129) 0 Western Sahara (130) 0 West Bank (131) 0 Wake Island (132) 0 Uruguay (133) 0 United Kingdom (134) 0 United Arab Emirates (135) 0 Tuvalu (136) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (137) 0 Turkmenistan (138) 0 Tromelin Island (139) 0 Tokelau (140) 0 Tajikistan (141) 0 Sweden (142) 0 Swaziland (143) 0 Svalbard (144) 0 Suriname (145) 0 Sudan (146) 0 Spratly Islands (147) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (148) 0 Somalia (149) 0 Senegal (150) 0 Saudi Arabia (151) 0 San Marino (152) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (153) 0 Saint Helena (154) 0 Qatar (155) 0 Peru (156) 0 Paracel Islands (157) 0 Palmyra Atoll (158) 0 Pakistan (159) 0 Oman (160) 0 Norway (161) 0 Norfolk Island (162) 0 Niger (163) 0 New Zealand (164) 0 New Caledonia (165) 0 Netherlands Antilles (166) 0 Nepal (167) 0 Navassa Island (168) 0 Nauru (169) 0 Namibia (170) 0 Mozambique (171) 0 Montserrat (172) 0 Mongolia (173) 0 Monaco (174) 0 Midway Islands (175) 0 Mauritania (176) 0 Mali (177) 0 Maldives (178) 0 Malawi (179) 0 Macau (180) 0 Lithuania (181) 0 Liechtenstein (182) 0 Libya (183) 0 Lesotho (184) 0 Latvia (185) 0 Laos (186) 0 Kyrgyzstan (187) 0 Kuwait (188) 0 Kingman Reef (189) 0 Kazakhstan (190) 0 Juan de Nova Island (191) 0 Johnston Atoll (192) 0 Jarvis Island (193) 0 Jan Mayen (194) 0 Ireland (195) 0 Iceland (196) 0 Howland Island (197) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (198) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (199) 0 Guyana (200) 0 Guinea (201) 0 Greenland (202) 0 Glorioso Islands (203) 0 Gibraltar (204) 0 The Gambia (205) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (206) 0 French Guiana (207) 0 Finland (208) 0 Faroe Islands (209) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (210) 0 Estonia (211) 0 Djibouti (212) 0 Denmark (213) 0 Coral Sea Islands (214) 0 Congo (215) 0 Clipperton Island (216) 0 Christmas Island (217) 0 China (218) 0 Chile (219) 0 Chad (220) 0 Central African Republic (221) 0 Cayman Islands (222) 0 Cape Verde (223) 0 Canada (224) 0 Burkina (225) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (226) 0 Bouvet Island (227) 0 Botswana (228) 0 Bolivia (229) 0 Bhutan (230) 0 Bermuda (231) 0 Belize (232) 0 Bassas da India (233) 0 Barbados (234) 0 Baker Island (235) 0 The Bahamas (236) 0 Australia (237) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (238) 0 Aruba (239) 0 Antigua and Barbuda (240) 0 Antarctica (241) 0 Angola (242) 0 Andorra (243) 0 Algeria (244) 0 Afghanistan (245) Anguilla Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Cocos (Keeling) Islands Czech Republic Europa Island Guernsey Indian Ocean Iran Jersey Man, Isle of Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Pitcairn Islands Russia Slovakia United States World PFOREST Forest Land Percentage title [ [ Forests Country % _________ _______ 0 Antarctica (1) 0 Armenia (2) 0 Aruba (3) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (4) 0 Azerbaijan (5) 0 Bahrain (6) 0 Baker Island (7) 0 Barbados (8) 0 Bassas da India (9) 0 Belarus (10) 0 Bouvet Island (11) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (12) 0 Cape Verde (13) 0 Christmas Island (14) 0 Clipperton Island (15) 0 Cook Islands (16) 0 Coral Sea Islands (17) 0 Djibouti (18) 0 Egypt (19) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (20) 0 Faroe Islands (21) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (22) 0 Gaza Strip (23) 0 Gibraltar (24) 0 Glorioso Islands (25) 0 Greenland (26) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (27) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (28) 0 Jan Mayen (29) 0 Jarvis Island (30) 0 Johnston Atoll (31) 0 Kingman Reef (32) 0 Kuwait (33) 0 Kyrgyzstan (34) 0 Lesotho (35) 0 Libya (36) 0 Macau (37) 0 Malta (38) 0 Marshall Islands (39) 0 Midway Islands (40) 0 Moldova (41) 0 Monaco (42) 0 Nauru (43) 0 Navassa Island (44) 0 Netherlands Antilles (45) 0 Norfolk Island (46) 0 Oman (47) 0 Paracel Islands (48) 0 Qatar (49) 0 San Marino (50) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (51) 0 Spratly Islands (52) 0 Svalbard (53) 0 Tajikistan (54) 0 Tokelau (55) 0 Tromelin Island (56) 0 Turkmenistan (57) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (58) 0 Tuvalu (59) 0 Ukraine (60) 0 United Arab Emirates (61) 0 Uzbekistan (62) 0 Wake Island (63) 0 Wallis and Futuna (64) 0 Western Sahara (65) 1 Iceland (66) 1 Jordan (67) 1 Saudi Arabia (68) 1 Vanuatu (69) 1 West Bank (70) 2 Algeria (71) 2 Botswana (72) 2 Burundi (73) 2 Niger (74) 3 Afghanistan (75) 3 Iraq (76) 3 Kiribati (77) 3 Maldives (78) 3 Saint Helena (79) 3 South Africa (80) 3 Syria (81) 4 Haiti (82) 4 Kazakhstan (83) 4 Kenya (84) 4 Pakistan (85) 4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (86) 4 Tunisia (87) 4 Uruguay (88) 5 Eritrea (89) 5 Howland Island (90) 5 Ireland (91) 5 Mauritania (92) 5 Singapore (93) 6 El Salvador (94) 6 Israel (95) 6 Virgin Islands (96) 7 British Virgin Islands (97) 7 Mali (98) 7 Swaziland (99) 7 Yemen (100) 8 Lebanon (101) 9 Grenada (102) 9 Netherlands (103) 9 United Kingdom (104) 10 Mongolia (105) 10 Rwanda (106) 11 Chad (107) 12 Denmark (108) 12 Hong Kong (109) 12 Morocco (110) 12 Tonga (111) 13 Dominican Republic (112) 13 Saint Lucia (113) 14 Australia (114) 14 China (115) 14 Somalia (116) 15 Croatia (117) 15 Nigeria (118) 16 Antigua and Barbuda (119) 16 Bangladesh (120) 16 Comoros (121) 16 Lithuania (122) 17 Cuba (123) 17 Saint Kitts and Nevis (124) 18 Cyprus (125) 18 Guam (126) 18 Hungary (127) 18 Seychelles (128) 19 Liechtenstein (129) 19 Niue (130) 20 Bermuda (131) 20 The Gambia (132) 20 Greece (133) 20 Mozambique (134) 20 Puerto Rico (135) 20 Sudan (136) 21 Belgium (137) 21 Chile (138) 21 Luxembourg (139) 22 Andorra (140) 22 Argentina (141) 22 Italy (142) 22 Namibia (143) 23 Cayman Islands (144) 23 India (145) 24 Ethiopia (146) 24 Mexico (147) 25 Serbia and Montenegro (148) 26 Burkina (149) 26 Cote d'Ivoire (150) 26 Madagascar (151) 26 Martinique (152) 26 Switzerland (153) 26 Turkey (154) 27 France (155) 27 Norway (156) 27 Zambia (157) 28 Jamaica (158) 28 Poland (159) 28 Romania (160) 28 Togo (161) 29 Sierra Leone (162) 30 Germany (163) 30 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (164) 30 Thailand (165) 30 Uganda (166) 31 Estonia (167) 31 French Polynesia (168) 31 Mauritius (169) 31 Senegal (170) 31 Spain (171) 32 The Bahamas (172) 33 Nepal (173) 34 Costa Rica (174) 34 Honduras (175) 35 Benin (176) 35 Bulgaria (177) 35 Canada (178) 35 Nicaragua (179) 35 Paraguay (180) 35 Reunion (181) 36 Bosnia and Herzegovina (182) 37 Ghana (183) 37 Sri Lanka (184) 38 Albania (185) 38 Georgia (186) 38 Guinea-Bissau (187) 38 New Zealand (188) 39 Austria (189) 39 Latvia (190) 39 Liberia (191) 39 Venezuela (192) 40 Guadeloupe (193) 40 Guatemala (194) 40 Montserrat (195) 40 Philippines (196) 40 Portugal (197) 40 Vietnam (198) 41 Dominica (199) 41 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (200) 42 Guinea (201) 43 Angola (202) 44 Belize (203) 44 Trinidad and Tobago (204) 45 Slovenia (205) 47 Tanzania (206) 47 Western Samoa (207) 49 Burma (208) 49 Colombia (209) 49 Zimbabwe (210) 50 Malawi (211) 51 Ecuador (212) 51 Equatorial Guinea (213) 51 New Caledonia (214) 52 Bolivia (215) 54 Cameroon (216) 54 Panama (217) 55 Peru (218) 55 Taiwan (219) 58 Laos (220) 62 Congo (221) 63 Malaysia (222) 64 Central African Republic (223) 64 Sweden (224) 65 Fiji (225) 67 Brazil (226) 67 Indonesia (227) 67 Japan (228) 67 Korea, South (229) 70 Bhutan (230) 71 Papua New Guinea (231) 74 Korea, North (232) 75 American Samoa (233) 75 Sao Tome and Principe (234) 76 Cambodia (235) 76 Finland (236) 78 Gabon (237) 78 Zaire (238) 79 Brunei (239) 82 French Guiana (240) 83 Guyana (241) 90 Juan de Nova Island (242) 93 Solomon Islands (243) 97 Suriname (244) 100 Palmyra Atoll (245) Anguilla (246) Arctic Ocean (247) Atlantic Ocean (248) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (249) Czech Republic (250) Europa Island (251) Guernsey (252) Indian Ocean (253) Iran (254) Jersey (255) Man, Isle of (256) Mayotte (257) Micronesia, Federated States of (258) Northern Mariana Islands (259) Pacific Ocean (260) Palau (261) Pitcairn Islands (262) Russia (263) Slovakia (264) United States (265) World (266) Forests Country % _________ _______ 100 Palmyra Atoll (1) 97 Suriname (2) 93 Solomon Islands (3) 90 Juan de Nova Island (4) 83 Guyana (5) 82 French Guiana (6) 79 Brunei (7) 78 Zaire (8) 78 Gabon (9) 76 Finland (10) 76 Cambodia (11) 75 Sao Tome and Principe (12) 75 American Samoa (13) 74 Korea, North (14) 71 Papua New Guinea (15) 70 Bhutan (16) 67 Korea, South (17) 67 Japan (18) 67 Indonesia (19) 67 Brazil (20) 65 Fiji (21) 64 Sweden (22) 64 Central African Republic (23) 63 Malaysia (24) 62 Congo (25) 58 Laos (26) 55 Taiwan (27) 55 Peru (28) 54 Panama (29) 54 Cameroon (30) 52 Bolivia (31) 51 New Caledonia (32) 51 Equatorial Guinea (33) 51 Ecuador (34) 50 Malawi (35) 49 Zimbabwe (36) 49 Colombia (37) 49 Burma (38) 47 Western Samoa (39) 47 Tanzania (40) 45 Slovenia (41) 44 Trinidad and Tobago (42) 44 Belize (43) 43 Angola (44) 42 Guinea (45) 41 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (46) 41 Dominica (47) 40 Vietnam (48) 40 Portugal (49) 40 Philippines (50) 40 Montserrat (51) 40 Guatemala (52) 40 Guadeloupe (53) 39 Venezuela (54) 39 Liberia (55) 39 Latvia (56) 39 Austria (57) 38 New Zealand (58) 38 Guinea-Bissau (59) 38 Georgia (60) 38 Albania (61) 37 Sri Lanka (62) 37 Ghana (63) 36 Bosnia and Herzegovina (64) 35 Reunion (65) 35 Paraguay (66) 35 Nicaragua (67) 35 Canada (68) 35 Bulgaria (69) 35 Benin (70) 34 Honduras (71) 34 Costa Rica (72) 33 Nepal (73) 32 The Bahamas (74) 31 Spain (75) 31 Senegal (76) 31 Mauritius (77) 31 French Polynesia (78) 31 Estonia (79) 30 Uganda (80) 30 Thailand (81) 30 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (82) 30 Germany (83) 29 Sierra Leone (84) 28 Togo (85) 28 Romania (86) 28 Poland (87) 28 Jamaica (88) 27 Zambia (89) 27 Norway (90) 27 France (91) 26 Turkey (92) 26 Switzerland (93) 26 Martinique (94) 26 Madagascar (95) 26 Cote d'Ivoire (96) 26 Burkina (97) 25 Serbia and Montenegro (98) 24 Mexico (99) 24 Ethiopia (100) 23 India (101) 23 Cayman Islands (102) 22 Namibia (103) 22 Italy (104) 22 Argentina (105) 22 Andorra (106) 21 Luxembourg (107) 21 Chile (108) 21 Belgium (109) 20 Sudan (110) 20 Puerto Rico (111) 20 Mozambique (112) 20 Greece (113) 20 The Gambia (114) 20 Bermuda (115) 19 Niue (116) 19 Liechtenstein (117) 18 Seychelles (118) 18 Hungary (119) 18 Guam (120) 18 Cyprus (121) 17 Saint Kitts and Nevis (122) 17 Cuba (123) 16 Lithuania (124) 16 Comoros (125) 16 Bangladesh (126) 16 Antigua and Barbuda (127) 15 Nigeria (128) 15 Croatia (129) 14 Somalia (130) 14 China (131) 14 Australia (132) 13 Saint Lucia (133) 13 Dominican Republic (134) 12 Tonga (135) 12 Morocco (136) 12 Hong Kong (137) 12 Denmark (138) 11 Chad (139) 10 Rwanda (140) 10 Mongolia (141) 9 United Kingdom (142) 9 Netherlands (143) 9 Grenada (144) 8 Lebanon (145) 7 Yemen (146) 7 Swaziland (147) 7 Mali (148) 7 British Virgin Islands (149) 6 Virgin Islands (150) 6 Israel (151) 6 El Salvador (152) 5 Singapore (153) 5 Mauritania (154) 5 Ireland (155) 5 Howland Island (156) 5 Eritrea (157) 4 Uruguay (158) 4 Tunisia (159) 4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (160) 4 Pakistan (161) 4 Kenya (162) 4 Kazakhstan (163) 4 Haiti (164) 3 Syria (165) 3 South Africa (166) 3 Saint Helena (167) 3 Maldives (168) 3 Kiribati (169) 3 Iraq (170) 3 Afghanistan (171) 2 Niger (172) 2 Burundi (173) 2 Botswana (174) 2 Algeria (175) 1 West Bank (176) 1 Vanuatu (177) 1 Saudi Arabia (178) 1 Jordan (179) 1 Iceland (180) 0 Western Sahara (181) 0 Wallis and Futuna (182) 0 Wake Island (183) 0 Uzbekistan (184) 0 United Arab Emirates (185) 0 Ukraine (186) 0 Tuvalu (187) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (188) 0 Turkmenistan (189) 0 Tromelin Island (190) 0 Tokelau (191) 0 Tajikistan (192) 0 Svalbard (193) 0 Spratly Islands (194) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (195) 0 San Marino (196) 0 Qatar (197) 0 Paracel Islands (198) 0 Oman (199) 0 Norfolk Island (200) 0 Netherlands Antilles (201) 0 Navassa Island (202) 0 Nauru (203) 0 Monaco (204) 0 Moldova (205) 0 Midway Islands (206) 0 Marshall Islands (207) 0 Malta (208) 0 Macau (209) 0 Libya (210) 0 Lesotho (211) 0 Kyrgyzstan (212) 0 Kuwait (213) 0 Kingman Reef (214) 0 Johnston Atoll (215) 0 Jarvis Island (216) 0 Jan Mayen (217) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (218) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (219) 0 Greenland (220) 0 Glorioso Islands (221) 0 Gibraltar (222) 0 Gaza Strip (223) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (224) 0 Faroe Islands (225) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (226) 0 Egypt (227) 0 Djibouti (228) 0 Coral Sea Islands (229) 0 Cook Islands (230) 0 Clipperton Island (231) 0 Christmas Island (232) 0 Cape Verde (233) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (234) 0 Bouvet Island (235) 0 Belarus (236) 0 Bassas da India (237) 0 Barbados (238) 0 Baker Island (239) 0 Bahrain (240) 0 Azerbaijan (241) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (242) 0 Aruba (243) 0 Armenia (244) 0 Antarctica (245) Anguilla Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Cocos (Keeling) Islands Czech Republic Europa Island Guernsey Indian Ocean Iran Jersey Man, Isle of Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Pitcairn Islands Russia Slovakia United States World PMEADOW Meadows Percentage title h!h!Meadows... Country % _________ _______ 0 American Samoa (1) 0 Antarctica (2) 0 Aruba (3) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (4) 0 The Bahamas (5) 0 Baker Island (6) 0 Bassas da India (7) 0 Bermuda (8) 0 Bouvet Island (9) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (10) 0 Christmas Island (11) 0 Clipperton Island (12) 0 Cook Islands (13) 0 Coral Sea Islands (14) 0 Egypt (15) 0 Faroe Islands (16) 0 Finland (17) 0 French Guiana (18) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (19) 0 Gaza Strip (20) 0 Gibraltar (21) 0 Glorioso Islands (22) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (23) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (24) 0 Howland Island (25) 0 Jan Mayen (26) 0 Jarvis Island (27) 0 Johnston Atoll (28) 0 Juan de Nova Island (29) 0 Kingman Reef (30) 0 Kiribati (31) 0 Korea, North (32) 0 Macau (33) 0 Malaysia (34) 0 Malta (35) 0 Marshall Islands (36) 0 Midway Islands (37) 0 Monaco (38) 0 Nauru (39) 0 Netherlands Antilles (40) 0 Norway (41) 0 Palmyra Atoll (42) 0 Papua New Guinea (43) 0 Paracel Islands (44) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (45) 0 San Marino (46) 0 Seychelles (47) 0 Singapore (48) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (49) 0 Spratly Islands (50) 0 Suriname (51) 0 Svalbard (52) 0 Tokelau (53) 0 Tromelin Island (54) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (55) 0 Tuvalu (56) 0 Wake Island (57) 0 Wallis and Futuna (58) 0 Western Samoa (59) 1 Brunei (60) 1 Burma (61) 1 Greenland (62) 1 Hong Kong (63) 1 Japan (64) 1 Jordan (65) 1 Korea, South (66) 1 Lebanon (67) 1 Sao Tome and Principe (68) 1 Solomon Islands (69) 1 Thailand (70) 1 Vietnam (71) 2 Belize (72) 2 Liberia (73) 2 Sweden (74) 2 Trinidad and Tobago (75) 2 United Arab Emirates (76) 2 Vanuatu (77) 3 Cambodia (78) 3 Canada (79) 3 Dominica (80) 3 Fiji (81) 3 Grenada (82) 3 Laos (83) 3 Maldives (84) 3 Saint Kitts and Nevis (85) 4 Bangladesh (86) 4 Benin (87) 4 Equatorial Guinea (88) 4 India (89) 4 Mauritius (90) 4 Niue (91) 4 Philippines (92) 4 Reunion (93) 4 Togo (94) 4 Zaire (95) 5 Bhutan (96) 5 Central African Republic (97) 5 French Polynesia (98) 5 Oman (99) 5 Qatar (100) 5 Saint Lucia (101) 5 Taiwan (102) 6 Bahrain (103) 6 Cape Verde (104) 6 Denmark (105) 6 Guyana (106) 6 Pakistan (107) 6 Portugal (108) 6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (109) 6 Tonga (110) 7 Antigua and Barbuda (111) 7 Comoros (112) 7 Indonesia (113) 7 Kenya (114) 7 Niger (115) 7 Saint Helena (116) 7 Sri Lanka (117) 8 Cayman Islands (118) 8 Kuwait (119) 8 Libya (120) 9 Barbados (121) 9 Cote d'Ivoire (122) 9 Djibouti (123) 9 The Gambia (124) 9 Iraq (125) 9 Moldova (126) 10 Cyprus (127) 10 Montserrat (128) 10 Navassa Island (129) 11 Estonia (130) 12 Guatemala (131) 12 Guinea (132) 12 Turkey (133) 12 Ukraine (134) 13 Algeria (135) 13 Guadeloupe (136) 13 Hungary (137) 13 Latvia (138) 13 Nepal (139) 13 Poland (140) 13 Zimbabwe (141) 14 New Caledonia (142) 15 Albania (143) 15 Belarus (144) 15 Ghana (145) 15 Guam (146) 15 Panama (147) 16 Chile (148) 16 Germany (149) 17 Ecuador (150) 17 Italy (151) 18 Bulgaria (152) 18 Cameroon (153) 18 Croatia (154) 18 Gabon (155) 18 Haiti (156) 18 Jamaica (157) 18 Rwanda (158) 19 Brazil (159) 19 Northern Mariana Islands (160) 19 Romania (161) 19 Tunisia (162) 19 Western Sahara (163) 20 Armenia (164) 20 Belgium (165) 20 Iceland (166) 20 Luxembourg (167) 20 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (168) 20 Malawi (169) 20 Serbia and Montenegro (170) 20 Slovenia (171) 20 Venezuela (172) 21 Peru (173) 21 Spain (174) 22 Lithuania (175) 23 Angola (176) 23 Cuba (177) 23 France (178) 23 Nigeria (179) 23 Tajikistan (180) 24 Austria (181) 24 Sudan (182) 25 Azerbaijan (183) 25 Bolivia (184) 25 Bosnia and Herzegovina (185) 25 Mali (186) 25 Norfolk Island (187) 25 Uganda (188) 26 Virgin Islands (189) 28 Morocco (190) 29 Colombia (191) 29 Congo (192) 29 El Salvador (193) 29 Georgia (194) 30 Honduras (195) 30 Martinique (196) 30 Senegal (197) 30 Yemen (198) 31 China (199) 31 Sierra Leone (200) 32 Netherlands (201) 32 West Bank (202) 33 British Virgin Islands (203) 35 Burundi (204) 36 Chad (205) 37 Burkina (206) 38 Liechtenstein (207) 38 Mauritania (208) 39 Mexico (209) 39 Paraguay (210) 39 Saudi Arabia (211) 40 Eritrea (212) 40 Greece (213) 40 Israel (214) 40 Switzerland (215) 40 Tanzania (216) 41 Ethiopia (217) 41 Puerto Rico (218) 42 Kyrgyzstan (219) 43 Dominican Republic (220) 43 Guinea-Bissau (221) 43 Nicaragua (222) 45 Costa Rica (223) 46 Afghanistan (224) 46 Somalia (225) 46 Syria (226) 47 Uzbekistan (227) 47 Zambia (228) 48 United Kingdom (229) 52 Argentina (230) 53 New Zealand (231) 56 Andorra (232) 56 Mozambique (233) 57 Kazakhstan (234) 58 Australia (235) 58 Madagascar (236) 62 Swaziland (237) 64 Namibia (238) 65 South Africa (239) 66 Lesotho (240) 69 Turkmenistan (241) 71 Ireland (242) 75 Botswana (243) 78 Uruguay (244) 79 Mongolia (245) 99 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (246) Anguilla (247) Arctic Ocean (248) Atlantic Ocean (249) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (250) Czech Republic (251) Europa Island (252) Guernsey (253) Indian Ocean (254) Iran (255) Jersey (256) Man, Isle of (257) Mayotte (258) Micronesia, Federated States of (259) Pacific Ocean (260) Palau (261) Pitcairn Islands (262) Russia (263) Slovakia (264) United States (265) World (266) Meadows... Country % _________ _______ 99 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (1) 79 Mongolia (2) 78 Uruguay (3) 75 Botswana (4) 71 Ireland (5) 69 Turkmenistan (6) 66 Lesotho (7) 65 South Africa (8) 64 Namibia (9) 62 Swaziland (10) 58 Madagascar (11) 58 Australia (12) 57 Kazakhstan (13) 56 Mozambique (14) 56 Andorra (15) 53 New Zealand (16) 52 Argentina (17) 48 United Kingdom (18) 47 Zambia (19) 47 Uzbekistan (20) 46 Syria (21) 46 Somalia (22) 46 Afghanistan (23) 45 Costa Rica (24) 43 Nicaragua (25) 43 Guinea-Bissau (26) 43 Dominican Republic (27) 42 Kyrgyzstan (28) 41 Puerto Rico (29) 41 Ethiopia (30) 40 Tanzania (31) 40 Switzerland (32) 40 Israel (33) 40 Greece (34) 40 Eritrea (35) 39 Saudi Arabia (36) 39 Paraguay (37) 39 Mexico (38) 38 Mauritania (39) 38 Liechtenstein (40) 37 Burkina (41) 36 Chad (42) 35 Burundi (43) 33 British Virgin Islands (44) 32 West Bank (45) 32 Netherlands (46) 31 Sierra Leone (47) 31 China (48) 30 Yemen (49) 30 Senegal (50) 30 Martinique (51) 30 Honduras (52) 29 Georgia (53) 29 El Salvador (54) 29 Congo (55) 29 Colombia (56) 28 Morocco (57) 26 Virgin Islands (58) 25 Uganda (59) 25 Norfolk Island (60) 25 Mali (61) 25 Bosnia and Herzegovina (62) 25 Bolivia (63) 25 Azerbaijan (64) 24 Sudan (65) 24 Austria (66) 23 Tajikistan (67) 23 Nigeria (68) 23 France (69) 23 Cuba (70) 23 Angola (71) 22 Lithuania (72) 21 Spain (73) 21 Peru (74) 20 Venezuela (75) 20 Slovenia (76) 20 Serbia and Montenegro (77) 20 Malawi (78) 20 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (79) 20 Luxembourg (80) 20 Iceland (81) 20 Belgium (82) 20 Armenia (83) 19 Western Sahara (84) 19 Tunisia (85) 19 Romania (86) 19 Northern Mariana Islands (87) 19 Brazil (88) 18 Rwanda (89) 18 Jamaica (90) 18 Haiti (91) 18 Gabon (92) 18 Croatia (93) 18 Cameroon (94) 18 Bulgaria (95) 17 Italy (96) 17 Ecuador (97) 16 Germany (98) 16 Chile (99) 15 Panama (100) 15 Guam (101) 15 Ghana (102) 15 Belarus (103) 15 Albania (104) 14 New Caledonia (105) 13 Zimbabwe (106) 13 Poland (107) 13 Nepal (108) 13 Latvia (109) 13 Hungary (110) 13 Guadeloupe (111) 13 Algeria (112) 12 Ukraine (113) 12 Turkey (114) 12 Guinea (115) 12 Guatemala (116) 11 Estonia (117) 10 Navassa Island (118) 10 Montserrat (119) 10 Cyprus (120) 9 Moldova (121) 9 Iraq (122) 9 The Gambia (123) 9 Djibouti (124) 9 Cote d'Ivoire (125) 9 Barbados (126) 8 Libya (127) 8 Kuwait (128) 8 Cayman Islands (129) 7 Sri Lanka (130) 7 Saint Helena (131) 7 Niger (132) 7 Kenya (133) 7 Indonesia (134) 7 Comoros (135) 7 Antigua and Barbuda (136) 6 Tonga (137) 6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (138) 6 Portugal (139) 6 Pakistan (140) 6 Guyana (141) 6 Denmark (142) 6 Cape Verde (143) 6 Bahrain (144) 5 Taiwan (145) 5 Saint Lucia (146) 5 Qatar (147) 5 Oman (148) 5 French Polynesia (149) 5 Central African Republic (150) 5 Bhutan (151) 4 Zaire (152) 4 Togo (153) 4 Reunion (154) 4 Philippines (155) 4 Niue (156) 4 Mauritius (157) 4 India (158) 4 Equatorial Guinea (159) 4 Benin (160) 4 Bangladesh (161) 3 Saint Kitts and Nevis (162) 3 Maldives (163) 3 Laos (164) 3 Grenada (165) 3 Fiji (166) 3 Dominica (167) 3 Canada (168) 3 Cambodia (169) 2 Vanuatu (170) 2 United Arab Emirates (171) 2 Trinidad and Tobago (172) 2 Sweden (173) 2 Liberia (174) 2 Belize (175) 1 Vietnam (176) 1 Thailand (177) 1 Solomon Islands (178) 1 Sao Tome and Principe (179) 1 Lebanon (180) 1 Korea, South (181) 1 Jordan (182) 1 Japan (183) 1 Hong Kong (184) 1 Greenland (185) 1 Burma (186) 1 Brunei (187) 0 Western Samoa (188) 0 Wallis and Futuna (189) 0 Wake Island (190) 0 Tuvalu (191) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (192) 0 Tromelin Island (193) 0 Tokelau (194) 0 Svalbard (195) 0 Suriname (196) 0 Spratly Islands (197) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (198) 0 Singapore (199) 0 Seychelles (200) 0 San Marino (201) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (202) 0 Paracel Islands (203) 0 Papua New Guinea (204) 0 Palmyra Atoll (205) 0 Norway (206) 0 Netherlands Antilles (207) 0 Nauru (208) 0 Monaco (209) 0 Midway Islands (210) 0 Marshall Islands (211) 0 Malta (212) 0 Malaysia (213) 0 Macau (214) 0 Korea, North (215) 0 Kiribati (216) 0 Kingman Reef (217) 0 Juan de Nova Island (218) 0 Johnston Atoll (219) 0 Jarvis Island (220) 0 Jan Mayen (221) 0 Howland Island (222) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (223) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (224) 0 Glorioso Islands (225) 0 Gibraltar (226) 0 Gaza Strip (227) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (228) 0 French Guiana (229) 0 Finland (230) 0 Faroe Islands (231) 0 Egypt (232) 0 Coral Sea Islands (233) 0 Cook Islands (234) 0 Clipperton Island (235) 0 Christmas Island (236) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (237) 0 Bouvet Island (238) 0 Bermuda (239) 0 Bassas da India (240) 0 Baker Island (241) 0 The Bahamas (242) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (243) 0 Aruba (244) 0 Antarctica (245) 0 American Samoa (246) Anguilla Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Cocos (Keeling) Islands Czech Republic Europa Island Guernsey Indian Ocean Iran Jersey Man, Isle of Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Pacific Ocean Palau Pitcairn Islands Russia Slovakia United States World POTHER Other Land Percentage title h!h!Other land Country % _________ _______ 0 Palmyra Atoll (1) 1 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (2) 2 Gabon (3) 2 Tonga (4) 3 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (5) 3 Sao Tome and Principe (6) 3 Suriname (7) 4 Cambodia (8) 4 Solomon Islands (9) 5 Malawi (10) 5 Paraguay (11) 6 Brazil (12) 7 Congo (13) 7 Guinea-Bissau (14) 7 Korea, North (15) 7 Mauritius (16) 7 New Zealand (17) 7 Romania (18) 7 Spain (19) 7 Tanzania (20) 8 Costa Rica (21) 8 Guyana (22) 9 Greece (23) 10 American Samoa (24) 10 Bulgaria (25) 10 Ireland (26) 10 Juan de Nova Island (27) 10 Korea, South (28) 10 Mongolia (29) 10 Uruguay (30) 10 Western Samoa (31) 11 Bangladesh (32) 11 Madagascar (33) 12 Burundi (34) 12 Hungary (35) 12 Lithuania (36) 12 Nicaragua (37) 12 Niue (38) 12 Poland (39) 12 Senegal (40) 13 Argentina (41) 13 Cameroon (42) 13 Namibia (43) 13 Sierra Leone (44) 13 Uganda (45) 14 Barbados (46) 14 Dominican Republic (47) 14 United Kingdom (48) 15 Croatia (49) 15 Indonesia (50) 15 Zaire (51) 15 Taiwan (52) 16 Colombia (53) 16 Finland (54) 16 France (55) 16 Portugal (56) 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina (57) 17 India (58) 18 Brunei (59) 18 French Guiana (60) 18 Georgia (61) 18 Japan (62) 18 Liechtenstein (63) 19 Austria (64) 19 Fiji (65) 19 Germany (66) 19 Italy (67) 19 Philippines (68) 19 Zambia (69) 20 Andorra (70) 20 Bolivia (71) 20 Honduras (72) 20 Mozambique (73) 20 Serbia and Montenegro (74) 20 Swaziland (75) 20 Syria (76) 21 Botswana (77) 21 Denmark (78) 21 Latvia (79) 21 Peru (80) 21 South Africa (81) 22 Albania (82) 22 Australia (83) 22 Ethiopia (84) 22 Puerto Rico (85) 23 Bhutan (86) 23 Ecuador (87) 23 Panama (88) 23 Slovenia (89) 23 Sri Lanka (90) 23 Switzerland (91) 23 Trinidad and Tobago (92) 24 Guadeloupe (93) 24 Kazakhstan (94) 24 Lesotho (95) 24 Malaysia (96) 24 Mexico (97) 25 Cyprus (98) 26 Martinique (99) 27 Burkina (100) 27 Sweden (101) 28 Central African Republic (102) 28 Moldova (103) 28 Nigeria (104) 28 Papua New Guinea (105) 28 Turkey (106) 29 Jamaica (107) 29 Turkmenistan (108) 30 El Salvador (109) 30 Montserrat (110) 30 Ukraine (111) 31 Cuba (112) 31 Thailand (113) 31 Zimbabwe (114) 32 Angola (115) 32 Guatemala (116) 32 Israel (117) 32 Netherlands (118) 32 Rwanda (119) 33 British Virgin Islands (120) 33 Equatorial Guinea (121) 34 Belgium (122) 34 Burma (123) 34 Comoros (124) 34 Dominica (125) 34 Luxembourg (126) 35 Laos (127) 35 New Caledonia (128) 35 Vietnam (129) 36 Estonia (130) 36 Ghana (131) 37 Nepal (132) 37 Venezuela (133) 38 Somalia (134) 39 Afghanistan (135) 39 Reunion (136) 40 Guinea (137) 40 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (138) 40 Marshall Islands (139) 40 West Bank (140) 41 Morocco (141) 41 Saint Kitts and Nevis (142) 42 Togo (143) 42 Uzbekistan (144) 44 French Polynesia (145) 45 Benin (146) 45 China (147) 45 Guam (148) 45 Haiti (149) 46 Kiribati (150) 47 Grenada (151) 47 Tunisia (152) 47 Virgin Islands (153) 50 Eritrea (154) 51 Chad (155) 51 Kyrgyzstan (156) 51 Sudan (157) 52 Belize (158) 52 Cote d'Ivoire (159) 53 Azerbaijan (160) 54 Saint Lucia (161) 55 Belarus (162) 55 The Gambia (163) 55 Gaza Strip (164) 55 Liberia (165) 56 Chile (166) 56 Mauritania (167) 57 Canada (168) 57 Yemen (169) 59 Antigua and Barbuda (170) 59 Malta (171) 59 Saudi Arabia (172) 60 Armenia (173) 60 Seychelles (174) 61 Lebanon (175) 66 Mali (176) 67 The Bahamas (177) 67 Pakistan (178) 69 Cayman Islands (179) 70 Norway (180) 71 Tajikistan (181) 74 Cook Islands (182) 75 Iraq (183) 75 Norfolk Island (184) 75 Wallis and Futuna (185) 78 Iceland (186) 79 Hong Kong (187) 80 Bermuda (188) 81 Western Sahara (189) 82 Algeria (190) 83 Saint Helena (191) 83 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (192) 83 San Marino (193) 84 Maldives (194) 84 Singapore (195) 85 Cape Verde (196) 85 Kenya (197) 88 Niger (198) 90 Bahrain (199) 90 Libya (200) 90 Navassa Island (201) 91 Djibouti (202) 91 Vanuatu (203) 92 Kuwait (204) 92 Netherlands Antilles (205) 93 Oman (206) 94 Jordan (207) 95 Egypt (208) 95 Howland Island (209) 95 Qatar (210) 98 Faroe Islands (211) 98 Turks and Caicos Islands (212) 98 United Arab Emirates (213) 99 Greenland (214) 100 Antarctica (215) 100 Aruba (216) 100 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (217) 100 Baker Island (218) 100 Bassas da India (219) 100 Bouvet Island (220) 100 British Indian Ocean Territory (221) 100 Christmas Island (222) 100 Clipperton Island (223) 100 Coral Sea Islands (224) 100 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (225) 100 Gibraltar (226) 100 Glorioso Islands (227) 100 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (228) 100 Holy See (Vatican City) (229) 100 Jan Mayen (230) 100 Jarvis Island (231) 100 Johnston Atoll (232) 100 Kingman Reef (233) 100 Macau (234) 100 Midway Islands (235) 100 Monaco (236) 100 Nauru (237) 100 Paracel Islands (238) 100 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (239) 100 Spratly Islands (240) 100 Svalbard (241) 100 Tokelau (242) 100 Tromelin Island (243) 100 Tuvalu (244) 100 Wake Island (245) Anguilla (246) Arctic Ocean (247) Atlantic Ocean (248) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (249) Czech Republic (250) Europa Island (251) Guernsey (252) Indian Ocean (253) Iran (254) Jersey (255) Man, Isle of (256) Mayotte (257) Micronesia, Federated States of (258) Northern Mariana Islands (259) Pacific Ocean (260) Palau (261) Pitcairn Islands (262) Russia (263) Slovakia (264) United States (265) World (266) Other land Country % _________ _______ 100 Wake Island (1) 100 Tuvalu (2) 100 Tromelin Island (3) 100 Tokelau (4) 100 Svalbard (5) 100 Spratly Islands (6) 100 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (7) 100 Paracel Islands (8) 100 Nauru (9) 100 Monaco (10) 100 Midway Islands (11) 100 Macau (12) 100 Kingman Reef (13) 100 Johnston Atoll (14) 100 Jarvis Island (15) 100 Jan Mayen (16) 100 Holy See (Vatican City) (17) 100 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (18) 100 Glorioso Islands (19) 100 Gibraltar (20) 100 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (21) 100 Coral Sea Islands (22) 100 Clipperton Island (23) 100 Christmas Island (24) 100 British Indian Ocean Territory (25) 100 Bouvet Island (26) 100 Bassas da India (27) 100 Baker Island (28) 100 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (29) 100 Aruba (30) 100 Antarctica (31) 99 Greenland (32) 98 United Arab Emirates (33) 98 Turks and Caicos Islands (34) 98 Faroe Islands (35) 95 Qatar (36) 95 Howland Island (37) 95 Egypt (38) 94 Jordan (39) 93 Oman (40) 92 Netherlands Antilles (41) 92 Kuwait (42) 91 Vanuatu (43) 91 Djibouti (44) 90 Navassa Island (45) 90 Libya (46) 90 Bahrain (47) 88 Niger (48) 85 Kenya (49) 85 Cape Verde (50) 84 Singapore (51) 84 Maldives (52) 83 San Marino (53) 83 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (54) 83 Saint Helena (55) 82 Algeria (56) 81 Western Sahara (57) 80 Bermuda (58) 79 Hong Kong (59) 78 Iceland (60) 75 Wallis and Futuna (61) 75 Norfolk Island (62) 75 Iraq (63) 74 Cook Islands (64) 71 Tajikistan (65) 70 Norway (66) 69 Cayman Islands (67) 67 Pakistan (68) 67 The Bahamas (69) 66 Mali (70) 61 Lebanon (71) 60 Seychelles (72) 60 Armenia (73) 59 Saudi Arabia (74) 59 Malta (75) 59 Antigua and Barbuda (76) 57 Yemen (77) 57 Canada (78) 56 Mauritania (79) 56 Chile (80) 55 Liberia (81) 55 Gaza Strip (82) 55 The Gambia (83) 55 Belarus (84) 54 Saint Lucia (85) 53 Azerbaijan (86) 52 Cote d'Ivoire (87) 52 Belize (88) 51 Sudan (89) 51 Kyrgyzstan (90) 51 Chad (91) 50 Eritrea (92) 47 Virgin Islands (93) 47 Tunisia (94) 47 Grenada (95) 46 Kiribati (96) 45 Haiti (97) 45 Guam (98) 45 China (99) 45 Benin (100) 44 French Polynesia (101) 42 Uzbekistan (102) 42 Togo (103) 41 Saint Kitts and Nevis (104) 41 Morocco (105) 40 West Bank (106) 40 Marshall Islands (107) 40 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (108) 40 Guinea (109) 39 Reunion (110) 39 Afghanistan (111) 38 Somalia (112) 37 Venezuela (113) 37 Nepal (114) 36 Ghana (115) 36 Estonia (116) 35 Vietnam (117) 35 New Caledonia (118) 35 Laos (119) 34 Luxembourg (120) 34 Dominica (121) 34 Comoros (122) 34 Burma (123) 34 Belgium (124) 33 Equatorial Guinea (125) 33 British Virgin Islands (126) 32 Rwanda (127) 32 Netherlands (128) 32 Israel (129) 32 Guatemala (130) 32 Angola (131) 31 Zimbabwe (132) 31 Thailand (133) 31 Cuba (134) 30 Ukraine (135) 30 Montserrat (136) 30 El Salvador (137) 29 Turkmenistan (138) 29 Jamaica (139) 28 Turkey (140) 28 Papua New Guinea (141) 28 Nigeria (142) 28 Moldova (143) 28 Central African Republic (144) 27 Sweden (145) 27 Burkina (146) 26 Martinique (147) 25 Cyprus (148) 24 Mexico (149) 24 Malaysia (150) 24 Lesotho (151) 24 Kazakhstan (152) 24 Guadeloupe (153) 23 Trinidad and Tobago (154) 23 Switzerland (155) 23 Sri Lanka (156) 23 Slovenia (157) 23 Panama (158) 23 Ecuador (159) 23 Bhutan (160) 22 Puerto Rico (161) 22 Ethiopia (162) 22 Australia (163) 22 Albania (164) 21 South Africa (165) 21 Peru (166) 21 Latvia (167) 21 Denmark (168) 21 Botswana (169) 20 Syria (170) 20 Swaziland (171) 20 Serbia and Montenegro (172) 20 Mozambique (173) 20 Honduras (174) 20 Bolivia (175) 20 Andorra (176) 19 Zambia (177) 19 Philippines (178) 19 Italy (179) 19 Germany (180) 19 Fiji (181) 19 Austria (182) 18 Liechtenstein (183) 18 Japan (184) 18 Georgia (185) 18 French Guiana (186) 18 Brunei (187) 17 India (188) 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina (189) 16 Portugal (190) 16 France (191) 16 Finland (192) 16 Colombia (193) 15 Taiwan (194) 15 Zaire (195) 15 Indonesia (196) 15 Croatia (197) 14 United Kingdom (198) 14 Dominican Republic (199) 14 Barbados (200) 13 Uganda (201) 13 Sierra Leone (202) 13 Namibia (203) 13 Cameroon (204) 13 Argentina (205) 12 Senegal (206) 12 Poland (207) 12 Niue (208) 12 Nicaragua (209) 12 Lithuania (210) 12 Hungary (211) 12 Burundi (212) 11 Madagascar (213) 11 Bangladesh (214) 10 Western Samoa (215) 10 Uruguay (216) 10 Mongolia (217) 10 Korea, South (218) 10 Juan de Nova Island (219) 10 Ireland (220) 10 Bulgaria (221) 10 American Samoa (222) 9 Greece (223) 8 Guyana (224) 8 Costa Rica (225) 7 Tanzania (226) 7 Spain (227) 7 Romania (228) 7 New Zealand (229) 7 Mauritius (230) 7 Korea, North (231) 7 Guinea-Bissau (232) 7 Congo (233) 6 Brazil (234) 5 Paraguay (235) 5 Malawi (236) 4 Solomon Islands (237) 4 Cambodia (238) 3 Suriname (239) 3 Sao Tome and Principe (240) 3 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (241) 2 Tonga (242) 2 Gabon (243) 1 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (244) 0 Palmyra Atoll (245) Anguilla Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Cocos (Keeling) Islands Czech Republic Europa Island Guernsey Indian Ocean Iran Jersey Man, Isle of Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Pitcairn Islands Russia Slovakia United States World IRRIG Irrigated Land title %Irrigated land Country km2 __________ _______ 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (1) 0 Baker Island (2) 0 Bassas da India (3) 0 Bouvet Island (4) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (5) 0 Clipperton Island (6) 0 Coral Sea Islands (7) 0 Europa Island (8) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (9) 0 Glorioso Islands (10) 0 Greenland (11) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (12) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (13) 0 Howland Island (14) 0 Jan Mayen (15) 0 Jarvis Island (16) 0 Johnston Atoll (17) 0 Juan de Nova Island (18) 0 Kingman Reef (19) 0 Midway Islands (20) 0 Navassa Island (21) 0 Palmyra Atoll (22) 0 Paracel Islands (23) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (24) 0 Spratly Islands (25) 0 Tromelin Island (26) 0 Wake Island (27) 10 Bahrain (28) 10 Belgium (29) 10 Brunei (30) 10 Bulgaria (31) 10 Fiji (32) 10 Malta (33) 10 Saint Lucia (34) 10 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (35) 20 Belize (36) 20 Botswana (37) 20 Cape Verde (38) 20 Hong Kong (39) 20 Kuwait (40) 20 Liberia (41) 30 Guadeloupe (42) 40 Austria (43) 40 Congo (44) 40 Namibia (45) 40 Rwanda (46) 50 Mali (47) 60 Benin (48) 60 Martinique (49) 60 Reunion (50) 70 Togo (51) 80 Ghana (52) 90 Uganda (53) 100 Chad (54) 100 Zaire (55) 110 Estonia (56) 115 Gaza Strip (57) 120 The Gambia (58) 120 Mauritania (59) 160 Burkina (60) 160 Latvia (61) 170 Mauritius (62) 200 Malawi (63) 220 Trinidad and Tobago (64) 240 Guinea (65) 250 Switzerland (66) 280 Cameroon (67) 320 Niger (68) 320 Panama (69) 320 Zambia (70) 340 Bhutan (71) 340 Sierra Leone (72) 350 Cyprus (73) 350 Jamaica (74) 390 Puerto Rico (75) 410 Oman (76) 430 Lithuania (77) 520 Kenya (78) 570 Jordan (79) 590 Suriname (80) 620 Cote d'Ivoire (81) 620 Finland (82) 640 Swaziland (83) 670 Paraguay (84) 720 Burundi (85) 750 Haiti (86) 770 Mongolia (87) 780 Guatemala (88) 850 Nicaragua (89) 860 Lebanon (90) 900 Honduras (91) 920 Cambodia (92) 950 Norway (93) 1000 Poland (94) 1100 Uruguay (95) 1120 Sweden (96) 1150 Mozambique (97) 1180 Costa Rica (98) 1200 El Salvador (99) 1300 Guyana (100) 1490 Belarus (101) 1530 Tanzania (102) 1554 Laos (103) 1600 Somalia (104) 1620 Ethiopia (105) 1650 Bolivia (106) 1750 Hungary (107) 1800 Senegal (108) 2140 Israel (109) 2250 Dominican Republic (110) 2250 Zimbabwe (111) 2420 Libya (112) 2640 Venezuela (113) 2750 Tunisia (114) 2800 New Zealand (115) 2920 Moldova (116) 3050 Armenia (117) 3360 Algeria (118) 3420 Malaysia (119) 4230 Albania (120) 4300 Denmark (121) 4350 Saudi Arabia (122) 4660 Georgia (123) 4800 Germany (124) 5150 Colombia (125) 5500 Ecuador (126) 5500 Netherlands (127) 5600 Sri Lanka (128) 6340 Portugal (129) 6940 Tajikistan (130) 8400 Canada (131) 8650 Nigeria (132) 8960 Cuba (133) 9000 Madagascar (134) 9430 Nepal (135) 10000 Syria (136) 10180 Burma (137) 10320 Kyrgyzstan (138) 11280 South Africa (139) 11900 Greece (140) 12450 Turkmenistan (141) 12500 Peru (142) 12650 Chile (143) 12650 Morocco (144) 13530 Korea, South (145) 14000 Korea, North (146) 14010 Azerbaijan (147) 16200 Philippines (148) 17600 Argentina (149) 18300 Vietnam (150) 18800 Australia (151) 18900 Sudan (152) 22200 Turkey (153) 23080 Kazakhstan (154) 25850 Egypt (155) 26600 Afghanistan (156) 27380 Bangladesh (157) 28680 Japan (158) 31000 Italy (159) 33600 Spain (160) 34500 Romania (161) 41550 Uzbekistan (162) 42300 Thailand (163) 51500 Mexico (164) 56000 Russia (165) 57500 Iran (166) 75500 Indonesia (167) 170000 Pakistan (168) 181020 United States (169) 430390 India (170) American Samoa (171) Andorra (172) Angola (173) Anguilla (174) Antarctica (175) Antigua and Barbuda (176) Arctic Ocean (177) Aruba (178) Atlantic Ocean (179) The Bahamas (180) Barbados (181) Bermuda (182) Bosnia and Herzegovina (183) Brazil (184) British Virgin Islands (185) Cayman Islands (186) Central African Republic (187) China (188) Christmas Island (189) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (190) Comoros (191) Cook Islands (192) Croatia (193) Czech Republic (194) Djibouti (195) Dominica (196) Equatorial Guinea (197) Eritrea (198) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (199) Faroe Islands (200) France (201) French Guiana (202) French Polynesia (203) Gabon (204) Gibraltar (205) Grenada (206) Guam (207) Guernsey (208) Guinea-Bissau (209) Iceland (210) Indian Ocean (211) Iraq (212) Ireland (213) Jersey (214) Kiribati (215) Lesotho (216) Liechtenstein (217) Luxembourg (218) Macau (219) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (220) Maldives (221) Man, Isle of (222) Marshall Islands (223) Mayotte (224) Micronesia, Federated States of (225) Monaco (226) Montserrat (227) Nauru (228) Netherlands Antilles (229) New Caledonia (230) Niue (231) Norfolk Island (232) Northern Mariana Islands (233) Pacific Ocean (234) Palau (235) Papua New Guinea (236) Pitcairn Islands (237) Qatar (238) Saint Helena (239) Saint Kitts and Nevis (240) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (241) San Marino (242) Sao Tome and Principe (243) Serbia and Montenegro (244) Seychelles (245) Singapore (246) Slovakia (247) Slovenia (248) Solomon Islands (249) Svalbard (250) Tokelau (251) Tonga (252) Turks and Caicos Islands (253) Tuvalu (254) Ukraine (255) United Arab Emirates (256) United Kingdom (257) Vanuatu (258) Virgin Islands (259) Wallis and Futuna (260) West Bank (261) Western Sahara (262) Western Samoa (263) World (264) Yemen (265) Taiwan (266) "Irrigated land Country km2 __________ _______ 430390 India (1) 181020 United States (2) 170000 Pakistan (3) 75500 Indonesia (4) 57500 Iran (5) 56000 Russia (6) 51500 Mexico (7) 42300 Thailand (8) 41550 Uzbekistan (9) 34500 Romania (10) 33600 Spain (11) 31000 Italy (12) 28680 Japan (13) 27380 Bangladesh (14) 26600 Afghanistan (15) 25850 Egypt (16) 23080 Kazakhstan (17) 22200 Turkey (18) 18900 Sudan (19) 18800 Australia (20) 18300 Vietnam (21) 17600 Argentina (22) 16200 Philippines (23) 14010 Azerbaijan (24) 14000 Korea, North (25) 13530 Korea, South (26) 12650 Morocco (27) 12650 Chile (28) 12500 Peru (29) 12450 Turkmenistan (30) 11900 Greece (31) 11280 South Africa (32) 10320 Kyrgyzstan (33) 10180 Burma (34) 10000 Syria (35) 9430 Nepal (36) 9000 Madagascar (37) 8960 Cuba (38) 8650 Nigeria (39) 8400 Canada (40) 6940 Tajikistan (41) 6340 Portugal (42) 5600 Sri Lanka (43) 5500 Netherlands (44) 5500 Ecuador (45) 5150 Colombia (46) 4800 Germany (47) 4660 Georgia (48) 4350 Saudi Arabia (49) 4300 Denmark (50) 4230 Albania (51) 3420 Malaysia (52) 3360 Algeria (53) 3050 Armenia (54) 2920 Moldova (55) 2800 New Zealand (56) 2750 Tunisia (57) 2640 Venezuela (58) 2420 Libya (59) 2250 Zimbabwe (60) 2250 Dominican Republic (61) 2140 Israel (62) 1800 Senegal (63) 1750 Hungary (64) 1650 Bolivia (65) 1620 Ethiopia (66) 1600 Somalia (67) 1554 Laos (68) 1530 Tanzania (69) 1490 Belarus (70) 1300 Guyana (71) 1200 El Salvador (72) 1180 Costa Rica (73) 1150 Mozambique (74) 1120 Sweden (75) 1100 Uruguay (76) 1000 Poland (77) 950 Norway (78) 920 Cambodia (79) 900 Honduras (80) 860 Lebanon (81) 850 Nicaragua (82) 780 Guatemala (83) 770 Mongolia (84) 750 Haiti (85) 720 Burundi (86) 670 Paraguay (87) 640 Swaziland (88) 620 Finland (89) 620 Cote d'Ivoire (90) 590 Suriname (91) 570 Jordan (92) 520 Kenya (93) 430 Lithuania (94) 410 Oman (95) 390 Puerto Rico (96) 350 Jamaica (97) 350 Cyprus (98) 340 Sierra Leone (99) 340 Bhutan (100) 320 Zambia (101) 320 Panama (102) 320 Niger (103) 280 Cameroon (104) 250 Switzerland (105) 240 Guinea (106) 220 Trinidad and Tobago (107) 200 Malawi (108) 170 Mauritius (109) 160 Latvia (110) 160 Burkina (111) 120 Mauritania (112) 120 The Gambia (113) 115 Gaza Strip (114) 110 Estonia (115) 100 Zaire (116) 100 Chad (117) 90 Uganda (118) 80 Ghana (119) 70 Togo (120) 60 Reunion (121) 60 Martinique (122) 60 Benin (123) 50 Mali (124) 40 Rwanda (125) 40 Namibia (126) 40 Congo (127) 40 Austria (128) 30 Guadeloupe (129) 20 Liberia (130) 20 Kuwait (131) 20 Hong Kong (132) 20 Cape Verde (133) 20 Botswana (134) 20 Belize (135) 10 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (136) 10 Saint Lucia (137) 10 Malta (138) 10 Fiji (139) 10 Bulgaria (140) 10 Brunei (141) 10 Belgium (142) 10 Bahrain (143) 0 Wake Island (144) 0 Tromelin Island (145) 0 Spratly Islands (146) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (147) 0 Paracel Islands (148) 0 Palmyra Atoll (149) 0 Navassa Island (150) 0 Midway Islands (151) 0 Kingman Reef (152) 0 Juan de Nova Island (153) 0 Johnston Atoll (154) 0 Jarvis Island (155) 0 Jan Mayen (156) 0 Howland Island (157) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (158) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (159) 0 Greenland (160) 0 Glorioso Islands (161) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (162) 0 Europa Island (163) 0 Coral Sea Islands (164) 0 Clipperton Island (165) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (166) 0 Bouvet Island (167) 0 Bassas da India (168) 0 Baker Island (169) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (170) American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Arctic Ocean Aruba Atlantic Ocean The Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Central African Republic China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Comoros Cook Islands Croatia Czech Republic Djibouti Dominica Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gibraltar Grenada Guam Guernsey Guinea-Bissau Iceland Indian Ocean Iraq Ireland Jersey Kiribati Lesotho Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macau Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Maldives Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Monaco Montserrat Nauru Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Islands Qatar Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Pierre and Miquelon San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tonga Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Vanuatu Virgin Islands Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara Western Samoa World Yemen Taiwan Population title &Population Country _______________ _______ 0 Antarctica (1) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (2) 0 Baker Island (3) 0 Bassas da India (4) 0 Bouvet Island (5) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (6) 0 Clipperton Island (7) 0 Coral Sea Islands (8) 0 Europa Island (9) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (10) 0 Glorioso Islands (11) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (12) 0 Howland Island (13) 0 Jan Mayen (14) 0 Jarvis Island (15) 0 Juan de Nova Island (16) 0 Kingman Reef (17) 0 Midway Islands (18) 0 Navassa Island (19) 0 Palmyra Atoll (20) 0 Paracel Islands (21) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (22) 0 Spratly Islands (23) 0 Tromelin Island (24) 14 Cameroon (25) 73 Pitcairn Islands (26) 302 Wake Island (27) 327 Johnston Atoll (28) 604 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (29) 830 Holy See (Vatican City) (30) 889 Christmas Island (31) 1503 Tokelau (32) 1837 Niue (33) 2317 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (34) 2756 Norfolk Island (35) 2914 Svalbard (36) 6757 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (37) 6762 Saint Helena (38) 7099 Anguilla (39) 9991 Tuvalu (40) 10149 Nauru (41) 12738 Montserrat (42) 13027 British Virgin Islands (43) 13941 Turks and Caicos Islands (44) 14499 Wallis and Futuna (45) 16661 Palau (46) 19343 Cook Islands (47) 24313 San Marino (48) 30654 Liechtenstein (49) 31515 Monaco (50) 31874 Gibraltar (51) 33192 Cayman Islands (52) 40992 Saint Kitts and Nevis (53) 48871 Faroe Islands (54) 51033 Northern Mariana Islands (55) 56157 Marshall Islands (56) 57366 American Samoa (57) 57611 Greenland (58) 61629 Bermuda (59) 64353 Guernsey (60) 65176 Antigua and Barbuda (61) 65780 Andorra (62) 65974 Aruba (63) 72709 Seychelles (64) 72751 Man, Isle of (65) 79386 Kiribati (66) 82608 Dominica (67) 86649 Jersey (68) 94486 Grenada (69) 97088 Mayotte (70) 97229 Virgin Islands (71) 105600 Tonga (72) 117344 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (73) 122950 Micronesia, Federated States of (74) 140423 Sao Tome and Principe (75) 145270 French Guiana (76) 153307 Guam (77) 156050 Saint Lucia (78) 173648 Vanuatu (79) 184552 New Caledonia (80) 203505 Netherlands Antilles (81) 209360 Western Samoa (82) 214061 Belize (83) 217211 Western Sahara (84) 219999 French Polynesia (85) 256395 Barbados (86) 256616 The Bahamas (87) 261310 Maldives (88) 265998 Iceland (89) 292266 Brunei (90) 369609 Malta (91) 394787 Martinique (92) 399206 Solomon Islands (93) 402815 Guadeloupe (94) 404660 Luxembourg (95) 420293 Equatorial Guinea (96) 421320 Djibouti (97) 429544 Suriname (98) 435983 Cape Verde (99) 490901 Macau (100) 533916 Qatar (101) 549338 Comoros (102) 575925 Bahrain (103) 666067 Reunion (104) 723774 Guyana (105) 736636 Cyprus (106) 772891 Fiji (107) 813322 Gaza Strip (108) 966977 Swaziland (109) 989273 The Gambia (110) 1124537 Guinea-Bissau (111) 1127068 Mauritius (112) 1155749 Gabon (113) 1271159 Trinidad and Tobago (114) 1319991 West Bank (115) 1392414 Botswana (116) 1625399 Estonia (117) 1651545 Namibia (118) 1780638 Bhutan (119) 1817397 Kuwait (120) 1992960 Lesotho (121) 2051522 Slovenia (122) 2125089 Oman (123) 2159503 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (124) 2263202 Mauritania (125) 2493615 Mongolia (126) 2504996 Congo (127) 2574291 Jamaica (128) 2680903 Panama (129) 2762899 Latvia (130) 2890468 Singapore (131) 2924594 United Arab Emirates (132) 3073245 Liberia (133) 3201823 Bosnia and Herzegovina (134) 3209759 Central African Republic (135) 3222716 Uruguay (136) 3407277 New Zealand (137) 3413904 Albania (138) 3419114 Costa Rica (139) 3550448 Ireland (140) 3557284 Armenia (141) 3578709 Eritrea (142) 3695921 Lebanon (143) 3812569 Puerto Rico (144) 3876396 Lithuania (145) 4075316 Turkmenistan (146) 4100709 Jordan (147) 4206353 Nicaragua (148) 4294750 Papua New Guinea (149) 4330951 Norway (150) 4410370 Togo (151) 4489657 Moldova (152) 4665821 Croatia (153) 4753120 Sierra Leone (154) 4769877 Kyrgyzstan (155) 4837237 Laos (156) 5085206 Finland (157) 5199437 Denmark (158) 5248401 Libya (159) 5358198 Paraguay (160) 5432383 Slovakia (161) 5433134 Israel (162) 5459743 Honduras (163) 5522677 Benin (164) 5542869 Hong Kong (165) 5586505 Chad (166) 5725972 Georgia (167) 5870481 El Salvador (168) 6155474 Tajikistan (169) 6262429 Burundi (170) 6539983 Haiti (171) 6549336 Guinea (172) 7084984 Switzerland (173) 7347554 Somalia (174) 7511263 Dominican Republic (175) 7789886 Azerbaijan (176) 7896254 Bolivia (177) 7986664 Austria (178) 8605307 Rwanda (179) 8775198 Bulgaria (180) 8821759 Sweden (181) 8879845 Tunisia (182) 9007080 Senegal (183) 9280208 Niger (184) 9375132 Mali (185) 9445723 Zambia (186) 9808384 Malawi (187) 10069501 Angola (188) 10081880 Belgium (189) 10318838 Hungary (190) 10422828 Burkina (191) 10432774 Czech Republic (192) 10437418 Belarus (193) 10561373 Cambodia (194) 10562388 Portugal (195) 10647511 Greece (196) 10890950 Ecuador (197) 10937635 Cuba (198) 10998602 Guatemala (199) 11101833 Serbia and Montenegro (200) 11139961 Zimbabwe (201) 13862325 Madagascar (202) 14161216 Chile (203) 14728474 Yemen (204) 14791257 Cote d'Ivoire (205) 15451917 Syria (206) 15452903 Netherlands (207) 17376616 Kazakhstan (208) 17763138 Ghana (209) 18115250 Mozambique (210) 18322232 Australia (211) 18342660 Sri Lanka (212) 18729576 Saudi Arabia (213) 19573262 Uganda (214) 19723588 Malaysia (215) 20643768 Iraq (216) 21004772 Venezuela (217) 21251820 Afghanistan (218) 21500584 Taiwan (219) 21560868 Nepal (220) 23089260 Uzbekistan (221) 23198330 Romania (222) 23486550 Korea, North (223) 24087372 Peru (224) 28434544 Canada (225) 28539320 Algeria (226) 28701076 Tanzania (227) 28817228 Kenya (228) 29168848 Morocco (229) 30120420 Sudan (230) 34292744 Argentina (231) 36200252 Colombia (232) 38792440 Poland (233) 39404348 Spain (234) 44060636 Zaire (235) 45095460 South Africa (236) 45103808 Burma (237) 45553880 Korea, South (238) 51867828 Ukraine (239) 55979016 Ethiopia (240) 58109160 France (241) 58261972 Italy (242) 58295120 United Kingdom (243) 60271300 Thailand (244) 62359624 Egypt (245) 63405528 Turkey (246) 64625456 Iran (247) 73265584 Philippines (248) 74393328 Vietnam (249) 81337544 Germany (250) 93985848 Mexico (251) 101232248 Nigeria (252) 125506496 Japan (253) 128094944 Bangladesh (254) 131541920 Pakistan (255) 149909088 Russia (256) 160737488 Brazil (257) 203583888 Indonesia (258) 263814032 United States (259) 936545792 India (260) 1203097216 China (261) 5733687296 World (262) Arctic Ocean (263) Atlantic Ocean (264) Indian Ocean (265) Pacific Ocean (266) &Population Country _______________ _______ 5733687296 World (1) 1203097216 China (2) 936545792 India (3) 263814032 United States (4) 203583888 Indonesia (5) 160737488 Brazil (6) 149909088 Russia (7) 131541920 Pakistan (8) 128094944 Bangladesh (9) 125506496 Japan (10) 101232248 Nigeria (11) 93985848 Mexico (12) 81337544 Germany (13) 74393328 Vietnam (14) 73265584 Philippines (15) 64625456 Iran (16) 63405528 Turkey (17) 62359624 Egypt (18) 60271300 Thailand (19) 58295120 United Kingdom (20) 58261972 Italy (21) 58109160 France (22) 55979016 Ethiopia (23) 51867828 Ukraine (24) 45553880 Korea, South (25) 45103808 Burma (26) 45095460 South Africa (27) 44060636 Zaire (28) 39404348 Spain (29) 38792440 Poland (30) 36200252 Colombia (31) 34292744 Argentina (32) 30120420 Sudan (33) 29168848 Morocco (34) 28817228 Kenya (35) 28701076 Tanzania (36) 28539320 Algeria (37) 28434544 Canada (38) 24087372 Peru (39) 23486550 Korea, North (40) 23198330 Romania (41) 23089260 Uzbekistan (42) 21560868 Nepal (43) 21500584 Taiwan (44) 21251820 Afghanistan (45) 21004772 Venezuela (46) 20643768 Iraq (47) 19723588 Malaysia (48) 19573262 Uganda (49) 18729576 Saudi Arabia (50) 18342660 Sri Lanka (51) 18322232 Australia (52) 18115250 Mozambique (53) 17763138 Ghana (54) 17376616 Kazakhstan (55) 15452903 Netherlands (56) 15451917 Syria (57) 14791257 Cote d'Ivoire (58) 14728474 Yemen (59) 14161216 Chile (60) 13862325 Madagascar (61) 11139961 Zimbabwe (62) 11101833 Serbia and Montenegro (63) 10998602 Guatemala (64) 10937635 Cuba (65) 10890950 Ecuador (66) 10647511 Greece (67) 10562388 Portugal (68) 10561373 Cambodia (69) 10437418 Belarus (70) 10432774 Czech Republic (71) 10422828 Burkina (72) 10318838 Hungary (73) 10081880 Belgium (74) 10069501 Angola (75) 9808384 Malawi (76) 9445723 Zambia (77) 9375132 Mali (78) 9280208 Niger (79) 9007080 Senegal (80) 8879845 Tunisia (81) 8821759 Sweden (82) 8775198 Bulgaria (83) 8605307 Rwanda (84) 7986664 Austria (85) 7896254 Bolivia (86) 7789886 Azerbaijan (87) 7511263 Dominican Republic (88) 7347554 Somalia (89) 7084984 Switzerland (90) 6549336 Guinea (91) 6539983 Haiti (92) 6262429 Burundi (93) 6155474 Tajikistan (94) 5870481 El Salvador (95) 5725972 Georgia (96) 5586505 Chad (97) 5542869 Hong Kong (98) 5522677 Benin (99) 5459743 Honduras (100) 5433134 Israel (101) 5432383 Slovakia (102) 5358198 Paraguay (103) 5248401 Libya (104) 5199437 Denmark (105) 5085206 Finland (106) 4837237 Laos (107) 4769877 Kyrgyzstan (108) 4753120 Sierra Leone (109) 4665821 Croatia (110) 4489657 Moldova (111) 4410370 Togo (112) 4330951 Norway (113) 4294750 Papua New Guinea (114) 4206353 Nicaragua (115) 4100709 Jordan (116) 4075316 Turkmenistan (117) 3876396 Lithuania (118) 3812569 Puerto Rico (119) 3695921 Lebanon (120) 3578709 Eritrea (121) 3557284 Armenia (122) 3550448 Ireland (123) 3419114 Costa Rica (124) 3413904 Albania (125) 3407277 New Zealand (126) 3222716 Uruguay (127) 3209759 Central African Republic (128) 3201823 Bosnia and Herzegovina (129) 3073245 Liberia (130) 2924594 United Arab Emirates (131) 2890468 Singapore (132) 2762899 Latvia (133) 2680903 Panama (134) 2574291 Jamaica (135) 2504996 Congo (136) 2493615 Mongolia (137) 2263202 Mauritania (138) 2159503 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (139) 2125089 Oman (140) 2051522 Slovenia (141) 1992960 Lesotho (142) 1817397 Kuwait (143) 1780638 Bhutan (144) 1651545 Namibia (145) 1625399 Estonia (146) 1392414 Botswana (147) 1319991 West Bank (148) 1271159 Trinidad and Tobago (149) 1155749 Gabon (150) 1127068 Mauritius (151) 1124537 Guinea-Bissau (152) 989273 The Gambia (153) 966977 Swaziland (154) 813322 Gaza Strip (155) 772891 Fiji (156) 736636 Cyprus (157) 723774 Guyana (158) 666067 Reunion (159) 575925 Bahrain (160) 549338 Comoros (161) 533916 Qatar (162) 490901 Macau (163) 435983 Cape Verde (164) 429544 Suriname (165) 421320 Djibouti (166) 420293 Equatorial Guinea (167) 404660 Luxembourg (168) 402815 Guadeloupe (169) 399206 Solomon Islands (170) 394787 Martinique (171) 369609 Malta (172) 292266 Brunei (173) 265998 Iceland (174) 261310 Maldives (175) 256616 The Bahamas (176) 256395 Barbados (177) 219999 French Polynesia (178) 217211 Western Sahara (179) 214061 Belize (180) 209360 Western Samoa (181) 203505 Netherlands Antilles (182) 184552 New Caledonia (183) 173648 Vanuatu (184) 156050 Saint Lucia (185) 153307 Guam (186) 145270 French Guiana (187) 140423 Sao Tome and Principe (188) 122950 Micronesia, Federated States of (189) 117344 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (190) 105600 Tonga (191) 97229 Virgin Islands (192) 97088 Mayotte (193) 94486 Grenada (194) 86649 Jersey (195) 82608 Dominica (196) 79386 Kiribati (197) 72751 Man, Isle of (198) 72709 Seychelles (199) 65974 Aruba (200) 65780 Andorra (201) 65176 Antigua and Barbuda (202) 64353 Guernsey (203) 61629 Bermuda (204) 57611 Greenland (205) 57366 American Samoa (206) 56157 Marshall Islands (207) 51033 Northern Mariana Islands (208) 48871 Faroe Islands (209) 40992 Saint Kitts and Nevis (210) 33192 Cayman Islands (211) 31874 Gibraltar (212) 31515 Monaco (213) 30654 Liechtenstein (214) 24313 San Marino (215) 19343 Cook Islands (216) 16661 Palau (217) 14499 Wallis and Futuna (218) 13941 Turks and Caicos Islands (219) 13027 British Virgin Islands (220) 12738 Montserrat (221) 10149 Nauru (222) 9991 Tuvalu (223) 7099 Anguilla (224) 6762 Saint Helena (225) 6757 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (226) 2914 Svalbard (227) 2756 Norfolk Island (228) 2317 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (229) 1837 Niue (230) 1503 Tokelau (231) 889 Christmas Island (232) 830 Holy See (Vatican City) (233) 604 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (234) 327 Johnston Atoll (235) 302 Wake Island (236) 73 Pitcairn Islands (237) 14 Cameroon (238) 0 Tromelin Island (239) 0 Spratly Islands (240) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (241) 0 Paracel Islands (242) 0 Palmyra Atoll (243) 0 Navassa Island (244) 0 Midway Islands (245) 0 Kingman Reef (246) 0 Juan de Nova Island (247) 0 Jarvis Island (248) 0 Jan Mayen (249) 0 Howland Island (250) 0 Heard Island and McDonald Islands (251) 0 Glorioso Islands (252) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (253) 0 Europa Island (254) 0 Coral Sea Islands (255) 0 Clipperton Island (256) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (257) 0 Bouvet Island (258) 0 Bassas da India (259) 0 Baker Island (260) 0 Ashmore and Cartier Islands (261) 0 Antarctica (262) Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean POPGROW Population Growth Rate title u"u"Population Country % Growth Rate ___________ _______ -9 Christmas Island (1) -3.66 Niue (2) -3.5 Svalbard (3) -1.3 Tokelau (4) -0.81 Guyana (5) -0.29 Virgin Islands (6) -0.25 Bulgaria (7) -0.12 Hong Kong (8) 0 Johnston Atoll (9) 0 Wake Island (10) 0.02 Hungary (11) 0.04 Ukraine (12) 0.09 Romania (13) 0.12 Trinidad and Tobago (14) 0.13 Croatia (15) 0.16 Puerto Rico (16) 0.17 Belgium (17) 0.2 Russia (18) 0.21 Italy (19) 0.22 Denmark (20) 0.24 Barbados (21) 0.24 Slovenia (22) 0.26 Czech Republic (23) 0.26 Germany (24) 0.27 Spain (25) 0.27 United Kingdom (26) 0.3 Belarus (27) 0.3 Finland (28) 0.3 Montserrat (29) 0.31 Saint Helena (30) 0.32 Japan (31) 0.33 Ireland (32) 0.35 Austria (33) 0.36 Moldova (34) 0.36 Poland (35) 0.36 Portugal (36) 0.37 Norway (37) 0.4 Dominica (38) 0.45 Grenada (39) 0.46 France (40) 0.46 Sweden (41) 0.5 Latvia (42) 0.52 Netherlands (43) 0.52 New Zealand (44) 0.53 Estonia (45) 0.54 Slovakia (46) 0.57 Luxembourg (47) 0.57 Switzerland (48) 0.62 Gibraltar (49) 0.62 Kazakhstan (50) 0.65 Aruba (51) 0.65 Bosnia and Herzegovina (52) 0.65 Cuba (53) 0.65 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (54) 0.66 Anguilla (55) 0.68 Antigua and Barbuda (56) 0.7 Jersey (57) 0.7 Monaco (58) 0.71 Lithuania (59) 0.72 Greece (60) 0.74 Uruguay (61) 0.75 Malta (62) 0.76 Bermuda (63) 0.77 Georgia (64) 0.78 Jamaica (65) 0.78 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (66) 0.78 Tonga (67) 0.79 Serbia and Montenegro (68) 0.81 Seychelles (69) 0.85 Saint Kitts and Nevis (70) 0.88 Cyprus (71) 0.88 San Marino (72) 0.89 Mauritius (73) 0.9 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (74) 0.92 Iceland (75) 0.93 Taiwan (76) 0.94 Armenia (77) 0.98 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (78) 0.98 Guernsey (79) 0.99 Faroe Islands (80) 0.99 Kenya (81) 0.99 Man, Isle of (82) 1.02 United States (83) 1.04 China (84) 1.04 Korea, South (85) 1.05 Greenland (86) 1.06 Netherlands Antilles (87) 1.06 Singapore (88) 1.09 The Bahamas (89) 1.09 Canada (90) 1.1 Martinique (91) 1.11 Argentina (92) 1.11 Wallis and Futuna (93) 1.13 Cook Islands (94) 1.15 Holy See (Vatican City) (95) 1.15 Sri Lanka (96) 1.16 Albania (97) 1.16 Fiji (98) 1.17 Dominican Republic (99) 1.17 Saint Lucia (100) 1.2 Liechtenstein (101) 1.22 Brazil (102) 1.24 Guadeloupe (103) 1.24 Thailand (104) 1.25 Macau (105) 1.27 British Virgin Islands (106) 1.28 Pakistan (107) 1.31 Australia (108) 1.32 Azerbaijan (109) 1.33 Nauru (110) 1.4 Israel (111) 1.46 Gabon (112) 1.48 Djibouti (113) 1.49 Chile (114) 1.5 Haiti (115) 1.5 Kyrgyzstan (116) 1.5 World (117) 1.56 Indonesia (118) 1.58 Suriname (119) 1.58 Tuvalu (120) 1.69 Norfolk Island (121) 1.69 Tunisia (122) 1.7 Colombia (123) 1.71 Vietnam (124) 1.75 New Caledonia (125) 1.76 Palau (126) 1.77 India (127) 1.78 Korea, North (128) 1.78 Zimbabwe (129) 1.8 Peru (130) 1.84 Burma (131) 1.9 Mexico (132) 1.9 Panama (133) 1.95 Ecuador (134) 1.95 Egypt (135) 1.95 Kiribati (136) 1.97 Turkey (137) 1.97 Turkmenistan (138) 1.98 Reunion (139) 2.02 El Salvador (140) 2.08 Uzbekistan (141) 2.09 Morocco (142) 2.1 Central African Republic (143) 2.1 Venezuela (144) 2.15 Lebanon (145) 2.18 Burundi (146) 2.18 Chad (147) 2.22 Vanuatu (148) 2.23 French Polynesia (149) 2.23 Philippines (150) 2.24 Costa Rica (151) 2.24 Malaysia (152) 2.25 Algeria (153) 2.25 Bolivia (154) 2.25 Uganda (155) 2.29 Iran (156) 2.3 Papua New Guinea (157) 2.32 Bangladesh (158) 2.32 Congo (159) 2.34 Bhutan (160) 2.35 Sudan (161) 2.36 Botswana (162) 2.36 Guinea-Bissau (163) 2.37 Western Samoa (164) 2.41 Turks and Caicos Islands (165) 2.42 Belize (166) 2.42 Guam (167) 2.43 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (168) 2.43 Guinea (169) 2.44 Lesotho (170) 2.44 Nepal (171) 2.48 Western Sahara (172) 2.53 Guatemala (173) 2.55 Tanzania (174) 2.58 Bahrain (175) 2.58 Mongolia (176) 2.59 Equatorial Guinea (177) 2.6 Tajikistan (178) 2.61 Nicaragua (179) 2.61 South Africa (180) 2.62 Sao Tome and Principe (181) 2.63 Brunei (182) 2.63 Malawi (183) 2.63 Sierra Leone (184) 2.66 Honduras (185) 2.67 Rwanda (186) 2.68 Angola (187) 2.69 Jordan (188) 2.7 Zambia (189) 2.71 Paraguay (190) 2.72 Andorra (191) 2.74 Qatar (192) 2.79 Burkina (193) 2.8 Pitcairn Islands (194) 2.83 Cambodia (195) 2.84 Laos (196) 2.87 Mozambique (197) 2.89 Mali (198) 2.92 Cameroon (199) 2.98 Cape Verde (200) 3.04 Northern Mariana Islands (201) 3.06 Ghana (202) 3.08 The Gambia (203) 3.09 Ethiopia (204) 3.12 Senegal (205) 3.16 Nigeria (206) 3.17 Mauritania (207) 3.18 Madagascar (208) 3.18 Zaire (209) 3.23 Swaziland (210) 3.32 Liberia (211) 3.33 Benin (212) 3.35 Micronesia, Federated States of (213) 3.38 Cote d'Ivoire (214) 3.4 Niger (215) 3.4 Solomon Islands (216) 3.44 Namibia (217) 3.5 West Bank (218) 3.56 Comoros (219) 3.58 Maldives (220) 3.58 Togo (221) 3.68 Saudi Arabia (222) 3.7 Libya (223) 3.71 Oman (224) 3.71 Syria (225) 3.72 Iraq (226) 3.8 Mayotte (227) 3.82 American Samoa (228) 3.86 Marshall Islands (229) 4.02 Yemen (230) 4.13 French Guiana (231) 4.3 Cayman Islands (232) 4.55 Gaza Strip (233) 4.55 United Arab Emirates (234) 7.46 Kuwait (235) 9.04 Eritrea (236) 14.47 Afghanistan (237) 15.58 Somalia (238) Antarctica (239) Arctic Ocean (240) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (241) Atlantic Ocean (242) Baker Island (243) Bassas da India (244) Bouvet Island (245) British Indian Ocean Territory (246) Clipperton Island (247) Coral Sea Islands (248) Europa Island (249) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (250) Glorioso Islands (251) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (252) Howland Island (253) Indian Ocean (254) Jan Mayen (255) Jarvis Island (256) Juan de Nova Island (257) Kingman Reef (258) Midway Islands (259) Navassa Island (260) Pacific Ocean (261) Palmyra Atoll (262) Paracel Islands (263) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (264) Spratly Islands (265) Tromelin Island (266) !Population Country % Growth Rate _________ _______ 15.58 Somalia (1) 14.47 Afghanistan (2) 9.04 Eritrea (3) 7.46 Kuwait (4) 4.55 United Arab Emirates (5) 4.55 Gaza Strip (6) 4.3 Cayman Islands (7) 4.13 French Guiana (8) 4.02 Yemen (9) 3.86 Marshall Islands (10) 3.82 American Samoa (11) 3.8 Mayotte (12) 3.72 Iraq (13) 3.71 Syria (14) 3.71 Oman (15) 3.7 Libya (16) 3.68 Saudi Arabia (17) 3.58 Togo (18) 3.58 Maldives (19) 3.56 Comoros (20) 3.5 West Bank (21) 3.44 Namibia (22) 3.4 Solomon Islands (23) 3.4 Niger (24) 3.38 Cote d'Ivoire (25) 3.35 Micronesia, Federated States of (26) 3.33 Benin (27) 3.32 Liberia (28) 3.23 Swaziland (29) 3.18 Zaire (30) 3.18 Madagascar (31) 3.17 Mauritania (32) 3.16 Nigeria (33) 3.12 Senegal (34) 3.09 Ethiopia (35) 3.08 The Gambia (36) 3.06 Ghana (37) 3.04 Northern Mariana Islands (38) 2.98 Cape Verde (39) 2.92 Cameroon (40) 2.89 Mali (41) 2.87 Mozambique (42) 2.84 Laos (43) 2.83 Cambodia (44) 2.8 Pitcairn Islands (45) 2.79 Burkina (46) 2.74 Qatar (47) 2.72 Andorra (48) 2.71 Paraguay (49) 2.7 Zambia (50) 2.69 Jordan (51) 2.68 Angola (52) 2.67 Rwanda (53) 2.66 Honduras (54) 2.63 Sierra Leone (55) 2.63 Malawi (56) 2.63 Brunei (57) 2.62 Sao Tome and Principe (58) 2.61 South Africa (59) 2.61 Nicaragua (60) 2.6 Tajikistan (61) 2.59 Equatorial Guinea (62) 2.58 Mongolia (63) 2.58 Bahrain (64) 2.55 Tanzania (65) 2.53 Guatemala (66) 2.48 Western Sahara (67) 2.44 Nepal (68) 2.44 Lesotho (69) 2.43 Guinea (70) 2.43 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (71) 2.42 Guam (72) 2.42 Belize (73) 2.41 Turks and Caicos Islands (74) 2.37 Western Samoa (75) 2.36 Guinea-Bissau (76) 2.36 Botswana (77) 2.35 Sudan (78) 2.34 Bhutan (79) 2.32 Congo (80) 2.32 Bangladesh (81) 2.3 Papua New Guinea (82) 2.29 Iran (83) 2.25 Uganda (84) 2.25 Bolivia (85) 2.25 Algeria (86) 2.24 Malaysia (87) 2.24 Costa Rica (88) 2.23 Philippines (89) 2.23 French Polynesia (90) 2.22 Vanuatu (91) 2.18 Chad (92) 2.18 Burundi (93) 2.15 Lebanon (94) 2.1 Venezuela (95) 2.1 Central African Republic (96) 2.09 Morocco (97) 2.08 Uzbekistan (98) 2.02 El Salvador (99) 1.98 Reunion (100) 1.97 Turkmenistan (101) 1.97 Turkey (102) 1.95 Kiribati (103) 1.95 Egypt (104) 1.95 Ecuador (105) 1.9 Panama (106) 1.9 Mexico (107) 1.84 Burma (108) 1.8 Peru (109) 1.78 Zimbabwe (110) 1.78 Korea, North (111) 1.77 India (112) 1.76 Palau (113) 1.75 New Caledonia (114) 1.71 Vietnam (115) 1.7 Colombia (116) 1.69 Tunisia (117) 1.69 Norfolk Island (118) 1.58 Tuvalu (119) 1.58 Suriname (120) 1.56 Indonesia (121) 1.5 World (122) 1.5 Kyrgyzstan (123) 1.5 Haiti (124) 1.49 Chile (125) 1.48 Djibouti (126) 1.46 Gabon (127) 1.4 Israel (128) 1.33 Nauru (129) 1.32 Azerbaijan (130) 1.31 Australia (131) 1.28 Pakistan (132) 1.27 British Virgin Islands (133) 1.25 Macau (134) 1.24 Thailand (135) 1.24 Guadeloupe (136) 1.22 Brazil (137) 1.2 Liechtenstein (138) 1.17 Saint Lucia (139) 1.17 Dominican Republic (140) 1.16 Fiji (141) 1.16 Albania (142) 1.15 Sri Lanka (143) 1.15 Holy See (Vatican City) (144) 1.13 Cook Islands (145) 1.11 Wallis and Futuna (146) 1.11 Argentina (147) 1.1 Martinique (148) 1.09 Canada (149) 1.09 The Bahamas (150) 1.06 Singapore (151) 1.06 Netherlands Antilles (152) 1.05 Greenland (153) 1.04 Korea, South (154) 1.04 China (155) 1.02 United States (156) 0.99 Man, Isle of (157) 0.99 Kenya (158) 0.99 Faroe Islands (159) 0.98 Guernsey (160) 0.98 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (161) 0.94 Armenia (162) 0.93 Taiwan (163) 0.92 Iceland (164) 0.9 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (165) 0.89 Mauritius (166) 0.88 San Marino (167) 0.88 Cyprus (168) 0.85 Saint Kitts and Nevis (169) 0.81 Seychelles (170) 0.79 Serbia and Montenegro (171) 0.78 Tonga (172) 0.78 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (173) 0.78 Jamaica (174) 0.77 Georgia (175) 0.76 Bermuda (176) 0.75 Malta (177) 0.74 Uruguay (178) 0.72 Greece (179) 0.71 Lithuania (180) 0.7 Monaco (181) 0.7 Jersey (182) 0.68 Antigua and Barbuda (183) 0.66 Anguilla (184) 0.65 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (185) 0.65 Cuba (186) 0.65 Bosnia and Herzegovina (187) 0.65 Aruba (188) 0.62 Kazakhstan (189) 0.62 Gibraltar (190) 0.57 Switzerland (191) 0.57 Luxembourg (192) 0.54 Slovakia (193) 0.53 Estonia (194) 0.52 New Zealand (195) 0.52 Netherlands (196) 0.5 Latvia (197) 0.46 Sweden (198) 0.46 France (199) 0.45 Grenada (200) 0.4 Dominica (201) 0.37 Norway (202) 0.36 Portugal (203) 0.36 Poland (204) 0.36 Moldova (205) 0.35 Austria (206) 0.33 Ireland (207) 0.32 Japan (208) 0.31 Saint Helena (209) 0.3 Montserrat (210) 0.3 Finland (211) 0.3 Belarus (212) 0.27 United Kingdom (213) 0.27 Spain (214) 0.26 Germany (215) 0.26 Czech Republic (216) 0.24 Slovenia (217) 0.24 Barbados (218) 0.22 Denmark (219) 0.21 Italy (220) 0.2 Russia (221) 0.17 Belgium (222) 0.16 Puerto Rico (223) 0.13 Croatia (224) 0.12 Trinidad and Tobago (225) 0.09 Romania (226) 0.04 Ukraine (227) 0.02 Hungary (228) 0 Wake Island (229) 0 Johnston Atoll (230) -0.12 Hong Kong (231) -0.25 Bulgaria (232) -0.29 Virgin Islands (233) -0.81 Guyana (234) -1.3 Tokelau (235) -3.5 Svalbard (236) -3.66 Niue (237) -9 Christmas Island (238) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Tromelin Island POP014 Population 0-14 Percentage title &Population 0-14 Country % _________ _______ 15 Italy (1) 16 Germany (2) 16 Japan (3) 16 San Marino (4) 17 Austria (5) 17 Denmark (6) 17 Jersey (7) 17 Monaco (8) 17 Spain (9) 17 Switzerland (10) 18 Andorra (11) 18 Belgium (12) 18 Greece (13) 18 Guernsey (14) 18 Hungary (15) 18 Luxembourg (16) 18 Man, Isle of (17) 18 Netherlands (18) 18 Portugal (19) 19 Bulgaria (20) 19 Croatia (21) 19 Czech Republic (22) 19 Finland (23) 19 France (24) 19 Hong Kong (25) 19 Liechtenstein (26) 19 Norway (27) 19 Slovenia (28) 19 Sweden (29) 19 United Kingdom (30) 21 Canada (31) 21 Romania (32) 21 Ukraine (33) 22 Australia (34) 22 Belarus (35) 22 Bosnia and Herzegovina (36) 22 Cuba (37) 22 Estonia (38) 22 Latvia (39) 22 Malta (40) 22 Russia (41) 22 Serbia and Montenegro (42) 22 United States (43) 23 Aruba (44) 23 Lithuania (45) 23 Martinique (46) 23 New Zealand (47) 23 Poland (48) 23 Singapore (49) 23 Slovakia (50) 24 Barbados (51) 24 Faroe Islands (52) 24 Georgia (53) 24 Gibraltar (54) 24 Iceland (55) 24 Ireland (56) 24 Korea, South (57) 24 Macau (58) 24 Taiwan (59) 25 Antigua and Barbuda (60) 25 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (61) 25 Puerto Rico (62) 25 Uruguay (63) 26 China (64) 26 Cyprus (65) 26 Guadeloupe (66) 26 Netherlands Antilles (67) 27 Greenland (68) 27 Moldova (69) 28 Argentina (70) 28 The Bahamas (71) 28 Mauritius (72) 29 Chile (73) 29 Dominica (74) 29 Israel (75) 29 Sri Lanka (76) 29 Thailand (77) 30 Kazakhstan (78) 30 Korea, North (79) 30 Qatar (80) 31 Armenia (81) 31 Bahrain (82) 31 Brazil (83) 31 New Caledonia (84) 31 Trinidad and Tobago (85) 32 Albania (86) 32 Anguilla (87) 32 Colombia (88) 32 French Guiana (89) 32 Indonesia (90) 32 Reunion (91) 32 Seychelles (92) 32 World (93) 33 Azerbaijan (94) 33 Guyana (95) 33 Jamaica (96) 34 Brunei (97) 34 Gabon (98) 34 Kuwait (99) 34 Panama (100) 34 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (101) 34 Suriname (102) 35 Costa Rica (103) 35 Dominican Republic (104) 35 India (105) 35 Peru (106) 35 Saint Kitts and Nevis (107) 35 Saint Lucia (108) 35 Tunisia (109) 35 Turkey (110) 35 United Arab Emirates (111) 35 Venezuela (112) 36 Burma (113) 36 Ecuador (114) 36 Fiji (115) 36 French Polynesia (116) 36 Lebanon (117) 36 Tuvalu (118) 36 Vietnam (119) 37 Egypt (120) 37 Kyrgyzstan (121) 37 Malaysia (122) 37 Mexico (123) 38 Morocco (124) 38 Philippines (125) 39 Bolivia (126) 40 Bangladesh (127) 40 Bhutan (128) 40 El Salvador (129) 40 Mongolia (130) 40 Sao Tome and Principe (131) 40 South Africa (132) 40 Turkmenistan (133) 40 Uzbekistan (134) 40 Western Samoa (135) 41 Algeria (136) 41 Lesotho (137) 41 Papua New Guinea (138) 41 Paraguay (139) 41 Vanuatu (140) 42 Afghanistan (141) 43 Botswana (142) 43 Central African Republic (143) 43 Djibouti (144) 43 Equatorial Guinea (145) 43 Eritrea (146) 43 Grenada (147) 43 Guatemala (148) 43 Guinea-Bissau (149) 43 Honduras (150) 43 Nepal (151) 43 Saudi Arabia (152) 43 Tajikistan (153) 44 Belize (154) 44 Cameroon (155) 44 Chad (156) 44 Congo (157) 44 Guinea (158) 44 Jordan (159) 44 Liberia (160) 44 Nicaragua (161) 44 Pakistan (162) 44 Sierra Leone (163) 45 Angola (164) 45 Iran (165) 45 Laos (166) 45 Mozambique (167) 45 Nigeria (168) 45 Senegal (169) 45 Somalia (170) 46 Cambodia (171) 46 Ethiopia (172) 46 Ghana (173) 46 Haiti (174) 46 Oman (175) 46 Solomon Islands (176) 46 Sudan (177) 46 Swaziland (178) 46 West Bank (179) 47 The Gambia (180) 47 Madagascar (181) 47 Maldives (182) 47 Namibia (183) 47 Tanzania (184) 47 Zimbabwe (185) 48 Benin (186) 48 Burkina (187) 48 Burundi (188) 48 Comoros (189) 48 Cote d'Ivoire (190) 48 Iraq (191) 48 Kenya (192) 48 Libya (193) 48 Malawi (194) 48 Mali (195) 48 Mauritania (196) 48 Syria (197) 48 Zaire (198) 49 Mayotte (199) 49 Niger (200) 49 Togo (201) 49 Uganda (202) 50 Cape Verde (203) 50 Yemen (204) 50 Zambia (205) 51 Marshall Islands (206) 51 Rwanda (207) 52 Gaza Strip (208) American Samoa (209) Antarctica (210) Arctic Ocean (211) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (212) Atlantic Ocean (213) Baker Island (214) Bassas da India (215) Bermuda (216) Bouvet Island (217) British Indian Ocean Territory (218) British Virgin Islands (219) Cayman Islands (220) Christmas Island (221) Clipperton Island (222) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (223) Cook Islands (224) Coral Sea Islands (225) Europa Island (226) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (227) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (228) Glorioso Islands (229) Guam (230) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (231) Holy See (Vatican City) (232) Howland Island (233) Indian Ocean (234) Jan Mayen (235) Jarvis Island (236) Johnston Atoll (237) Juan de Nova Island (238) Kingman Reef (239) Kiribati (240) Micronesia, Federated States of (241) Midway Islands (242) Montserrat (243) Nauru (244) Navassa Island (245) Niue (246) Norfolk Island (247) Northern Mariana Islands (248) Pacific Ocean (249) Palau (250) Palmyra Atoll (251) Paracel Islands (252) Pitcairn Islands (253) Saint Helena (254) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (255) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (256) Spratly Islands (257) Svalbard (258) Tokelau (259) Tonga (260) Tromelin Island (261) Turks and Caicos Islands (262) Virgin Islands (263) Wake Island (264) Wallis and Futuna (265) Western Sahara (266) $Population 0-14 Country % _________ _______ 52 Gaza Strip (1) 51 Rwanda (2) 51 Marshall Islands (3) 50 Zambia (4) 50 Yemen (5) 50 Cape Verde (6) 49 Uganda (7) 49 Togo (8) 49 Niger (9) 49 Mayotte (10) 48 Zaire (11) 48 Syria (12) 48 Mauritania (13) 48 Mali (14) 48 Malawi (15) 48 Libya (16) 48 Kenya (17) 48 Iraq (18) 48 Cote d'Ivoire (19) 48 Comoros (20) 48 Burundi (21) 48 Burkina (22) 48 Benin (23) 47 Zimbabwe (24) 47 Tanzania (25) 47 Namibia (26) 47 Maldives (27) 47 Madagascar (28) 47 The Gambia (29) 46 West Bank (30) 46 Swaziland (31) 46 Sudan (32) 46 Solomon Islands (33) 46 Oman (34) 46 Haiti (35) 46 Ghana (36) 46 Ethiopia (37) 46 Cambodia (38) 45 Somalia (39) 45 Senegal (40) 45 Nigeria (41) 45 Mozambique (42) 45 Laos (43) 45 Iran (44) 45 Angola (45) 44 Sierra Leone (46) 44 Pakistan (47) 44 Nicaragua (48) 44 Liberia (49) 44 Jordan (50) 44 Guinea (51) 44 Congo (52) 44 Chad (53) 44 Cameroon (54) 44 Belize (55) 43 Tajikistan (56) 43 Saudi Arabia (57) 43 Nepal (58) 43 Honduras (59) 43 Guinea-Bissau (60) 43 Guatemala (61) 43 Grenada (62) 43 Eritrea (63) 43 Equatorial Guinea (64) 43 Djibouti (65) 43 Central African Republic (66) 43 Botswana (67) 42 Afghanistan (68) 41 Vanuatu (69) 41 Paraguay (70) 41 Papua New Guinea (71) 41 Lesotho (72) 41 Algeria (73) 40 Western Samoa (74) 40 Uzbekistan (75) 40 Turkmenistan (76) 40 South Africa (77) 40 Sao Tome and Principe (78) 40 Mongolia (79) 40 El Salvador (80) 40 Bhutan (81) 40 Bangladesh (82) 39 Bolivia (83) 38 Philippines (84) 38 Morocco (85) 37 Mexico (86) 37 Malaysia (87) 37 Kyrgyzstan (88) 37 Egypt (89) 36 Vietnam (90) 36 Tuvalu (91) 36 Lebanon (92) 36 French Polynesia (93) 36 Fiji (94) 36 Ecuador (95) 36 Burma (96) 35 Venezuela (97) 35 United Arab Emirates (98) 35 Turkey (99) 35 Tunisia (100) 35 Saint Lucia (101) 35 Saint Kitts and Nevis (102) 35 Peru (103) 35 India (104) 35 Dominican Republic (105) 35 Costa Rica (106) 34 Suriname (107) 34 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (108) 34 Panama (109) 34 Kuwait (110) 34 Gabon (111) 34 Brunei (112) 33 Jamaica (113) 33 Guyana (114) 33 Azerbaijan (115) 32 World (116) 32 Seychelles (117) 32 Reunion (118) 32 Indonesia (119) 32 French Guiana (120) 32 Colombia (121) 32 Anguilla (122) 32 Albania (123) 31 Trinidad and Tobago (124) 31 New Caledonia (125) 31 Brazil (126) 31 Bahrain (127) 31 Armenia (128) 30 Qatar (129) 30 Korea, North (130) 30 Kazakhstan (131) 29 Thailand (132) 29 Sri Lanka (133) 29 Israel (134) 29 Dominica (135) 29 Chile (136) 28 Mauritius (137) 28 The Bahamas (138) 28 Argentina (139) 27 Moldova (140) 27 Greenland (141) 26 Netherlands Antilles (142) 26 Guadeloupe (143) 26 Cyprus (144) 26 China (145) 25 Uruguay (146) 25 Puerto Rico (147) 25 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (148) 25 Antigua and Barbuda (149) 24 Taiwan (150) 24 Macau (151) 24 Korea, South (152) 24 Ireland (153) 24 Iceland (154) 24 Gibraltar (155) 24 Georgia (156) 24 Faroe Islands (157) 24 Barbados (158) 23 Slovakia (159) 23 Singapore (160) 23 Poland (161) 23 New Zealand (162) 23 Martinique (163) 23 Lithuania (164) 23 Aruba (165) 22 United States (166) 22 Serbia and Montenegro (167) 22 Russia (168) 22 Malta (169) 22 Latvia (170) 22 Estonia (171) 22 Cuba (172) 22 Bosnia and Herzegovina (173) 22 Belarus (174) 22 Australia (175) 21 Ukraine (176) 21 Romania (177) 21 Canada (178) 19 United Kingdom (179) 19 Sweden (180) 19 Slovenia (181) 19 Norway (182) 19 Liechtenstein (183) 19 Hong Kong (184) 19 France (185) 19 Finland (186) 19 Czech Republic (187) 19 Croatia (188) 19 Bulgaria (189) 18 Portugal (190) 18 Netherlands (191) 18 Man, Isle of (192) 18 Luxembourg (193) 18 Hungary (194) 18 Guernsey (195) 18 Greece (196) 18 Belgium (197) 18 Andorra (198) 17 Switzerland (199) 17 Spain (200) 17 Monaco (201) 17 Jersey (202) 17 Denmark (203) 17 Austria (204) 16 San Marino (205) 16 Japan (206) 16 Germany (207) 15 Italy (208) American Samoa Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bermuda Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Guam Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kiribati Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Montserrat Nauru Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tonga Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara POP1564 Population 15-64 Percentage title 'Population 15-64 Country % _________ _______ 45 Gaza Strip (1) 47 Cape Verde (2) 47 Marshall Islands (3) 47 Rwanda (4) 48 Mayotte (5) 48 Yemen (6) 48 Zambia (7) 49 Benin (8) 49 Burkina (9) 49 Comoros (10) 49 Iraq (11) 49 Libya (12) 49 Malawi (13) 49 Mali (14) 49 Mauritania (15) 49 Niger (16) 49 Syria (17) 49 Togo (18) 49 Uganda (19) 50 Burundi (20) 50 Cote d'Ivoire (21) 50 Haiti (22) 50 Kenya (23) 50 Madagascar (24) 50 Maldives (25) 50 Namibia (26) 50 Tanzania (27) 50 Zaire (28) 51 Cambodia (29) 51 The Gambia (30) 51 Ghana (31) 51 Iran (32) 51 Laos (33) 51 Oman (34) 51 Solomon Islands (35) 51 Somalia (36) 51 West Bank (37) 51 Zimbabwe (38) 52 Cameroon (39) 52 Ethiopia (40) 52 Grenada (41) 52 Liberia (42) 52 Nigeria (43) 52 Pakistan (44) 52 Senegal (45) 52 Sudan (46) 52 Swaziland (47) 53 Angola (48) 53 Belize (49) 53 Botswana (50) 53 Central African Republic (51) 53 Congo (52) 53 Equatorial Guinea (53) 53 Guatemala (54) 53 Guinea (55) 53 Honduras (56) 53 Jordan (57) 53 Mozambique (58) 53 Nicaragua (59) 53 Sierra Leone (60) 53 Tajikistan (61) 54 Chad (62) 54 Eritrea (63) 54 Guinea-Bissau (64) 54 Lesotho (65) 55 Djibouti (66) 55 Nepal (67) 55 Paraguay (68) 55 Sao Tome and Principe (69) 55 Saudi Arabia (70) 55 Uzbekistan (71) 56 Afghanistan (72) 56 Algeria (73) 56 Bhutan (74) 56 El Salvador (75) 56 Mongolia (76) 56 South Africa (77) 56 Turkmenistan (78) 56 Vanuatu (79) 56 Western Samoa (80) 57 Bangladesh (81) 57 Bolivia (82) 57 Kyrgyzstan (83) 57 Papua New Guinea (84) 57 Saint Kitts and Nevis (85) 58 Lebanon (86) 58 Morocco (87) 58 Philippines (88) 59 Egypt (89) 59 Malaysia (90) 59 Mexico (91) 59 Tuvalu (92) 59 Vietnam (93) 60 Anguilla (94) 60 Burma (95) 60 Costa Rica (96) 60 Ecuador (97) 60 French Polynesia (98) 60 Jamaica (99) 60 Saint Lucia (100) 60 Tunisia (101) 60 Turkey (102) 60 Venezuela (103) 61 Armenia (104) 61 Azerbaijan (105) 61 Dominican Republic (106) 61 Fiji (107) 61 Gabon (108) 61 India (109) 61 Israel (110) 61 Panama (111) 61 Peru (112) 61 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (113) 61 Suriname (114) 62 Albania (115) 62 Argentina (116) 62 Brunei (117) 62 Guyana (118) 62 Reunion (119) 62 Seychelles (120) 62 World (121) 63 Colombia (122) 63 Faroe Islands (123) 63 French Guiana (124) 63 Gibraltar (125) 63 Kazakhstan (126) 63 Monaco (127) 63 Uruguay (128) 64 Brazil (129) 64 Chile (130) 64 Cyprus (131) 64 Dominica (132) 64 Georgia (133) 64 Indonesia (134) 64 Ireland (135) 64 Kuwait (136) 64 Man, Isle of (137) 64 Moldova (138) 64 New Caledonia (139) 64 Sweden (140) 64 Trinidad and Tobago (141) 64 United Arab Emirates (142) 65 Belarus (143) 65 Estonia (144) 65 France (145) 65 Iceland (146) 65 Latvia (147) 65 Lithuania (148) 65 New Zealand (149) 65 Norway (150) 65 Puerto Rico (151) 65 Sri Lanka (152) 65 Ukraine (153) 65 United Kingdom (154) 65 United States (155) 66 The Bahamas (156) 66 Barbados (157) 66 Belgium (158) 66 Bulgaria (159) 66 Guadeloupe (160) 66 Guernsey (161) 66 Korea, North (162) 66 Mauritius (163) 66 Poland (164) 66 Russia (165) 66 Slovakia (166) 66 Thailand (167) 67 Australia (168) 67 Austria (169) 67 Bahrain (170) 67 Canada (171) 67 China (172) 67 Finland (173) 67 Greece (174) 67 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (175) 67 Malta (176) 67 Martinique (177) 67 Netherlands Antilles (178) 67 Romania (179) 68 Bosnia and Herzegovina (180) 68 Croatia (181) 68 Cuba (182) 68 Czech Republic (183) 68 Denmark (184) 68 Germany (185) 68 Greenland (186) 68 Hungary (187) 68 Italy (188) 68 Luxembourg (189) 68 Macau (190) 68 Netherlands (191) 68 Portugal (192) 68 Qatar (193) 68 San Marino (194) 68 Serbia and Montenegro (195) 68 Spain (196) 68 Switzerland (197) 68 Taiwan (198) 69 Antigua and Barbuda (199) 69 Aruba (200) 69 Japan (201) 69 Jersey (202) 69 Slovenia (203) 70 Andorra (204) 70 Hong Kong (205) 70 Singapore (206) 71 Korea, South (207) 71 Liechtenstein (208) American Samoa (209) Antarctica (210) Arctic Ocean (211) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (212) Atlantic Ocean (213) Baker Island (214) Bassas da India (215) Bermuda (216) Bouvet Island (217) British Indian Ocean Territory (218) British Virgin Islands (219) Cayman Islands (220) Christmas Island (221) Clipperton Island (222) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (223) Cook Islands (224) Coral Sea Islands (225) Europa Island (226) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (227) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (228) Glorioso Islands (229) Guam (230) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (231) Holy See (Vatican City) (232) Howland Island (233) Indian Ocean (234) Jan Mayen (235) Jarvis Island (236) Johnston Atoll (237) Juan de Nova Island (238) Kingman Reef (239) Kiribati (240) Micronesia, Federated States of (241) Midway Islands (242) Montserrat (243) Nauru (244) Navassa Island (245) Niue (246) Norfolk Island (247) Northern Mariana Islands (248) Pacific Ocean (249) Palau (250) Palmyra Atoll (251) Paracel Islands (252) Pitcairn Islands (253) Saint Helena (254) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (255) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (256) Spratly Islands (257) Svalbard (258) Tokelau (259) Tonga (260) Tromelin Island (261) Turks and Caicos Islands (262) Virgin Islands (263) Wake Island (264) Wallis and Futuna (265) Western Sahara (266) %Population 15-64 Country % _________ _______ 71 Liechtenstein (1) 71 Korea, South (2) 70 Singapore (3) 70 Hong Kong (4) 70 Andorra (5) 69 Slovenia (6) 69 Jersey (7) 69 Japan (8) 69 Aruba (9) 69 Antigua and Barbuda (10) 68 Taiwan (11) 68 Switzerland (12) 68 Spain (13) 68 Serbia and Montenegro (14) 68 San Marino (15) 68 Qatar (16) 68 Portugal (17) 68 Netherlands (18) 68 Macau (19) 68 Luxembourg (20) 68 Italy (21) 68 Hungary (22) 68 Greenland (23) 68 Germany (24) 68 Denmark (25) 68 Czech Republic (26) 68 Cuba (27) 68 Croatia (28) 68 Bosnia and Herzegovina (29) 67 Romania (30) 67 Netherlands Antilles (31) 67 Martinique (32) 67 Malta (33) 67 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (34) 67 Greece (35) 67 Finland (36) 67 China (37) 67 Canada (38) 67 Bahrain (39) 67 Austria (40) 67 Australia (41) 66 Thailand (42) 66 Slovakia (43) 66 Russia (44) 66 Poland (45) 66 Mauritius (46) 66 Korea, North (47) 66 Guernsey (48) 66 Guadeloupe (49) 66 Bulgaria (50) 66 Belgium (51) 66 Barbados (52) 66 The Bahamas (53) 65 United States (54) 65 United Kingdom (55) 65 Ukraine (56) 65 Sri Lanka (57) 65 Puerto Rico (58) 65 Norway (59) 65 New Zealand (60) 65 Lithuania (61) 65 Latvia (62) 65 Iceland (63) 65 France (64) 65 Estonia (65) 65 Belarus (66) 64 United Arab Emirates (67) 64 Trinidad and Tobago (68) 64 Sweden (69) 64 New Caledonia (70) 64 Moldova (71) 64 Man, Isle of (72) 64 Kuwait (73) 64 Ireland (74) 64 Indonesia (75) 64 Georgia (76) 64 Dominica (77) 64 Cyprus (78) 64 Chile (79) 64 Brazil (80) 63 Uruguay (81) 63 Monaco (82) 63 Kazakhstan (83) 63 Gibraltar (84) 63 French Guiana (85) 63 Faroe Islands (86) 63 Colombia (87) 62 World (88) 62 Seychelles (89) 62 Reunion (90) 62 Guyana (91) 62 Brunei (92) 62 Argentina (93) 62 Albania (94) 61 Suriname (95) 61 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (96) 61 Peru (97) 61 Panama (98) 61 Israel (99) 61 India (100) 61 Gabon (101) 61 Fiji (102) 61 Dominican Republic (103) 61 Azerbaijan (104) 61 Armenia (105) 60 Venezuela (106) 60 Turkey (107) 60 Tunisia (108) 60 Saint Lucia (109) 60 Jamaica (110) 60 French Polynesia (111) 60 Ecuador (112) 60 Costa Rica (113) 60 Burma (114) 60 Anguilla (115) 59 Vietnam (116) 59 Tuvalu (117) 59 Mexico (118) 59 Malaysia (119) 59 Egypt (120) 58 Philippines (121) 58 Morocco (122) 58 Lebanon (123) 57 Saint Kitts and Nevis (124) 57 Papua New Guinea (125) 57 Kyrgyzstan (126) 57 Bolivia (127) 57 Bangladesh (128) 56 Western Samoa (129) 56 Vanuatu (130) 56 Turkmenistan (131) 56 South Africa (132) 56 Mongolia (133) 56 El Salvador (134) 56 Bhutan (135) 56 Algeria (136) 56 Afghanistan (137) 55 Uzbekistan (138) 55 Saudi Arabia (139) 55 Sao Tome and Principe (140) 55 Paraguay (141) 55 Nepal (142) 55 Djibouti (143) 54 Lesotho (144) 54 Guinea-Bissau (145) 54 Eritrea (146) 54 Chad (147) 53 Tajikistan (148) 53 Sierra Leone (149) 53 Nicaragua (150) 53 Mozambique (151) 53 Jordan (152) 53 Honduras (153) 53 Guinea (154) 53 Guatemala (155) 53 Equatorial Guinea (156) 53 Congo (157) 53 Central African Republic (158) 53 Botswana (159) 53 Belize (160) 53 Angola (161) 52 Swaziland (162) 52 Sudan (163) 52 Senegal (164) 52 Pakistan (165) 52 Nigeria (166) 52 Liberia (167) 52 Grenada (168) 52 Ethiopia (169) 52 Cameroon (170) 51 Zimbabwe (171) 51 West Bank (172) 51 Somalia (173) 51 Solomon Islands (174) 51 Oman (175) 51 Laos (176) 51 Iran (177) 51 Ghana (178) 51 The Gambia (179) 51 Cambodia (180) 50 Zaire (181) 50 Tanzania (182) 50 Namibia (183) 50 Maldives (184) 50 Madagascar (185) 50 Kenya (186) 50 Haiti (187) 50 Cote d'Ivoire (188) 50 Burundi (189) 49 Uganda (190) 49 Togo (191) 49 Syria (192) 49 Niger (193) 49 Mauritania (194) 49 Mali (195) 49 Malawi (196) 49 Libya (197) 49 Iraq (198) 49 Comoros (199) 49 Burkina (200) 49 Benin (201) 48 Zambia (202) 48 Yemen (203) 48 Mayotte (204) 47 Rwanda (205) 47 Marshall Islands (206) 47 Cape Verde (207) 45 Gaza Strip (208) American Samoa Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bermuda Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Guam Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kiribati Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Montserrat Nauru Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tonga Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara POP65 Population 65+ Percentage title %Population 65+ Country % _________ _______ 1 United Arab Emirates (1) 2 Afghanistan (2) 2 Angola (3) 2 Bahrain (4) 2 Burundi (5) 2 Chad (6) 2 Cote d'Ivoire (7) 2 Djibouti (8) 2 Ethiopia (9) 2 The Gambia (10) 2 Kenya (11) 2 Kuwait (12) 2 Marshall Islands (13) 2 Mozambique (14) 2 Nepal (15) 2 Niger (16) 2 Papua New Guinea (17) 2 Qatar (18) 2 Rwanda (19) 2 Saudi Arabia (20) 2 Sudan (21) 2 Swaziland (22) 2 Togo (23) 2 Uganda (24) 2 Yemen (25) 2 Zaire (26) 2 Zambia (27) 2 Zimbabwe (28) 3 Algeria (29) 3 Bangladesh (30) 3 Belize (31) 3 Benin (32) 3 Burkina (33) 3 Cambodia (34) 3 Cape Verde (35) 3 Comoros (36) 3 Congo (37) 3 Eritrea (38) 3 Fiji (39) 3 Gaza Strip (40) 3 Ghana (41) 3 Guinea (42) 3 Guinea-Bissau (43) 3 Iraq (44) 3 Jordan (45) 3 Libya (46) 3 Madagascar (47) 3 Malawi (48) 3 Maldives (49) 3 Mali (50) 3 Mauritania (51) 3 Mayotte (52) 3 Namibia (53) 3 Nicaragua (54) 3 Nigeria (55) 3 Oman (56) 3 Senegal (57) 3 Sierra Leone (58) 3 Solomon Islands (59) 3 Syria (60) 3 Tanzania (61) 3 Vanuatu (62) 3 West Bank (63) 4 Bhutan (64) 4 Bolivia (65) 4 Botswana (66) 4 Brunei (67) 4 Burma (68) 4 Cameroon (69) 4 Central African Republic (70) 4 Dominican Republic (71) 4 Ecuador (72) 4 Egypt (73) 4 El Salvador (74) 4 Equatorial Guinea (75) 4 French Polynesia (76) 4 Guatemala (77) 4 Haiti (78) 4 Honduras (79) 4 India (80) 4 Indonesia (81) 4 Iran (82) 4 Korea, North (83) 4 Laos (84) 4 Liberia (85) 4 Malaysia (86) 4 Mexico (87) 4 Mongolia (88) 4 Morocco (89) 4 Pakistan (90) 4 Paraguay (91) 4 Peru (92) 4 Philippines (93) 4 Somalia (94) 4 South Africa (95) 4 Tajikistan (96) 4 Turkmenistan (97) 4 Western Samoa (98) 5 Brazil (99) 5 Colombia (100) 5 Costa Rica (101) 5 French Guiana (102) 5 Gabon (103) 5 Greenland (104) 5 Grenada (105) 5 Guyana (106) 5 Korea, South (107) 5 Lesotho (108) 5 New Caledonia (109) 5 Panama (110) 5 Saint Lucia (111) 5 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (112) 5 Sao Tome and Principe (113) 5 Suriname (114) 5 Thailand (115) 5 Trinidad and Tobago (116) 5 Tunisia (117) 5 Turkey (118) 5 Tuvalu (119) 5 Uzbekistan (120) 5 Venezuela (121) 5 Vietnam (122) 6 Albania (123) 6 Antigua and Barbuda (124) 6 Azerbaijan (125) 6 The Bahamas (126) 6 Kyrgyzstan (127) 6 Lebanon (128) 6 Mauritius (129) 6 Reunion (130) 6 Seychelles (131) 6 Sri Lanka (132) 6 World (133) 7 Chile (134) 7 China (135) 7 Dominica (136) 7 Jamaica (137) 7 Kazakhstan (138) 7 Netherlands Antilles (139) 7 Singapore (140) 8 Anguilla (141) 8 Armenia (142) 8 Aruba (143) 8 Guadeloupe (144) 8 Macau (145) 8 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (146) 8 Saint Kitts and Nevis (147) 8 Taiwan (148) 9 Moldova (149) 10 Argentina (150) 10 Barbados (151) 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina (152) 10 Cuba (153) 10 Cyprus (154) 10 Israel (155) 10 Liechtenstein (156) 10 Martinique (157) 10 Puerto Rico (158) 10 Serbia and Montenegro (159) 11 Australia (160) 11 Hong Kong (161) 11 Iceland (162) 11 Malta (163) 11 Poland (164) 11 Slovakia (165) 12 Andorra (166) 12 Canada (167) 12 Georgia (168) 12 Ireland (169) 12 Lithuania (170) 12 New Zealand (171) 12 Romania (172) 12 Russia (173) 12 Slovenia (174) 12 Uruguay (175) 13 Belarus (176) 13 Croatia (177) 13 Czech Republic (178) 13 Estonia (179) 13 Faroe Islands (180) 13 Gibraltar (181) 13 Latvia (182) 13 United States (183) 14 Finland (184) 14 Hungary (185) 14 Jersey (186) 14 Luxembourg (187) 14 Netherlands (188) 14 Portugal (189) 14 Ukraine (190) 15 Bulgaria (191) 15 Denmark (192) 15 Greece (193) 15 Japan (194) 15 Spain (195) 15 Switzerland (196) 16 Austria (197) 16 Belgium (198) 16 France (199) 16 Germany (200) 16 Guernsey (201) 16 Norway (202) 16 San Marino (203) 16 United Kingdom (204) 17 Italy (205) 17 Sweden (206) 18 Man, Isle of (207) 20 Monaco (208) American Samoa (209) Antarctica (210) Arctic Ocean (211) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (212) Atlantic Ocean (213) Baker Island (214) Bassas da India (215) Bermuda (216) Bouvet Island (217) British Indian Ocean Territory (218) British Virgin Islands (219) Cayman Islands (220) Christmas Island (221) Clipperton Island (222) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (223) Cook Islands (224) Coral Sea Islands (225) Europa Island (226) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (227) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (228) Glorioso Islands (229) Guam (230) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (231) Holy See (Vatican City) (232) Howland Island (233) Indian Ocean (234) Jan Mayen (235) Jarvis Island (236) Johnston Atoll (237) Juan de Nova Island (238) Kingman Reef (239) Kiribati (240) Micronesia, Federated States of (241) Midway Islands (242) Montserrat (243) Nauru (244) Navassa Island (245) Niue (246) Norfolk Island (247) Northern Mariana Islands (248) Pacific Ocean (249) Palau (250) Palmyra Atoll (251) Paracel Islands (252) Pitcairn Islands (253) Saint Helena (254) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (255) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (256) Spratly Islands (257) Svalbard (258) Tokelau (259) Tonga (260) Tromelin Island (261) Turks and Caicos Islands (262) Virgin Islands (263) Wake Island (264) Wallis and Futuna (265) Western Sahara (266) #Population 65+ Country % _________ _______ 20 Monaco (1) 18 Man, Isle of (2) 17 Sweden (3) 17 Italy (4) 16 United Kingdom (5) 16 San Marino (6) 16 Norway (7) 16 Guernsey (8) 16 Germany (9) 16 France (10) 16 Belgium (11) 16 Austria (12) 15 Switzerland (13) 15 Spain (14) 15 Japan (15) 15 Greece (16) 15 Denmark (17) 15 Bulgaria (18) 14 Ukraine (19) 14 Portugal (20) 14 Netherlands (21) 14 Luxembourg (22) 14 Jersey (23) 14 Hungary (24) 14 Finland (25) 13 United States (26) 13 Latvia (27) 13 Gibraltar (28) 13 Faroe Islands (29) 13 Estonia (30) 13 Czech Republic (31) 13 Croatia (32) 13 Belarus (33) 12 Uruguay (34) 12 Slovenia (35) 12 Russia (36) 12 Romania (37) 12 New Zealand (38) 12 Lithuania (39) 12 Ireland (40) 12 Georgia (41) 12 Canada (42) 12 Andorra (43) 11 Slovakia (44) 11 Poland (45) 11 Malta (46) 11 Iceland (47) 11 Hong Kong (48) 11 Australia (49) 10 Serbia and Montenegro (50) 10 Puerto Rico (51) 10 Martinique (52) 10 Liechtenstein (53) 10 Israel (54) 10 Cyprus (55) 10 Cuba (56) 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina (57) 10 Barbados (58) 10 Argentina (59) 9 Moldova (60) 8 Taiwan (61) 8 Saint Kitts and Nevis (62) 8 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (63) 8 Macau (64) 8 Guadeloupe (65) 8 Aruba (66) 8 Armenia (67) 8 Anguilla (68) 7 Singapore (69) 7 Netherlands Antilles (70) 7 Kazakhstan (71) 7 Jamaica (72) 7 Dominica (73) 7 China (74) 7 Chile (75) 6 World (76) 6 Sri Lanka (77) 6 Seychelles (78) 6 Reunion (79) 6 Mauritius (80) 6 Lebanon (81) 6 Kyrgyzstan (82) 6 The Bahamas (83) 6 Azerbaijan (84) 6 Antigua and Barbuda (85) 6 Albania (86) 5 Vietnam (87) 5 Venezuela (88) 5 Uzbekistan (89) 5 Tuvalu (90) 5 Turkey (91) 5 Tunisia (92) 5 Trinidad and Tobago (93) 5 Thailand (94) 5 Suriname (95) 5 Sao Tome and Principe (96) 5 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (97) 5 Saint Lucia (98) 5 Panama (99) 5 New Caledonia (100) 5 Lesotho (101) 5 Korea, South (102) 5 Guyana (103) 5 Grenada (104) 5 Greenland (105) 5 Gabon (106) 5 French Guiana (107) 5 Costa Rica (108) 5 Colombia (109) 5 Brazil (110) 4 Western Samoa (111) 4 Turkmenistan (112) 4 Tajikistan (113) 4 South Africa (114) 4 Somalia (115) 4 Philippines (116) 4 Peru (117) 4 Paraguay (118) 4 Pakistan (119) 4 Morocco (120) 4 Mongolia (121) 4 Mexico (122) 4 Malaysia (123) 4 Liberia (124) 4 Laos (125) 4 Korea, North (126) 4 Iran (127) 4 Indonesia (128) 4 India (129) 4 Honduras (130) 4 Haiti (131) 4 Guatemala (132) 4 French Polynesia (133) 4 Equatorial Guinea (134) 4 El Salvador (135) 4 Egypt (136) 4 Ecuador (137) 4 Dominican Republic (138) 4 Central African Republic (139) 4 Cameroon (140) 4 Burma (141) 4 Brunei (142) 4 Botswana (143) 4 Bolivia (144) 4 Bhutan (145) 3 West Bank (146) 3 Vanuatu (147) 3 Tanzania (148) 3 Syria (149) 3 Solomon Islands (150) 3 Sierra Leone (151) 3 Senegal (152) 3 Oman (153) 3 Nigeria (154) 3 Nicaragua (155) 3 Namibia (156) 3 Mayotte (157) 3 Mauritania (158) 3 Mali (159) 3 Maldives (160) 3 Malawi (161) 3 Madagascar (162) 3 Libya (163) 3 Jordan (164) 3 Iraq (165) 3 Guinea-Bissau (166) 3 Guinea (167) 3 Ghana (168) 3 Gaza Strip (169) 3 Fiji (170) 3 Eritrea (171) 3 Congo (172) 3 Comoros (173) 3 Cape Verde (174) 3 Cambodia (175) 3 Burkina (176) 3 Benin (177) 3 Belize (178) 3 Bangladesh (179) 3 Algeria (180) 2 Zimbabwe (181) 2 Zambia (182) 2 Zaire (183) 2 Yemen (184) 2 Uganda (185) 2 Togo (186) 2 Swaziland (187) 2 Sudan (188) 2 Saudi Arabia (189) 2 Rwanda (190) 2 Qatar (191) 2 Papua New Guinea (192) 2 Niger (193) 2 Nepal (194) 2 Mozambique (195) 2 Marshall Islands (196) 2 Kuwait (197) 2 Kenya (198) 2 The Gambia (199) 2 Ethiopia (200) 2 Djibouti (201) 2 Cote d'Ivoire (202) 2 Chad (203) 2 Burundi (204) 2 Bahrain (205) 2 Angola (206) 2 Afghanistan (207) 1 United Arab Emirates (208) American Samoa Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bermuda Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Guam Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kiribati Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Montserrat Nauru Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tonga Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara BIRTHR Birth Rate title h!h!Birth rate Country per 1000 _________ _______ 9.5 Saint Helena (1) 10.56 Greece (2) 10.66 Japan (3) 10.66 Monaco (4) 10.89 Italy (5) 10.98 Germany (6) 10.98 San Marino (7) 11.02 Croatia (8) 11.21 Austria (9) 11.21 Spain (10) 11.29 Bosnia and Herzegovina (11) 11.46 Belgium (12) 11.72 Portugal (13) 11.75 Bulgaria (14) 11.85 Slovenia (15) 12.02 Hong Kong (16) 12.04 Switzerland (17) 12.22 Finland (18) 12.31 Ukraine (19) 12.38 Denmark (20) 12.42 Netherlands (21) 12.61 Luxembourg (22) 12.64 Russia (23) 12.65 Hungary (24) 12.83 Jersey (25) 12.86 Norway (26) 12.92 Andorra (27) 12.95 Liechtenstein (28) 12.98 Belarus (29) 13 France (30) 13.02 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (31) 13.18 United Kingdom (32) 13.19 Sweden (33) 13.22 Malta (34) 13.29 Guernsey (35) 13.34 Poland (36) 13.46 Czech Republic (37) 13.46 Turks and Caicos Islands (38) 13.71 Latvia (39) 13.71 Romania (40) 13.73 Man, Isle of (41) 13.74 Canada (42) 13.9 Estonia (43) 14.04 Ireland (44) 14.13 Australia (45) 14.39 Serbia and Montenegro (46) 14.46 Lithuania (47) 14.5 Macau (48) 14.51 Slovakia (49) 14.54 Cuba (50) 14.6 Aruba (51) 14.79 Cayman Islands (52) 15 Gibraltar (53) 15.07 Bermuda (54) 15.14 New Zealand (55) 15.25 United States (56) 15.33 Taiwan (57) 15.45 Barbados (58) 15.5 Montserrat (59) 15.63 Korea, South (60) 15.77 Georgia (61) 15.82 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (62) 15.85 Iceland (63) 15.92 Puerto Rico (64) 15.93 Moldova (65) 15.93 Singapore (66) 16.23 Netherlands Antilles (67) 16.27 Cyprus (68) 16.62 Trinidad and Tobago (69) 16.92 Martinique (70) 17.08 Antigua and Barbuda (71) 17.54 Faroe Islands (72) 17.57 Uruguay (73) 17.7 Greenland (74) 17.78 China (75) 18.03 Nauru (76) 18.13 Sri Lanka (77) 18.15 Guadeloupe (78) 18.49 Virgin Islands (79) 18.63 Dominica (80) 18.87 Thailand (81) 18.91 Mauritius (82) 19.23 The Bahamas (83) 19.26 Kazakhstan (84) 19.41 Guyana (85) 19.51 Argentina (86) 19.62 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (87) 20.25 British Virgin Islands (88) 20.29 Chile (89) 20.39 Israel (90) 21.07 Kuwait (91) 21.16 Brazil (92) 21.35 Seychelles (93) 21.7 Albania (94) 21.89 Colombia (95) 22.03 Jamaica (96) 22.04 New Caledonia (97) 22.05 Azerbaijan (98) 22.11 Palau (99) 22.48 Saint Lucia (100) 22.52 Tunisia (101) 22.72 Qatar (102) 22.79 Armenia (103) 23.05 Cook Islands (104) 23.31 Korea, North (105) 23.49 Saint Kitts and Nevis (106) 23.69 Fiji (107) 23.92 Dominican Republic (108) 24 World (109) 24.06 Indonesia (110) 24.09 Anguilla (111) 24.12 Bahrain (112) 24.12 Panama (113) 24.37 Tonga (114) 24.59 Reunion (115) 24.72 Suriname (116) 24.82 Tuvalu (117) 24.88 Costa Rica (118) 24.88 Peru (119) 25.01 Guam (120) 25.06 Wallis and Futuna (121) 25.08 Ecuador (122) 25.11 Venezuela (123) 25.23 French Guiana (124) 25.33 Turkey (125) 25.83 Brunei (126) 25.97 Kyrgyzstan (127) 26.25 Vietnam (128) 26.64 Mexico (129) 27.02 United Arab Emirates (130) 27.56 French Polynesia (131) 27.78 India (132) 27.9 Lebanon (133) 27.93 Morocco (134) 27.95 Malaysia (135) 28.02 Burma (136) 28.12 Micronesia, Federated States of (137) 28.34 Gabon (138) 28.69 Egypt (139) 29.02 Algeria (140) 29.45 Uzbekistan (141) 29.69 Grenada (142) 29.93 Turkmenistan (143) 30.42 Philippines (144) 31.01 Botswana (145) 31.25 Kiribati (146) 31.26 Vanuatu (147) 31.48 Paraguay (148) 31.61 Bolivia (149) 31.74 Western Samoa (150) 32.39 El Salvador (151) 32.65 Mongolia (152) 33.05 Northern Mariana Islands (153) 33.2 Papua New Guinea (154) 33.39 Lesotho (155) 33.39 South Africa (156) 33.71 Belize (157) 33.73 Nicaragua (158) 34.06 Tajikistan (159) 34.12 Honduras (160) 34.62 Bangladesh (161) 34.65 Guatemala (162) 34.85 Iran (163) 34.94 Sao Tome and Principe (164) 36.21 American Samoa (165) 36.35 Zimbabwe (166) 37.31 Nepal (167) 37.32 Jordan (168) 38.05 Oman (169) 38.48 Solomon Islands (170) 38.64 Haiti (171) 38.78 Saudi Arabia (172) 39.02 Bhutan (173) 39.83 West Bank (174) 39.86 Congo (175) 40.22 Equatorial Guinea (176) 40.24 Guinea-Bissau (177) 40.42 Cameroon (178) 41.29 Sudan (179) 41.66 Kenya (180) 41.8 Pakistan (181) 41.84 Central African Republic (182) 42.05 Chad (183) 42.64 Laos (184) 42.69 Afghanistan (185) 42.79 Djibouti (186) 42.8 Maldives (187) 42.87 Senegal (188) 43.04 Namibia (189) 43.06 Swaziland (190) 43.08 Liberia (191) 43.21 Syria (192) 43.26 Nigeria (193) 43.35 Burundi (194) 43.43 Guinea (195) 43.57 Ghana (196) 43.6 Iraq (197) 44.34 Eritrea (198) 44.42 Cambodia (199) 44.6 Mozambique (200) 44.65 Sierra Leone (201) 44.82 Madagascar (202) 44.85 Yemen (203) 44.89 Libya (204) 45.05 Angola (205) 45.25 Tanzania (206) 45.32 Cape Verde (207) 45.47 Zambia (208) 45.53 Somalia (209) 45.97 The Gambia (210) 46.03 Marshall Islands (211) 46.17 Cote d'Ivoire (212) 46.22 Comoros (213) 46.68 Ethiopia (214) 46.78 Togo (215) 46.9 Western Sahara (216) 47.25 Benin (217) 47.32 Mauritania (218) 48.03 Uganda (219) 48.05 Burkina (220) 48.33 Zaire (221) 48.44 Mayotte (222) 48.52 Rwanda (223) 49.81 Malawi (224) 50.24 Gaza Strip (225) 51.88 Mali (226) 54.8 Niger (227) Antarctica (228) Arctic Ocean (229) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (230) Atlantic Ocean (231) Baker Island (232) Bassas da India (233) Bouvet Island (234) British Indian Ocean Territory (235) Christmas Island (236) Clipperton Island (237) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) Coral Sea Islands (239) Europa Island (240) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (241) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (242) Glorioso Islands (243) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (244) Holy See (Vatican City) (245) Howland Island (246) Indian Ocean (247) Jan Mayen (248) Jarvis Island (249) Johnston Atoll (250) Juan de Nova Island (251) Kingman Reef (252) Midway Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Niue (255) Norfolk Island (256) Pacific Ocean (257) Palmyra Atoll (258) Paracel Islands (259) Pitcairn Islands (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tokelau (264) Tromelin Island (265) Wake Island (266) 0 0 Birth rate Country per 1000 _________ _______ 54.8 Niger (1) 51.88 Mali (2) 50.24 Gaza Strip (3) 49.81 Malawi (4) 48.52 Rwanda (5) 48.44 Mayotte (6) 48.33 Zaire (7) 48.05 Burkina (8) 48.03 Uganda (9) 47.32 Mauritania (10) 47.25 Benin (11) 46.9 Western Sahara (12) 46.78 Togo (13) 46.68 Ethiopia (14) 46.22 Comoros (15) 46.17 Cote d'Ivoire (16) 46.03 Marshall Islands (17) 45.97 The Gambia (18) 45.53 Somalia (19) 45.47 Zambia (20) 45.32 Cape Verde (21) 45.25 Tanzania (22) 45.05 Angola (23) 44.89 Libya (24) 44.85 Yemen (25) 44.82 Madagascar (26) 44.65 Sierra Leone (27) 44.6 Mozambique (28) 44.42 Cambodia (29) 44.34 Eritrea (30) 43.6 Iraq (31) 43.57 Ghana (32) 43.43 Guinea (33) 43.35 Burundi (34) 43.26 Nigeria (35) 43.21 Syria (36) 43.08 Liberia (37) 43.06 Swaziland (38) 43.04 Namibia (39) 42.87 Senegal (40) 42.8 Maldives (41) 42.79 Djibouti (42) 42.69 Afghanistan (43) 42.64 Laos (44) 42.05 Chad (45) 41.84 Central African Republic (46) 41.8 Pakistan (47) 41.66 Kenya (48) 41.29 Sudan (49) 40.42 Cameroon (50) 40.24 Guinea-Bissau (51) 40.22 Equatorial Guinea (52) 39.86 Congo (53) 39.83 West Bank (54) 39.02 Bhutan (55) 38.78 Saudi Arabia (56) 38.64 Haiti (57) 38.48 Solomon Islands (58) 38.05 Oman (59) 37.32 Jordan (60) 37.31 Nepal (61) 36.35 Zimbabwe (62) 36.21 American Samoa (63) 34.94 Sao Tome and Principe (64) 34.85 Iran (65) 34.65 Guatemala (66) 34.62 Bangladesh (67) 34.12 Honduras (68) 34.06 Tajikistan (69) 33.73 Nicaragua (70) 33.71 Belize (71) 33.39 South Africa (72) 33.39 Lesotho (73) 33.2 Papua New Guinea (74) 33.05 Northern Mariana Islands (75) 32.65 Mongolia (76) 32.39 El Salvador (77) 31.74 Western Samoa (78) 31.61 Bolivia (79) 31.48 Paraguay (80) 31.26 Vanuatu (81) 31.25 Kiribati (82) 31.01 Botswana (83) 30.42 Philippines (84) 29.93 Turkmenistan (85) 29.69 Grenada (86) 29.45 Uzbekistan (87) 29.02 Algeria (88) 28.69 Egypt (89) 28.34 Gabon (90) 28.12 Micronesia, Federated States of (91) 28.02 Burma (92) 27.95 Malaysia (93) 27.93 Morocco (94) 27.9 Lebanon (95) 27.78 India (96) 27.56 French Polynesia (97) 27.02 United Arab Emirates (98) 26.64 Mexico (99) 26.25 Vietnam (100) 25.97 Kyrgyzstan (101) 25.83 Brunei (102) 25.33 Turkey (103) 25.23 French Guiana (104) 25.11 Venezuela (105) 25.08 Ecuador (106) 25.06 Wallis and Futuna (107) 25.01 Guam (108) 24.88 Peru (109) 24.88 Costa Rica (110) 24.82 Tuvalu (111) 24.72 Suriname (112) 24.59 Reunion (113) 24.37 Tonga (114) 24.12 Panama (115) 24.12 Bahrain (116) 24.09 Anguilla (117) 24.06 Indonesia (118) 24 World (119) 23.92 Dominican Republic (120) 23.69 Fiji (121) 23.49 Saint Kitts and Nevis (122) 23.31 Korea, North (123) 23.05 Cook Islands (124) 22.79 Armenia (125) 22.72 Qatar (126) 22.52 Tunisia (127) 22.48 Saint Lucia (128) 22.11 Palau (129) 22.05 Azerbaijan (130) 22.04 New Caledonia (131) 22.03 Jamaica (132) 21.89 Colombia (133) 21.7 Albania (134) 21.35 Seychelles (135) 21.16 Brazil (136) 21.07 Kuwait (137) 20.39 Israel (138) 20.29 Chile (139) 20.25 British Virgin Islands (140) 19.62 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (141) 19.51 Argentina (142) 19.41 Guyana (143) 19.26 Kazakhstan (144) 19.23 The Bahamas (145) 18.91 Mauritius (146) 18.87 Thailand (147) 18.63 Dominica (148) 18.49 Virgin Islands (149) 18.15 Guadeloupe (150) 18.13 Sri Lanka (151) 18.03 Nauru (152) 17.78 China (153) 17.7 Greenland (154) 17.57 Uruguay (155) 17.54 Faroe Islands (156) 17.08 Antigua and Barbuda (157) 16.92 Martinique (158) 16.62 Trinidad and Tobago (159) 16.27 Cyprus (160) 16.23 Netherlands Antilles (161) 15.93 Singapore (162) 15.93 Moldova (163) 15.92 Puerto Rico (164) 15.85 Iceland (165) 15.82 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (166) 15.77 Georgia (167) 15.63 Korea, South (168) 15.5 Montserrat (169) 15.45 Barbados (170) 15.33 Taiwan (171) 15.25 United States (172) 15.14 New Zealand (173) 15.07 Bermuda (174) 15 Gibraltar (175) 14.79 Cayman Islands (176) 14.6 Aruba (177) 14.54 Cuba (178) 14.51 Slovakia (179) 14.5 Macau (180) 14.46 Lithuania (181) 14.39 Serbia and Montenegro (182) 14.13 Australia (183) 14.04 Ireland (184) 13.9 Estonia (185) 13.74 Canada (186) 13.73 Man, Isle of (187) 13.71 Romania (188) 13.71 Latvia (189) 13.46 Turks and Caicos Islands (190) 13.46 Czech Republic (191) 13.34 Poland (192) 13.29 Guernsey (193) 13.22 Malta (194) 13.19 Sweden (195) 13.18 United Kingdom (196) 13.02 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (197) 13 France (198) 12.98 Belarus (199) 12.95 Liechtenstein (200) 12.92 Andorra (201) 12.86 Norway (202) 12.83 Jersey (203) 12.65 Hungary (204) 12.64 Russia (205) 12.61 Luxembourg (206) 12.42 Netherlands (207) 12.38 Denmark (208) 12.31 Ukraine (209) 12.22 Finland (210) 12.04 Switzerland (211) 12.02 Hong Kong (212) 11.85 Slovenia (213) 11.75 Bulgaria (214) 11.72 Portugal (215) 11.46 Belgium (216) 11.29 Bosnia and Herzegovina (217) 11.21 Spain (218) 11.21 Austria (219) 11.02 Croatia (220) 10.98 San Marino (221) 10.98 Germany (222) 10.89 Italy (223) 10.66 Monaco (224) 10.66 Japan (225) 10.56 Greece (226) 9.5 Saint Helena (227) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island DEATHR Death Rate title v"v"Death rate Country per 1000 ___________ _______ 2.2 Kuwait (1) 3.03 United Arab Emirates (2) 3.31 Bahrain (3) 3.47 Costa Rica (4) 3.59 Qatar (5) 3.86 Guam (6) 4.01 American Samoa (7) 4.02 Jordan (8) 4.21 Macau (9) 4.38 Paraguay (10) 4.51 Solomon Islands (11) 4.57 Venezuela (12) 4.61 French Guiana (13) 4.61 Northern Mariana Islands (14) 4.64 Mexico (15) 4.69 Colombia (16) 4.75 Gaza Strip (17) 4.79 Panama (18) 4.79 Reunion (19) 4.84 West Bank (20) 4.86 Tunisia (21) 4.9 New Caledonia (22) 4.98 Cayman Islands (23) 5 Oman (24) 5.07 Brunei (25) 5.1 Nauru (26) 5.14 Wallis and Futuna (27) 5.16 Turks and Caicos Islands (28) 5.2 Cook Islands (29) 5.2 Virgin Islands (30) 5.22 Albania (31) 5.26 Netherlands Antilles (32) 5.27 French Polynesia (33) 5.33 Dominica (34) 5.35 Antigua and Barbuda (35) 5.35 Singapore (36) 5.42 Chile (37) 5.46 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (38) 5.47 Korea, North (39) 5.54 Saudi Arabia (40) 5.55 Ecuador (41) 5.56 Malaysia (42) 5.58 Guadeloupe (43) 5.62 Jamaica (44) 5.64 Turkey (45) 5.7 Serbia and Montenegro (46) 5.71 Taiwan (47) 5.78 Sri Lanka (48) 5.79 The Bahamas (49) 5.82 Martinique (50) 5.83 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (51) 5.86 Belize (52) 5.88 Western Samoa (53) 5.91 Suriname (54) 5.95 Grenada (55) 5.97 Morocco (56) 6 Honduras (57) 6.02 Hong Kong (58) 6.05 Algeria (59) 6.07 British Virgin Islands (60) 6.07 Syria (61) 6.1 Saint Lucia (62) 6.15 Dominican Republic (63) 6.17 Aruba (64) 6.18 Korea, South (65) 6.19 El Salvador (66) 6.3 Micronesia, Federated States of (67) 6.38 Israel (68) 6.38 Mauritius (69) 6.42 Fiji (70) 6.43 Saint Helena (71) 6.44 Lebanon (72) 6.44 Uzbekistan (73) 6.45 Nicaragua (74) 6.48 Thailand (75) 6.53 Cuba (76) 6.56 Azerbaijan (77) 6.56 Liechtenstein (78) 6.58 Tajikistan (79) 6.61 Palau (80) 6.66 Armenia (81) 6.7 Iceland (82) 6.7 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (83) 6.7 Seychelles (84) 6.75 Tonga (85) 6.82 Iraq (86) 6.82 Mongolia (87) 6.84 Peru (88) 6.85 Iran (89) 6.88 Trinidad and Tobago (90) 6.97 Philippines (91) 7 Maldives (92) 7.2 Greenland (93) 7.25 Andorra (94) 7.3 Bermuda (95) 7.32 Kyrgyzstan (96) 7.33 Guatemala (97) 7.34 Guyana (98) 7.34 Turkmenistan (99) 7.36 China (100) 7.37 Australia (101) 7.41 Botswana (102) 7.42 South Africa (103) 7.43 Canada (104) 7.43 Malta (105) 7.46 Japan (106) 7.47 Puerto Rico (107) 7.48 Cyprus (108) 7.48 Marshall Islands (109) 7.51 Bosnia and Herzegovina (110) 7.59 Faroe Islands (111) 7.6 Vietnam (112) 7.61 San Marino (113) 7.91 Libya (114) 7.93 Kazakhstan (115) 8.01 Yemen (116) 8.03 Anguilla (117) 8.03 New Zealand (118) 8.12 Bolivia (119) 8.27 Barbados (120) 8.38 United States (121) 8.48 Indonesia (122) 8.48 Ireland (123) 8.48 Netherlands (124) 8.61 Namibia (125) 8.62 Argentina (126) 8.65 Cape Verde (127) 8.7 Sao Tome and Principe (128) 8.73 Georgia (129) 8.85 Gibraltar (130) 8.86 Egypt (131) 8.86 Spain (132) 8.96 Lesotho (133) 8.98 Brazil (134) 9 World (135) 9.01 Tuvalu (136) 9.06 Vanuatu (137) 9.12 Slovakia (138) 9.16 Switzerland (139) 9.23 Poland (140) 9.27 Slovenia (141) 9.27 Uruguay (142) 9.29 France (143) 9.31 Greece (144) 9.42 Luxembourg (145) 9.56 Saint Kitts and Nevis (146) 9.63 Burma (147) 9.65 Portugal (148) 9.77 Finland (149) 9.78 Italy (150) 9.81 Montserrat (151) 9.93 Guernsey (152) 9.93 Romania (153) 9.97 Jersey (154) 10.05 Moldova (155) 10.07 India (156) 10.18 Papua New Guinea (157) 10.22 Belgium (158) 10.27 Austria (159) 10.35 Norway (160) 10.46 Mayotte (161) 10.55 Croatia (162) 10.6 Comoros (163) 10.66 United Kingdom (164) 10.8 Swaziland (165) 10.83 Germany (166) 10.84 Sweden (167) 10.85 Czech Republic (168) 10.95 Lithuania (169) 11.01 Togo (170) 11.14 Denmark (171) 11.19 Cameroon (172) 11.23 Belarus (173) 11.31 Bulgaria (174) 11.36 Russia (175) 11.43 Bangladesh (176) 11.64 Senegal (177) 11.74 Sudan (178) 11.93 Estonia (179) 12.01 Nigeria (180) 12.02 Ghana (181) 12.04 Kenya (182) 12.05 Liberia (183) 12.07 Pakistan (184) 12.12 Monaco (185) 12.31 Kiribati (186) 12.36 Man, Isle of (187) 12.44 Hungary (188) 12.49 Latvia (189) 12.67 Ukraine (190) 12.9 Nepal (191) 12.99 Madagascar (192) 13.3 Somalia (193) 13.72 Gabon (194) 13.93 Benin (195) 14.28 Laos (196) 14.36 Equatorial Guinea (197) 14.95 Cote d'Ivoire (198) 15.19 The Gambia (199) 15.51 Djibouti (200) 15.61 Bhutan (201) 15.66 Mauritania (202) 15.67 Eritrea (203) 15.77 Ethiopia (204) 15.94 Mozambique (205) 16.16 Cambodia (206) 16.57 Zaire (207) 16.62 Guinea-Bissau (208) 16.7 Congo (209) 18.1 Angola (210) 18.22 Burkina (211) 18.38 Sierra Leone (212) 18.42 Zambia (213) 18.52 Western Sahara (214) 18.53 Afghanistan (215) 18.54 Zimbabwe (216) 18.65 Haiti (217) 19.13 Guinea (218) 19.81 Tanzania (219) 19.93 Mali (220) 20.26 Chad (221) 20.8 Niger (222) 20.89 Central African Republic (223) 21.51 Burundi (224) 21.82 Rwanda (225) 23.53 Malawi (226) 24.35 Uganda (227) Antarctica (228) Arctic Ocean (229) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (230) Atlantic Ocean (231) Baker Island (232) Bassas da India (233) Bouvet Island (234) British Indian Ocean Territory (235) Christmas Island (236) Clipperton Island (237) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) Coral Sea Islands (239) Europa Island (240) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (241) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (242) Glorioso Islands (243) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (244) Holy See (Vatican City) (245) Howland Island (246) Indian Ocean (247) Jan Mayen (248) Jarvis Island (249) Johnston Atoll (250) Juan de Nova Island (251) Kingman Reef (252) Midway Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Niue (255) Norfolk Island (256) Pacific Ocean (257) Palmyra Atoll (258) Paracel Islands (259) Pitcairn Islands (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tokelau (264) Tromelin Island (265) Wake Island (266) 1 1 Death rate Country per 1000 __________ _______ 24.35 Uganda (1) 23.53 Malawi (2) 21.82 Rwanda (3) 21.51 Burundi (4) 20.89 Central African Republic (5) 20.8 Niger (6) 20.26 Chad (7) 19.93 Mali (8) 19.81 Tanzania (9) 19.13 Guinea (10) 18.65 Haiti (11) 18.54 Zimbabwe (12) 18.53 Afghanistan (13) 18.52 Western Sahara (14) 18.42 Zambia (15) 18.38 Sierra Leone (16) 18.22 Burkina (17) 18.1 Angola (18) 16.7 Congo (19) 16.62 Guinea-Bissau (20) 16.57 Zaire (21) 16.16 Cambodia (22) 15.94 Mozambique (23) 15.77 Ethiopia (24) 15.67 Eritrea (25) 15.66 Mauritania (26) 15.61 Bhutan (27) 15.51 Djibouti (28) 15.19 The Gambia (29) 14.95 Cote d'Ivoire (30) 14.36 Equatorial Guinea (31) 14.28 Laos (32) 13.93 Benin (33) 13.72 Gabon (34) 13.3 Somalia (35) 12.99 Madagascar (36) 12.9 Nepal (37) 12.67 Ukraine (38) 12.49 Latvia (39) 12.44 Hungary (40) 12.36 Man, Isle of (41) 12.31 Kiribati (42) 12.12 Monaco (43) 12.07 Pakistan (44) 12.05 Liberia (45) 12.04 Kenya (46) 12.02 Ghana (47) 12.01 Nigeria (48) 11.93 Estonia (49) 11.74 Sudan (50) 11.64 Senegal (51) 11.43 Bangladesh (52) 11.36 Russia (53) 11.31 Bulgaria (54) 11.23 Belarus (55) 11.19 Cameroon (56) 11.14 Denmark (57) 11.01 Togo (58) 10.95 Lithuania (59) 10.85 Czech Republic (60) 10.84 Sweden (61) 10.83 Germany (62) 10.8 Swaziland (63) 10.66 United Kingdom (64) 10.6 Comoros (65) 10.55 Croatia (66) 10.46 Mayotte (67) 10.35 Norway (68) 10.27 Austria (69) 10.22 Belgium (70) 10.18 Papua New Guinea (71) 10.07 India (72) 10.05 Moldova (73) 9.97 Jersey (74) 9.93 Romania (75) 9.93 Guernsey (76) 9.81 Montserrat (77) 9.78 Italy (78) 9.77 Finland (79) 9.65 Portugal (80) 9.63 Burma (81) 9.56 Saint Kitts and Nevis (82) 9.42 Luxembourg (83) 9.31 Greece (84) 9.29 France (85) 9.27 Uruguay (86) 9.27 Slovenia (87) 9.23 Poland (88) 9.16 Switzerland (89) 9.12 Slovakia (90) 9.06 Vanuatu (91) 9.01 Tuvalu (92) 9 World (93) 8.98 Brazil (94) 8.96 Lesotho (95) 8.86 Spain (96) 8.86 Egypt (97) 8.85 Gibraltar (98) 8.73 Georgia (99) 8.7 Sao Tome and Principe (100) 8.65 Cape Verde (101) 8.62 Argentina (102) 8.61 Namibia (103) 8.48 Netherlands (104) 8.48 Ireland (105) 8.48 Indonesia (106) 8.38 United States (107) 8.27 Barbados (108) 8.12 Bolivia (109) 8.03 New Zealand (110) 8.03 Anguilla (111) 8.01 Yemen (112) 7.93 Kazakhstan (113) 7.91 Libya (114) 7.61 San Marino (115) 7.6 Vietnam (116) 7.59 Faroe Islands (117) 7.51 Bosnia and Herzegovina (118) 7.48 Marshall Islands (119) 7.48 Cyprus (120) 7.47 Puerto Rico (121) 7.46 Japan (122) 7.43 Malta (123) 7.43 Canada (124) 7.42 South Africa (125) 7.41 Botswana (126) 7.37 Australia (127) 7.36 China (128) 7.34 Turkmenistan (129) 7.34 Guyana (130) 7.33 Guatemala (131) 7.32 Kyrgyzstan (132) 7.3 Bermuda (133) 7.25 Andorra (134) 7.2 Greenland (135) 7 Maldives (136) 6.97 Philippines (137) 6.88 Trinidad and Tobago (138) 6.85 Iran (139) 6.84 Peru (140) 6.82 Mongolia (141) 6.82 Iraq (142) 6.75 Tonga (143) 6.7 Seychelles (144) 6.7 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (145) 6.7 Iceland (146) 6.66 Armenia (147) 6.61 Palau (148) 6.58 Tajikistan (149) 6.56 Liechtenstein (150) 6.56 Azerbaijan (151) 6.53 Cuba (152) 6.48 Thailand (153) 6.45 Nicaragua (154) 6.44 Uzbekistan (155) 6.44 Lebanon (156) 6.43 Saint Helena (157) 6.42 Fiji (158) 6.38 Mauritius (159) 6.38 Israel (160) 6.3 Micronesia, Federated States of (161) 6.19 El Salvador (162) 6.18 Korea, South (163) 6.17 Aruba (164) 6.15 Dominican Republic (165) 6.1 Saint Lucia (166) 6.07 Syria (167) 6.07 British Virgin Islands (168) 6.05 Algeria (169) 6.02 Hong Kong (170) 6 Honduras (171) 5.97 Morocco (172) 5.95 Grenada (173) 5.91 Suriname (174) 5.88 Western Samoa (175) 5.86 Belize (176) 5.83 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (177) 5.82 Martinique (178) 5.79 The Bahamas (179) 5.78 Sri Lanka (180) 5.71 Taiwan (181) 5.7 Serbia and Montenegro (182) 5.64 Turkey (183) 5.62 Jamaica (184) 5.58 Guadeloupe (185) 5.56 Malaysia (186) 5.55 Ecuador (187) 5.54 Saudi Arabia (188) 5.47 Korea, North (189) 5.46 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (190) 5.42 Chile (191) 5.35 Singapore (192) 5.35 Antigua and Barbuda (193) 5.33 Dominica (194) 5.27 French Polynesia (195) 5.26 Netherlands Antilles (196) 5.22 Albania (197) 5.2 Virgin Islands (198) 5.2 Cook Islands (199) 5.16 Turks and Caicos Islands (200) 5.14 Wallis and Futuna (201) 5.1 Nauru (202) 5.07 Brunei (203) 5 Oman (204) 4.98 Cayman Islands (205) 4.9 New Caledonia (206) 4.86 Tunisia (207) 4.84 West Bank (208) 4.79 Reunion (209) 4.79 Panama (210) 4.75 Gaza Strip (211) 4.69 Colombia (212) 4.64 Mexico (213) 4.61 Northern Mariana Islands (214) 4.61 French Guiana (215) 4.57 Venezuela (216) 4.51 Solomon Islands (217) 4.38 Paraguay (218) 4.21 Macau (219) 4.02 Jordan (220) 4.01 American Samoa (221) 3.86 Guam (222) 3.59 Qatar (223) 3.47 Costa Rica (224) 3.31 Bahrain (225) 3.03 United Arab Emirates (226) 2.2 Kuwait (227) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island FERTIL Fertility Rate title e e Fertility Country rate per woman _______ _______ 1.13 Saint Helena (1) 1.39 Hong Kong (2) 1.41 Italy (3) 1.41 Spain (4) 1.43 Cayman Islands (5) 1.44 Jersey (6) 1.46 Greece (7) 1.47 Liechtenstein (8) 1.47 Portugal (9) 1.48 Austria (10) 1.49 Macau (11) 1.5 Germany (12) 1.52 San Marino (13) 1.56 Japan (14) 1.56 Netherlands (15) 1.6 Switzerland (16) 1.62 Belgium (17) 1.62 Croatia (18) 1.63 Cuba (19) 1.64 Slovenia (20) 1.65 Bosnia and Herzegovina (21) 1.65 Luxembourg (22) 1.66 Korea, South (23) 1.67 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (24) 1.68 Antigua and Barbuda (25) 1.69 Denmark (26) 1.7 Guernsey (27) 1.7 Monaco (28) 1.71 Bulgaria (29) 1.72 Andorra (30) 1.76 Norway (31) 1.78 Barbados (32) 1.79 Finland (33) 1.79 Serbia and Montenegro (34) 1.8 France (35) 1.8 Man, Isle of (36) 1.81 Bermuda (37) 1.81 Martinique (38) 1.81 Ukraine (39) 1.81 Taiwan (40) 1.82 Aruba (41) 1.82 Australia (42) 1.82 Hungary (43) 1.82 Romania (44) 1.82 Russia (45) 1.82 United Kingdom (46) 1.83 Canada (47) 1.84 China (48) 1.84 Czech Republic (49) 1.87 Belarus (50) 1.87 Singapore (51) 1.9 Netherlands Antilles (52) 1.92 Malta (53) 1.92 Poland (54) 1.93 Slovakia (55) 1.95 Dominica (56) 1.95 Guadeloupe (57) 1.95 Ireland (58) 1.97 Latvia (59) 1.97 Sweden (60) 1.98 Estonia (61) 1.98 Puerto Rico (62) 1.99 Montserrat (63) 1.99 New Zealand (64) 2 Lithuania (65) 2.01 The Bahamas (66) 2.01 Trinidad and Tobago (67) 2.02 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (68) 2.04 Thailand (69) 2.06 Iceland (70) 2.08 Nauru (71) 2.08 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (72) 2.08 Sri Lanka (73) 2.08 United States (74) 2.16 Georgia (75) 2.16 Moldova (76) 2.16 Seychelles (77) 2.2 Mauritius (78) 2.23 Guyana (79) 2.25 Greenland (80) 2.27 British Virgin Islands (81) 2.29 Gibraltar (82) 2.3 Cyprus (83) 2.3 Turks and Caicos Islands (84) 2.32 Guam (85) 2.34 Korea, North (86) 2.37 Saint Lucia (87) 2.39 Brazil (88) 2.4 Colombia (89) 2.41 Uruguay (90) 2.41 Virgin Islands (91) 2.42 Faroe Islands (92) 2.42 Jamaica (93) 2.43 Kazakhstan (94) 2.49 Chile (95) 2.56 Saint Kitts and Nevis (96) 2.57 New Caledonia (97) 2.64 Azerbaijan (98) 2.65 Argentina (99) 2.69 Northern Mariana Islands (100) 2.71 Albania (101) 2.72 Dominican Republic (102) 2.73 Suriname (103) 2.73 Tunisia (104) 2.74 Indonesia (105) 2.75 Reunion (106) 2.8 Panama (107) 2.81 Israel (108) 2.85 Palau (109) 2.87 Fiji (110) 2.93 Kuwait (111) 2.97 Ecuador (112) 2.97 Venezuela (113) 3 Peru (114) 3.01 Costa Rica (115) 3.05 Anguilla (116) 3.06 Armenia (117) 3.09 Mexico (118) 3.1 World (119) 3.11 Tuvalu (120) 3.11 Wallis and Futuna (121) 3.12 Bahrain (122) 3.12 Turkey (123) 3.21 Vietnam (124) 3.27 Cook Islands (125) 3.3 French Polynesia (126) 3.31 Kyrgyzstan (127) 3.31 Lebanon (128) 3.4 India (129) 3.41 Brunei (130) 3.46 French Guiana (131) 3.47 Malaysia (132) 3.56 Tonga (133) 3.58 Burma (134) 3.67 Egypt (135) 3.67 Uzbekistan (136) 3.69 El Salvador (137) 3.69 Morocco (138) 3.7 Algeria (139) 3.72 Turkmenistan (140) 3.73 Kiribati (141) 3.81 Philippines (142) 3.85 Grenada (143) 3.86 Botswana (144) 3.93 Gabon (145) 3.98 Micronesia, Federated States of (146) 4.04 Western Samoa (147) 4.1 Bolivia (148) 4.14 Vanuatu (149) 4.17 Nicaragua (150) 4.22 Paraguay (151) 4.25 Belize (152) 4.26 Mongolia (153) 4.3 American Samoa (154) 4.35 South Africa (155) 4.39 Bangladesh (156) 4.41 Lesotho (157) 4.44 Sao Tome and Principe (158) 4.53 United Arab Emirates (159) 4.55 Honduras (160) 4.55 Papua New Guinea (161) 4.55 Tajikistan (162) 4.63 Guatemala (163) 4.63 Qatar (164) 4.93 Iran (165) 4.93 Zimbabwe (166) 5.15 Nepal (167) 5.23 Congo (168) 5.23 Equatorial Guinea (169) 5.25 Jordan (170) 5.33 Chad (171) 5.34 West Bank (172) 5.37 Central African Republic (173) 5.39 Bhutan (174) 5.43 Guinea-Bissau (175) 5.59 Solomon Islands (176) 5.76 Kenya (177) 5.79 Guinea (178) 5.8 Cameroon (179) 5.81 Cambodia (180) 5.82 Haiti (181) 5.9 Sierra Leone (182) 5.98 Laos (183) 6 Sudan (184) 6.03 Senegal (185) 6.09 Ghana (186) 6.1 Swaziland (187) 6.15 Djibouti (188) 6.15 Tanzania (189) 6.16 Oman (190) 6.17 Maldives (191) 6.19 Mozambique (192) 6.21 Afghanistan (193) 6.23 Cape Verde (194) 6.23 The Gambia (195) 6.3 Liberia (196) 6.31 Nigeria (197) 6.32 Libya (198) 6.34 Namibia (199) 6.35 Pakistan (200) 6.42 Angola (201) 6.48 Saudi Arabia (202) 6.53 Eritrea (203) 6.55 Syria (204) 6.56 Iraq (205) 6.61 Cote d'Ivoire (206) 6.62 Madagascar (207) 6.62 Zambia (208) 6.63 Burundi (209) 6.7 Uganda (210) 6.7 Zaire (211) 6.71 Mayotte (212) 6.72 Benin (213) 6.73 Comoros (214) 6.83 Togo (215) 6.88 Burkina (216) 6.89 Marshall Islands (217) 6.91 Western Sahara (218) 6.92 Mauritania (219) 7.07 Ethiopia (220) 7.13 Somalia (221) 7.15 Yemen (222) 7.33 Mali (223) 7.35 Niger (224) 7.36 Malawi (225) 7.74 Gaza Strip (226) 8.12 Rwanda (227) Antarctica (228) Arctic Ocean (229) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (230) Atlantic Ocean (231) Baker Island (232) Bassas da India (233) Bouvet Island (234) British Indian Ocean Territory (235) Christmas Island (236) Clipperton Island (237) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) Coral Sea Islands (239) Europa Island (240) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (241) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (242) Glorioso Islands (243) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (244) Holy See (Vatican City) (245) Howland Island (246) Indian Ocean (247) Jan Mayen (248) Jarvis Island (249) Johnston Atoll (250) Juan de Nova Island (251) Kingman Reef (252) Midway Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Niue (255) Norfolk Island (256) Pacific Ocean (257) Palmyra Atoll (258) Paracel Islands (259) Pitcairn Islands (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tokelau (264) Tromelin Island (265) Wake Island (266) Fertility Country rate per woman _______ _______ 8.12 Rwanda (1) 7.74 Gaza Strip (2) 7.36 Malawi (3) 7.35 Niger (4) 7.33 Mali (5) 7.15 Yemen (6) 7.13 Somalia (7) 7.07 Ethiopia (8) 6.92 Mauritania (9) 6.91 Western Sahara (10) 6.89 Marshall Islands (11) 6.88 Burkina (12) 6.83 Togo (13) 6.73 Comoros (14) 6.72 Benin (15) 6.71 Mayotte (16) 6.7 Zaire (17) 6.7 Uganda (18) 6.63 Burundi (19) 6.62 Zambia (20) 6.62 Madagascar (21) 6.61 Cote d'Ivoire (22) 6.56 Iraq (23) 6.55 Syria (24) 6.53 Eritrea (25) 6.48 Saudi Arabia (26) 6.42 Angola (27) 6.35 Pakistan (28) 6.34 Namibia (29) 6.32 Libya (30) 6.31 Nigeria (31) 6.3 Liberia (32) 6.23 The Gambia (33) 6.23 Cape Verde (34) 6.21 Afghanistan (35) 6.19 Mozambique (36) 6.17 Maldives (37) 6.16 Oman (38) 6.15 Tanzania (39) 6.15 Djibouti (40) 6.1 Swaziland (41) 6.09 Ghana (42) 6.03 Senegal (43) 6 Sudan (44) 5.98 Laos (45) 5.9 Sierra Leone (46) 5.82 Haiti (47) 5.81 Cambodia (48) 5.8 Cameroon (49) 5.79 Guinea (50) 5.76 Kenya (51) 5.59 Solomon Islands (52) 5.43 Guinea-Bissau (53) 5.39 Bhutan (54) 5.37 Central African Republic (55) 5.34 West Bank (56) 5.33 Chad (57) 5.25 Jordan (58) 5.23 Equatorial Guinea (59) 5.23 Congo (60) 5.15 Nepal (61) 4.93 Zimbabwe (62) 4.93 Iran (63) 4.63 Qatar (64) 4.63 Guatemala (65) 4.55 Tajikistan (66) 4.55 Papua New Guinea (67) 4.55 Honduras (68) 4.53 United Arab Emirates (69) 4.44 Sao Tome and Principe (70) 4.41 Lesotho (71) 4.39 Bangladesh (72) 4.35 South Africa (73) 4.3 American Samoa (74) 4.26 Mongolia (75) 4.25 Belize (76) 4.22 Paraguay (77) 4.17 Nicaragua (78) 4.14 Vanuatu (79) 4.1 Bolivia (80) 4.04 Western Samoa (81) 3.98 Micronesia, Federated States of (82) 3.93 Gabon (83) 3.86 Botswana (84) 3.85 Grenada (85) 3.81 Philippines (86) 3.73 Kiribati (87) 3.72 Turkmenistan (88) 3.7 Algeria (89) 3.69 Morocco (90) 3.69 El Salvador (91) 3.67 Uzbekistan (92) 3.67 Egypt (93) 3.58 Burma (94) 3.56 Tonga (95) 3.47 Malaysia (96) 3.46 French Guiana (97) 3.41 Brunei (98) 3.4 India (99) 3.31 Lebanon (100) 3.31 Kyrgyzstan (101) 3.3 French Polynesia (102) 3.27 Cook Islands (103) 3.21 Vietnam (104) 3.12 Turkey (105) 3.12 Bahrain (106) 3.11 Wallis and Futuna (107) 3.11 Tuvalu (108) 3.1 World (109) 3.09 Mexico (110) 3.06 Armenia (111) 3.05 Anguilla (112) 3.01 Costa Rica (113) 3 Peru (114) 2.97 Venezuela (115) 2.97 Ecuador (116) 2.93 Kuwait (117) 2.87 Fiji (118) 2.85 Palau (119) 2.81 Israel (120) 2.8 Panama (121) 2.75 Reunion (122) 2.74 Indonesia (123) 2.73 Tunisia (124) 2.73 Suriname (125) 2.72 Dominican Republic (126) 2.71 Albania (127) 2.69 Northern Mariana Islands (128) 2.65 Argentina (129) 2.64 Azerbaijan (130) 2.57 New Caledonia (131) 2.56 Saint Kitts and Nevis (132) 2.49 Chile (133) 2.43 Kazakhstan (134) 2.42 Jamaica (135) 2.42 Faroe Islands (136) 2.41 Virgin Islands (137) 2.41 Uruguay (138) 2.4 Colombia (139) 2.39 Brazil (140) 2.37 Saint Lucia (141) 2.34 Korea, North (142) 2.32 Guam (143) 2.3 Turks and Caicos Islands (144) 2.3 Cyprus (145) 2.29 Gibraltar (146) 2.27 British Virgin Islands (147) 2.25 Greenland (148) 2.23 Guyana (149) 2.2 Mauritius (150) 2.16 Seychelles (151) 2.16 Moldova (152) 2.16 Georgia (153) 2.08 United States (154) 2.08 Sri Lanka (155) 2.08 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (156) 2.08 Nauru (157) 2.06 Iceland (158) 2.04 Thailand (159) 2.02 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (160) 2.01 Trinidad and Tobago (161) 2.01 The Bahamas (162) 2 Lithuania (163) 1.99 New Zealand (164) 1.99 Montserrat (165) 1.98 Puerto Rico (166) 1.98 Estonia (167) 1.97 Sweden (168) 1.97 Latvia (169) 1.95 Ireland (170) 1.95 Guadeloupe (171) 1.95 Dominica (172) 1.93 Slovakia (173) 1.92 Poland (174) 1.92 Malta (175) 1.9 Netherlands Antilles (176) 1.87 Singapore (177) 1.87 Belarus (178) 1.84 Czech Republic (179) 1.84 China (180) 1.83 Canada (181) 1.82 United Kingdom (182) 1.82 Russia (183) 1.82 Romania (184) 1.82 Hungary (185) 1.82 Australia (186) 1.82 Aruba (187) 1.81 Taiwan (188) 1.81 Ukraine (189) 1.81 Martinique (190) 1.81 Bermuda (191) 1.8 Man, Isle of (192) 1.8 France (193) 1.79 Serbia and Montenegro (194) 1.79 Finland (195) 1.78 Barbados (196) 1.76 Norway (197) 1.72 Andorra (198) 1.71 Bulgaria (199) 1.7 Monaco (200) 1.7 Guernsey (201) 1.69 Denmark (202) 1.68 Antigua and Barbuda (203) 1.67 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (204) 1.66 Korea, South (205) 1.65 Luxembourg (206) 1.65 Bosnia and Herzegovina (207) 1.64 Slovenia (208) 1.63 Cuba (209) 1.62 Croatia (210) 1.62 Belgium (211) 1.6 Switzerland (212) 1.56 Netherlands (213) 1.56 Japan (214) 1.52 San Marino (215) 1.5 Germany (216) 1.49 Macau (217) 1.48 Austria (218) 1.47 Portugal (219) 1.47 Liechtenstein (220) 1.46 Greece (221) 1.44 Jersey (222) 1.43 Cayman Islands (223) 1.41 Spain (224) 1.41 Italy (225) 1.39 Hong Kong (226) 1.13 Saint Helena (227) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island INFANT Infant Mortality Rate title %Infant mortality Country rate per 1000 ______________ _______ 4 Iceland (1) 4.3 Japan (2) 4.6 Jersey (3) 5.2 Finland (4) 5.3 Liechtenstein (5) 5.4 Macau (6) 5.6 San Marino (7) 5.6 Sweden (8) 5.6 Taiwan (9) 5.7 Singapore (10) 5.8 Hong Kong (11) 6 Netherlands (12) 6.1 Norway (13) 6.3 Germany (14) 6.3 Switzerland (15) 6.4 Guernsey (16) 6.5 France (17) 6.6 Luxembourg (18) 6.7 Spain (19) 6.8 Canada (20) 6.8 Denmark (21) 6.9 Austria (22) 7 Belgium (23) 7 Monaco (24) 7 United Kingdom (25) 7.1 Australia (26) 7.2 Ireland (27) 7.3 Martinique (28) 7.4 Italy (29) 7.7 Andorra (30) 7.7 Malta (31) 7.7 Reunion (32) 7.88 United States (33) 7.9 Faroe Islands (34) 7.9 Gibraltar (35) 7.9 Slovenia (36) 8 Man, Isle of (37) 8.1 Cuba (38) 8.3 Aruba (39) 8.3 Greece (40) 8.4 Cayman Islands (41) 8.4 Croatia (42) 8.4 Israel (43) 8.5 Guadeloupe (44) 8.6 Cyprus (45) 8.6 New Zealand (46) 8.9 Czech Republic (47) 9 Netherlands Antilles (48) 9.1 Portugal (49) 9.8 Serbia and Montenegro (50) 9.9 Dominica (51) 10 Slovakia (52) 10.3 Costa Rica (53) 10.77 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (54) 11.4 Bulgaria (55) 11.4 Seychelles (56) 11.5 Kuwait (57) 11.6 Bosnia and Herzegovina (58) 11.69 Montserrat (59) 11.9 Hungary (60) 12.1 Grenada (61) 12.4 Poland (62) 12.54 Virgin Islands (63) 12.63 Turks and Caicos Islands (64) 12.8 Puerto Rico (65) 13.16 Bermuda (66) 14.3 Chile (67) 14.4 New Caledonia (68) 14.6 French Polynesia (69) 15.1 French Guiana (70) 15.17 Guam (71) 15.8 Panama (72) 16.1 Jamaica (73) 16.3 Uruguay (74) 16.5 Lithuania (75) 17.2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (76) 17.3 Anguilla (77) 17.7 Fiji (78) 17.8 Antigua and Barbuda (79) 17.8 Mauritius (80) 18 Bahrain (81) 18.5 Trinidad and Tobago (82) 18.6 Belarus (83) 18.7 Estonia (84) 18.7 Romania (85) 18.78 American Samoa (86) 19.2 Barbados (87) 19.33 British Virgin Islands (88) 19.4 Saint Kitts and Nevis (89) 20.2 Tonga (90) 20.4 Qatar (91) 20.5 Saint Lucia (92) 20.5 Ukraine (93) 20.9 Korea, South (94) 21 Latvia (95) 21 United Arab Emirates (96) 21.3 Sri Lanka (97) 22.6 Georgia (98) 24.1 Paraguay (99) 24.2 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (100) 24.3 The Bahamas (101) 24.7 Brunei (102) 24.7 Cook Islands (103) 24.7 Malaysia (104) 24.92 Wallis and Futuna (105) 25.07 Palau (106) 25.1 Greenland (107) 26 Armenia (108) 26 Mexico (109) 26.4 Russia (110) 26.5 Venezuela (111) 26.7 Solomon Islands (112) 26.8 Korea, North (113) 26.9 Colombia (114) 27.9 Tuvalu (115) 28.1 Albania (116) 28.8 Argentina (117) 29.7 West Bank (118) 29.8 Moldova (119) 30.2 Suriname (120) 30.6 Gaza Strip (121) 32.3 Jordan (122) 32.3 Tunisia (123) 33.9 Azerbaijan (124) 34.3 Oman (125) 34.7 Belize (126) 35.5 Western Samoa (127) 35.7 Thailand (128) 36.1 Saint Helena (129) 36.52 Micronesia, Federated States of (130) 37.7 Ecuador (131) 37.96 Northern Mariana Islands (132) 38 Botswana (133) 38 Lebanon (134) 38.9 El Salvador (135) 40 Kazakhstan (136) 40.6 Nauru (137) 41.1 Syria (138) 41.8 Mongolia (139) 43.4 Honduras (140) 44.6 Vietnam (141) 45.6 Turkey (142) 45.8 Kyrgyzstan (143) 45.8 Morocco (144) 45.8 South Africa (145) 47.7 Guyana (146) 48 Marshall Islands (147) 48.9 Saudi Arabia (148) 49.5 Dominican Republic (149) 49.6 Philippines (150) 50 Maldives (151) 50.3 Algeria (152) 50.3 Nicaragua (153) 52 Uzbekistan (154) 52.1 China (155) 52.1 Peru (156) 52.2 Guatemala (157) 54.6 Iran (158) 55.9 Cape Verde (159) 57.2 Brazil (160) 58.2 Yemen (161) 59.8 Namibia (162) 60.4 Tajikistan (163) 61.4 Libya (164) 61.6 Burma (165) 61.6 Papua New Guinea (166) 62.1 Sao Tome and Principe (167) 62.4 Iraq (168) 64 World (169) 65 Indonesia (170) 66.3 Vanuatu (171) 67.4 Lesotho (172) 68.5 Turkmenistan (173) 70.6 Bolivia (174) 72.6 Nigeria (175) 72.7 Zimbabwe (176) 73.5 Kenya (177) 73.6 Senegal (178) 74.5 Egypt (179) 75.4 Cameroon (180) 76.3 India (181) 77.3 Comoros (182) 77.3 Mayotte (183) 77.7 Sudan (184) 81.2 Nepal (185) 81.7 Ghana (186) 83.5 Mauritania (187) 86 Zambia (188) 86.5 Togo (189) 86.9 Madagascar (190) 90.7 Swaziland (191) 92.4 Gabon (192) 93.1 Cote d'Ivoire (193) 98.4 Kiribati (194) 99.2 Laos (195) 99.5 Pakistan (196) 100.2 Equatorial Guinea (197) 104.5 Mali (198) 104.6 Bangladesh (199) 107.5 Haiti (200) 107.6 Benin (201) 108.7 Zaire (202) 108.8 Djibouti (203) 109 Tanzania (204) 109.3 Niger (205) 109.4 Congo (206) 109.6 Cambodia (207) 110.6 Liberia (208) 111.9 Burundi (209) 112.2 Uganda (210) 116.9 Burkina (211) 117.9 Guinea-Bissau (212) 118.1 Rwanda (213) 118.6 Bhutan (214) 119.5 Somalia (215) 120.6 Eritrea (216) 120.6 Ethiopia (217) 120.8 The Gambia (218) 126 Mozambique (219) 129.7 Chad (220) 135.6 Central African Republic (221) 136.6 Guinea (222) 138.8 Sierra Leone (223) 140.2 Malawi (224) 142.1 Angola (225) 148.95 Western Sahara (226) 152.8 Afghanistan (227) Antarctica (228) Arctic Ocean (229) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (230) Atlantic Ocean (231) Baker Island (232) Bassas da India (233) Bouvet Island (234) British Indian Ocean Territory (235) Christmas Island (236) Clipperton Island (237) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) Coral Sea Islands (239) Europa Island (240) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (241) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (242) Glorioso Islands (243) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (244) Holy See (Vatican City) (245) Howland Island (246) Indian Ocean (247) Jan Mayen (248) Jarvis Island (249) Johnston Atoll (250) Juan de Nova Island (251) Kingman Reef (252) Midway Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Niue (255) Norfolk Island (256) Pacific Ocean (257) Palmyra Atoll (258) Paracel Islands (259) Pitcairn Islands (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tokelau (264) Tromelin Island (265) Wake Island (266) r$r$Infant mortality Country rate per 1000 _____________ _______ 152.8 Afghanistan (1) 148.95 Western Sahara (2) 142.1 Angola (3) 140.2 Malawi (4) 138.8 Sierra Leone (5) 136.6 Guinea (6) 135.6 Central African Republic (7) 129.7 Chad (8) 126 Mozambique (9) 120.8 The Gambia (10) 120.6 Ethiopia (11) 120.6 Eritrea (12) 119.5 Somalia (13) 118.6 Bhutan (14) 118.1 Rwanda (15) 117.9 Guinea-Bissau (16) 116.9 Burkina (17) 112.2 Uganda (18) 111.9 Burundi (19) 110.6 Liberia (20) 109.6 Cambodia (21) 109.4 Congo (22) 109.3 Niger (23) 109 Tanzania (24) 108.8 Djibouti (25) 108.7 Zaire (26) 107.6 Benin (27) 107.5 Haiti (28) 104.6 Bangladesh (29) 104.5 Mali (30) 100.2 Equatorial Guinea (31) 99.5 Pakistan (32) 99.2 Laos (33) 98.4 Kiribati (34) 93.1 Cote d'Ivoire (35) 92.4 Gabon (36) 90.7 Swaziland (37) 86.9 Madagascar (38) 86.5 Togo (39) 86 Zambia (40) 83.5 Mauritania (41) 81.7 Ghana (42) 81.2 Nepal (43) 77.7 Sudan (44) 77.3 Mayotte (45) 77.3 Comoros (46) 76.3 India (47) 75.4 Cameroon (48) 74.5 Egypt (49) 73.6 Senegal (50) 73.5 Kenya (51) 72.7 Zimbabwe (52) 72.6 Nigeria (53) 70.6 Bolivia (54) 68.5 Turkmenistan (55) 67.4 Lesotho (56) 66.3 Vanuatu (57) 65 Indonesia (58) 64 World (59) 62.4 Iraq (60) 62.1 Sao Tome and Principe (61) 61.6 Papua New Guinea (62) 61.6 Burma (63) 61.4 Libya (64) 60.4 Tajikistan (65) 59.8 Namibia (66) 58.2 Yemen (67) 57.2 Brazil (68) 55.9 Cape Verde (69) 54.6 Iran (70) 52.2 Guatemala (71) 52.1 Peru (72) 52.1 China (73) 52 Uzbekistan (74) 50.3 Nicaragua (75) 50.3 Algeria (76) 50 Maldives (77) 49.6 Philippines (78) 49.5 Dominican Republic (79) 48.9 Saudi Arabia (80) 48 Marshall Islands (81) 47.7 Guyana (82) 45.8 South Africa (83) 45.8 Morocco (84) 45.8 Kyrgyzstan (85) 45.6 Turkey (86) 44.6 Vietnam (87) 43.4 Honduras (88) 41.8 Mongolia (89) 41.1 Syria (90) 40.6 Nauru (91) 40 Kazakhstan (92) 38.9 El Salvador (93) 38 Lebanon (94) 38 Botswana (95) 37.96 Northern Mariana Islands (96) 37.7 Ecuador (97) 36.52 Micronesia, Federated States of (98) 36.1 Saint Helena (99) 35.7 Thailand (100) 35.5 Western Samoa (101) 34.7 Belize (102) 34.3 Oman (103) 33.9 Azerbaijan (104) 32.3 Tunisia (105) 32.3 Jordan (106) 30.6 Gaza Strip (107) 30.2 Suriname (108) 29.8 Moldova (109) 29.7 West Bank (110) 28.8 Argentina (111) 28.1 Albania (112) 27.9 Tuvalu (113) 26.9 Colombia (114) 26.8 Korea, North (115) 26.7 Solomon Islands (116) 26.5 Venezuela (117) 26.4 Russia (118) 26 Mexico (119) 26 Armenia (120) 25.1 Greenland (121) 25.07 Palau (122) 24.92 Wallis and Futuna (123) 24.7 Malaysia (124) 24.7 Cook Islands (125) 24.7 Brunei (126) 24.3 The Bahamas (127) 24.2 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (128) 24.1 Paraguay (129) 22.6 Georgia (130) 21.3 Sri Lanka (131) 21 United Arab Emirates (132) 21 Latvia (133) 20.9 Korea, South (134) 20.5 Ukraine (135) 20.5 Saint Lucia (136) 20.4 Qatar (137) 20.2 Tonga (138) 19.4 Saint Kitts and Nevis (139) 19.33 British Virgin Islands (140) 19.2 Barbados (141) 18.78 American Samoa (142) 18.7 Romania (143) 18.7 Estonia (144) 18.6 Belarus (145) 18.5 Trinidad and Tobago (146) 18 Bahrain (147) 17.8 Mauritius (148) 17.8 Antigua and Barbuda (149) 17.7 Fiji (150) 17.3 Anguilla (151) 17.2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (152) 16.5 Lithuania (153) 16.3 Uruguay (154) 16.1 Jamaica (155) 15.8 Panama (156) 15.17 Guam (157) 15.1 French Guiana (158) 14.6 French Polynesia (159) 14.4 New Caledonia (160) 14.3 Chile (161) 13.16 Bermuda (162) 12.8 Puerto Rico (163) 12.63 Turks and Caicos Islands (164) 12.54 Virgin Islands (165) 12.4 Poland (166) 12.1 Grenada (167) 11.9 Hungary (168) 11.69 Montserrat (169) 11.6 Bosnia and Herzegovina (170) 11.5 Kuwait (171) 11.4 Seychelles (172) 11.4 Bulgaria (173) 10.77 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (174) 10.3 Costa Rica (175) 10 Slovakia (176) 9.9 Dominica (177) 9.8 Serbia and Montenegro (178) 9.1 Portugal (179) 9 Netherlands Antilles (180) 8.9 Czech Republic (181) 8.6 New Zealand (182) 8.6 Cyprus (183) 8.5 Guadeloupe (184) 8.4 Israel (185) 8.4 Croatia (186) 8.4 Cayman Islands (187) 8.3 Greece (188) 8.3 Aruba (189) 8.1 Cuba (190) 8 Man, Isle of (191) 7.9 Slovenia (192) 7.9 Gibraltar (193) 7.9 Faroe Islands (194) 7.88 United States (195) 7.7 Reunion (196) 7.7 Malta (197) 7.7 Andorra (198) 7.4 Italy (199) 7.3 Martinique (200) 7.2 Ireland (201) 7.1 Australia (202) 7 United Kingdom (203) 7 Monaco (204) 7 Belgium (205) 6.9 Austria (206) 6.8 Denmark (207) 6.8 Canada (208) 6.7 Spain (209) 6.6 Luxembourg (210) 6.5 France (211) 6.4 Guernsey (212) 6.3 Switzerland (213) 6.3 Germany (214) 6.1 Norway (215) 6 Netherlands (216) 5.8 Hong Kong (217) 5.7 Singapore (218) 5.6 Taiwan (219) 5.6 Sweden (220) 5.6 San Marino (221) 5.4 Macau (222) 5.3 Liechtenstein (223) 5.2 Finland (224) 4.6 Jersey (225) 4.3 Japan (226) 4 Iceland (227) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island IMIGRAT Net Migration Rate title $Net migration Country per 1000 _____________ _______ -20.19 Guyana (1) -19.69 Kenya (2) -19.24 Grenada (3) -16.93 Pakistan (4) -16.17 Virgin Islands (5) -12.46 Djibouti (6) -9.87 Tonga (7) -9.44 Anguilla (8) -9.36 Dominica (9) -8.85 Wallis and Futuna (10) -8.65 Jamaica (11) -8.59 Trinidad and Tobago (12) -7.63 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (13) -7.22 Hong Kong (14) -6.88 Cape Verde (15) -6.81 Puerto Rico (16) -6.68 Armenia (17) -6.6 Seychelles (18) -6.53 Cook Islands (19) -6.4 Jordan (20) -6.04 Dominican Republic (21) -5.96 El Salvador (22) -5.67 Fiji (23) -5.39 Saint Kitts and Nevis (24) -5.11 Iran (25) -5.11 Kazakhstan (26) -4.99 Haiti (27) -4.91 Antigua and Barbuda (28) -4.88 Albania (29) -4.82 Barbados (30) -4.67 Saint Lucia (31) -3.7 Belize (32) -3.66 Kyrgyzstan (33) -3.64 Mauritius (34) -3.62 Western Sahara (35) -3.03 Mexico (36) -3 Mali (37) -3 Suriname (38) -2.92 Turkmenistan (39) -2.91 Bulgaria (40) -2.88 Romania (41) -2.65 Montserrat (42) -2.56 The Bahamas (43) -2.32 Azerbaijan (44) -2.25 Moldova (45) -2.23 Uzbekistan (46) -2.22 Ireland (47) -2.14 Western Samoa (48) -2.04 Guatemala (49) -1.91 Aruba (50) -1.9 Burkina (51) -1.87 New Zealand (52) -1.56 Honduras (53) -1.55 Cuba (54) -1.51 Vietnam (55) -1.5 British Virgin Islands (56) -1.44 Tajikistan (57) -1.19 Nicaragua (58) -1.14 Philippines (59) -1.08 Morocco (60) -1.01 Bolivia (61) -0.94 Ghana (62) -0.93 Uruguay (63) -0.84 Sri Lanka (64) -0.78 Serbia and Montenegro (65) -0.74 Tunisia (66) -0.52 Poland (67) -0.49 Algeria (68) -0.38 Netherlands Antilles (69) -0.37 Taiwan (70) -0.36 Panama (71) -0.35 Egypt (72) -0.19 Slovenia (73) -0.17 Colombia (74) -0.16 Guadeloupe (75) -0.15 Angola (76) -0.14 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (77) -0.13 Bermuda (78) -0.1 Martinique (79) -0.04 Zambia (80) 0 Bangladesh (81) 0 Benin (82) 0 Bhutan (83) 0 Botswana (84) 0 Brazil (85) 0 Burma (86) 0 Cambodia (87) 0 Cameroon (88) 0 Central African Republic (89) 0 Chad (90) 0 Chile (91) 0 China (92) 0 Comoros (93) 0 Congo (94) 0 Cyprus (95) 0 Czech Republic (96) 0 Ecuador (97) 0 Equatorial Guinea (98) 0 Faroe Islands (99) 0 French Polynesia (100) 0 Gabon (101) 0 The Gambia (102) 0 Gaza Strip (103) 0 Gibraltar (104) 0 Greenland (105) 0 Guinea-Bissau (106) 0 Hungary (107) 0 Iceland (108) 0 India (109) 0 Indonesia (110) 0 Israel (111) 0 Japan (112) 0 Korea, North (113) 0 Laos (114) 0 Lebanon (115) 0 Lesotho (116) 0 Libya (117) 0 Madagascar (118) 0 Malaysia (119) 0 Maldives (120) 0 Marshall Islands (121) 0 Mauritania (122) 0 Mayotte (123) 0 Mongolia (124) 0 Namibia (125) 0 Nepal (126) 0 Niger (127) 0 Northern Mariana Islands (128) 0 Papua New Guinea (129) 0 Paraguay (130) 0 Peru (131) 0 Reunion (132) 0 Saint Helena (133) 0 Sao Tome and Principe (134) 0 Singapore (135) 0 Slovakia (136) 0 Solomon Islands (137) 0 Swaziland (138) 0 Syria (139) 0 Thailand (140) 0 Togo (141) 0 Turkey (142) 0 Tuvalu (143) 0 Vanuatu (144) 0 West Bank (145) 0.17 South Africa (146) 0.17 United Kingdom (147) 0.19 Argentina (148) 0.31 Spain (149) 0.35 Nigeria (150) 0.39 Iraq (151) 0.4 Nauru (152) 0.4 New Caledonia (153) 0.46 Venezuela (154) 0.5 Belgium (155) 0.56 Kiribati (156) 0.59 Finland (157) 0.59 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (158) 0.66 Georgia (159) 0.7 Russia (160) 0.71 Ukraine (161) 0.77 Croatia (162) 0.86 France (163) 0.9 Korea, South (164) 0.96 Denmark (165) 1.02 Costa Rica (166) 1.03 Italy (167) 1.15 Norway (168) 1.27 Belarus (169) 1.29 Netherlands (170) 1.55 Portugal (171) 1.7 Malta (172) 2.12 Palau (173) 2.24 Macau (174) 2.27 Sweden (175) 2.46 Germany (176) 2.47 Luxembourg (177) 2.5 Austria (178) 2.72 Bosnia and Herzegovina (179) 2.82 Switzerland (180) 3 Guam (181) 3.31 Estonia (182) 3.34 United States (183) 3.39 Yemen (184) 3.56 Saudi Arabia (185) 3.62 Lithuania (186) 3.76 Latvia (187) 4.09 Oman (188) 4.11 Jersey (189) 4.55 Canada (190) 4.95 Bahrain (191) 5.47 San Marino (192) 5.49 Brunei (193) 5.58 Liechtenstein (194) 5.99 Greece (195) 6 American Samoa (196) 6.33 Australia (197) 6.4 Guernsey (198) 8.25 Qatar (199) 8.44 Monaco (200) 8.55 Man, Isle of (201) 11.65 Micronesia, Federated States of (202) 15.83 Turks and Caicos Islands (203) 20.65 French Guiana (204) 21.53 Andorra (205) 21.53 United Arab Emirates (206) 33.2 Cayman Islands (207) 55.71 Kuwait (208) 120.5 Afghanistan (209) 123.62 Somalia (210) Antarctica (211) Arctic Ocean (212) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (213) Atlantic Ocean (214) Baker Island (215) Bassas da India (216) Bouvet Island (217) British Indian Ocean Territory (218) Burundi (219) Christmas Island (220) Clipperton Island (221) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (222) Coral Sea Islands (223) Cote d'Ivoire (224) Eritrea (225) Ethiopia (226) Europa Island (227) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (228) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (229) Glorioso Islands (230) Guinea (231) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (232) Holy See (Vatican City) (233) Howland Island (234) Indian Ocean (235) Jan Mayen (236) Jarvis Island (237) Johnston Atoll (238) Juan de Nova Island (239) Kingman Reef (240) Liberia (241) Malawi (242) Midway Islands (243) Mozambique (244) Navassa Island (245) Niue (246) Norfolk Island (247) Pacific Ocean (248) Palmyra Atoll (249) Paracel Islands (250) Pitcairn Islands (251) Rwanda (252) Senegal (253) Sierra Leone (254) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (255) Spratly Islands (256) Sudan (257) Svalbard (258) Tanzania (259) Tokelau (260) Tromelin Island (261) Uganda (262) Wake Island (263) World (264) Zaire (265) Zimbabwe (266) "Net migration Country per 1000 _____________ _______ 123.62 Somalia (1) 120.5 Afghanistan (2) 55.71 Kuwait (3) 33.2 Cayman Islands (4) 21.53 United Arab Emirates (5) 21.53 Andorra (6) 20.65 French Guiana (7) 15.83 Turks and Caicos Islands (8) 11.65 Micronesia, Federated States of (9) 8.55 Man, Isle of (10) 8.44 Monaco (11) 8.25 Qatar (12) 6.4 Guernsey (13) 6.33 Australia (14) 6 American Samoa (15) 5.99 Greece (16) 5.58 Liechtenstein (17) 5.49 Brunei (18) 5.47 San Marino (19) 4.95 Bahrain (20) 4.55 Canada (21) 4.11 Jersey (22) 4.09 Oman (23) 3.76 Latvia (24) 3.62 Lithuania (25) 3.56 Saudi Arabia (26) 3.39 Yemen (27) 3.34 United States (28) 3.31 Estonia (29) 3 Guam (30) 2.82 Switzerland (31) 2.72 Bosnia and Herzegovina (32) 2.5 Austria (33) 2.47 Luxembourg (34) 2.46 Germany (35) 2.27 Sweden (36) 2.24 Macau (37) 2.12 Palau (38) 1.7 Malta (39) 1.55 Portugal (40) 1.29 Netherlands (41) 1.27 Belarus (42) 1.15 Norway (43) 1.03 Italy (44) 1.02 Costa Rica (45) 0.96 Denmark (46) 0.9 Korea, South (47) 0.86 France (48) 0.77 Croatia (49) 0.71 Ukraine (50) 0.7 Russia (51) 0.66 Georgia (52) 0.59 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (53) 0.59 Finland (54) 0.56 Kiribati (55) 0.5 Belgium (56) 0.46 Venezuela (57) 0.4 New Caledonia (58) 0.4 Nauru (59) 0.39 Iraq (60) 0.35 Nigeria (61) 0.31 Spain (62) 0.19 Argentina (63) 0.17 United Kingdom (64) 0.17 South Africa (65) 0 West Bank (66) 0 Vanuatu (67) 0 Tuvalu (68) 0 Turkey (69) 0 Togo (70) 0 Thailand (71) 0 Syria (72) 0 Swaziland (73) 0 Solomon Islands (74) 0 Slovakia (75) 0 Singapore (76) 0 Sao Tome and Principe (77) 0 Saint Helena (78) 0 Reunion (79) 0 Peru (80) 0 Paraguay (81) 0 Papua New Guinea (82) 0 Northern Mariana Islands (83) 0 Niger (84) 0 Nepal (85) 0 Namibia (86) 0 Mongolia (87) 0 Mayotte (88) 0 Mauritania (89) 0 Marshall Islands (90) 0 Maldives (91) 0 Malaysia (92) 0 Madagascar (93) 0 Libya (94) 0 Lesotho (95) 0 Lebanon (96) 0 Laos (97) 0 Korea, North (98) 0 Japan (99) 0 Israel (100) 0 Indonesia (101) 0 India (102) 0 Iceland (103) 0 Hungary (104) 0 Guinea-Bissau (105) 0 Greenland (106) 0 Gibraltar (107) 0 Gaza Strip (108) 0 The Gambia (109) 0 Gabon (110) 0 French Polynesia (111) 0 Faroe Islands (112) 0 Equatorial Guinea (113) 0 Ecuador (114) 0 Czech Republic (115) 0 Cyprus (116) 0 Congo (117) 0 Comoros (118) 0 China (119) 0 Chile (120) 0 Chad (121) 0 Central African Republic (122) 0 Cameroon (123) 0 Cambodia (124) 0 Burma (125) 0 Brazil (126) 0 Botswana (127) 0 Bhutan (128) 0 Benin (129) 0 Bangladesh (130) -0.04 Zambia (131) -0.1 Martinique (132) -0.13 Bermuda (133) -0.14 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (134) -0.15 Angola (135) -0.16 Guadeloupe (136) -0.17 Colombia (137) -0.19 Slovenia (138) -0.35 Egypt (139) -0.36 Panama (140) -0.37 Taiwan (141) -0.38 Netherlands Antilles (142) -0.49 Algeria (143) -0.52 Poland (144) -0.74 Tunisia (145) -0.78 Serbia and Montenegro (146) -0.84 Sri Lanka (147) -0.93 Uruguay (148) -0.94 Ghana (149) -1.01 Bolivia (150) -1.08 Morocco (151) -1.14 Philippines (152) -1.19 Nicaragua (153) -1.44 Tajikistan (154) -1.5 British Virgin Islands (155) -1.51 Vietnam (156) -1.55 Cuba (157) -1.56 Honduras (158) -1.87 New Zealand (159) -1.9 Burkina (160) -1.91 Aruba (161) -2.04 Guatemala (162) -2.14 Western Samoa (163) -2.22 Ireland (164) -2.23 Uzbekistan (165) -2.25 Moldova (166) -2.32 Azerbaijan (167) -2.56 The Bahamas (168) -2.65 Montserrat (169) -2.88 Romania (170) -2.91 Bulgaria (171) -2.92 Turkmenistan (172) -3 Suriname (173) -3 Mali (174) -3.03 Mexico (175) -3.62 Western Sahara (176) -3.64 Mauritius (177) -3.66 Kyrgyzstan (178) -3.7 Belize (179) -4.67 Saint Lucia (180) -4.82 Barbados (181) -4.88 Albania (182) -4.91 Antigua and Barbuda (183) -4.99 Haiti (184) -5.11 Kazakhstan (185) -5.11 Iran (186) -5.39 Saint Kitts and Nevis (187) -5.67 Fiji (188) -5.96 El Salvador (189) -6.04 Dominican Republic (190) -6.4 Jordan (191) -6.53 Cook Islands (192) -6.6 Seychelles (193) -6.68 Armenia (194) -6.81 Puerto Rico (195) -6.88 Cape Verde (196) -7.22 Hong Kong (197) -7.63 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (198) -8.59 Trinidad and Tobago (199) -8.65 Jamaica (200) -8.85 Wallis and Futuna (201) -9.36 Dominica (202) -9.44 Anguilla (203) -9.87 Tonga (204) -12.46 Djibouti (205) -16.17 Virgin Islands (206) -16.93 Pakistan (207) -19.24 Grenada (208) -19.69 Kenya (209) -20.19 Guyana (210) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Burundi Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Cote d'Ivoire Eritrea Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Guinea Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Liberia Malawi Midway Islands Mozambique Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Sudan Svalbard Tanzania Tokelau Tromelin Island Uganda Wake Island World Zaire Zimbabwe FLIFEXP Life Expectancy (F) title #Life expect. Country (F) years ____________ _______ 36.91 Uganda (1) 39.76 Malawi (2) 40.19 Rwanda (3) 41.95 Burundi (4) 42.38 Chad (5) 43.01 Zimbabwe (6) 43.03 Zambia (7) 43.67 Central African Republic (8) 44.22 Tanzania (9) 44.72 Afghanistan (10) 46.59 Haiti (11) 46.77 Niger (12) 46.95 Guinea (13) 47.51 Burkina (14) 47.59 Western Sahara (15) 48.09 Mali (16) 48.49 Angola (17) 49 Congo (18) 49.46 Zaire (19) 49.57 Guinea-Bissau (20) 49.89 Sierra Leone (21) 50.48 Bhutan (22) 50.92 Mozambique (23) 51 Cambodia (24) 51.29 Cote d'Ivoire (25) 51.54 Mauritania (26) 51.62 Djibouti (27) 51.78 Eritrea (28) 51.78 Ethiopia (29) 52.92 The Gambia (30) 53.34 Nepal (31) 53.81 Laos (32) 54.16 Kenya (33) 54.2 Benin (34) 54.79 Equatorial Guinea (35) 55.22 Bangladesh (36) 55.65 Sudan (37) 55.78 Kiribati (38) 56 Somalia (39) 56.48 Madagascar (40) 57.3 Nigeria (41) 57.74 Papua New Guinea (42) 57.88 Ghana (43) 58.06 Gabon (44) 58.56 Pakistan (45) 58.71 Senegal (46) 59.6 Cameroon (47) 59.6 Togo (48) 59.61 India (49) 60.57 Comoros (50) 60.57 Mayotte (51) 60.75 Liberia (52) 60.96 Swaziland (53) 61.61 Vanuatu (54) 62.69 Burma (55) 63.12 Egypt (56) 63.42 Indonesia (57) 63.5 Yemen (58) 64 World (59) 64.34 Tuvalu (60) 64.43 Lesotho (61) 64.9 Namibia (62) 65.01 Cape Verde (63) 65.11 Marshall Islands (64) 65.59 Sao Tome and Principe (65) 66.43 Bolivia (66) 66.57 Libya (67) 66.67 Botswana (68) 67.07 Maldives (69) 67.32 Brazil (70) 67.53 Nicaragua (71) 67.56 Guatemala (72) 67.56 Iraq (73) 67.82 Fiji (74) 67.91 Vietnam (75) 68.01 Syria (76) 68.22 Iran (77) 68.25 Philippines (78) 68.25 South Africa (79) 68.38 Peru (80) 68.5 Guyana (81) 68.92 Mongolia (82) 69.02 Turkmenistan (83) 69.13 Algeria (84) 69.18 China (85) 69.18 Nauru (86) 69.48 Northern Mariana Islands (87) 69.69 Saint Kitts and Nevis (88) 69.81 Micronesia, Federated States of (89) 70.23 El Salvador (90) 70.3 Saudi Arabia (91) 70.36 Belize (92) 70.55 Honduras (93) 70.62 Tonga (94) 70.88 Western Samoa (95) 70.99 Dominican Republic (96) 71.02 Morocco (97) 71.8 Moldova (98) 71.98 Greenland (99) 72.08 Thailand (100) 72.1 Tajikistan (101) 72.24 Uzbekistan (102) 72.28 Lebanon (103) 72.29 Oman (104) 72.41 Suriname (105) 72.56 Kyrgyzstan (106) 72.56 Malaysia (107) 72.6 Trinidad and Tobago (108) 72.69 Gaza Strip (109) 72.9 Wallis and Futuna (110) 72.91 Brunei (111) 72.99 Ecuador (112) 73 West Bank (113) 73.02 Palau (114) 73.1 Cook Islands (115) 73.13 Kazakhstan (116) 73.17 Grenada (117) 73.29 French Polynesia (118) 73.29 Korea, North (119) 73.41 Solomon Islands (120) 73.67 Saint Lucia (121) 73.73 Seychelles (122) 73.96 Turkey (123) 74.21 Jordan (124) 74.21 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (125) 74.29 Korea, South (126) 74.35 Russia (127) 74.7 British Virgin Islands (128) 74.71 United Arab Emirates (129) 74.82 Sri Lanka (130) 74.85 American Samoa (131) 74.87 Ukraine (132) 74.95 Latvia (133) 74.95 Mauritius (134) 74.97 Argentina (135) 74.97 Azerbaijan (136) 75.18 Paraguay (137) 75.35 Romania (138) 75.38 Colombia (139) 75.39 Estonia (140) 75.44 Tunisia (141) 75.5 Qatar (142) 75.57 Antigua and Barbuda (143) 75.93 Belarus (144) 75.95 Armenia (145) 76.06 Hungary (146) 76.13 Guam (147) 76.29 Venezuela (148) 76.3 Lithuania (149) 76.3 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (150) 76.49 Bahrain (151) 76.89 Saint Helena (152) 76.91 Anguilla (153) 76.95 Georgia (154) 76.97 The Bahamas (155) 76.97 Bermuda (156) 77.01 Jamaica (157) 77.02 Albania (158) 77.04 Turks and Caicos Islands (159) 77.06 Barbados (160) 77.1 Bulgaria (161) 77.11 Mexico (162) 77.2 Virgin Islands (163) 77.33 Poland (164) 77.41 Czech Republic (165) 77.48 New Caledonia (166) 77.49 Montserrat (167) 77.57 Slovakia (168) 77.65 Croatia (169) 77.67 Reunion (170) 77.83 Uruguay (171) 77.92 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (172) 77.97 Panama (173) 78.01 Chile (174) 78.06 Kuwait (175) 78.37 Bosnia and Herzegovina (176) 78.76 Slovenia (177) 78.81 Cayman Islands (178) 78.85 Cyprus (179) 78.93 Taiwan (180) 78.94 French Guiana (181) 79 Ireland (182) 79.16 Denmark (183) 79.16 Portugal (184) 79.25 Singapore (185) 79.33 Netherlands Antilles (186) 79.37 Cuba (187) 79.48 Gibraltar (188) 79.48 Malta (189) 79.48 Man, Isle of (190) 79.66 Puerto Rico (191) 79.7 United States (192) 79.92 Germany (193) 79.95 United Kingdom (194) 80.1 Costa Rica (195) 80.11 Finland (196) 80.2 Dominica (197) 80.27 Austria (198) 80.32 Jersey (199) 80.38 Guadeloupe (200) 80.39 Israel (201) 80.42 Aruba (202) 80.42 New Zealand (203) 80.59 Greece (204) 80.67 Belgium (205) 80.75 Luxembourg (206) 81.04 Australia (207) 81.07 Guernsey (208) 81.15 Norway (209) 81.17 Liechtenstein (210) 81.17 Netherlands (211) 81.23 Italy (212) 81.39 Iceland (213) 81.39 Spain (214) 81.39 Sweden (215) 81.53 Martinique (216) 81.66 Andorra (217) 81.8 Faroe Islands (218) 81.8 Monaco (219) 81.81 Canada (220) 81.88 Switzerland (221) 82.42 Japan (222) 82.43 Macau (223) 82.44 France (224) 82.61 Serbia and Montenegro (225) 83.78 Hong Kong (226) 85.29 San Marino (227) Antarctica (228) Arctic Ocean (229) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (230) Atlantic Ocean (231) Baker Island (232) Bassas da India (233) Bouvet Island (234) British Indian Ocean Territory (235) Christmas Island (236) Clipperton Island (237) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) Coral Sea Islands (239) Europa Island (240) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (241) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (242) Glorioso Islands (243) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (244) Holy See (Vatican City) (245) Howland Island (246) Indian Ocean (247) Jan Mayen (248) Jarvis Island (249) Johnston Atoll (250) Juan de Nova Island (251) Kingman Reef (252) Midway Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Niue (255) Norfolk Island (256) Pacific Ocean (257) Palmyra Atoll (258) Paracel Islands (259) Pitcairn Islands (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tokelau (264) Tromelin Island (265) Wake Island (266) U"U"Life expect. Country (F) years ____________ _______ 85.29 San Marino (1) 83.78 Hong Kong (2) 82.61 Serbia and Montenegro (3) 82.44 France (4) 82.43 Macau (5) 82.42 Japan (6) 81.88 Switzerland (7) 81.81 Canada (8) 81.8 Monaco (9) 81.8 Faroe Islands (10) 81.66 Andorra (11) 81.53 Martinique (12) 81.39 Sweden (13) 81.39 Spain (14) 81.39 Iceland (15) 81.23 Italy (16) 81.17 Netherlands (17) 81.17 Liechtenstein (18) 81.15 Norway (19) 81.07 Guernsey (20) 81.04 Australia (21) 80.75 Luxembourg (22) 80.67 Belgium (23) 80.59 Greece (24) 80.42 New Zealand (25) 80.42 Aruba (26) 80.39 Israel (27) 80.38 Guadeloupe (28) 80.32 Jersey (29) 80.27 Austria (30) 80.2 Dominica (31) 80.11 Finland (32) 80.1 Costa Rica (33) 79.95 United Kingdom (34) 79.92 Germany (35) 79.7 United States (36) 79.66 Puerto Rico (37) 79.48 Man, Isle of (38) 79.48 Malta (39) 79.48 Gibraltar (40) 79.37 Cuba (41) 79.33 Netherlands Antilles (42) 79.25 Singapore (43) 79.16 Portugal (44) 79.16 Denmark (45) 79 Ireland (46) 78.94 French Guiana (47) 78.93 Taiwan (48) 78.85 Cyprus (49) 78.81 Cayman Islands (50) 78.76 Slovenia (51) 78.37 Bosnia and Herzegovina (52) 78.06 Kuwait (53) 78.01 Chile (54) 77.97 Panama (55) 77.92 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (56) 77.83 Uruguay (57) 77.67 Reunion (58) 77.65 Croatia (59) 77.57 Slovakia (60) 77.49 Montserrat (61) 77.48 New Caledonia (62) 77.41 Czech Republic (63) 77.33 Poland (64) 77.2 Virgin Islands (65) 77.11 Mexico (66) 77.1 Bulgaria (67) 77.06 Barbados (68) 77.04 Turks and Caicos Islands (69) 77.02 Albania (70) 77.01 Jamaica (71) 76.97 Bermuda (72) 76.97 The Bahamas (73) 76.95 Georgia (74) 76.91 Anguilla (75) 76.89 Saint Helena (76) 76.49 Bahrain (77) 76.3 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (78) 76.3 Lithuania (79) 76.29 Venezuela (80) 76.13 Guam (81) 76.06 Hungary (82) 75.95 Armenia (83) 75.93 Belarus (84) 75.57 Antigua and Barbuda (85) 75.5 Qatar (86) 75.44 Tunisia (87) 75.39 Estonia (88) 75.38 Colombia (89) 75.35 Romania (90) 75.18 Paraguay (91) 74.97 Azerbaijan (92) 74.97 Argentina (93) 74.95 Mauritius (94) 74.95 Latvia (95) 74.87 Ukraine (96) 74.85 American Samoa (97) 74.82 Sri Lanka (98) 74.71 United Arab Emirates (99) 74.7 British Virgin Islands (100) 74.35 Russia (101) 74.29 Korea, South (102) 74.21 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (103) 74.21 Jordan (104) 73.96 Turkey (105) 73.73 Seychelles (106) 73.67 Saint Lucia (107) 73.41 Solomon Islands (108) 73.29 Korea, North (109) 73.29 French Polynesia (110) 73.17 Grenada (111) 73.13 Kazakhstan (112) 73.1 Cook Islands (113) 73.02 Palau (114) 73 West Bank (115) 72.99 Ecuador (116) 72.91 Brunei (117) 72.9 Wallis and Futuna (118) 72.69 Gaza Strip (119) 72.6 Trinidad and Tobago (120) 72.56 Malaysia (121) 72.56 Kyrgyzstan (122) 72.41 Suriname (123) 72.29 Oman (124) 72.28 Lebanon (125) 72.24 Uzbekistan (126) 72.1 Tajikistan (127) 72.08 Thailand (128) 71.98 Greenland (129) 71.8 Moldova (130) 71.02 Morocco (131) 70.99 Dominican Republic (132) 70.88 Western Samoa (133) 70.62 Tonga (134) 70.55 Honduras (135) 70.36 Belize (136) 70.3 Saudi Arabia (137) 70.23 El Salvador (138) 69.81 Micronesia, Federated States of (139) 69.69 Saint Kitts and Nevis (140) 69.48 Northern Mariana Islands (141) 69.18 Nauru (142) 69.18 China (143) 69.13 Algeria (144) 69.02 Turkmenistan (145) 68.92 Mongolia (146) 68.5 Guyana (147) 68.38 Peru (148) 68.25 South Africa (149) 68.25 Philippines (150) 68.22 Iran (151) 68.01 Syria (152) 67.91 Vietnam (153) 67.82 Fiji (154) 67.56 Iraq (155) 67.56 Guatemala (156) 67.53 Nicaragua (157) 67.32 Brazil (158) 67.07 Maldives (159) 66.67 Botswana (160) 66.57 Libya (161) 66.43 Bolivia (162) 65.59 Sao Tome and Principe (163) 65.11 Marshall Islands (164) 65.01 Cape Verde (165) 64.9 Namibia (166) 64.43 Lesotho (167) 64.34 Tuvalu (168) 64 World (169) 63.5 Yemen (170) 63.42 Indonesia (171) 63.12 Egypt (172) 62.69 Burma (173) 61.61 Vanuatu (174) 60.96 Swaziland (175) 60.75 Liberia (176) 60.57 Mayotte (177) 60.57 Comoros (178) 59.61 India (179) 59.6 Togo (180) 59.6 Cameroon (181) 58.71 Senegal (182) 58.56 Pakistan (183) 58.06 Gabon (184) 57.88 Ghana (185) 57.74 Papua New Guinea (186) 57.3 Nigeria (187) 56.48 Madagascar (188) 56 Somalia (189) 55.78 Kiribati (190) 55.65 Sudan (191) 55.22 Bangladesh (192) 54.79 Equatorial Guinea (193) 54.2 Benin (194) 54.16 Kenya (195) 53.81 Laos (196) 53.34 Nepal (197) 52.92 The Gambia (198) 51.78 Ethiopia (199) 51.78 Eritrea (200) 51.62 Djibouti (201) 51.54 Mauritania (202) 51.29 Cote d'Ivoire (203) 51 Cambodia (204) 50.92 Mozambique (205) 50.48 Bhutan (206) 49.89 Sierra Leone (207) 49.57 Guinea-Bissau (208) 49.46 Zaire (209) 49 Congo (210) 48.49 Angola (211) 48.09 Mali (212) 47.59 Western Sahara (213) 47.51 Burkina (214) 46.95 Guinea (215) 46.77 Niger (216) 46.59 Haiti (217) 44.72 Afghanistan (218) 44.22 Tanzania (219) 43.67 Central African Republic (220) 43.03 Zambia (221) 43.01 Zimbabwe (222) 42.38 Chad (223) 41.95 Burundi (224) 40.19 Rwanda (225) 39.76 Malawi (226) 36.91 Uganda (227) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island MLIFEXP Life Expectancy (M) title #Life expect. Country (M) years __________ _______ 36.26 Uganda (1) 37.84 Burundi (2) 38.28 Malawi (3) 38.5 Rwanda (4) 39.73 Zimbabwe (5) 40.04 Chad (6) 40.68 Central African Republic (7) 40.88 Tanzania (8) 42.31 Guinea (9) 42.74 Zambia (10) 43.04 Haiti (11) 43.42 Niger (12) 44.07 Sierra Leone (13) 44.18 Angola (14) 44.7 Mali (15) 45.23 Congo (16) 45.34 Western Sahara (17) 45.66 Mauritania (18) 45.68 Zaire (19) 45.71 Burkina (20) 45.98 Afghanistan (21) 46.21 Guinea-Bissau (22) 46.52 Cote d'Ivoire (23) 47.04 Mozambique (24) 47.83 Djibouti (25) 48 Cambodia (26) 48.25 The Gambia (27) 48.28 Eritrea (28) 48.28 Ethiopia (29) 50.34 Benin (30) 50.39 Equatorial Guinea (31) 50.66 Laos (32) 50.72 Kenya (33) 51.56 Bhutan (34) 52.31 Gabon (35) 52.47 Madagascar (36) 52.56 Kiribati (37) 52.83 Swaziland (38) 52.86 Nepal (39) 53.81 Sudan (40) 53.88 Ghana (41) 54.69 Nigeria (42) 55.29 Togo (43) 55.41 Cameroon (44) 55.48 Somalia (45) 55.65 Senegal (46) 55.67 Liberia (47) 55.69 Bangladesh (48) 56.01 Papua New Guinea (49) 56.04 Comoros (50) 56.04 Mayotte (51) 56.57 Brazil (52) 57.18 Pakistan (53) 57.9 Vanuatu (54) 58.38 Burma (55) 58.5 India (56) 59.13 Indonesia (57) 59.22 Egypt (58) 59.37 Namibia (59) 60.54 Botswana (60) 60.74 Lesotho (61) 61 World (62) 61.1 Cape Verde (63) 61.39 Bolivia (64) 61.57 Yemen (65) 61.67 Nicaragua (66) 61.76 Sao Tome and Principe (67) 61.85 Turkmenistan (68) 61.86 Guyana (69) 61.87 Tuvalu (70) 61.94 Marshall Islands (71) 62.12 Libya (72) 62.27 Guatemala (73) 62.68 South Africa (74) 63.13 Fiji (75) 63.16 Philippines (76) 63.33 Greenland (77) 63.51 Saint Kitts and Nevis (78) 63.61 Kazakhstan (79) 63.66 Vietnam (80) 63.86 Peru (81) 63.92 Kyrgyzstan (82) 63.99 Maldives (83) 64.1 Russia (84) 64.28 Mongolia (85) 64.3 Nauru (86) 64.6 Latvia (87) 64.81 Moldova (88) 64.89 El Salvador (89) 64.94 Thailand (90) 65.2 Estonia (91) 65.5 Uzbekistan (92) 65.53 Northern Mariana Islands (93) 65.54 Iraq (94) 65.59 Ukraine (95) 65.64 Honduras (96) 65.67 Syria (97) 65.77 Iran (98) 65.8 Tonga (99) 65.84 Micronesia, Federated States of (100) 65.99 Western Samoa (101) 66.11 Tajikistan (102) 66.33 Saint Lucia (103) 66.36 Belarus (104) 66.37 Belize (105) 66.54 Seychelles (106) 66.55 Malaysia (107) 66.57 Dominican Republic (108) 66.68 Lithuania (109) 66.79 Saudi Arabia (110) 66.9 Mauritius (111) 66.94 Algeria (112) 66.96 Korea, North (113) 67.03 Morocco (114) 67.09 China (115) 67.22 Lebanon (116) 67.24 Suriname (117) 67.37 The Bahamas (118) 67.4 Azerbaijan (119) 67.69 Korea, South (120) 67.75 Trinidad and Tobago (121) 67.83 Ecuador (122) 67.94 Hungary (123) 68.2 Grenada (124) 68.22 Argentina (125) 68.31 Oman (126) 68.32 French Polynesia (127) 68.38 Solomon Islands (128) 68.94 Armenia (129) 69.11 Turkey (130) 69.14 Palau (131) 69.15 Poland (132) 69.15 Slovakia (133) 69.2 Cook Islands (134) 69.31 Romania (135) 69.43 Georgia (136) 69.56 Gaza Strip (137) 69.58 Sri Lanka (138) 69.65 Brunei (139) 69.68 Colombia (140) 69.74 Mexico (141) 69.87 Czech Republic (142) 69.91 West Bank (143) 70.42 United Arab Emirates (144) 70.43 Bulgaria (145) 70.43 Jordan (146) 70.45 Qatar (147) 70.48 Venezuela (148) 70.59 Croatia (149) 70.73 New Caledonia (150) 70.78 Puerto Rico (151) 70.83 Albania (152) 70.88 British Virgin Islands (153) 70.91 Slovenia (154) 71.03 American Samoa (155) 71.15 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (156) 71.16 Tunisia (157) 71.24 Uruguay (158) 71.32 Anguilla (159) 71.32 Antigua and Barbuda (160) 71.39 Reunion (161) 71.46 Bahrain (162) 71.47 Barbados (163) 71.62 Wallis and Futuna (164) 71.87 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (165) 71.89 Chile (166) 72.06 Paraguay (167) 72.11 Portugal (168) 72.17 Taiwan (169) 72.27 French Guiana (170) 72.39 Jamaica (171) 72.42 Guam (172) 72.51 Finland (173) 72.57 Panama (174) 72.75 Bosnia and Herzegovina (175) 72.8 United States (176) 72.89 Aruba (177) 73.01 Saint Helena (178) 73.08 New Zealand (179) 73.15 Ireland (180) 73.23 Denmark (181) 73.28 Singapore (182) 73.31 Luxembourg (183) 73.33 Kuwait (184) 73.36 Bermuda (185) 73.44 Turks and Caicos Islands (186) 73.5 Germany (187) 73.6 Virgin Islands (188) 73.7 Austria (189) 73.7 Gibraltar (190) 73.78 Man, Isle of (191) 73.81 Jersey (192) 73.86 Liechtenstein (193) 73.93 Montserrat (194) 73.94 Belgium (195) 74.16 Guadeloupe (196) 74.18 Monaco (197) 74.18 United Kingdom (198) 74.19 Cyprus (199) 74.26 Norway (200) 74.35 Dominica (201) 74.4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (202) 74.5 France (203) 74.67 Australia (204) 74.67 Italy (205) 74.67 Netherlands Antilles (206) 74.67 Spain (207) 74.75 Malta (208) 74.86 Cuba (209) 74.9 Netherlands (210) 74.91 Faroe Islands (211) 74.93 Canada (212) 74.99 Switzerland (213) 75.37 Cayman Islands (214) 75.39 Greece (215) 75.63 Guernsey (216) 75.64 Sweden (217) 75.65 Andorra (218) 75.94 Martinique (219) 76 Israel (220) 76.21 Costa Rica (221) 76.6 Japan (222) 76.69 Iceland (223) 76.69 Serbia and Montenegro (224) 76.78 Hong Kong (225) 77.26 San Marino (226) 77.41 Macau (227) Antarctica (228) Arctic Ocean (229) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (230) Atlantic Ocean (231) Baker Island (232) Bassas da India (233) Bouvet Island (234) British Indian Ocean Territory (235) Christmas Island (236) Clipperton Island (237) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) Coral Sea Islands (239) Europa Island (240) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (241) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (242) Glorioso Islands (243) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (244) Holy See (Vatican City) (245) Howland Island (246) Indian Ocean (247) Jan Mayen (248) Jarvis Island (249) Johnston Atoll (250) Juan de Nova Island (251) Kingman Reef (252) Midway Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Niue (255) Norfolk Island (256) Pacific Ocean (257) Palmyra Atoll (258) Paracel Islands (259) Pitcairn Islands (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tokelau (264) Tromelin Island (265) Wake Island (266) U"U"Life expect. Country (M) years __________ _______ 77.41 Macau (1) 77.26 San Marino (2) 76.78 Hong Kong (3) 76.69 Serbia and Montenegro (4) 76.69 Iceland (5) 76.6 Japan (6) 76.21 Costa Rica (7) 76 Israel (8) 75.94 Martinique (9) 75.65 Andorra (10) 75.64 Sweden (11) 75.63 Guernsey (12) 75.39 Greece (13) 75.37 Cayman Islands (14) 74.99 Switzerland (15) 74.93 Canada (16) 74.91 Faroe Islands (17) 74.9 Netherlands (18) 74.86 Cuba (19) 74.75 Malta (20) 74.67 Spain (21) 74.67 Netherlands Antilles (22) 74.67 Italy (23) 74.67 Australia (24) 74.5 France (25) 74.4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (26) 74.35 Dominica (27) 74.26 Norway (28) 74.19 Cyprus (29) 74.18 United Kingdom (30) 74.18 Monaco (31) 74.16 Guadeloupe (32) 73.94 Belgium (33) 73.93 Montserrat (34) 73.86 Liechtenstein (35) 73.81 Jersey (36) 73.78 Man, Isle of (37) 73.7 Gibraltar (38) 73.7 Austria (39) 73.6 Virgin Islands (40) 73.5 Germany (41) 73.44 Turks and Caicos Islands (42) 73.36 Bermuda (43) 73.33 Kuwait (44) 73.31 Luxembourg (45) 73.28 Singapore (46) 73.23 Denmark (47) 73.15 Ireland (48) 73.08 New Zealand (49) 73.01 Saint Helena (50) 72.89 Aruba (51) 72.8 United States (52) 72.75 Bosnia and Herzegovina (53) 72.57 Panama (54) 72.51 Finland (55) 72.42 Guam (56) 72.39 Jamaica (57) 72.27 French Guiana (58) 72.17 Taiwan (59) 72.11 Portugal (60) 72.06 Paraguay (61) 71.89 Chile (62) 71.87 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (63) 71.62 Wallis and Futuna (64) 71.47 Barbados (65) 71.46 Bahrain (66) 71.39 Reunion (67) 71.32 Antigua and Barbuda (68) 71.32 Anguilla (69) 71.24 Uruguay (70) 71.16 Tunisia (71) 71.15 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (72) 71.03 American Samoa (73) 70.91 Slovenia (74) 70.88 British Virgin Islands (75) 70.83 Albania (76) 70.78 Puerto Rico (77) 70.73 New Caledonia (78) 70.59 Croatia (79) 70.48 Venezuela (80) 70.45 Qatar (81) 70.43 Jordan (82) 70.43 Bulgaria (83) 70.42 United Arab Emirates (84) 69.91 West Bank (85) 69.87 Czech Republic (86) 69.74 Mexico (87) 69.68 Colombia (88) 69.65 Brunei (89) 69.58 Sri Lanka (90) 69.56 Gaza Strip (91) 69.43 Georgia (92) 69.31 Romania (93) 69.2 Cook Islands (94) 69.15 Slovakia (95) 69.15 Poland (96) 69.14 Palau (97) 69.11 Turkey (98) 68.94 Armenia (99) 68.38 Solomon Islands (100) 68.32 French Polynesia (101) 68.31 Oman (102) 68.22 Argentina (103) 68.2 Grenada (104) 67.94 Hungary (105) 67.83 Ecuador (106) 67.75 Trinidad and Tobago (107) 67.69 Korea, South (108) 67.4 Azerbaijan (109) 67.37 The Bahamas (110) 67.24 Suriname (111) 67.22 Lebanon (112) 67.09 China (113) 67.03 Morocco (114) 66.96 Korea, North (115) 66.94 Algeria (116) 66.9 Mauritius (117) 66.79 Saudi Arabia (118) 66.68 Lithuania (119) 66.57 Dominican Republic (120) 66.55 Malaysia (121) 66.54 Seychelles (122) 66.37 Belize (123) 66.36 Belarus (124) 66.33 Saint Lucia (125) 66.11 Tajikistan (126) 65.99 Western Samoa (127) 65.84 Micronesia, Federated States of (128) 65.8 Tonga (129) 65.77 Iran (130) 65.67 Syria (131) 65.64 Honduras (132) 65.59 Ukraine (133) 65.54 Iraq (134) 65.53 Northern Mariana Islands (135) 65.5 Uzbekistan (136) 65.2 Estonia (137) 64.94 Thailand (138) 64.89 El Salvador (139) 64.81 Moldova (140) 64.6 Latvia (141) 64.3 Nauru (142) 64.28 Mongolia (143) 64.1 Russia (144) 63.99 Maldives (145) 63.92 Kyrgyzstan (146) 63.86 Peru (147) 63.66 Vietnam (148) 63.61 Kazakhstan (149) 63.51 Saint Kitts and Nevis (150) 63.33 Greenland (151) 63.16 Philippines (152) 63.13 Fiji (153) 62.68 South Africa (154) 62.27 Guatemala (155) 62.12 Libya (156) 61.94 Marshall Islands (157) 61.87 Tuvalu (158) 61.86 Guyana (159) 61.85 Turkmenistan (160) 61.76 Sao Tome and Principe (161) 61.67 Nicaragua (162) 61.57 Yemen (163) 61.39 Bolivia (164) 61.1 Cape Verde (165) 61 World (166) 60.74 Lesotho (167) 60.54 Botswana (168) 59.37 Namibia (169) 59.22 Egypt (170) 59.13 Indonesia (171) 58.5 India (172) 58.38 Burma (173) 57.9 Vanuatu (174) 57.18 Pakistan (175) 56.57 Brazil (176) 56.04 Mayotte (177) 56.04 Comoros (178) 56.01 Papua New Guinea (179) 55.69 Bangladesh (180) 55.67 Liberia (181) 55.65 Senegal (182) 55.48 Somalia (183) 55.41 Cameroon (184) 55.29 Togo (185) 54.69 Nigeria (186) 53.88 Ghana (187) 53.81 Sudan (188) 52.86 Nepal (189) 52.83 Swaziland (190) 52.56 Kiribati (191) 52.47 Madagascar (192) 52.31 Gabon (193) 51.56 Bhutan (194) 50.72 Kenya (195) 50.66 Laos (196) 50.39 Equatorial Guinea (197) 50.34 Benin (198) 48.28 Ethiopia (199) 48.28 Eritrea (200) 48.25 The Gambia (201) 48 Cambodia (202) 47.83 Djibouti (203) 47.04 Mozambique (204) 46.52 Cote d'Ivoire (205) 46.21 Guinea-Bissau (206) 45.98 Afghanistan (207) 45.71 Burkina (208) 45.68 Zaire (209) 45.66 Mauritania (210) 45.34 Western Sahara (211) 45.23 Congo (212) 44.7 Mali (213) 44.18 Angola (214) 44.07 Sierra Leone (215) 43.42 Niger (216) 43.04 Haiti (217) 42.74 Zambia (218) 42.31 Guinea (219) 40.88 Tanzania (220) 40.68 Central African Republic (221) 40.04 Chad (222) 39.73 Zimbabwe (223) 38.5 Rwanda (224) 38.28 Malawi (225) 37.84 Burundi (226) 36.26 Uganda (227) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island FLITER Literacy Rate (F) title #Literacy (F) Country % __________ _______ 5 Niger (1) 9 Burkina (2) 11 Sierra Leone (3) 12 Mali (4) 13 Guinea (5) 13 Nepal (6) 14 Afghanistan (7) 14 Somalia (8) 16 Benin (9) 16 Botswana (10) 16 Ethiopia (11) 16 The Gambia (12) 18 Chad (13) 18 Senegal (14) 21 Mozambique (15) 21 Pakistan (16) 21 Sudan (17) 22 Bangladesh (18) 22 Cambodia (19) 23 Cote d'Ivoire (20) 24 Guinea-Bissau (21) 25 Central African Republic (22) 25 Mauritania (23) 26 Yemen (24) 28 Angola (25) 29 Liberia (26) 31 Namibia (27) 31 Togo (28) 32 Haiti (29) 34 Djibouti (30) 34 Egypt (31) 34 Malawi (32) 35 Laos (33) 38 Morocco (34) 38 Papua New Guinea (35) 39 India (36) 40 Burundi (37) 40 Comoros (38) 40 Nigeria (39) 42 Libya (40) 45 Cameroon (41) 45 Tunisia (42) 45 Uganda (43) 46 Algeria (44) 47 Guatemala (45) 48 Equatorial Guinea (46) 48 Gabon (47) 48 Saudi Arabia (48) 48 Vanuatu (49) 49 Congo (50) 51 Ghana (51) 51 Syria (52) 51 Wallis and Futuna (53) 53 Cape Verde (54) 56 Iran (55) 57 Nicaragua (56) 60 Seychelles (57) 61 Zaire (58) 62 Kenya (59) 62 Sao Tome and Principe (60) 63 Albania (61) 64 Hong Kong (62) 65 Swaziland (63) 65 Zambia (64) 68 China (65) 68 Lesotho (66) 68 Turkey (67) 69 Kuwait (68) 69 Saint Lucia (69) 69 United Arab Emirates (70) 70 El Salvador (71) 71 Honduras (72) 72 Bolivia (73) 72 Burma (74) 72 Qatar (75) 72 Zimbabwe (76) 73 Lebanon (77) 73 Madagascar (78) 74 Peru (79) 75 Indonesia (80) 75 Jordan (81) 75 Mauritius (82) 75 South Africa (83) 77 Bahrain (84) 79 Taiwan (85) 80 Brazil (86) 80 Reunion (87) 82 Brunei (88) 82 Dominican Republic (89) 82 French Guiana (90) 82 Malta (91) 82 Portugal (92) 83 Singapore (93) 83 Vietnam (94) 84 Ecuador (95) 84 Fiji (96) 84 Sri Lanka (97) 85 Mexico (98) 86 Jamaica (99) 86 Macau (100) 88 Antigua and Barbuda (101) 88 Colombia (102) 88 Iraq (103) 88 Marshall Islands (104) 88 Micronesia, Federated States of (105) 88 Panama (106) 88 Paraguay (107) 88 Puerto Rico (108) 89 The Bahamas (109) 89 Venezuela (110) 90 Guadeloupe (111) 90 New Caledonia (112) 90 Palau (113) 91 Belize (114) 91 Cyprus (115) 91 Thailand (116) 92 Maldives (117) 93 Costa Rica (118) 93 Greece (119) 93 Israel (120) 93 Martinique (121) 93 Philippines (122) 94 Chile (123) 94 Dominica (124) 94 Korea, South (125) 94 Moldova (126) 94 Spain (127) 95 Anguilla (128) 95 Argentina (129) 95 Croatia (130) 95 Guyana (131) 95 Romania (132) 95 San Marino (133) 95 Suriname (134) 96 Azerbaijan (135) 96 Belarus (136) 96 Italy (137) 96 Kazakhstan (138) 96 Kyrgyzstan (139) 96 Northern Mariana Islands (140) 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (141) 96 Trinidad and Tobago (142) 96 Uruguay (143) 96 Uzbekistan (144) 97 American Samoa (145) 97 Bulgaria (146) 97 Montserrat (147) 97 Tajikistan (148) 97 Turkmenistan (149) 97 Ukraine (150) 97 United States (151) 97 Western Samoa (152) 98 Armenia (153) 98 British Virgin Islands (154) 98 Cayman Islands (155) 98 French Polynesia (156) 98 Georgia (157) 98 Grenada (158) 98 Hungary (159) 98 Lithuania (160) 98 Poland (161) 98 Saint Helena (162) 98 Saint Kitts and Nevis (163) 98 Turks and Caicos Islands (164) 99 Barbados (165) 99 Bermuda (166) 99 Guam (167) 99 Korea, North (168) 99 Latvia (169) 99 Netherlands Antilles (170) 99 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (171) 100 Australia (172) 100 Estonia (173) 100 Liechtenstein (174) 100 Luxembourg (175) 100 Tonga (176) Andorra (177) Antarctica (178) Arctic Ocean (179) Aruba (180) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (181) Atlantic Ocean (182) Austria (183) Baker Island (184) Bassas da India (185) Belgium (186) Bhutan (187) Bosnia and Herzegovina (188) Bouvet Island (189) British Indian Ocean Territory (190) Canada (191) Christmas Island (192) Clipperton Island (193) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (194) Cook Islands (195) Coral Sea Islands (196) Cuba (197) Czech Republic (198) Denmark (199) Eritrea (200) Europa Island (201) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (202) Faroe Islands (203) Finland (204) France (205) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (206) Gaza Strip (207) Germany (208) Gibraltar (209) Glorioso Islands (210) Greenland (211) Guernsey (212) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (213) Holy See (Vatican City) (214) Howland Island (215) Iceland (216) Indian Ocean (217) Ireland (218) Jan Mayen (219) Japan (220) Jarvis Island (221) Jersey (222) Johnston Atoll (223) Juan de Nova Island (224) Kingman Reef (225) Kiribati (226) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (227) Malaysia (228) Man, Isle of (229) Mayotte (230) Midway Islands (231) Monaco (232) Mongolia (233) Nauru (234) Navassa Island (235) Netherlands (236) New Zealand (237) Niue (238) Norfolk Island (239) Norway (240) Oman (241) Pacific Ocean (242) Palmyra Atoll (243) Paracel Islands (244) Pitcairn Islands (245) Russia (246) Rwanda (247) Serbia and Montenegro (248) Slovakia (249) Slovenia (250) Solomon Islands (251) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (252) Spratly Islands (253) Svalbard (254) Sweden (255) Switzerland (256) Tanzania (257) Tokelau (258) Tromelin Island (259) Tuvalu (260) United Kingdom (261) Virgin Islands (262) Wake Island (263) West Bank (264) Western Sahara (265) World (266) Literacy (F) Country % __________ _______ 100 Tonga (1) 100 Luxembourg (2) 100 Liechtenstein (3) 100 Estonia (4) 100 Australia (5) 99 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (6) 99 Netherlands Antilles (7) 99 Latvia (8) 99 Korea, North (9) 99 Guam (10) 99 Bermuda (11) 99 Barbados (12) 98 Turks and Caicos Islands (13) 98 Saint Kitts and Nevis (14) 98 Saint Helena (15) 98 Poland (16) 98 Lithuania (17) 98 Hungary (18) 98 Grenada (19) 98 Georgia (20) 98 French Polynesia (21) 98 Cayman Islands (22) 98 British Virgin Islands (23) 98 Armenia (24) 97 Western Samoa (25) 97 United States (26) 97 Ukraine (27) 97 Turkmenistan (28) 97 Tajikistan (29) 97 Montserrat (30) 97 Bulgaria (31) 97 American Samoa (32) 96 Uzbekistan (33) 96 Uruguay (34) 96 Trinidad and Tobago (35) 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (36) 96 Northern Mariana Islands (37) 96 Kyrgyzstan (38) 96 Kazakhstan (39) 96 Italy (40) 96 Belarus (41) 96 Azerbaijan (42) 95 Suriname (43) 95 San Marino (44) 95 Romania (45) 95 Guyana (46) 95 Croatia (47) 95 Argentina (48) 95 Anguilla (49) 94 Spain (50) 94 Moldova (51) 94 Korea, South (52) 94 Dominica (53) 94 Chile (54) 93 Philippines (55) 93 Martinique (56) 93 Israel (57) 93 Greece (58) 93 Costa Rica (59) 92 Maldives (60) 91 Thailand (61) 91 Cyprus (62) 91 Belize (63) 90 Palau (64) 90 New Caledonia (65) 90 Guadeloupe (66) 89 Venezuela (67) 89 The Bahamas (68) 88 Puerto Rico (69) 88 Paraguay (70) 88 Panama (71) 88 Micronesia, Federated States of (72) 88 Marshall Islands (73) 88 Iraq (74) 88 Colombia (75) 88 Antigua and Barbuda (76) 86 Macau (77) 86 Jamaica (78) 85 Mexico (79) 84 Sri Lanka (80) 84 Fiji (81) 84 Ecuador (82) 83 Vietnam (83) 83 Singapore (84) 82 Portugal (85) 82 Malta (86) 82 French Guiana (87) 82 Dominican Republic (88) 82 Brunei (89) 80 Reunion (90) 80 Brazil (91) 79 Taiwan (92) 77 Bahrain (93) 75 South Africa (94) 75 Mauritius (95) 75 Jordan (96) 75 Indonesia (97) 74 Peru (98) 73 Madagascar (99) 73 Lebanon (100) 72 Zimbabwe (101) 72 Qatar (102) 72 Burma (103) 72 Bolivia (104) 71 Honduras (105) 70 El Salvador (106) 69 United Arab Emirates (107) 69 Saint Lucia (108) 69 Kuwait (109) 68 Turkey (110) 68 Lesotho (111) 68 China (112) 65 Zambia (113) 65 Swaziland (114) 64 Hong Kong (115) 63 Albania (116) 62 Sao Tome and Principe (117) 62 Kenya (118) 61 Zaire (119) 60 Seychelles (120) 57 Nicaragua (121) 56 Iran (122) 53 Cape Verde (123) 51 Wallis and Futuna (124) 51 Syria (125) 51 Ghana (126) 49 Congo (127) 48 Vanuatu (128) 48 Saudi Arabia (129) 48 Gabon (130) 48 Equatorial Guinea (131) 47 Guatemala (132) 46 Algeria (133) 45 Uganda (134) 45 Tunisia (135) 45 Cameroon (136) 42 Libya (137) 40 Nigeria (138) 40 Comoros (139) 40 Burundi (140) 39 India (141) 38 Papua New Guinea (142) 38 Morocco (143) 35 Laos (144) 34 Malawi (145) 34 Egypt (146) 34 Djibouti (147) 32 Haiti (148) 31 Togo (149) 31 Namibia (150) 29 Liberia (151) 28 Angola (152) 26 Yemen (153) 25 Mauritania (154) 25 Central African Republic (155) 24 Guinea-Bissau (156) 23 Cote d'Ivoire (157) 22 Cambodia (158) 22 Bangladesh (159) 21 Sudan (160) 21 Pakistan (161) 21 Mozambique (162) 18 Senegal (163) 18 Chad (164) 16 The Gambia (165) 16 Ethiopia (166) 16 Botswana (167) 16 Benin (168) 14 Somalia (169) 14 Afghanistan (170) 13 Nepal (171) 13 Guinea (172) 12 Mali (173) 11 Sierra Leone (174) 9 Burkina (175) 5 Niger (176) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Austria Baker Island Bassas da India Belgium Bhutan Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Canada Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Eritrea Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Finland France French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Germany Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Greenland Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Iceland Indian Ocean Ireland Jan Mayen Japan Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kiribati Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Malaysia Man, Isle of Mayotte Midway Islands Monaco Mongolia Nauru Navassa Island Netherlands New Zealand Niue Norfolk Island Norway Oman Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Russia Rwanda Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Tokelau Tromelin Island Tuvalu United Kingdom Virgin Islands Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara World MLITER Literacy Rate (M) title #Literacy (M) Country % ___________ _______ 17 Niger (1) 27 Mali (2) 28 Burkina (3) 31 Sierra Leone (4) 32 Benin (5) 32 Botswana (6) 33 Ethiopia (7) 35 Guinea (8) 36 Somalia (9) 37 Haiti (10) 37 Senegal (11) 38 Nepal (12) 39 The Gambia (13) 42 Chad (14) 44 Afghanistan (15) 44 Cote d'Ivoire (16) 44 Lesotho (17) 44 Sudan (18) 45 Mozambique (19) 45 Namibia (20) 46 Mauritania (21) 47 Bangladesh (22) 47 Pakistan (23) 48 Cambodia (24) 50 Guinea-Bissau (25) 50 Liberia (26) 50 Wallis and Futuna (27) 52 Central African Republic (28) 53 Yemen (29) 56 Angola (30) 56 Comoros (31) 56 Seychelles (32) 56 Togo (33) 57 Nicaragua (34) 57 Vanuatu (35) 61 Burundi (36) 61 Morocco (37) 62 Nigeria (38) 63 Djibouti (39) 63 Egypt (40) 63 Guatemala (41) 64 India (42) 64 Rwanda (43) 65 Laos (44) 65 Malawi (45) 65 Papua New Guinea (46) 65 Saint Lucia (47) 66 Cameroon (48) 68 Uganda (49) 69 Tunisia (50) 70 Algeria (51) 70 Ghana (52) 70 Swaziland (53) 71 Congo (54) 72 United Arab Emirates (55) 73 Saudi Arabia (56) 74 Gabon (57) 74 Iran (58) 75 Cape Verde (59) 76 El Salvador (60) 76 Honduras (61) 76 Reunion (62) 77 Equatorial Guinea (63) 77 Jamaica (64) 77 Libya (65) 77 Qatar (66) 78 Kuwait (67) 78 South Africa (68) 78 Syria (69) 80 Albania (70) 80 Brazil (71) 81 Kenya (72) 81 Zambia (73) 84 French Guiana (74) 84 Zaire (75) 84 Zimbabwe (76) 85 Dominican Republic (77) 85 Mauritius (78) 85 Sao Tome and Principe (79) 86 Malaysia (80) 86 Malta (81) 87 China (82) 88 Bolivia (83) 88 Colombia (84) 88 Indonesia (85) 88 Lebanon (86) 88 Madagascar (87) 89 Bahrain (88) 89 Burma (89) 89 Panama (90) 89 Portugal (91) 90 Antigua and Barbuda (92) 90 The Bahamas (93) 90 Ecuador (94) 90 Fiji (95) 90 Guadeloupe (96) 90 Hong Kong (97) 90 Iraq (98) 90 Mexico (99) 90 Puerto Rico (100) 90 Turkey (101) 91 Belize (102) 91 Jordan (103) 91 Maldives (104) 91 Micronesia, Federated States of (105) 91 Venezuela (106) 92 Brunei (107) 92 Martinique (108) 92 New Caledonia (109) 92 Paraguay (110) 92 Peru (111) 93 Costa Rica (112) 93 Macau (113) 93 Palau (114) 93 Sri Lanka (115) 93 Vietnam (116) 93 Taiwan (117) 94 Dominica (118) 94 Philippines (119) 95 Anguilla (120) 95 Chile (121) 95 Singapore (122) 95 Suriname (123) 96 Argentina (124) 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (125) 96 Thailand (126) 97 Israel (127) 97 Montserrat (128) 97 Northern Mariana Islands (129) 97 Saint Helena (130) 97 Saint Kitts and Nevis (131) 97 San Marino (132) 97 United States (133) 97 Uruguay (134) 97 Western Samoa (135) 98 American Samoa (136) 98 Bermuda (137) 98 British Virgin Islands (138) 98 Cayman Islands (139) 98 Cyprus (140) 98 French Polynesia (141) 98 Greece (142) 98 Grenada (143) 98 Guyana (144) 98 Italy (145) 98 Netherlands Antilles (146) 98 Romania (147) 98 Spain (148) 98 Trinidad and Tobago (149) 98 Uzbekistan (150) 99 Armenia (151) 99 Azerbaijan (152) 99 Barbados (153) 99 Belarus (154) 99 Bulgaria (155) 99 Croatia (156) 99 Guam (157) 99 Hungary (158) 99 Kazakhstan (159) 99 Korea, North (160) 99 Korea, South (161) 99 Kyrgyzstan (162) 99 Lithuania (163) 99 Moldova (164) 99 Poland (165) 99 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (166) 99 Tajikistan (167) 99 Turkmenistan (168) 99 Turks and Caicos Islands (169) 100 Australia (170) 100 Estonia (171) 100 Georgia (172) 100 Latvia (173) 100 Liechtenstein (174) 100 Luxembourg (175) 100 Marshall Islands (176) 100 Tonga (177) 100 Ukraine (178) Andorra (179) Antarctica (180) Arctic Ocean (181) Aruba (182) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (183) Atlantic Ocean (184) Austria (185) Baker Island (186) Bassas da India (187) Belgium (188) Bhutan (189) Bosnia and Herzegovina (190) Bouvet Island (191) British Indian Ocean Territory (192) Canada (193) Christmas Island (194) Clipperton Island (195) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (196) Cook Islands (197) Coral Sea Islands (198) Cuba (199) Czech Republic (200) Denmark (201) Eritrea (202) Europa Island (203) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (204) Faroe Islands (205) Finland (206) France (207) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (208) Gaza Strip (209) Germany (210) Gibraltar (211) Glorioso Islands (212) Greenland (213) Guernsey (214) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (215) Holy See (Vatican City) (216) Howland Island (217) Iceland (218) Indian Ocean (219) Ireland (220) Jan Mayen (221) Japan (222) Jarvis Island (223) Jersey (224) Johnston Atoll (225) Juan de Nova Island (226) Kingman Reef (227) Kiribati (228) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (229) Man, Isle of (230) Mayotte (231) Midway Islands (232) Monaco (233) Mongolia (234) Nauru (235) Navassa Island (236) Netherlands (237) New Zealand (238) Niue (239) Norfolk Island (240) Norway (241) Oman (242) Pacific Ocean (243) Palmyra Atoll (244) Paracel Islands (245) Pitcairn Islands (246) Russia (247) Serbia and Montenegro (248) Slovakia (249) Slovenia (250) Solomon Islands (251) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (252) Spratly Islands (253) Svalbard (254) Sweden (255) Switzerland (256) Tanzania (257) Tokelau (258) Tromelin Island (259) Tuvalu (260) United Kingdom (261) Virgin Islands (262) Wake Island (263) West Bank (264) Western Sahara (265) World (266) Literacy (M) Country % ___________ _______ 100 Ukraine (1) 100 Tonga (2) 100 Marshall Islands (3) 100 Luxembourg (4) 100 Liechtenstein (5) 100 Latvia (6) 100 Georgia (7) 100 Estonia (8) 100 Australia (9) 99 Turks and Caicos Islands (10) 99 Turkmenistan (11) 99 Tajikistan (12) 99 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (13) 99 Poland (14) 99 Moldova (15) 99 Lithuania (16) 99 Kyrgyzstan (17) 99 Korea, South (18) 99 Korea, North (19) 99 Kazakhstan (20) 99 Hungary (21) 99 Guam (22) 99 Croatia (23) 99 Bulgaria (24) 99 Belarus (25) 99 Barbados (26) 99 Azerbaijan (27) 99 Armenia (28) 98 Uzbekistan (29) 98 Trinidad and Tobago (30) 98 Spain (31) 98 Romania (32) 98 Netherlands Antilles (33) 98 Italy (34) 98 Guyana (35) 98 Grenada (36) 98 Greece (37) 98 French Polynesia (38) 98 Cyprus (39) 98 Cayman Islands (40) 98 British Virgin Islands (41) 98 Bermuda (42) 98 American Samoa (43) 97 Western Samoa (44) 97 Uruguay (45) 97 United States (46) 97 San Marino (47) 97 Saint Kitts and Nevis (48) 97 Saint Helena (49) 97 Northern Mariana Islands (50) 97 Montserrat (51) 97 Israel (52) 96 Thailand (53) 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (54) 96 Argentina (55) 95 Suriname (56) 95 Singapore (57) 95 Chile (58) 95 Anguilla (59) 94 Philippines (60) 94 Dominica (61) 93 Taiwan (62) 93 Vietnam (63) 93 Sri Lanka (64) 93 Palau (65) 93 Macau (66) 93 Costa Rica (67) 92 Peru (68) 92 Paraguay (69) 92 New Caledonia (70) 92 Martinique (71) 92 Brunei (72) 91 Venezuela (73) 91 Micronesia, Federated States of (74) 91 Maldives (75) 91 Jordan (76) 91 Belize (77) 90 Turkey (78) 90 Puerto Rico (79) 90 Mexico (80) 90 Iraq (81) 90 Hong Kong (82) 90 Guadeloupe (83) 90 Fiji (84) 90 Ecuador (85) 90 The Bahamas (86) 90 Antigua and Barbuda (87) 89 Portugal (88) 89 Panama (89) 89 Burma (90) 89 Bahrain (91) 88 Madagascar (92) 88 Lebanon (93) 88 Indonesia (94) 88 Colombia (95) 88 Bolivia (96) 87 China (97) 86 Malta (98) 86 Malaysia (99) 85 Sao Tome and Principe (100) 85 Mauritius (101) 85 Dominican Republic (102) 84 Zimbabwe (103) 84 Zaire (104) 84 French Guiana (105) 81 Zambia (106) 81 Kenya (107) 80 Brazil (108) 80 Albania (109) 78 Syria (110) 78 South Africa (111) 78 Kuwait (112) 77 Qatar (113) 77 Libya (114) 77 Jamaica (115) 77 Equatorial Guinea (116) 76 Reunion (117) 76 Honduras (118) 76 El Salvador (119) 75 Cape Verde (120) 74 Iran (121) 74 Gabon (122) 73 Saudi Arabia (123) 72 United Arab Emirates (124) 71 Congo (125) 70 Swaziland (126) 70 Ghana (127) 70 Algeria (128) 69 Tunisia (129) 68 Uganda (130) 66 Cameroon (131) 65 Saint Lucia (132) 65 Papua New Guinea (133) 65 Malawi (134) 65 Laos (135) 64 Rwanda (136) 64 India (137) 63 Guatemala (138) 63 Egypt (139) 63 Djibouti (140) 62 Nigeria (141) 61 Morocco (142) 61 Burundi (143) 57 Vanuatu (144) 57 Nicaragua (145) 56 Togo (146) 56 Seychelles (147) 56 Comoros (148) 56 Angola (149) 53 Yemen (150) 52 Central African Republic (151) 50 Wallis and Futuna (152) 50 Liberia (153) 50 Guinea-Bissau (154) 48 Cambodia (155) 47 Pakistan (156) 47 Bangladesh (157) 46 Mauritania (158) 45 Namibia (159) 45 Mozambique (160) 44 Sudan (161) 44 Lesotho (162) 44 Cote d'Ivoire (163) 44 Afghanistan (164) 42 Chad (165) 39 The Gambia (166) 38 Nepal (167) 37 Senegal (168) 37 Haiti (169) 36 Somalia (170) 35 Guinea (171) 33 Ethiopia (172) 32 Botswana (173) 32 Benin (174) 31 Sierra Leone (175) 28 Burkina (176) 27 Mali (177) 17 Niger (178) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Austria Baker Island Bassas da India Belgium Bhutan Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Canada Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Eritrea Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Finland France French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Germany Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Greenland Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Iceland Indian Ocean Ireland Jan Mayen Japan Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kiribati Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Man, Isle of Mayotte Midway Islands Monaco Mongolia Nauru Navassa Island Netherlands New Zealand Niue Norfolk Island Norway Oman Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Russia Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Tokelau Tromelin Island Tuvalu United Kingdom Virgin Islands Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara World LITERCY Literacy Rate title u"u"Literacy Country % ___________ _______ 11 Niger (1) 18 Burkina (2) 19 Mali (3) 21 Sierra Leone (4) 23 Benin (5) 23 Botswana (6) 24 Ethiopia (7) 24 Guinea (8) 24 Somalia (9) 26 Nepal (10) 27 The Gambia (11) 27 Senegal (12) 29 Afghanistan (13) 30 Chad (14) 32 Sudan (15) 33 Mozambique (16) 34 Cote d'Ivoire (17) 35 Bangladesh (18) 35 Cambodia (19) 35 Haiti (20) 35 Mauritania (21) 35 Pakistan (22) 36 Guinea-Bissau (23) 38 Central African Republic (24) 38 Namibia (25) 38 Yemen (26) 40 Liberia (27) 42 Angola (28) 43 Togo (29) 48 Comoros (30) 48 Djibouti (31) 48 Egypt (32) 48 Malawi (33) 50 Burundi (34) 50 Laos (35) 50 Morocco (36) 50 Rwanda (37) 50 Wallis and Futuna (38) 51 Nigeria (39) 52 India (40) 52 Papua New Guinea (41) 53 Vanuatu (42) 55 Cameroon (43) 55 Guatemala (44) 56 Uganda (45) 57 Algeria (46) 57 Nicaragua (47) 57 Tunisia (48) 58 Seychelles (49) 59 Lesotho (50) 60 Congo (51) 60 Ghana (52) 60 Libya (53) 61 Gabon (54) 62 Equatorial Guinea (55) 62 Saudi Arabia (56) 63 Cape Verde (57) 64 Syria (58) 66 Iran (59) 67 Saint Lucia (60) 67 Swaziland (61) 71 Kenya (62) 71 United Arab Emirates (63) 72 Albania (64) 72 Zaire (65) 73 El Salvador (66) 73 Honduras (67) 73 Sao Tome and Principe (68) 73 Zambia (69) 74 Kuwait (70) 76 Qatar (71) 76 South Africa (72) 77 Hong Kong (73) 78 China (74) 78 Malaysia (75) 78 Zimbabwe (76) 79 Reunion (77) 79 Turkey (78) 80 Bolivia (79) 80 Brazil (80) 80 Lebanon (81) 80 Madagascar (82) 80 Mauritius (83) 81 Burma (84) 82 Indonesia (85) 82 Jamaica (86) 82 Peru (87) 83 Dominican Republic (88) 83 French Guiana (89) 83 Jordan (90) 84 Bahrain (91) 84 Malta (92) 85 Portugal (93) 86 Taiwan (94) 87 Ecuador (95) 87 Fiji (96) 88 Brunei (97) 88 Colombia (98) 88 Mexico (99) 88 Sri Lanka (100) 88 Vietnam (101) 89 Antigua and Barbuda (102) 89 Iraq (103) 89 Micronesia, Federated States of (104) 89 Panama (105) 89 Puerto Rico (106) 89 Singapore (107) 90 The Bahamas (108) 90 Guadeloupe (109) 90 Macau (110) 90 Paraguay (111) 90 Venezuela (112) 91 Belize (113) 91 Maldives (114) 91 New Caledonia (115) 92 Palau (116) 93 Costa Rica (117) 93 Marshall Islands (118) 93 Martinique (119) 93 Thailand (120) 94 Chile (121) 94 Cyprus (122) 94 Dominica (123) 94 Philippines (124) 95 Anguilla (125) 95 Argentina (126) 95 Greece (127) 95 Israel (128) 95 Suriname (129) 96 Guyana (130) 96 Korea, South (131) 96 Moldova (132) 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (133) 96 San Marino (134) 96 Spain (135) 96 Uruguay (136) 97 American Samoa (137) 97 Azerbaijan (138) 97 Belarus (139) 97 Canada (140) 97 Croatia (141) 97 Italy (142) 97 Kyrgyzstan (143) 97 Montserrat (144) 97 Northern Mariana Islands (145) 97 Romania (146) 97 Saint Helena (147) 97 Saint Kitts and Nevis (148) 97 Trinidad and Tobago (149) 97 United States (150) 97 Uzbekistan (151) 97 Western Samoa (152) 98 Bermuda (153) 98 British Virgin Islands (154) 98 Bulgaria (155) 98 Cayman Islands (156) 98 Cuba (157) 98 French Polynesia (158) 98 Grenada (159) 98 Ireland (160) 98 Kazakhstan (161) 98 Lithuania (162) 98 Netherlands Antilles (163) 98 Tajikistan (164) 98 Turkmenistan (165) 98 Turks and Caicos Islands (166) 98 Ukraine (167) 99 Armenia (168) 99 Austria (169) 99 Barbados (170) 99 Belgium (171) 99 Czech Republic (172) 99 Denmark (173) 99 France (174) 99 Georgia (175) 99 Germany (176) 99 Guam (177) 99 Hungary (178) 99 Japan (179) 99 Korea, North (180) 99 Netherlands (181) 99 New Zealand (182) 99 Norway (183) 99 Poland (184) 99 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (185) 99 Sweden (186) 99 Switzerland (187) 99 United Kingdom (188) 100 Australia (189) 100 Estonia (190) 100 Finland (191) 100 Iceland (192) 100 Latvia (193) 100 Liechtenstein (194) 100 Luxembourg (195) 100 Tonga (196) Andorra (197) Antarctica (198) Arctic Ocean (199) Aruba (200) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (201) Atlantic Ocean (202) Baker Island (203) Bassas da India (204) Bhutan (205) Bosnia and Herzegovina (206) Bouvet Island (207) British Indian Ocean Territory (208) Christmas Island (209) Clipperton Island (210) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (211) Cook Islands (212) Coral Sea Islands (213) Eritrea (214) Europa Island (215) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (216) Faroe Islands (217) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (218) Gaza Strip (219) Gibraltar (220) Glorioso Islands (221) Greenland (222) Guernsey (223) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (224) Holy See (Vatican City) (225) Howland Island (226) Indian Ocean (227) Jan Mayen (228) Jarvis Island (229) Jersey (230) Johnston Atoll (231) Juan de Nova Island (232) Kingman Reef (233) Kiribati (234) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (235) Man, Isle of (236) Mayotte (237) Midway Islands (238) Monaco (239) Mongolia (240) Nauru (241) Navassa Island (242) Niue (243) Norfolk Island (244) Oman (245) Pacific Ocean (246) Palmyra Atoll (247) Paracel Islands (248) Pitcairn Islands (249) Russia (250) Serbia and Montenegro (251) Slovakia (252) Slovenia (253) Solomon Islands (254) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (255) Spratly Islands (256) Svalbard (257) Tanzania (258) Tokelau (259) Tromelin Island (260) Tuvalu (261) Virgin Islands (262) Wake Island (263) West Bank (264) Western Sahara (265) World (266) E E Literacy Country % ___________ _______ 100 Tonga (1) 100 Luxembourg (2) 100 Liechtenstein (3) 100 Latvia (4) 100 Iceland (5) 100 Finland (6) 100 Estonia (7) 100 Australia (8) 99 United Kingdom (9) 99 Switzerland (10) 99 Sweden (11) 99 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (12) 99 Poland (13) 99 Norway (14) 99 New Zealand (15) 99 Netherlands (16) 99 Korea, North (17) 99 Japan (18) 99 Hungary (19) 99 Guam (20) 99 Germany (21) 99 Georgia (22) 99 France (23) 99 Denmark (24) 99 Czech Republic (25) 99 Belgium (26) 99 Barbados (27) 99 Austria (28) 99 Armenia (29) 98 Ukraine (30) 98 Turks and Caicos Islands (31) 98 Turkmenistan (32) 98 Tajikistan (33) 98 Netherlands Antilles (34) 98 Lithuania (35) 98 Kazakhstan (36) 98 Ireland (37) 98 Grenada (38) 98 French Polynesia (39) 98 Cuba (40) 98 Cayman Islands (41) 98 Bulgaria (42) 98 British Virgin Islands (43) 98 Bermuda (44) 97 Western Samoa (45) 97 Uzbekistan (46) 97 United States (47) 97 Trinidad and Tobago (48) 97 Saint Kitts and Nevis (49) 97 Saint Helena (50) 97 Romania (51) 97 Northern Mariana Islands (52) 97 Montserrat (53) 97 Kyrgyzstan (54) 97 Italy (55) 97 Croatia (56) 97 Canada (57) 97 Belarus (58) 97 Azerbaijan (59) 97 American Samoa (60) 96 Uruguay (61) 96 Spain (62) 96 San Marino (63) 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (64) 96 Moldova (65) 96 Korea, South (66) 96 Guyana (67) 95 Suriname (68) 95 Israel (69) 95 Greece (70) 95 Argentina (71) 95 Anguilla (72) 94 Philippines (73) 94 Dominica (74) 94 Cyprus (75) 94 Chile (76) 93 Thailand (77) 93 Martinique (78) 93 Marshall Islands (79) 93 Costa Rica (80) 92 Palau (81) 91 New Caledonia (82) 91 Maldives (83) 91 Belize (84) 90 Venezuela (85) 90 Paraguay (86) 90 Macau (87) 90 Guadeloupe (88) 90 The Bahamas (89) 89 Singapore (90) 89 Puerto Rico (91) 89 Panama (92) 89 Micronesia, Federated States of (93) 89 Iraq (94) 89 Antigua and Barbuda (95) 88 Vietnam (96) 88 Sri Lanka (97) 88 Mexico (98) 88 Colombia (99) 88 Brunei (100) 87 Fiji (101) 87 Ecuador (102) 86 Taiwan (103) 85 Portugal (104) 84 Malta (105) 84 Bahrain (106) 83 Jordan (107) 83 French Guiana (108) 83 Dominican Republic (109) 82 Peru (110) 82 Jamaica (111) 82 Indonesia (112) 81 Burma (113) 80 Mauritius (114) 80 Madagascar (115) 80 Lebanon (116) 80 Brazil (117) 80 Bolivia (118) 79 Turkey (119) 79 Reunion (120) 78 Zimbabwe (121) 78 Malaysia (122) 78 China (123) 77 Hong Kong (124) 76 South Africa (125) 76 Qatar (126) 74 Kuwait (127) 73 Zambia (128) 73 Sao Tome and Principe (129) 73 Honduras (130) 73 El Salvador (131) 72 Zaire (132) 72 Albania (133) 71 United Arab Emirates (134) 71 Kenya (135) 67 Swaziland (136) 67 Saint Lucia (137) 66 Iran (138) 64 Syria (139) 63 Cape Verde (140) 62 Saudi Arabia (141) 62 Equatorial Guinea (142) 61 Gabon (143) 60 Libya (144) 60 Ghana (145) 60 Congo (146) 59 Lesotho (147) 58 Seychelles (148) 57 Tunisia (149) 57 Nicaragua (150) 57 Algeria (151) 56 Uganda (152) 55 Guatemala (153) 55 Cameroon (154) 53 Vanuatu (155) 52 Papua New Guinea (156) 52 India (157) 51 Nigeria (158) 50 Wallis and Futuna (159) 50 Rwanda (160) 50 Morocco (161) 50 Laos (162) 50 Burundi (163) 48 Malawi (164) 48 Egypt (165) 48 Djibouti (166) 48 Comoros (167) 43 Togo (168) 42 Angola (169) 40 Liberia (170) 38 Yemen (171) 38 Namibia (172) 38 Central African Republic (173) 36 Guinea-Bissau (174) 35 Pakistan (175) 35 Mauritania (176) 35 Haiti (177) 35 Cambodia (178) 35 Bangladesh (179) 34 Cote d'Ivoire (180) 33 Mozambique (181) 32 Sudan (182) 30 Chad (183) 29 Afghanistan (184) 27 Senegal (185) 27 The Gambia (186) 26 Nepal (187) 24 Somalia (188) 24 Guinea (189) 24 Ethiopia (190) 23 Botswana (191) 23 Benin (192) 21 Sierra Leone (193) 19 Mali (194) 18 Burkina (195) 11 Niger (196) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bhutan Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Eritrea Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Greenland Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kiribati Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Man, Isle of Mayotte Midway Islands Monaco Mongolia Nauru Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Oman Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Russia Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tanzania Tokelau Tromelin Island Tuvalu Virgin Islands Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara World LFORCE Labor Force title u"u"Labor force Country ___________ _______ 1000 Niue (1) 1100 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (2) 2516 Saint Helena (3) 2850 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (4) 4300 San Marino (5) 4400 Anguilla (6) 4800 Marshall Islands (7) 4911 British Virgin Islands (8) 5100 Montserrat (9) 5810 Cook Islands (10) 7476 Northern Mariana Islands (11) 7870 Kiribati (12) 8061 Cayman Islands (13) 12000 Western Sahara (14) 14400 American Samoa (15) 14800 Gibraltar (16) 17585 Faroe Islands (17) 19905 Liechtenstein (18) 20000 Saint Kitts and Nevis (19) 22800 Greenland (20) 23265 French Guiana (21) 25000 Dominica (22) 25864 Man, Isle of (23) 27700 Seychelles (24) 30000 Antigua and Barbuda (25) 32000 Bermuda (26) 36000 Grenada (27) 43800 Saint Lucia (28) 45500 Virgin Islands (29) 46930 Guam (30) 50469 New Caledonia (31) 51500 Belize (32) 66000 Maldives (33) 67000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (34) 76630 French Polynesia (35) 79100 Congo (36) 89000 Netherlands Antilles (37) 100000 Martinique (38) 102000 Cape Verde (39) 119000 Brunei (40) 120000 Gabon (41) 120000 Guadeloupe (42) 124800 Barbados (43) 127200 Malta (44) 127900 Iceland (45) 136900 The Bahamas (46) 140000 Bahrain (47) 140000 Comoros (48) 172000 Equatorial Guinea (49) 177300 Luxembourg (50) 180000 Macau (51) 235000 Fiji (52) 268000 Guyana (53) 285500 Cyprus (54) 335000 Mauritius (55) 400000 The Gambia (56) 403000 Guinea-Bissau (57) 428000 Botswana (58) 428000 Malawi (59) 430000 Oman (60) 463900 Trinidad and Tobago (61) 465000 Mauritania (62) 500000 Namibia (63) 510000 Liberia (64) 566000 Kuwait (65) 580000 United Arab Emirates (66) 591773 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (67) 600000 Jordan (68) 650000 Lebanon (69) 689000 Lesotho (70) 732200 Tanzania (71) 750000 Estonia (72) 775413 Central African Republic (73) 786036 Slovenia (74) 868300 Costa Rica (75) 979000 Panama (76) 1000000 Laos (77) 1000000 Libya (78) 1026254 Bosnia and Herzegovina (79) 1062100 Jamaica (80) 1086000 Nicaragua (81) 1200000 Puerto Rico (82) 1300000 Honduras (83) 1355000 Uruguay (84) 1369000 Sierra Leone (85) 1370000 Ireland (86) 1407000 Latvia (87) 1500000 Albania (88) 1509489 Croatia (89) 1578000 Armenia (90) 1603500 New Zealand (91) 1642000 Turkmenistan (92) 1649000 Singapore (93) 1692000 Paraguay (94) 1700000 El Salvador (95) 1836000 Kyrgyzstan (96) 1836000 Lithuania (97) 1900000 Benin (98) 1900000 Burundi (99) 1900000 Israel (100) 1950000 Tajikistan (101) 2030000 Moldova (102) 2130000 Norway (103) 2200000 Somalia (104) 2250000 Tunisia (105) 2300000 Dominican Republic (106) 2300000 Haiti (107) 2400000 Guinea (108) 2484000 Slovakia (109) 2500000 Cambodia (110) 2500000 Niger (111) 2509000 Senegal (112) 2533000 Finland (113) 2553900 Denmark (114) 2640909 Serbia and Montenegro (115) 2666000 Mali (116) 2763000 Georgia (117) 2783000 Angola (118) 2789000 Azerbaijan (119) 2800000 Ecuador (120) 2800000 Hong Kong (121) 3100000 Zimbabwe (122) 3200000 Guatemala (123) 3400000 Zambia (124) 3470000 Austria (125) 3480000 Switzerland (126) 3540000 Bolivia (127) 3600000 Rwanda (128) 3700000 Ghana (129) 4077000.25 Greece (130) 4126000 Belgium (131) 4240000 Portugal (132) 4300000 Bulgaria (133) 4300000 Syria (134) 4400000 Iraq (135) 4500000 Uganda (136) 4552000 Sweden (137) 4620800 Cuba (138) 4728000 Chile (139) 4887000 Belarus (140) 4900000 Madagascar (141) 4980000 Afghanistan (142) 5000000 Saudi Arabia (143) 5389000 Czech Republic (144) 5400000 Hungary (145) 5718000 Cote d'Ivoire (146) 6200000 Algeria (147) 6400000 Netherlands (148) 6500000 Sudan (149) 6600000 Sri Lanka (150) 7356000 Kazakhstan (151) 7400000 Morocco (152) 7600000 Venezuela (153) 7627000 Malaysia (154) 7900000 Taiwan (155) 8000000 Peru (156) 8234000 Uzbekistan (157) 8500000 Nepal (158) 8630000 Australia (159) 9615000 Korea, North (160) 10900000 Argentina (161) 11300000 Romania (162) 12000000 Colombia (163) 13380000 Canada (164) 13400000 South Africa (165) 14621000 Spain (166) 15000000 Zaire (167) 15400000 Iran (168) 16000000 Egypt (169) 16007000 Burma (170) 17321000 Poland (171) 18000000 Ethiopia (172) 20000000 Korea, South (173) 20400000 Turkey (174) 23550000 Ukraine (175) 23988000 Italy (176) 24120000 Philippines (177) 24170000 France (178) 26200000 Mexico (179) 28048000 United Kingdom (180) 30870000 Thailand (181) 32700000 Vietnam (182) 36000000 Pakistan (183) 36750000 Germany (184) 42844000 Nigeria (185) 50100000 Bangladesh (186) 57000000 Brazil (187) 65870004 Japan (188) 67000000 Indonesia (189) 85000000 Russia (190) 131056000 United States (191) 314751008 India (192) 583600000 China (193) 2240000000 World (194) Andorra (195) Antarctica (196) Arctic Ocean (197) Aruba (198) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (199) Atlantic Ocean (200) Baker Island (201) Bassas da India (202) Bhutan (203) Bouvet Island (204) British Indian Ocean Territory (205) Burkina (206) Cameroon (207) Chad (208) Christmas Island (209) Clipperton Island (210) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (211) Coral Sea Islands (212) Djibouti (213) Eritrea (214) Europa Island (215) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (216) Gaza Strip (217) Glorioso Islands (218) Guernsey (219) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (220) Holy See (Vatican City) (221) Howland Island (222) Indian Ocean (223) Jan Mayen (224) Jarvis Island (225) Jersey (226) Johnston Atoll (227) Juan de Nova Island (228) Kenya (229) Kingman Reef (230) Mayotte (231) Micronesia, Federated States of (232) Midway Islands (233) Monaco (234) Mongolia (235) Mozambique (236) Nauru (237) Navassa Island (238) Norfolk Island (239) Pacific Ocean (240) Palau (241) Palmyra Atoll (242) Papua New Guinea (243) Paracel Islands (244) Pitcairn Islands (245) Qatar (246) Reunion (247) Sao Tome and Principe (248) Solomon Islands (249) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (250) Spratly Islands (251) Suriname (252) Svalbard (253) Swaziland (254) Togo (255) Tokelau (256) Tonga (257) Tromelin Island (258) Turks and Caicos Islands (259) Tuvalu (260) Vanuatu (261) Wake Island (262) Wallis and Futuna (263) West Bank (264) Western Samoa (265) Yemen (266) 5 5 Labor force Country ___________ _______ 2240000000 World (1) 583600000 China (2) 314751008 India (3) 131056000 United States (4) 85000000 Russia (5) 67000000 Indonesia (6) 65870004 Japan (7) 57000000 Brazil (8) 50100000 Bangladesh (9) 42844000 Nigeria (10) 36750000 Germany (11) 36000000 Pakistan (12) 32700000 Vietnam (13) 30870000 Thailand (14) 28048000 United Kingdom (15) 26200000 Mexico (16) 24170000 France (17) 24120000 Philippines (18) 23988000 Italy (19) 23550000 Ukraine (20) 20400000 Turkey (21) 20000000 Korea, South (22) 18000000 Ethiopia (23) 17321000 Poland (24) 16007000 Burma (25) 16000000 Egypt (26) 15400000 Iran (27) 15000000 Zaire (28) 14621000 Spain (29) 13400000 South Africa (30) 13380000 Canada (31) 12000000 Colombia (32) 11300000 Romania (33) 10900000 Argentina (34) 9615000 Korea, North (35) 8630000 Australia (36) 8500000 Nepal (37) 8234000 Uzbekistan (38) 8000000 Peru (39) 7900000 Taiwan (40) 7627000 Malaysia (41) 7600000 Venezuela (42) 7400000 Morocco (43) 7356000 Kazakhstan (44) 6600000 Sri Lanka (45) 6500000 Sudan (46) 6400000 Netherlands (47) 6200000 Algeria (48) 5718000 Cote d'Ivoire (49) 5400000 Hungary (50) 5389000 Czech Republic (51) 5000000 Saudi Arabia (52) 4980000 Afghanistan (53) 4900000 Madagascar (54) 4887000 Belarus (55) 4728000 Chile (56) 4620800 Cuba (57) 4552000 Sweden (58) 4500000 Uganda (59) 4400000 Iraq (60) 4300000 Syria (61) 4300000 Bulgaria (62) 4240000 Portugal (63) 4126000 Belgium (64) 4077000.25 Greece (65) 3700000 Ghana (66) 3600000 Rwanda (67) 3540000 Bolivia (68) 3480000 Switzerland (69) 3470000 Austria (70) 3400000 Zambia (71) 3200000 Guatemala (72) 3100000 Zimbabwe (73) 2800000 Hong Kong (74) 2800000 Ecuador (75) 2789000 Azerbaijan (76) 2783000 Angola (77) 2763000 Georgia (78) 2666000 Mali (79) 2640909 Serbia and Montenegro (80) 2553900 Denmark (81) 2533000 Finland (82) 2509000 Senegal (83) 2500000 Niger (84) 2500000 Cambodia (85) 2484000 Slovakia (86) 2400000 Guinea (87) 2300000 Haiti (88) 2300000 Dominican Republic (89) 2250000 Tunisia (90) 2200000 Somalia (91) 2130000 Norway (92) 2030000 Moldova (93) 1950000 Tajikistan (94) 1900000 Israel (95) 1900000 Burundi (96) 1900000 Benin (97) 1836000 Lithuania (98) 1836000 Kyrgyzstan (99) 1700000 El Salvador (100) 1692000 Paraguay (101) 1649000 Singapore (102) 1642000 Turkmenistan (103) 1603500 New Zealand (104) 1578000 Armenia (105) 1509489 Croatia (106) 1500000 Albania (107) 1407000 Latvia (108) 1370000 Ireland (109) 1369000 Sierra Leone (110) 1355000 Uruguay (111) 1300000 Honduras (112) 1200000 Puerto Rico (113) 1086000 Nicaragua (114) 1062100 Jamaica (115) 1026254 Bosnia and Herzegovina (116) 1000000 Libya (117) 1000000 Laos (118) 979000 Panama (119) 868300 Costa Rica (120) 786036 Slovenia (121) 775413 Central African Republic (122) 750000 Estonia (123) 732200 Tanzania (124) 689000 Lesotho (125) 650000 Lebanon (126) 600000 Jordan (127) 591773 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (128) 580000 United Arab Emirates (129) 566000 Kuwait (130) 510000 Liberia (131) 500000 Namibia (132) 465000 Mauritania (133) 463900 Trinidad and Tobago (134) 430000 Oman (135) 428000 Malawi (136) 428000 Botswana (137) 403000 Guinea-Bissau (138) 400000 The Gambia (139) 335000 Mauritius (140) 285500 Cyprus (141) 268000 Guyana (142) 235000 Fiji (143) 180000 Macau (144) 177300 Luxembourg (145) 172000 Equatorial Guinea (146) 140000 Comoros (147) 140000 Bahrain (148) 136900 The Bahamas (149) 127900 Iceland (150) 127200 Malta (151) 124800 Barbados (152) 120000 Guadeloupe (153) 120000 Gabon (154) 119000 Brunei (155) 102000 Cape Verde (156) 100000 Martinique (157) 89000 Netherlands Antilles (158) 79100 Congo (159) 76630 French Polynesia (160) 67000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (161) 66000 Maldives (162) 51500 Belize (163) 50469 New Caledonia (164) 46930 Guam (165) 45500 Virgin Islands (166) 43800 Saint Lucia (167) 36000 Grenada (168) 32000 Bermuda (169) 30000 Antigua and Barbuda (170) 27700 Seychelles (171) 25864 Man, Isle of (172) 25000 Dominica (173) 23265 French Guiana (174) 22800 Greenland (175) 20000 Saint Kitts and Nevis (176) 19905 Liechtenstein (177) 17585 Faroe Islands (178) 14800 Gibraltar (179) 14400 American Samoa (180) 12000 Western Sahara (181) 8061 Cayman Islands (182) 7870 Kiribati (183) 7476 Northern Mariana Islands (184) 5810 Cook Islands (185) 5100 Montserrat (186) 4911 British Virgin Islands (187) 4800 Marshall Islands (188) 4400 Anguilla (189) 4300 San Marino (190) 2850 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (191) 2516 Saint Helena (192) 1100 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (193) 1000 Niue (194) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bhutan Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Burkina Cameroon Chad Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Djibouti Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kenya Kingman Reef Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Monaco Mongolia Mozambique Nauru Navassa Island Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Papua New Guinea Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Qatar Reunion Sao Tome and Principe Solomon Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Suriname Svalbard Swaziland Togo Tokelau Tonga Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Vanuatu Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Samoa Yemen GDP_GNP GDP/GNP title GDP/GNP Country Million _______ _______ 1.5 Tokelau (1) 2.4 Niue (2) 7.8 Tuvalu (3) 28.7 Wallis and Futuna (4) 49 Anguilla (5) 54 Mayotte (6) 55.6 Montserrat (7) 57 Cook Islands (8) 62 Kiribati (9) 66 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (10) 75 Marshall Islands (11) 80.8 Turks and Caicos Islands (12) 81.8 Palau (13) 100 Nauru (14) 128 American Samoa (15) 133 British Virgin Islands (16) 133 Sao Tome and Principe (17) 160 Micronesia, Federated States of (18) 200 Dominica (19) 200 Vanuatu (20) 205 Gibraltar (21) 210 Saint Kitts and Nevis (22) 214 Tonga (23) 235 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (24) 258 Grenada (25) 280 Equatorial Guinea (26) 360 Maldives (27) 370 Comoros (28) 380 San Marino (29) 400 Antigua and Barbuda (30) 400 Western Samoa (31) 410 Cape Verde (32) 430 Seychelles (33) 500 Djibouti (34) 524 Northern Mariana Islands (35) 558 Monaco (36) 575 Belize (37) 610 Saint Lucia (38) 630 Liechtenstein (39) 662 Faroe Islands (40) 700 Cayman Islands (41) 760 Andorra (42) 780 Man, Isle of (43) 800 French Guiana (44) 900 Guinea-Bissau (45) 1000 The Gambia (46) 1000 New Caledonia (47) 1000 Solomon Islands (48) 1100 Aruba (49) 1200 Bhutan (50) 1200 Suriname (51) 1200 Virgin Islands (52) 1400 Guyana (53) 1500 French Polynesia (54) 1700 Bermuda (55) 1700 Gaza Strip (56) 1800 Eritrea (57) 1850 Netherlands Antilles (58) 1900 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (59) 2000 Guam (60) 2200 Central African Republic (61) 2300 Liberia (62) 2400 Barbados (63) 2400 Mauritania (64) 2500 Reunion (65) 2600 Lesotho (66) 2800 Chad (67) 3300 Somalia (68) 3300 Swaziland (69) 3300 Togo (70) 3700 Burundi (71) 3800 Albania (72) 3800 Guadeloupe (73) 3900 Malta (74) 3900 Martinique (75) 4000 Laos (76) 4300 Botswana (77) 4300 Fiji (78) 4400 The Bahamas (79) 4400 Mongolia (80) 4430 Brunei (81) 4500 Iceland (82) 4500 Sierra Leone (83) 4600 Niger (84) 4800 Macau (85) 5400 Mali (86) 5600 Gabon (87) 5600 Haiti (88) 5800 Namibia (89) 6000 Georgia (90) 6100 Angola (91) 6300 Guinea (92) 6400 Cambodia (93) 6400 Nicaragua (94) 6500 Burkina (95) 6700 Benin (96) 6700 Congo (97) 7100 Bahrain (98) 7300 Cyprus (99) 7300 Malawi (100) 7800 Jamaica (101) 7900 Rwanda (102) 7900 Zambia (103) 8100 Armenia (104) 8400 Kyrgyzstan (105) 8500 Tajikistan (106) 9200 Luxembourg (107) 9200 Papua New Guinea (108) 9300 Mauritius (109) 9700 Honduras (110) 9800 El Salvador (111) 10000 Serbia and Montenegro (112) 10400 Estonia (113) 10600 Madagascar (114) 10600 Mozambique (115) 10700 Qatar (116) 11900 Moldova (117) 12300 Latvia (118) 12300 Panama (119) 12300 Senegal (120) 12400 Croatia (121) 13100 Turkmenistan (122) 13500 Lithuania (123) 13800 Azerbaijan (124) 14000 Cuba (125) 15000 Trinidad and Tobago (126) 15400 Paraguay (127) 15700 Cameroon (128) 15800 Lebanon (129) 16000 Slovenia (130) 16200 Uganda (131) 16900 Costa Rica (132) 17000 Jordan (133) 17000 Oman (134) 17400 Zimbabwe (135) 18300 Bolivia (136) 18800 Zaire (137) 20300 Ethiopia (138) 20500 Cote d'Ivoire (139) 21000 Tanzania (140) 21300 Korea, North (141) 22400 Nepal (142) 22600 Ghana (143) 23000 Uruguay (144) 23400 Yemen (145) 23700 Sudan (146) 24000 Dominican Republic (147) 26800 Puerto Rico (148) 30700 Kuwait (149) 32800 Slovakia (150) 32900 Libya (151) 33000 Guatemala (152) 33100 Kenya (153) 33700 Bulgaria (154) 37100 Tunisia (155) 41100 Ecuador (156) 41400 Burma (157) 49800 Ireland (158) 53400 Belarus (159) 54500 Uzbekistan (160) 55200 Kazakhstan (161) 56400 New Zealand (162) 57000 Singapore (163) 57600 Sri Lanka (164) 58800 Hungary (165) 62700 United Arab Emirates (166) 64700 Romania (167) 70100 Israel (168) 73600 Peru (169) 74400 Syria (170) 76500 Czech Republic (171) 81800 Finland (172) 83500 Vietnam (173) 87500 Morocco (174) 93700 Greece (175) 95700 Norway (176) 97100 Algeria (177) 97700 Chile (178) 103000 Denmark (179) 107300 Portugal (180) 122600 Nigeria (181) 130100 Bangladesh (182) 136100 Hong Kong (183) 139300 Austria (184) 148400 Switzerland (185) 151500 Egypt (186) 161400 Philippines (187) 163100 Sweden (188) 166800 Malaysia (189) 172400 Colombia (190) 173100 Saudi Arabia (191) 178300 Venezuela (192) 181500 Belgium (193) 189200 Ukraine (194) 191100 Poland (195) 194300 South Africa (196) 248500 Pakistan (197) 257000 Taiwan (198) 270800 Argentina (199) 275800 Netherlands (200) 305200 Turkey (201) 310000 Iran (202) 355200 Thailand (203) 374600 Australia (204) 508300 Korea, South (205) 515800 Spain (206) 619400 Indonesia (207) 639800 Canada (208) 721200 Russia (209) 728700 Mexico (210) 886300 Brazil (211) 998900 Italy (212) 1045200 United Kingdom (213) 1080100 France (214) 1253900 India (215) 1344600 Germany (216) 2527400 Japan (217) 2978800 China (218) 6738400 United States (219) 30700000 World (220) Afghanistan (221) Antarctica (222) Arctic Ocean (223) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (224) Atlantic Ocean (225) Baker Island (226) Bassas da India (227) Bosnia and Herzegovina (228) Bouvet Island (229) British Indian Ocean Territory (230) Christmas Island (231) Clipperton Island (232) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (233) Coral Sea Islands (234) Europa Island (235) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (236) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (237) Glorioso Islands (238) Greenland (239) Guernsey (240) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (241) Holy See (Vatican City) (242) Howland Island (243) Indian Ocean (244) Iraq (245) Jan Mayen (246) Jarvis Island (247) Jersey (248) Johnston Atoll (249) Juan de Nova Island (250) Kingman Reef (251) Midway Islands (252) Navassa Island (253) Norfolk Island (254) Pacific Ocean (255) Palmyra Atoll (256) Paracel Islands (257) Pitcairn Islands (258) Saint Helena (259) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (260) Spratly Islands (261) Svalbard (262) Tromelin Island (263) Wake Island (264) West Bank (265) Western Sahara (266) h Sand GDP/GNP Country Million _______ _______ 30700000 World (1) 6738400 United States (2) 2978800 China (3) 2527400 Japan (4) 1344600 Germany (5) 1253900 India (6) 1080100 France (7) 1045200 United Kingdom (8) 998900 Italy (9) 886300 Brazil (10) 728700 Mexico (11) 721200 Russia (12) 639800 Canada (13) 619400 Indonesia (14) 515800 Spain (15) 508300 Korea, South (16) 374600 Australia (17) 355200 Thailand (18) 310000 Iran (19) 305200 Turkey (20) 275800 Netherlands (21) 270800 Argentina (22) 257000 Taiwan (23) 248500 Pakistan (24) 194300 South Africa (25) 191100 Poland (26) 189200 Ukraine (27) 181500 Belgium (28) 178300 Venezuela (29) 173100 Saudi Arabia (30) 172400 Colombia (31) 166800 Malaysia (32) 163100 Sweden (33) 161400 Philippines (34) 151500 Egypt (35) 148400 Switzerland (36) 139300 Austria (37) 136100 Hong Kong (38) 130100 Bangladesh (39) 122600 Nigeria (40) 107300 Portugal (41) 103000 Denmark (42) 97700 Chile (43) 97100 Algeria (44) 95700 Norway (45) 93700 Greece (46) 87500 Morocco (47) 83500 Vietnam (48) 81800 Finland (49) 76500 Czech Republic (50) 74400 Syria (51) 73600 Peru (52) 70100 Israel (53) 64700 Romania (54) 62700 United Arab Emirates (55) 58800 Hungary (56) 57600 Sri Lanka (57) 57000 Singapore (58) 56400 New Zealand (59) 55200 Kazakhstan (60) 54500 Uzbekistan (61) 53400 Belarus (62) 49800 Ireland (63) 41400 Burma (64) 41100 Ecuador (65) 37100 Tunisia (66) 33700 Bulgaria (67) 33100 Kenya (68) 33000 Guatemala (69) 32900 Libya (70) 32800 Slovakia (71) 30700 Kuwait (72) 26800 Puerto Rico (73) 24000 Dominican Republic (74) 23700 Sudan (75) 23400 Yemen (76) 23000 Uruguay (77) 22600 Ghana (78) 22400 Nepal (79) 21300 Korea, North (80) 21000 Tanzania (81) 20500 Cote d'Ivoire (82) 20300 Ethiopia (83) 18800 Zaire (84) 18300 Bolivia (85) 17400 Zimbabwe (86) 17000 Oman (87) 17000 Jordan (88) 16900 Costa Rica (89) 16200 Uganda (90) 16000 Slovenia (91) 15800 Lebanon (92) 15700 Cameroon (93) 15400 Paraguay (94) 15000 Trinidad and Tobago (95) 14000 Cuba (96) 13800 Azerbaijan (97) 13500 Lithuania (98) 13100 Turkmenistan (99) 12400 Croatia (100) 12300 Senegal (101) 12300 Panama (102) 12300 Latvia (103) 11900 Moldova (104) 10700 Qatar (105) 10600 Mozambique (106) 10600 Madagascar (107) 10400 Estonia (108) 10000 Serbia and Montenegro (109) 9800 El Salvador (110) 9700 Honduras (111) 9300 Mauritius (112) 9200 Papua New Guinea (113) 9200 Luxembourg (114) 8500 Tajikistan (115) 8400 Kyrgyzstan (116) 8100 Armenia (117) 7900 Zambia (118) 7900 Rwanda (119) 7800 Jamaica (120) 7300 Malawi (121) 7300 Cyprus (122) 7100 Bahrain (123) 6700 Congo (124) 6700 Benin (125) 6500 Burkina (126) 6400 Nicaragua (127) 6400 Cambodia (128) 6300 Guinea (129) 6100 Angola (130) 6000 Georgia (131) 5800 Namibia (132) 5600 Haiti (133) 5600 Gabon (134) 5400 Mali (135) 4800 Macau (136) 4600 Niger (137) 4500 Sierra Leone (138) 4500 Iceland (139) 4430 Brunei (140) 4400 Mongolia (141) 4400 The Bahamas (142) 4300 Fiji (143) 4300 Botswana (144) 4000 Laos (145) 3900 Martinique (146) 3900 Malta (147) 3800 Guadeloupe (148) 3800 Albania (149) 3700 Burundi (150) 3300 Togo (151) 3300 Swaziland (152) 3300 Somalia (153) 2800 Chad (154) 2600 Lesotho (155) 2500 Reunion (156) 2400 Mauritania (157) 2400 Barbados (158) 2300 Liberia (159) 2200 Central African Republic (160) 2000 Guam (161) 1900 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (162) 1850 Netherlands Antilles (163) 1800 Eritrea (164) 1700 Gaza Strip (165) 1700 Bermuda (166) 1500 French Polynesia (167) 1400 Guyana (168) 1200 Virgin Islands (169) 1200 Suriname (170) 1200 Bhutan (171) 1100 Aruba (172) 1000 Solomon Islands (173) 1000 New Caledonia (174) 1000 The Gambia (175) 900 Guinea-Bissau (176) 800 French Guiana (177) 780 Man, Isle of (178) 760 Andorra (179) 700 Cayman Islands (180) 662 Faroe Islands (181) 630 Liechtenstein (182) 610 Saint Lucia (183) 575 Belize (184) 558 Monaco (185) 524 Northern Mariana Islands (186) 500 Djibouti (187) 430 Seychelles (188) 410 Cape Verde (189) 400 Western Samoa (190) 400 Antigua and Barbuda (191) 380 San Marino (192) 370 Comoros (193) 360 Maldives (194) 280 Equatorial Guinea (195) 258 Grenada (196) 235 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (197) 214 Tonga (198) 210 Saint Kitts and Nevis (199) 205 Gibraltar (200) 200 Vanuatu (201) 200 Dominica (202) 160 Micronesia, Federated States of (203) 133 Sao Tome and Principe (204) 133 British Virgin Islands (205) 128 American Samoa (206) 100 Nauru (207) 81.8 Palau (208) 80.8 Turks and Caicos Islands (209) 75 Marshall Islands (210) 66 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (211) 62 Kiribati (212) 57 Cook Islands (213) 55.6 Montserrat (214) 54 Mayotte (215) 49 Anguilla (216) 28.7 Wallis and Futuna (217) 7.8 Tuvalu (218) 2.4 Niue (219) 1.5 Tokelau (220) Afghanistan Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Greenland Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Saint Helena South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara GDPGROW GDP Growth Rate title $GDP/GNP Country % Growth Rate ____________ _______ -30 Georgia (1) -30 Moldova (2) -25 Kazakhstan (3) -24 Kyrgyzstan (4) -24 Turkmenistan (5) -22 Azerbaijan (6) -20 Belarus (7) -19 Ukraine (8) -15 Haiti (9) -15 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (10) -15 Russia (11) -13.5 Burundi (12) -12 Tajikistan (13) -10.8 Faroe Islands (14) -8 Rwanda (15) -5 Turkey (16) -4.3 Western Samoa (17) -4 Brunei (18) -4 Uzbekistan (19) -3.3 Venezuela (20) -3 Djibouti (21) -3 Saudi Arabia (22) -2.9 Cameroon (23) -2.1 Congo (24) -2 Armenia (25) -2 Iran (26) -2 Senegal (27) -2 Seychelles (28) -1.9 Honduras (29) -1.5 Turks and Caicos Islands (30) -1.4 Yemen (31) -1 Angola (32) -1 Qatar (33) -0.9 Libya (34) -0.8 Nigeria (35) -0.8 Suriname (36) -0.5 Lithuania (37) -0.5 United Arab Emirates (38) 0 Korea, North (39) 0.2 Algeria (40) 0.2 Bulgaria (41) 0.4 Burkina (42) 0.4 Cuba (43) 0.4 Greece (44) 0.5 Grenada (45) 0.5 Oman (46) 0.6 Japan (47) 0.7 Sierra Leone (48) 0.8 Guinea (49) 0.9 Comoros (50) 1 Botswana (51) 1 Montserrat (52) 1.4 Cayman Islands (53) 1.4 Niger (54) 1.4 Portugal (55) 1.5 Cote d'Ivoire (56) 1.5 Egypt (57) 1.6 Dominica (58) 1.8 Netherlands Antilles (59) 1.8 Spain (60) 1.8 Switzerland (61) 1.9 Gabon (62) 2 Belize (63) 2 British Virgin Islands (64) 2 Eritrea (65) 2 Jamaica (66) 2 Latvia (67) 2 Netherlands (68) 2 Saint Lucia (69) 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (70) 2 South Africa (71) 2.2 Bahrain (72) 2.2 Czech Republic (73) 2.2 Italy (74) 2.3 Belgium (75) 2.4 France (76) 2.4 Iceland (77) 2.4 Mali (78) 2.4 New Caledonia (79) 2.4 San Marino (80) 2.4 Sweden (81) 2.5 Austria (82) 2.5 Bermuda (83) 2.5 Mongolia (84) 2.6 Luxembourg (85) 2.6 Puerto Rico (86) 2.8 Madagascar (87) 2.9 Dominican Republic (88) 2.9 Germany (89) 2.9 Guinea-Bissau (90) 2.9 Kiribati (91) 3 Barbados (92) 3 Ethiopia (93) 3 Hungary (94) 3 Tanzania (95) 3 Trinidad and Tobago (96) 3.2 Nicaragua (97) 3.2 World (98) 3.3 Kenya (99) 3.4 Antigua and Barbuda (100) 3.4 Croatia (101) 3.4 Romania (102) 3.5 The Bahamas (103) 3.5 Cape Verde (104) 3.5 Chad (105) 3.5 Finland (106) 3.5 Mexico (107) 3.5 Paraguay (108) 3.5 Zimbabwe (109) 3.6 Panama (110) 3.9 Ecuador (111) 4 Benin (112) 4 Estonia (113) 4 Guatemala (114) 4 Micronesia, Federated States of (115) 4 Pakistan (116) 4 Slovenia (117) 4 Syria (118) 4 Uruguay (119) 4 Zaire (120) 4 Zambia (121) 4.1 United States (122) 4.2 Bolivia (123) 4.2 United Kingdom (124) 4.3 Chile (125) 4.3 Costa Rica (126) 4.3 Philippines (127) 4.3 Slovakia (128) 4.4 Malta (129) 4.4 Tunisia (130) 4.5 Bangladesh (131) 4.5 Canada (132) 4.5 Denmark (133) 4.5 Saint Kitts and Nevis (134) 4.5 Swaziland (135) 4.7 Mauritius (136) 5 Aruba (137) 5 Bhutan (138) 5 Cambodia (139) 5 Cyprus (140) 5 El Salvador (141) 5 Fiji (142) 5 Ghana (143) 5 India (144) 5 Mauritania (145) 5 Nepal (146) 5 Sri Lanka (147) 5 Tonga (148) 5.3 Brazil (149) 5.4 Maldives (150) 5.5 Central African Republic (151) 5.5 Hong Kong (152) 5.5 Ireland (153) 5.5 Jordan (154) 5.5 Norway (155) 5.5 Poland (156) 5.7 Colombia (157) 5.8 Mozambique (158) 5.8 Namibia (159) 6 Argentina (160) 6 Lesotho (161) 6 Marshall Islands (162) 6 Uganda (163) 6 Taiwan (164) 6.1 Papua New Guinea (165) 6.2 New Zealand (166) 6.4 Australia (167) 6.4 Burma (168) 6.7 Indonesia (169) 6.8 Israel (170) 7 Sudan (171) 7.3 Equatorial Guinea (172) 7.5 Anguilla (173) 8 Jersey (174) 8 Morocco (175) 8 Solomon Islands (176) 8 Thailand (177) 8.3 Korea, South (178) 8.4 Laos (179) 8.5 Guyana (180) 8.5 Lebanon (181) 8.6 Peru (182) 8.7 Malaysia (183) 8.8 Vietnam (184) 9 Guernsey (185) 9.3 Kuwait (186) 9.3 Malawi (187) 10.1 Singapore (188) 11 Albania (189) 11.8 China (190) Afghanistan (191) American Samoa (192) Andorra (193) Antarctica (194) Arctic Ocean (195) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (196) Atlantic Ocean (197) Baker Island (198) Bassas da India (199) Bosnia and Herzegovina (200) Bouvet Island (201) British Indian Ocean Territory (202) Christmas Island (203) Clipperton Island (204) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (205) Cook Islands (206) Coral Sea Islands (207) Europa Island (208) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (209) French Guiana (210) French Polynesia (211) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (212) The Gambia (213) Gaza Strip (214) Gibraltar (215) Glorioso Islands (216) Greenland (217) Guadeloupe (218) Guam (219) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (220) Holy See (Vatican City) (221) Howland Island (222) Indian Ocean (223) Iraq (224) Jan Mayen (225) Jarvis Island (226) Johnston Atoll (227) Juan de Nova Island (228) Kingman Reef (229) Liberia (230) Liechtenstein (231) Macau (232) Man, Isle of (233) Martinique (234) Mayotte (235) Midway Islands (236) Monaco (237) Nauru (238) Navassa Island (239) Niue (240) Norfolk Island (241) Northern Mariana Islands (242) Pacific Ocean (243) Palau (244) Palmyra Atoll (245) Paracel Islands (246) Pitcairn Islands (247) Reunion (248) Saint Helena (249) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (250) Sao Tome and Principe (251) Serbia and Montenegro (252) Somalia (253) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (254) Spratly Islands (255) Svalbard (256) Togo (257) Tokelau (258) Tromelin Island (259) Tuvalu (260) Vanuatu (261) Virgin Islands (262) Wake Island (263) Wallis and Futuna (264) West Bank (265) Western Sahara (266) ."."GDP/GNP Country % Growth Rate ____________ _______ 11.8 China (1) 11 Albania (2) 10.1 Singapore (3) 9.3 Malawi (4) 9.3 Kuwait (5) 9 Guernsey (6) 8.8 Vietnam (7) 8.7 Malaysia (8) 8.6 Peru (9) 8.5 Lebanon (10) 8.5 Guyana (11) 8.4 Laos (12) 8.3 Korea, South (13) 8 Thailand (14) 8 Solomon Islands (15) 8 Morocco (16) 8 Jersey (17) 7.5 Anguilla (18) 7.3 Equatorial Guinea (19) 7 Sudan (20) 6.8 Israel (21) 6.7 Indonesia (22) 6.4 Burma (23) 6.4 Australia (24) 6.2 New Zealand (25) 6.1 Papua New Guinea (26) 6 Taiwan (27) 6 Uganda (28) 6 Marshall Islands (29) 6 Lesotho (30) 6 Argentina (31) 5.8 Namibia (32) 5.8 Mozambique (33) 5.7 Colombia (34) 5.5 Poland (35) 5.5 Norway (36) 5.5 Jordan (37) 5.5 Ireland (38) 5.5 Hong Kong (39) 5.5 Central African Republic (40) 5.4 Maldives (41) 5.3 Brazil (42) 5 Tonga (43) 5 Sri Lanka (44) 5 Nepal (45) 5 Mauritania (46) 5 India (47) 5 Ghana (48) 5 Fiji (49) 5 El Salvador (50) 5 Cyprus (51) 5 Cambodia (52) 5 Bhutan (53) 5 Aruba (54) 4.7 Mauritius (55) 4.5 Swaziland (56) 4.5 Saint Kitts and Nevis (57) 4.5 Denmark (58) 4.5 Canada (59) 4.5 Bangladesh (60) 4.4 Tunisia (61) 4.4 Malta (62) 4.3 Slovakia (63) 4.3 Philippines (64) 4.3 Costa Rica (65) 4.3 Chile (66) 4.2 United Kingdom (67) 4.2 Bolivia (68) 4.1 United States (69) 4 Zambia (70) 4 Zaire (71) 4 Uruguay (72) 4 Syria (73) 4 Slovenia (74) 4 Pakistan (75) 4 Micronesia, Federated States of (76) 4 Guatemala (77) 4 Estonia (78) 4 Benin (79) 3.9 Ecuador (80) 3.6 Panama (81) 3.5 Zimbabwe (82) 3.5 Paraguay (83) 3.5 Mexico (84) 3.5 Finland (85) 3.5 Chad (86) 3.5 Cape Verde (87) 3.5 The Bahamas (88) 3.4 Romania (89) 3.4 Croatia (90) 3.4 Antigua and Barbuda (91) 3.3 Kenya (92) 3.2 World (93) 3.2 Nicaragua (94) 3 Trinidad and Tobago (95) 3 Tanzania (96) 3 Hungary (97) 3 Ethiopia (98) 3 Barbados (99) 2.9 Kiribati (100) 2.9 Guinea-Bissau (101) 2.9 Germany (102) 2.9 Dominican Republic (103) 2.8 Madagascar (104) 2.6 Puerto Rico (105) 2.6 Luxembourg (106) 2.5 Mongolia (107) 2.5 Bermuda (108) 2.5 Austria (109) 2.4 Sweden (110) 2.4 San Marino (111) 2.4 New Caledonia (112) 2.4 Mali (113) 2.4 Iceland (114) 2.4 France (115) 2.3 Belgium (116) 2.2 Italy (117) 2.2 Czech Republic (118) 2.2 Bahrain (119) 2 South Africa (120) 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (121) 2 Saint Lucia (122) 2 Netherlands (123) 2 Latvia (124) 2 Jamaica (125) 2 Eritrea (126) 2 British Virgin Islands (127) 2 Belize (128) 1.9 Gabon (129) 1.8 Switzerland (130) 1.8 Spain (131) 1.8 Netherlands Antilles (132) 1.6 Dominica (133) 1.5 Egypt (134) 1.5 Cote d'Ivoire (135) 1.4 Portugal (136) 1.4 Niger (137) 1.4 Cayman Islands (138) 1 Montserrat (139) 1 Botswana (140) 0.9 Comoros (141) 0.8 Guinea (142) 0.7 Sierra Leone (143) 0.6 Japan (144) 0.5 Oman (145) 0.5 Grenada (146) 0.4 Greece (147) 0.4 Cuba (148) 0.4 Burkina (149) 0.2 Bulgaria (150) 0.2 Algeria (151) 0 Korea, North (152) -0.5 United Arab Emirates (153) -0.5 Lithuania (154) -0.8 Suriname (155) -0.8 Nigeria (156) -0.9 Libya (157) -1 Qatar (158) -1 Angola (159) -1.4 Yemen (160) -1.5 Turks and Caicos Islands (161) -1.9 Honduras (162) -2 Seychelles (163) -2 Senegal (164) -2 Iran (165) -2 Armenia (166) -2.1 Congo (167) -2.9 Cameroon (168) -3 Saudi Arabia (169) -3 Djibouti (170) -3.3 Venezuela (171) -4 Uzbekistan (172) -4 Brunei (173) -4.3 Western Samoa (174) -5 Turkey (175) -8 Rwanda (176) -10.8 Faroe Islands (177) -12 Tajikistan (178) -13.5 Burundi (179) -15 Russia (180) -15 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (181) -15 Haiti (182) -19 Ukraine (183) -20 Belarus (184) -22 Azerbaijan (185) -24 Turkmenistan (186) -24 Kyrgyzstan (187) -25 Kazakhstan (188) -30 Moldova (189) -30 Georgia (190) Afghanistan American Samoa Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands The Gambia Gaza Strip Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Greenland Guadeloupe Guam Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Liberia Liechtenstein Macau Man, Isle of Martinique Mayotte Midway Islands Monaco Nauru Navassa Island Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Reunion Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon Sao Tome and Principe Serbia and Montenegro Somalia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Togo Tokelau Tromelin Island Tuvalu Vanuatu Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara PCAPGDP Per capita GDP title GDP/GNP Country Per Capita _______ _______ 380 Ethiopia (1) 440 Zaire (2) 500 Eritrea (3) 500 Somalia (4) 530 Chad (5) 550 Niger (6) 600 Burundi (7) 600 Mali (8) 600 Mayotte (9) 610 Mozambique (10) 620 Angola (11) 630 Cambodia (12) 660 Burkina (13) 700 Bhutan (14) 700 Central African Republic (15) 700 Comoros (16) 700 Equatorial Guinea (17) 750 Malawi (18) 750 Tanzania (19) 770 Liberia (20) 790 Madagascar (21) 800 Kiribati (22) 800 Togo (23) 800 Tuvalu (24) 840 Guinea-Bissau (25) 850 Laos (26) 850 Uganda (27) 860 Zambia (28) 870 Haiti (29) 870 Sudan (30) 900 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (31) 920 Korea, North (32) 930 Burma (33) 950 Rwanda (34) 980 Guinea (35) 1000 Cape Verde (36) 1000 Sao Tome and Principe (37) 1000 Serbia and Montenegro (38) 1000 Sierra Leone (39) 1000 Tokelau (40) 1040 Bangladesh (41) 1050 The Gambia (42) 1060 Georgia (43) 1060 Nepal (44) 1110 Albania (45) 1110 Mauritania (46) 1140 Vietnam (47) 1170 Kenya (48) 1200 Cameroon (49) 1200 Djibouti (50) 1200 Niue (51) 1200 Vanuatu (52) 1250 Nigeria (53) 1260 Benin (54) 1260 Cuba (55) 1310 Ghana (56) 1340 Lesotho (57) 1360 India (58) 1415 Tajikistan (59) 1430 Cote d'Ivoire (60) 1450 Senegal (61) 1500 Maldives (62) 1500 Marshall Islands (63) 1500 Micronesia, Federated States of (64) 1570 Nicaragua (65) 1580 Zimbabwe (66) 1710 El Salvador (67) 1790 Azerbaijan (68) 1790 Kyrgyzstan (69) 1800 Mongolia (70) 1820 Honduras (71) 1930 Pakistan (72) 1950 Guyana (73) 1955 Yemen (74) 2000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (75) 2000 Wallis and Futuna (76) 2000 Western Samoa (77) 2050 Tonga (78) 2200 Papua New Guinea (79) 2260 Dominica (80) 2290 Armenia (81) 2310 Philippines (82) 2370 Bolivia (83) 2400 Gaza Strip (84) 2400 Uzbekistan (85) 2490 Egypt (86) 2500 China (87) 2590 Solomon Islands (88) 2600 American Samoa (89) 2640 Croatia (90) 2670 Moldova (91) 2750 Belize (92) 2750 Grenada (93) 2790 Romania (94) 2800 Suriname (95) 2820 Congo (96) 2950 Paraguay (97) 3000 Cook Islands (98) 3050 Jamaica (99) 3060 Morocco (100) 3070 Dominican Republic (101) 3080 Guatemala (102) 3090 Indonesia (103) 3110 Peru (104) 3130 Botswana (105) 3190 Sri Lanka (106) 3200 Kazakhstan (107) 3280 Turkmenistan (108) 3480 Algeria (109) 3490 Swaziland (110) 3500 Lithuania (111) 3600 Namibia (112) 3650 Ukraine (113) 3830 Bulgaria (114) 3840 Ecuador (115) 3900 Reunion (116) 4200 Saint Lucia (117) 4250 Tunisia (118) 4280 Jordan (119) 4360 Lebanon (120) 4380 Montserrat (121) 4420 South Africa (122) 4480 Latvia (123) 4670 Panama (124) 4720 Iran (125) 4820 Russia (126) 4850 Colombia (127) 4900 Gabon (128) 4910 Turkey (129) 4920 Poland (130) 5000 Palau (131) 5000 Syria (132) 5050 Costa Rica (133) 5130 Belarus (134) 5300 Saint Kitts and Nevis (135) 5400 World (136) 5580 Brazil (137) 5650 Fiji (138) 5700 Hungary (139) 5970 Thailand (140) 6000 Antigua and Barbuda (141) 6000 French Guiana (142) 6000 New Caledonia (143) 6000 Seychelles (144) 6000 Turks and Caicos Islands (145) 6070 Slovakia (146) 6460 Estonia (147) 6510 Libya (148) 6600 Gibraltar (149) 7000 Anguilla (150) 7000 French Polynesia (151) 7010 Chile (152) 7050 Puerto Rico (153) 7200 Uruguay (154) 7350 Czech Republic (155) 7900 Mexico (156) 7990 Argentina (157) 8110 Slovenia (158) 8600 Mauritius (159) 8650 Malaysia (160) 8670 Venezuela (161) 8870 Greece (162) 9000 Guadeloupe (163) 9200 Barbados (164) 9510 Saudi Arabia (165) 10000 Macau (166) 10000 Martinique (167) 10000 Nauru (168) 10000 Netherlands Antilles (169) 10000 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (170) 10020 Oman (171) 10190 Portugal (172) 10500 Northern Mariana Islands (173) 10600 British Virgin Islands (174) 10760 Malta (175) 10800 Man, Isle of (176) 11000 Virgin Islands (177) 11270 Korea, South (178) 11280 Trinidad and Tobago (179) 12070 Taiwan (180) 12100 Bahrain (181) 12500 Cyprus (182) 13120 Spain (183) 13880 Israel (184) 14000 Andorra (185) 14000 Faroe Islands (186) 14000 Guam (187) 14060 Ireland (188) 15800 San Marino (189) 15900 The Bahamas (190) 16000 Brunei (191) 16140 Finland (192) 16580 Germany (193) 16640 New Zealand (194) 16900 Kuwait (195) 17000 Aruba (196) 17180 Italy (197) 17250 Iceland (198) 17500 Austria (199) 17940 Netherlands (200) 17980 United Kingdom (201) 18000 Monaco (202) 18040 Belgium (203) 18580 Sweden (204) 18670 France (205) 19860 Denmark (206) 19940 Singapore (207) 20200 Japan (208) 20720 Australia (209) 20820 Qatar (210) 22080 Switzerland (211) 22170 Norway (212) 22300 Liechtenstein (213) 22480 United Arab Emirates (214) 22760 Canada (215) 22830 Luxembourg (216) 23000 Cayman Islands (217) 24530 Hong Kong (218) 25850 United States (219) 28000 Bermuda (220) Afghanistan (221) Antarctica (222) Arctic Ocean (223) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (224) Atlantic Ocean (225) Baker Island (226) Bassas da India (227) Bosnia and Herzegovina (228) Bouvet Island (229) British Indian Ocean Territory (230) Christmas Island (231) Clipperton Island (232) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (233) Coral Sea Islands (234) Europa Island (235) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (236) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (237) Glorioso Islands (238) Greenland (239) Guernsey (240) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (241) Holy See (Vatican City) (242) Howland Island (243) Indian Ocean (244) Iraq (245) Jan Mayen (246) Jarvis Island (247) Jersey (248) Johnston Atoll (249) Juan de Nova Island (250) Kingman Reef (251) Midway Islands (252) Navassa Island (253) Norfolk Island (254) Pacific Ocean (255) Palmyra Atoll (256) Paracel Islands (257) Pitcairn Islands (258) Saint Helena (259) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (260) Spratly Islands (261) Svalbard (262) Tromelin Island (263) Wake Island (264) West Bank (265) Western Sahara (266) GDP/GNP Country Per Capita _______ _______ 28000 Bermuda (1) 25850 United States (2) 24530 Hong Kong (3) 23000 Cayman Islands (4) 22830 Luxembourg (5) 22760 Canada (6) 22480 United Arab Emirates (7) 22300 Liechtenstein (8) 22170 Norway (9) 22080 Switzerland (10) 20820 Qatar (11) 20720 Australia (12) 20200 Japan (13) 19940 Singapore (14) 19860 Denmark (15) 18670 France (16) 18580 Sweden (17) 18040 Belgium (18) 18000 Monaco (19) 17980 United Kingdom (20) 17940 Netherlands (21) 17500 Austria (22) 17250 Iceland (23) 17180 Italy (24) 17000 Aruba (25) 16900 Kuwait (26) 16640 New Zealand (27) 16580 Germany (28) 16140 Finland (29) 16000 Brunei (30) 15900 The Bahamas (31) 15800 San Marino (32) 14060 Ireland (33) 14000 Guam (34) 14000 Faroe Islands (35) 14000 Andorra (36) 13880 Israel (37) 13120 Spain (38) 12500 Cyprus (39) 12100 Bahrain (40) 12070 Taiwan (41) 11280 Trinidad and Tobago (42) 11270 Korea, South (43) 11000 Virgin Islands (44) 10800 Man, Isle of (45) 10760 Malta (46) 10600 British Virgin Islands (47) 10500 Northern Mariana Islands (48) 10190 Portugal (49) 10020 Oman (50) 10000 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (51) 10000 Netherlands Antilles (52) 10000 Nauru (53) 10000 Martinique (54) 10000 Macau (55) 9510 Saudi Arabia (56) 9200 Barbados (57) 9000 Guadeloupe (58) 8870 Greece (59) 8670 Venezuela (60) 8650 Malaysia (61) 8600 Mauritius (62) 8110 Slovenia (63) 7990 Argentina (64) 7900 Mexico (65) 7350 Czech Republic (66) 7200 Uruguay (67) 7050 Puerto Rico (68) 7010 Chile (69) 7000 French Polynesia (70) 7000 Anguilla (71) 6600 Gibraltar (72) 6510 Libya (73) 6460 Estonia (74) 6070 Slovakia (75) 6000 Turks and Caicos Islands (76) 6000 Seychelles (77) 6000 New Caledonia (78) 6000 French Guiana (79) 6000 Antigua and Barbuda (80) 5970 Thailand (81) 5700 Hungary (82) 5650 Fiji (83) 5580 Brazil (84) 5400 World (85) 5300 Saint Kitts and Nevis (86) 5130 Belarus (87) 5050 Costa Rica (88) 5000 Syria (89) 5000 Palau (90) 4920 Poland (91) 4910 Turkey (92) 4900 Gabon (93) 4850 Colombia (94) 4820 Russia (95) 4720 Iran (96) 4670 Panama (97) 4480 Latvia (98) 4420 South Africa (99) 4380 Montserrat (100) 4360 Lebanon (101) 4280 Jordan (102) 4250 Tunisia (103) 4200 Saint Lucia (104) 3900 Reunion (105) 3840 Ecuador (106) 3830 Bulgaria (107) 3650 Ukraine (108) 3600 Namibia (109) 3500 Lithuania (110) 3490 Swaziland (111) 3480 Algeria (112) 3280 Turkmenistan (113) 3200 Kazakhstan (114) 3190 Sri Lanka (115) 3130 Botswana (116) 3110 Peru (117) 3090 Indonesia (118) 3080 Guatemala (119) 3070 Dominican Republic (120) 3060 Morocco (121) 3050 Jamaica (122) 3000 Cook Islands (123) 2950 Paraguay (124) 2820 Congo (125) 2800 Suriname (126) 2790 Romania (127) 2750 Grenada (128) 2750 Belize (129) 2670 Moldova (130) 2640 Croatia (131) 2600 American Samoa (132) 2590 Solomon Islands (133) 2500 China (134) 2490 Egypt (135) 2400 Uzbekistan (136) 2400 Gaza Strip (137) 2370 Bolivia (138) 2310 Philippines (139) 2290 Armenia (140) 2260 Dominica (141) 2200 Papua New Guinea (142) 2050 Tonga (143) 2000 Western Samoa (144) 2000 Wallis and Futuna (145) 2000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (146) 1955 Yemen (147) 1950 Guyana (148) 1930 Pakistan (149) 1820 Honduras (150) 1800 Mongolia (151) 1790 Kyrgyzstan (152) 1790 Azerbaijan (153) 1710 El Salvador (154) 1580 Zimbabwe (155) 1570 Nicaragua (156) 1500 Micronesia, Federated States of (157) 1500 Marshall Islands (158) 1500 Maldives (159) 1450 Senegal (160) 1430 Cote d'Ivoire (161) 1415 Tajikistan (162) 1360 India (163) 1340 Lesotho (164) 1310 Ghana (165) 1260 Cuba (166) 1260 Benin (167) 1250 Nigeria (168) 1200 Vanuatu (169) 1200 Niue (170) 1200 Djibouti (171) 1200 Cameroon (172) 1170 Kenya (173) 1140 Vietnam (174) 1110 Mauritania (175) 1110 Albania (176) 1060 Nepal (177) 1060 Georgia (178) 1050 The Gambia (179) 1040 Bangladesh (180) 1000 Tokelau (181) 1000 Sierra Leone (182) 1000 Serbia and Montenegro (183) 1000 Sao Tome and Principe (184) 1000 Cape Verde (185) 980 Guinea (186) 950 Rwanda (187) 930 Burma (188) 920 Korea, North (189) 900 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (190) 870 Sudan (191) 870 Haiti (192) 860 Zambia (193) 850 Uganda (194) 850 Laos (195) 840 Guinea-Bissau (196) 800 Tuvalu (197) 800 Togo (198) 800 Kiribati (199) 790 Madagascar (200) 770 Liberia (201) 750 Tanzania (202) 750 Malawi (203) 700 Equatorial Guinea (204) 700 Comoros (205) 700 Central African Republic (206) 700 Bhutan (207) 660 Burkina (208) 630 Cambodia (209) 620 Angola (210) 610 Mozambique (211) 600 Mayotte (212) 600 Mali (213) 600 Burundi (214) 550 Niger (215) 530 Chad (216) 500 Somalia (217) 500 Eritrea (218) 440 Zaire (219) 380 Ethiopia (220) Afghanistan Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Greenland Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Midway Islands Navassa Island Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Saint Helena South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara INFLATN Inflation Rate title &Inflation rate Country % _______________ _______ -4.1 Chad (1) -1.8 Senegal (2) -1.1 Saint Helena (3) -0.8 Cameroon (4) -0.6 Burkina (5) 0.2 Canada (6) 0.5 Togo (7) 0.7 Japan (8) 0.8 Saint Lucia (9) 0.9 Switzerland (10) 1 Saudi Arabia (11) 1.2 Oman (12) 1.3 Greenland (13) 1.3 Iceland (14) 1.3 Norway (15) 1.4 New Caledonia (16) 1.5 Fiji (17) 1.5 Netherlands Antilles (18) 1.6 Dominica (19) 1.6 Equatorial Guinea (20) 1.6 France (21) 1.6 New Zealand (22) 1.6 Papua New Guinea (23) 1.6 Saint Kitts and Nevis (24) 1.7 French Polynesia (25) 1.8 Panama (26) 1.9 Latvia (27) 2 Bahrain (28) 2 Barbados (29) 2 Denmark (30) 2.1 Finland (31) 2.2 Congo (32) 2.3 Vanuatu (33) 2.4 United Kingdom (34) 2.5 Australia (35) 2.5 Belgium (36) 2.5 Bermuda (37) 2.5 British Virgin Islands (38) 2.5 Brunei (39) 2.5 Cayman Islands (40) 2.5 French Guiana (41) 2.5 Netherlands (42) 2.5 Sweden (43) 2.6 Grenada (44) 2.6 United States (45) 2.7 Ireland (46) 2.7 The Bahamas (47) 2.8 Montserrat (48) 2.9 Puerto Rico (49) 2.9 Tuvalu (50) 3 Anguilla (51) 3 Austria (52) 3 Croatia (53) 3 Germany (54) 3 Kuwait (55) 3 Qatar (56) 3 Tonga (57) 3.1 Lithuania (58) 3.6 Gibraltar (59) 3.6 Luxembourg (60) 3.6 Singapore (61) 3.7 Guadeloupe (62) 3.7 Malaysia (63) 3.9 Argentina (64) 3.9 Italy (65) 3.9 Martinique (66) 3.9 Seychelles (67) 4 Guam (68) 4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (69) 4.3 Bangladesh (70) 4.5 Tunisia (71) 4.8 Cyprus (72) 4.9 Spain (73) 5 Malta (74) 5 Niue (75) 5 Thailand (76) 5 Uganda (77) 5.1 United Arab Emirates (78) 5.2 Taiwan (79) 5.4 Liechtenstein (80) 5.4 Morocco (81) 5.5 Belize (82) 5.5 San Marino (83) 5.6 Korea, South (84) 5.7 Gaza Strip (85) 6 Djibouti (86) 6 Jordan (87) 6.1 Portugal (88) 6.2 Cook Islands (89) 6.5 Kiribati (90) 6.5 Laos (91) 6.5 Northern Mariana Islands (92) 6.5 The Gambia (93) 6.8 Faroe Islands (94) 7 American Samoa (95) 7 Antigua and Barbuda (96) 7 Aruba (97) 7 Cape Verde (98) 7 Guernsey (99) 7 Man, Isle of (100) 7 Marshall Islands (101) 7.1 Mexico (102) 7.1 Philippines (103) 7.4 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (104) 7.7 Macau (105) 8 Egypt (106) 8 Jersey (107) 8.5 Bolivia (108) 8.5 Hong Kong (109) 8.7 Chile (110) 9 Costa Rica (111) 9 South Africa (112) 9.3 Indonesia (113) 9.4 Mauritius (114) 9.6 Nepal (115) 10 Bhutan (116) 10 Botswana (117) 10 Burundi (118) 10 El Salvador (119) 10 Ethiopia (120) 10 India (121) 10 Mauritania (122) 10.1 Trinidad and Tobago (123) 10.2 Czech Republic (124) 10.9 Greece (125) 11 Namibia (126) 11.3 Swaziland (127) 12 Guatemala (128) 12 Lebanon (129) 12 Pakistan (130) 12 Slovakia (131) 12 Sri Lanka (132) 13 Solomon Islands (133) 13.9 Lesotho (134) 14 Dominican Republic (135) 14 Western Samoa (136) 14.4 Vietnam (137) 14.5 Israel (138) 15 Comoros (139) 15 Peru (140) 15.5 Guyana (141) 16 Albania (142) 16.3 Syria (143) 16.6 Guinea (144) 18 Paraguay (145) 19.5 Nicaragua (146) 20 Angola (147) 20 Maldives (148) 20 Serbia and Montenegro (149) 20 Slovenia (150) 21 Hungary (151) 22 Sierra Leone (152) 22 Zimbabwe (153) 22.6 Colombia (154) 25 Ecuador (155) 25 Ghana (156) 25 Libya (157) 25 Tanzania (158) 25 World (159) 25.5 China (160) 26 Cambodia (161) 26.7 Jamaica (162) 27 Sao Tome and Principe (163) 28 Azerbaijan (164) 30 Algeria (165) 30 Honduras (166) 30 Kenya (167) 30 Malawi (168) 30 Poland (169) 35 Benin (170) 35 Gabon (171) 35 Iran (172) 35 Madagascar (173) 35 Mali (174) 38 Burma (175) 40 Central African Republic (176) 44 Uruguay (177) 50 Mozambique (178) 52 Haiti (179) 52.512 Estonia (180) 53 Nigeria (181) 54 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (182) 55 Guinea-Bissau (183) 56.7 Afghanistan (184) 62 Romania (185) 70 Mongolia (186) 71 Venezuela (187) 89 Zambia (188) 98.12 Kyrgyzstan (189) 106 Turkey (190) 112 Sudan (191) 122 Bulgaria (192) 145 Yemen (193) 159.155 Moldova (194) 225 Suriname (195) 245.227 Russia (196) 449.241 Ukraine (197) 449.241 Uzbekistan (198) 1094 Brazil (199) 1538.634 Kazakhstan (200) 1718.989 Turkmenistan (201) 2135.879 Armenia (202) 2639.467 Belarus (203) 7837.146 Zaire (204) 8213.656 Georgia (205) Andorra (206) Antarctica (207) Arctic Ocean (208) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (209) Atlantic Ocean (210) Baker Island (211) Bassas da India (212) Bosnia and Herzegovina (213) Bouvet Island (214) British Indian Ocean Territory (215) Christmas Island (216) Clipperton Island (217) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (218) Coral Sea Islands (219) Cote d'Ivoire (220) Cuba (221) Eritrea (222) Europa Island (223) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (224) Glorioso Islands (225) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (226) Holy See (Vatican City) (227) Howland Island (228) Indian Ocean (229) Iraq (230) Jan Mayen (231) Jarvis Island (232) Johnston Atoll (233) Juan de Nova Island (234) Kingman Reef (235) Korea, North (236) Liberia (237) Mayotte (238) Micronesia, Federated States of (239) Midway Islands (240) Monaco (241) Nauru (242) Navassa Island (243) Niger (244) Norfolk Island (245) Pacific Ocean (246) Palau (247) Palmyra Atoll (248) Paracel Islands (249) Pitcairn Islands (250) Reunion (251) Rwanda (252) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (253) Somalia (254) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (255) Spratly Islands (256) Svalbard (257) Tajikistan (258) Tokelau (259) Tromelin Island (260) Turks and Caicos Islands (261) Virgin Islands (262) Wake Island (263) Wallis and Futuna (264) West Bank (265) Western Sahara (266) $Inflation rate Country % _______________ _______ 8213.656 Georgia (1) 7837.146 Zaire (2) 2639.467 Belarus (3) 2135.879 Armenia (4) 1718.989 Turkmenistan (5) 1538.634 Kazakhstan (6) 1094 Brazil (7) 449.241 Uzbekistan (8) 449.241 Ukraine (9) 245.227 Russia (10) 225 Suriname (11) 159.155 Moldova (12) 145 Yemen (13) 122 Bulgaria (14) 112 Sudan (15) 106 Turkey (16) 98.12 Kyrgyzstan (17) 89 Zambia (18) 71 Venezuela (19) 70 Mongolia (20) 62 Romania (21) 56.7 Afghanistan (22) 55 Guinea-Bissau (23) 54 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (24) 53 Nigeria (25) 52.512 Estonia (26) 52 Haiti (27) 50 Mozambique (28) 44 Uruguay (29) 40 Central African Republic (30) 38 Burma (31) 35 Mali (32) 35 Madagascar (33) 35 Iran (34) 35 Gabon (35) 35 Benin (36) 30 Poland (37) 30 Malawi (38) 30 Kenya (39) 30 Honduras (40) 30 Algeria (41) 28 Azerbaijan (42) 27 Sao Tome and Principe (43) 26.7 Jamaica (44) 26 Cambodia (45) 25.5 China (46) 25 World (47) 25 Tanzania (48) 25 Libya (49) 25 Ghana (50) 25 Ecuador (51) 22.6 Colombia (52) 22 Zimbabwe (53) 22 Sierra Leone (54) 21 Hungary (55) 20 Slovenia (56) 20 Serbia and Montenegro (57) 20 Maldives (58) 20 Angola (59) 19.5 Nicaragua (60) 18 Paraguay (61) 16.6 Guinea (62) 16.3 Syria (63) 16 Albania (64) 15.5 Guyana (65) 15 Peru (66) 15 Comoros (67) 14.5 Israel (68) 14.4 Vietnam (69) 14 Western Samoa (70) 14 Dominican Republic (71) 13.9 Lesotho (72) 13 Solomon Islands (73) 12 Sri Lanka (74) 12 Slovakia (75) 12 Pakistan (76) 12 Lebanon (77) 12 Guatemala (78) 11.3 Swaziland (79) 11 Namibia (80) 10.9 Greece (81) 10.2 Czech Republic (82) 10.1 Trinidad and Tobago (83) 10 Mauritania (84) 10 India (85) 10 Ethiopia (86) 10 El Salvador (87) 10 Burundi (88) 10 Botswana (89) 10 Bhutan (90) 9.6 Nepal (91) 9.4 Mauritius (92) 9.3 Indonesia (93) 9 South Africa (94) 9 Costa Rica (95) 8.7 Chile (96) 8.5 Hong Kong (97) 8.5 Bolivia (98) 8 Jersey (99) 8 Egypt (100) 7.7 Macau (101) 7.4 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (102) 7.1 Philippines (103) 7.1 Mexico (104) 7 Marshall Islands (105) 7 Man, Isle of (106) 7 Guernsey (107) 7 Cape Verde (108) 7 Aruba (109) 7 Antigua and Barbuda (110) 7 American Samoa (111) 6.8 Faroe Islands (112) 6.5 The Gambia (113) 6.5 Northern Mariana Islands (114) 6.5 Laos (115) 6.5 Kiribati (116) 6.2 Cook Islands (117) 6.1 Portugal (118) 6 Jordan (119) 6 Djibouti (120) 5.7 Gaza Strip (121) 5.6 Korea, South (122) 5.5 San Marino (123) 5.5 Belize (124) 5.4 Morocco (125) 5.4 Liechtenstein (126) 5.2 Taiwan (127) 5.1 United Arab Emirates (128) 5 Uganda (129) 5 Thailand (130) 5 Niue (131) 5 Malta (132) 4.9 Spain (133) 4.8 Cyprus (134) 4.5 Tunisia (135) 4.3 Bangladesh (136) 4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (137) 4 Guam (138) 3.9 Seychelles (139) 3.9 Martinique (140) 3.9 Italy (141) 3.9 Argentina (142) 3.7 Malaysia (143) 3.7 Guadeloupe (144) 3.6 Singapore (145) 3.6 Luxembourg (146) 3.6 Gibraltar (147) 3.1 Lithuania (148) 3 Tonga (149) 3 Qatar (150) 3 Kuwait (151) 3 Germany (152) 3 Croatia (153) 3 Austria (154) 3 Anguilla (155) 2.9 Tuvalu (156) 2.9 Puerto Rico (157) 2.8 Montserrat (158) 2.7 The Bahamas (159) 2.7 Ireland (160) 2.6 United States (161) 2.6 Grenada (162) 2.5 Sweden (163) 2.5 Netherlands (164) 2.5 French Guiana (165) 2.5 Cayman Islands (166) 2.5 Brunei (167) 2.5 British Virgin Islands (168) 2.5 Bermuda (169) 2.5 Belgium (170) 2.5 Australia (171) 2.4 United Kingdom (172) 2.3 Vanuatu (173) 2.2 Congo (174) 2.1 Finland (175) 2 Denmark (176) 2 Barbados (177) 2 Bahrain (178) 1.9 Latvia (179) 1.8 Panama (180) 1.7 French Polynesia (181) 1.6 Saint Kitts and Nevis (182) 1.6 Papua New Guinea (183) 1.6 New Zealand (184) 1.6 France (185) 1.6 Equatorial Guinea (186) 1.6 Dominica (187) 1.5 Netherlands Antilles (188) 1.5 Fiji (189) 1.4 New Caledonia (190) 1.3 Norway (191) 1.3 Iceland (192) 1.3 Greenland (193) 1.2 Oman (194) 1 Saudi Arabia (195) 0.9 Switzerland (196) 0.8 Saint Lucia (197) 0.7 Japan (198) 0.5 Togo (199) 0.2 Canada (200) -0.6 Burkina (201) -0.8 Cameroon (202) -1.1 Saint Helena (203) -1.8 Senegal (204) -4.1 Chad (205) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Cote d'Ivoire Cuba Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Korea, North Liberia Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Monaco Nauru Navassa Island Niger Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Reunion Rwanda Saint Pierre and Miquelon Somalia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tajikistan Tokelau Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara INDGROW Inductrial Growth Rate title "Industrial Country % Growth rate ________ _______ -52 Lithuania (1) -31 Tajikistan (2) -30 Moldova (3) -28 Kazakhstan (4) -28 Ukraine (5) -27 Estonia (6) -27 Georgia (7) -25 Azerbaijan (8) -25 Turkmenistan (9) -24 Kyrgyzstan (10) -21 Russia (11) -20 Zaire (12) -19 Belarus (13) -15 Mongolia (14) -14 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (15) -14 Namibia (16) -10 Albania (17) -10 Dominica (18) -9.5 Latvia (19) -7 Korea, North (20) -6.5 Comoros (21) -4.9 Antigua and Barbuda (22) -4 Croatia (23) -3.8 Solomon Islands (24) -3.3 Ethiopia (25) -3 Gabon (26) -2.7 Niger (27) -2.5 Denmark (28) -2.2 Rwanda (29) -2.1 Cameroon (30) -2 Haiti (31) -1.5 Netherlands (32) -1.5 Sierra Leone (33) -1.4 Mali (34) -1.4 Venezuela (35) -1 Romania (36) -1 Zambia (37) -0.8 Nicaragua (38) -0.7 Benin (39) -0.5 Luxembourg (40) -0.3 Western Samoa (41) -0.1 Belgium (42) 0 Cote d'Ivoire (43) 0 Fiji (44) 0 Switzerland (45) 0.1 Cyprus (46) 0.1 Morocco (47) 0.4 Jamaica (48) 0.7 Kiribati (49) 1 Japan (50) 1 Sao Tome and Principe (51) 1 Trinidad and Tobago (52) 1 Uzbekistan (53) 1.4 Philippines (54) 1.5 Portugal (55) 1.5 Tonga (56) 1.5 Uganda (57) 1.7 United Arab Emirates (58) 1.75 Iceland (59) 1.8 Grenada (60) 1.8 Panama (61) 1.9 Guatemala (62) 1.9 New Zealand (63) 1.9 Senegal (64) 2 Barbados (65) 2 Hong Kong (66) 2.3 Afghanistan (67) 2.3 Zimbabwe (68) 2.5 Austria (69) 2.6 France (70) 2.7 Chad (71) 2.7 Egypt (72) 2.8 Germany (73) 3 The Bahamas (74) 3 Djibouti (75) 3 Jordan (76) 3.2 Greece (77) 3.4 Dominican Republic (78) 3.4 Ghana (79) 3.5 Malawi (80) 3.5 Saint Lucia (81) 3.5 Suriname (82) 3.6 Cape Verde (83) 3.6 Paraguay (84) 3.7 Belize (85) 3.8 Madagascar (86) 3.9 Australia (87) 3.9 Kenya (88) 3.9 Uruguay (89) 4 British Virgin Islands (90) 4 Bulgaria (91) 4 Central African Republic (92) 4 Seychelles (93) 4 Spain (94) 4.2 Swaziland (95) 4.3 Chile (96) 4.3 Italy (97) 4.5 Mexico (98) 4.5 Taiwan (99) 4.6 Botswana (100) 4.6 Iran (101) 4.6 Norway (102) 4.8 Canada (103) 4.9 Burma (104) 4.9 Czech Republic (105) 5 Bolivia (106) 5 Colombia (107) 5 Finland (108) 5 Mozambique (109) 5 Puerto Rico (110) 5 Tunisia (111) 5 World (112) 5.4 Malta (113) 5.4 United States (114) 5.6 Guyana (115) 5.6 Pakistan (116) 5.6 United Kingdom (117) 5.8 Mauritius (118) 5.9 Saint Kitts and Nevis (119) 6 Slovenia (120) 6.4 Ecuador (121) 6.7 Burkina (122) 6.7 The Gambia (123) 6.7 Turkey (124) 6.8 Sudan (125) 6.9 Bangladesh (126) 7 Armenia (127) 7 Hungary (128) 7 India (129) 7.5 Laos (130) 7.6 Bhutan (131) 7.6 El Salvador (132) 7.7 Nigeria (133) 7.9 Cambodia (134) 8 Congo (135) 8 Israel (136) 8.1 Montserrat (137) 8.1 Vanuatu (138) 8.4 Indonesia (139) 8.5 Ireland (140) 8.6 Oman (141) 9 Sri Lanka (142) 9 Sweden (143) 9 Togo (144) 9.3 Tanzania (145) 9.5 Brazil (146) 10 Honduras (147) 10 Lesotho (148) 10.5 Costa Rica (149) 10.5 Libya (150) 11 Burundi (151) 11 Gaza Strip (152) 11.3 Equatorial Guinea (153) 11.5 Thailand (154) 12 Malaysia (155) 12 Poland (156) 12 Virgin Islands (157) 12.1 Korea, South (158) 12.5 Argentina (159) 12.9 Brunei (160) 13 Bahrain (161) 13 Singapore (162) 13 Vietnam (163) 17.5 China (164) 20 Saudi Arabia (165) 24 Maldives (166) 25 Lebanon (167) 32 Papua New Guinea (168) 50 Qatar (169) Algeria (170) American Samoa (171) Andorra (172) Angola (173) Anguilla (174) Antarctica (175) Arctic Ocean (176) Aruba (177) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (178) Atlantic Ocean (179) Baker Island (180) Bassas da India (181) Bermuda (182) Bosnia and Herzegovina (183) Bouvet Island (184) British Indian Ocean Territory (185) Cayman Islands (186) Christmas Island (187) Clipperton Island (188) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (189) Cook Islands (190) Coral Sea Islands (191) Cuba (192) Eritrea (193) Europa Island (194) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (195) Faroe Islands (196) French Guiana (197) French Polynesia (198) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (199) Gibraltar (200) Glorioso Islands (201) Greenland (202) Guadeloupe (203) Guam (204) Guernsey (205) Guinea (206) Guinea-Bissau (207) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (208) Holy See (Vatican City) (209) Howland Island (210) Indian Ocean (211) Iraq (212) Jan Mayen (213) Jarvis Island (214) Jersey (215) Johnston Atoll (216) Juan de Nova Island (217) Kingman Reef (218) Kuwait (219) Liberia (220) Liechtenstein (221) Macau (222) Man, Isle of (223) Marshall Islands (224) Martinique (225) Mauritania (226) Mayotte (227) Micronesia, Federated States of (228) Midway Islands (229) Monaco (230) Nauru (231) Navassa Island (232) Nepal (233) Netherlands Antilles (234) New Caledonia (235) Niue (236) Norfolk Island (237) Northern Mariana Islands (238) Pacific Ocean (239) Palau (240) Palmyra Atoll (241) Paracel Islands (242) Peru (243) Pitcairn Islands (244) Reunion (245) Saint Helena (246) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (247) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (248) San Marino (249) Serbia and Montenegro (250) Slovakia (251) Somalia (252) South Africa (253) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (254) Spratly Islands (255) Svalbard (256) Syria (257) Tokelau (258) Tromelin Island (259) Turks and Caicos Islands (260) Tuvalu (261) Wake Island (262) Wallis and Futuna (263) West Bank (264) Western Sahara (265) Yemen (266) Industrial Country % Growth rate ________ _______ 50 Qatar (1) 32 Papua New Guinea (2) 25 Lebanon (3) 24 Maldives (4) 20 Saudi Arabia (5) 17.5 China (6) 13 Vietnam (7) 13 Singapore (8) 13 Bahrain (9) 12.9 Brunei (10) 12.5 Argentina (11) 12.1 Korea, South (12) 12 Virgin Islands (13) 12 Poland (14) 12 Malaysia (15) 11.5 Thailand (16) 11.3 Equatorial Guinea (17) 11 Gaza Strip (18) 11 Burundi (19) 10.5 Libya (20) 10.5 Costa Rica (21) 10 Lesotho (22) 10 Honduras (23) 9.5 Brazil (24) 9.3 Tanzania (25) 9 Togo (26) 9 Sweden (27) 9 Sri Lanka (28) 8.6 Oman (29) 8.5 Ireland (30) 8.4 Indonesia (31) 8.1 Vanuatu (32) 8.1 Montserrat (33) 8 Israel (34) 8 Congo (35) 7.9 Cambodia (36) 7.7 Nigeria (37) 7.6 El Salvador (38) 7.6 Bhutan (39) 7.5 Laos (40) 7 India (41) 7 Hungary (42) 7 Armenia (43) 6.9 Bangladesh (44) 6.8 Sudan (45) 6.7 Turkey (46) 6.7 The Gambia (47) 6.7 Burkina (48) 6.4 Ecuador (49) 6 Slovenia (50) 5.9 Saint Kitts and Nevis (51) 5.8 Mauritius (52) 5.6 United Kingdom (53) 5.6 Pakistan (54) 5.6 Guyana (55) 5.4 United States (56) 5.4 Malta (57) 5 World (58) 5 Tunisia (59) 5 Puerto Rico (60) 5 Mozambique (61) 5 Finland (62) 5 Colombia (63) 5 Bolivia (64) 4.9 Czech Republic (65) 4.9 Burma (66) 4.8 Canada (67) 4.6 Norway (68) 4.6 Iran (69) 4.6 Botswana (70) 4.5 Taiwan (71) 4.5 Mexico (72) 4.3 Italy (73) 4.3 Chile (74) 4.2 Swaziland (75) 4 Spain (76) 4 Seychelles (77) 4 Central African Republic (78) 4 Bulgaria (79) 4 British Virgin Islands (80) 3.9 Uruguay (81) 3.9 Kenya (82) 3.9 Australia (83) 3.8 Madagascar (84) 3.7 Belize (85) 3.6 Paraguay (86) 3.6 Cape Verde (87) 3.5 Suriname (88) 3.5 Saint Lucia (89) 3.5 Malawi (90) 3.4 Ghana (91) 3.4 Dominican Republic (92) 3.2 Greece (93) 3 Jordan (94) 3 Djibouti (95) 3 The Bahamas (96) 2.8 Germany (97) 2.7 Egypt (98) 2.7 Chad (99) 2.6 France (100) 2.5 Austria (101) 2.3 Zimbabwe (102) 2.3 Afghanistan (103) 2 Hong Kong (104) 2 Barbados (105) 1.9 Senegal (106) 1.9 New Zealand (107) 1.9 Guatemala (108) 1.8 Panama (109) 1.8 Grenada (110) 1.75 Iceland (111) 1.7 United Arab Emirates (112) 1.5 Uganda (113) 1.5 Tonga (114) 1.5 Portugal (115) 1.4 Philippines (116) 1 Uzbekistan (117) 1 Trinidad and Tobago (118) 1 Sao Tome and Principe (119) 1 Japan (120) 0.7 Kiribati (121) 0.4 Jamaica (122) 0.1 Morocco (123) 0.1 Cyprus (124) 0 Switzerland (125) 0 Fiji (126) 0 Cote d'Ivoire (127) -0.1 Belgium (128) -0.3 Western Samoa (129) -0.5 Luxembourg (130) -0.7 Benin (131) -0.8 Nicaragua (132) -1 Zambia (133) -1 Romania (134) -1.4 Venezuela (135) -1.4 Mali (136) -1.5 Sierra Leone (137) -1.5 Netherlands (138) -2 Haiti (139) -2.1 Cameroon (140) -2.2 Rwanda (141) -2.5 Denmark (142) -2.7 Niger (143) -3 Gabon (144) -3.3 Ethiopia (145) -3.8 Solomon Islands (146) -4 Croatia (147) -4.9 Antigua and Barbuda (148) -6.5 Comoros (149) -7 Korea, North (150) -9.5 Latvia (151) -10 Dominica (152) -10 Albania (153) -14 Namibia (154) -14 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (155) -15 Mongolia (156) -19 Belarus (157) -20 Zaire (158) -21 Russia (159) -24 Kyrgyzstan (160) -25 Turkmenistan (161) -25 Azerbaijan (162) -27 Georgia (163) -27 Estonia (164) -28 Ukraine (165) -28 Kazakhstan (166) -30 Moldova (167) -31 Tajikistan (168) -52 Lithuania (169) Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Arctic Ocean Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bermuda Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Cayman Islands Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Cuba Eritrea Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Greenland Guadeloupe Guam Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kuwait Liberia Liechtenstein Macau Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Monaco Nauru Navassa Island Nepal Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Peru Pitcairn Islands Reunion Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Marino Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Syria Tokelau Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara Yemen UNEMP Unemployment Percentage title f f Unemployment Country % _________ _______ 0 Andorra (1) 0 British Virgin Islands (2) 0 Kuwait (3) 0 Maldives (4) 0 Monaco (5) 0 Nauru (6) 0 United Arab Emirates (7) 0.3 Uzbekistan (8) 0.4 Ukraine (9) 0.6 Aruba (10) 0.7 Kyrgyzstan (11) 0.9 Azerbaijan (12) 1 Man, Isle of (13) 1 Moldova (14) 1.1 Kazakhstan (15) 1.4 Belarus (16) 1.5 Liechtenstein (17) 1.5 Tajikistan (18) 1.6 Taiwan (19) 1.9 Hong Kong (20) 2 Estonia (21) 2 Guam (22) 2 Kiribati (23) 2 Korea, South (24) 2 Macau (25) 2.3 Cyprus (26) 2.4 Luxembourg (27) 2.4 Mauritius (28) 2.6 Singapore (29) 2.7 China (30) 2.9 Japan (31) 2.9 Malaysia (32) 3 Indonesia (33) 3.2 Czech Republic (34) 3.2 Thailand (35) 3.7 Virgin Islands (36) 4 Costa Rica (37) 4.3 Austria (38) 4.5 Lithuania (39) 4.5 Malta (40) 4.7 Switzerland (41) 4.9 Brazil (42) 4.9 Guatemala (43) 4.9 San Marino (44) 5 Brunei (45) 5 Georgia (46) 5.4 Fiji (47) 5.5 United States (48) 6 Antigua and Barbuda (49) 6 Bermuda (50) 6 Chile (51) 6.2 Bolivia (52) 6.5 Armenia (53) 6.5 Latvia (54) 6.5 Saudi Arabia (55) 6.6 Greenland (56) 6.7 El Salvador (57) 6.7 Portugal (58) 7 Anguilla (59) 7 Cayman Islands (60) 7 Iceland (61) 7.1 Ecuador (62) 7.1 Russia (63) 7.5 Israel (64) 7.5 New Zealand (65) 7.5 Syria (66) 7.9 Colombia (67) 8.2 Germany (68) 8.4 Norway (69) 8.8 Netherlands (70) 8.8 Sweden (71) 8.9 Australia (72) 9 Philippines (73) 9 Seychelles (74) 9 Slovenia (75) 9 Uruguay (76) 9 Venezuela (77) 9.3 United Kingdom (78) 9.6 Canada (79) 9.6 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (80) 9.8 Mexico (81) 10 Belize (82) 10 French Polynesia (83) 10 Ghana (84) 10 Honduras (85) 10 Pakistan (86) 10.1 Greece (87) 10.4 Hungary (88) 10.9 Romania (89) 11.2 Paraguay (90) 12 American Samoa (91) 12 Argentina (92) 12 Guyana (93) 12 Turks and Caicos Islands (94) 12.2 Italy (95) 12.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (96) 12.3 Denmark (97) 12.6 France (98) 12.6 Turkey (99) 12.9 Panama (100) 13 French Guiana (101) 13.1 The Bahamas (102) 13.4 Netherlands Antilles (103) 13.6 Sri Lanka (104) 14 Cote d'Ivoire (105) 14.1 Belgium (106) 14.6 Slovakia (107) 15 Angola (108) 15 Bahrain (109) 15 Dominica (110) 15 Mongolia (111) 15 Peru (112) 15 Swaziland (113) 15.7 Jamaica (114) 15.8 Comoros (115) 16 Bulgaria (116) 16 Ireland (117) 16 Jordan (118) 16 Marshall Islands (119) 16 Morocco (120) 16 New Caledonia (121) 16 Puerto Rico (122) 16.1 Poland (123) 16.2 Tunisia (124) 17 Croatia (125) 18 Albania (126) 18.1 Trinidad and Tobago (127) 20 Egypt (128) 20 Mauritania (129) 20 Palau (130) 20 Vietnam (131) 20.5 Barbados (132) 21 Laos (133) 21.8 Nicaragua (134) 22 Finland (135) 23 Faroe Islands (136) 24.5 Spain (137) 25 Botswana (138) 25 Cameroon (139) 25 Grenada (140) 25 Saint Lucia (141) 26 Cape Verde (142) 27 Micronesia, Federated States of (143) 28 Nigeria (144) 30 Algeria (145) 30 Central African Republic (146) 30 Djibouti (147) 30 Dominican Republic (148) 30 Iran (149) 30 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (150) 30 Sudan (151) 30 World (152) 30 Yemen (153) 31.3 Guadeloupe (154) 32.1 Martinique (155) 32.6 South Africa (156) 35 Kenya (157) 35 Lebanon (158) 35 Namibia (159) 35 Reunion (160) 35 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (161) 40 Serbia and Montenegro (162) 45 Gaza Strip (163) 45 Zimbabwe (164) 50 Haiti (165) 50 Mozambique (166) Afghanistan (167) Antarctica (168) Arctic Ocean (169) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (170) Atlantic Ocean (171) Baker Island (172) Bangladesh (173) Bassas da India (174) Benin (175) Bhutan (176) Bosnia and Herzegovina (177) Bouvet Island (178) British Indian Ocean Territory (179) Burkina (180) Burma (181) Burundi (182) Cambodia (183) Chad (184) Christmas Island (185) Clipperton Island (186) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (187) Congo (188) Cook Islands (189) Coral Sea Islands (190) Cuba (191) Equatorial Guinea (192) Eritrea (193) Ethiopia (194) Europa Island (195) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (196) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (197) Gabon (198) The Gambia (199) Gibraltar (200) Glorioso Islands (201) Guernsey (202) Guinea (203) Guinea-Bissau (204) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (205) Holy See (Vatican City) (206) Howland Island (207) India (208) Indian Ocean (209) Iraq (210) Jan Mayen (211) Jarvis Island (212) Jersey (213) Johnston Atoll (214) Juan de Nova Island (215) Kingman Reef (216) Korea, North (217) Lesotho (218) Liberia (219) Libya (220) Madagascar (221) Malawi (222) Mali (223) Mayotte (224) Midway Islands (225) Montserrat (226) Navassa Island (227) Nepal (228) Niger (229) Niue (230) Norfolk Island (231) Northern Mariana Islands (232) Oman (233) Pacific Ocean (234) Palmyra Atoll (235) Papua New Guinea (236) Paracel Islands (237) Pitcairn Islands (238) Qatar (239) Rwanda (240) Saint Helena (241) Sao Tome and Principe (242) Senegal (243) Sierra Leone (244) Solomon Islands (245) Somalia (246) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (247) Spratly Islands (248) Suriname (249) Svalbard (250) Tanzania (251) Togo (252) Tokelau (253) Tonga (254) Tromelin Island (255) Turkmenistan (256) Tuvalu (257) Uganda (258) Vanuatu (259) Wake Island (260) Wallis and Futuna (261) West Bank (262) Western Sahara (263) Western Samoa (264) Zaire (265) Zambia (266) Unemployment Country % _________ _______ 50 Mozambique (1) 50 Haiti (2) 45 Zimbabwe (3) 45 Gaza Strip (4) 40 Serbia and Montenegro (5) 35 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (6) 35 Reunion (7) 35 Namibia (8) 35 Lebanon (9) 35 Kenya (10) 32.6 South Africa (11) 32.1 Martinique (12) 31.3 Guadeloupe (13) 30 Yemen (14) 30 World (15) 30 Sudan (16) 30 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (17) 30 Iran (18) 30 Dominican Republic (19) 30 Djibouti (20) 30 Central African Republic (21) 30 Algeria (22) 28 Nigeria (23) 27 Micronesia, Federated States of (24) 26 Cape Verde (25) 25 Saint Lucia (26) 25 Grenada (27) 25 Cameroon (28) 25 Botswana (29) 24.5 Spain (30) 23 Faroe Islands (31) 22 Finland (32) 21.8 Nicaragua (33) 21 Laos (34) 20.5 Barbados (35) 20 Vietnam (36) 20 Palau (37) 20 Mauritania (38) 20 Egypt (39) 18.1 Trinidad and Tobago (40) 18 Albania (41) 17 Croatia (42) 16.2 Tunisia (43) 16.1 Poland (44) 16 Puerto Rico (45) 16 New Caledonia (46) 16 Morocco (47) 16 Marshall Islands (48) 16 Jordan (49) 16 Ireland (50) 16 Bulgaria (51) 15.8 Comoros (52) 15.7 Jamaica (53) 15 Swaziland (54) 15 Peru (55) 15 Mongolia (56) 15 Dominica (57) 15 Bahrain (58) 15 Angola (59) 14.6 Slovakia (60) 14.1 Belgium (61) 14 Cote d'Ivoire (62) 13.6 Sri Lanka (63) 13.4 Netherlands Antilles (64) 13.1 The Bahamas (65) 13 French Guiana (66) 12.9 Panama (67) 12.6 Turkey (68) 12.6 France (69) 12.3 Denmark (70) 12.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (71) 12.2 Italy (72) 12 Turks and Caicos Islands (73) 12 Guyana (74) 12 Argentina (75) 12 American Samoa (76) 11.2 Paraguay (77) 10.9 Romania (78) 10.4 Hungary (79) 10.1 Greece (80) 10 Pakistan (81) 10 Honduras (82) 10 Ghana (83) 10 French Polynesia (84) 10 Belize (85) 9.8 Mexico (86) 9.6 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (87) 9.6 Canada (88) 9.3 United Kingdom (89) 9 Venezuela (90) 9 Uruguay (91) 9 Slovenia (92) 9 Seychelles (93) 9 Philippines (94) 8.9 Australia (95) 8.8 Sweden (96) 8.8 Netherlands (97) 8.4 Norway (98) 8.2 Germany (99) 7.9 Colombia (100) 7.5 Syria (101) 7.5 New Zealand (102) 7.5 Israel (103) 7.1 Russia (104) 7.1 Ecuador (105) 7 Iceland (106) 7 Cayman Islands (107) 7 Anguilla (108) 6.7 Portugal (109) 6.7 El Salvador (110) 6.6 Greenland (111) 6.5 Saudi Arabia (112) 6.5 Latvia (113) 6.5 Armenia (114) 6.2 Bolivia (115) 6 Chile (116) 6 Bermuda (117) 6 Antigua and Barbuda (118) 5.5 United States (119) 5.4 Fiji (120) 5 Georgia (121) 5 Brunei (122) 4.9 San Marino (123) 4.9 Guatemala (124) 4.9 Brazil (125) 4.7 Switzerland (126) 4.5 Malta (127) 4.5 Lithuania (128) 4.3 Austria (129) 4 Costa Rica (130) 3.7 Virgin Islands (131) 3.2 Thailand (132) 3.2 Czech Republic (133) 3 Indonesia (134) 2.9 Malaysia (135) 2.9 Japan (136) 2.7 China (137) 2.6 Singapore (138) 2.4 Mauritius (139) 2.4 Luxembourg (140) 2.3 Cyprus (141) 2 Macau (142) 2 Korea, South (143) 2 Kiribati (144) 2 Guam (145) 2 Estonia (146) 1.9 Hong Kong (147) 1.6 Taiwan (148) 1.5 Tajikistan (149) 1.5 Liechtenstein (150) 1.4 Belarus (151) 1.1 Kazakhstan (152) 1 Moldova (153) 1 Man, Isle of (154) 0.9 Azerbaijan (155) 0.7 Kyrgyzstan (156) 0.6 Aruba (157) 0.4 Ukraine (158) 0.3 Uzbekistan (159) 0 United Arab Emirates (160) 0 Nauru (161) 0 Monaco (162) 0 Maldives (163) 0 Kuwait (164) 0 British Virgin Islands (165) 0 Andorra (166) Afghanistan Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bangladesh Bassas da India Benin Bhutan Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Burkina Burma Burundi Cambodia Chad Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Congo Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Cuba Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon The Gambia Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island India Indian Ocean Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Korea, North Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mayotte Midway Islands Montserrat Navassa Island Nepal Niger Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Oman Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Papua New Guinea Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Qatar Rwanda Saint Helena Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Suriname Svalbard Tanzania Togo Tokelau Tonga Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Vanuatu Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara Western Samoa Zaire Zambia Budget Expense title #Budget exp. Country Million ______ _______ 0 American Samoa (1) 0.429 Pitcairn Islands (2) 0.451 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (3) 2.7 Wallis and Futuna (4) 4.2 Norfolk Island (5) 4.3 Tuvalu (6) 6.3 Niue (7) 11 Saint Helena (8) 13.3 Svalbard (9) 14.3 Montserrat (10) 15.2 Anguilla (11) 18.3 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (12) 19.6 Guyana (13) 31 Micronesia, Federated States of (14) 32.8 Kiribati (15) 34.4 Cook Islands (16) 34.5 Gaza Strip (17) 35.9 Equatorial Guinea (18) 36.8 Sao Tome and Principe (19) 37.3 Mayotte (20) 44 Turks and Caicos Islands (21) 44.8 Guinea-Bissau (22) 51.5 Nauru (23) 55.2 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (24) 68.1 Tonga (25) 74.3 Grenada (26) 76.7 Western Samoa (27) 77.3 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (28) 84 Dominica (29) 88 British Virgin Islands (30) 89 The Gambia (31) 92 Comoros (32) 102.6 Saint Kitts and Nevis (33) 103 Vanuatu (34) 107 Solomon Islands (35) 114.4 Man, Isle of (36) 118 Sierra Leone (37) 123.1 Belize (38) 124 Gibraltar (39) 127 Saint Lucia (40) 128.7 Marshall Islands (41) 131 Haiti (42) 143 Maldives (43) 150 Bhutan (44) 160.7 Cayman Islands (45) 161 Antigua and Barbuda (46) 167.5 Holy See (Vatican City) (47) 173.9 Guernsey (48) 177 Andorra (49) 185 Aruba (50) 190.4 Northern Mariana Islands (51) 201 Djibouti (52) 211 New Caledonia (53) 232 Netherlands Antilles (54) 234.6 Azerbaijan (55) 235 Cape Verde (56) 263 Seychelles (57) 265 Madagascar (58) 270.2 Lithuania (59) 275 San Marino (60) 284.4 Jersey (61) 292 Liechtenstein (62) 298 Macau (63) 308.9 Bermuda (64) 312 Central African Republic (65) 326 Burundi (66) 346 Mauritania (67) 363 Chad (68) 364.4 Virgin Islands (69) 365 Cambodia (70) 375 Benin (71) 376 Monaco (72) 395 Guam (73) 400 Niger (74) 407 Togo (75) 410 Nicaragua (76) 410 Swaziland (77) 430 Lesotho (78) 435.4 Liberia (79) 482.7 Faroe Islands (80) 498 Malawi (81) 545 Uganda (82) 548 Burkina (83) 567 Mauritius (84) 579 Fiji (85) 607 Mozambique (86) 631 Tanzania (87) 635 Greenland (88) 636 Barbados (89) 639 Estonia (90) 668 Honduras (91) 671 Guadeloupe (92) 697 Mali (93) 700 Suriname (94) 708 Guinea (95) 735 French Guiana (96) 736 Jamaica (97) 756 The Bahamas (98) 767 Zambia (99) 808 Guatemala (100) 854 Nepal (101) 890 El Salvador (102) 914 Reunion (103) 952 Congo (104) 957 French Polynesia (105) 1050 Namibia (106) 1100 Sudan (107) 1200 Ghana (108) 1200 Senegal (109) 1300 Martinique (110) 1340 Costa Rica (111) 1360 Papua New Guinea (112) 1400 Albania (113) 1400 Malta (114) 1400 Paraguay (115) 1500 Brunei (116) 1600 Bahrain (117) 1600 Gabon (118) 1600 Trinidad and Tobago (119) 1700 Ethiopia (120) 1700 Peru (121) 1930 Panama (122) 1990 Botswana (123) 2100 Iceland (124) 2200 Dominican Republic (125) 2200 Zimbabwe (126) 2300 Cameroon (127) 2400 Cyprus (128) 2400 Jordan (129) 2500 Angola (130) 2760 Ecuador (131) 2800 Kenya (132) 2800 Tokelau (133) 3000 Qatar (134) 3000 Uruguay (135) 3200 Lebanon (136) 3400 Cote d'Ivoire (137) 3600 Sri Lanka (138) 3750 Bolivia (139) 4050 Luxembourg (140) 4100 Bangladesh (141) 4500 Vietnam (142) 4800 Slovakia (143) 4800 United Arab Emirates (144) 5100 Puerto Rico (145) 5200 Oman (146) 5500 Tunisia (147) 6700 Burma (148) 8900 Morocco (149) 9400 Romania (150) 9800 Libya (151) 9800 Slovenia (152) 10500 Singapore (153) 10800 Nigeria (154) 10900 Chile (155) 11200 Pakistan (156) 12500 Cuba (157) 13000 Kuwait (158) 13600 Czech Republic (159) 14200 Hungary (160) 14600 Venezuela (161) 15400 Philippines (162) 16600 Ireland (163) 17400 Bulgaria (164) 17900 Algeria (165) 18820 New Zealand (166) 19100 Malaysia (167) 19300 Korea, North (168) 19400 Egypt (169) 19700 Hong Kong (170) 21000 Colombia (171) 28400 Thailand (172) 30000 Poland (173) 30100 Taiwan (174) 31700 Finland (175) 32000 Switzerland (176) 32800 Indonesia (177) 33300 Turkey (178) 34000 South Africa (179) 37600 Greece (180) 41000 Portugal (181) 45400 Israel (182) 46500 Argentina (183) 48350 India (184) 50000 Saudi Arabia (185) 55500 Norway (186) 60300 Austria (187) 63000 Korea, South (188) 64400 Denmark (189) 70900 Sweden (190) 92300 Australia (191) 96510 Mexico (192) 109000 Brazil (193) 109300 Belgium (194) 115300 Canada (195) 122100 Netherlands (196) 128000 Spain (197) 249100 France (198) 400900 United Kingdom (199) 431000 Italy (200) 671000 Japan (201) 780000 Germany (202) 1461000 United States (203) Afghanistan (204) Antarctica (205) Arctic Ocean (206) Armenia (207) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (208) Atlantic Ocean (209) Baker Island (210) Bassas da India (211) Belarus (212) Bosnia and Herzegovina (213) Bouvet Island (214) British Indian Ocean Territory (215) China (216) Christmas Island (217) Clipperton Island (218) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (219) Coral Sea Islands (220) Croatia (221) Eritrea (222) Europa Island (223) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (224) Georgia (225) Glorioso Islands (226) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (227) Howland Island (228) Indian Ocean (229) Iran (230) Iraq (231) Jan Mayen (232) Jarvis Island (233) Johnston Atoll (234) Juan de Nova Island (235) Kazakhstan (236) Kingman Reef (237) Kyrgyzstan (238) Laos (239) Latvia (240) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (241) Midway Islands (242) Moldova (243) Mongolia (244) Navassa Island (245) Pacific Ocean (246) Palau (247) Palmyra Atoll (248) Paracel Islands (249) Russia (250) Rwanda (251) Serbia and Montenegro (252) Somalia (253) Spratly Islands (254) Syria (255) Tajikistan (256) Tromelin Island (257) Turkmenistan (258) Ukraine (259) Uzbekistan (260) Wake Island (261) West Bank (262) Western Sahara (263) World (264) Yemen (265) Zaire (266) Budget exp. Country Million ______ _______ 1461000 United States (1) 780000 Germany (2) 671000 Japan (3) 431000 Italy (4) 400900 United Kingdom (5) 249100 France (6) 128000 Spain (7) 122100 Netherlands (8) 115300 Canada (9) 109300 Belgium (10) 109000 Brazil (11) 96510 Mexico (12) 92300 Australia (13) 70900 Sweden (14) 64400 Denmark (15) 63000 Korea, South (16) 60300 Austria (17) 55500 Norway (18) 50000 Saudi Arabia (19) 48350 India (20) 46500 Argentina (21) 45400 Israel (22) 41000 Portugal (23) 37600 Greece (24) 34000 South Africa (25) 33300 Turkey (26) 32800 Indonesia (27) 32000 Switzerland (28) 31700 Finland (29) 30100 Taiwan (30) 30000 Poland (31) 28400 Thailand (32) 21000 Colombia (33) 19700 Hong Kong (34) 19400 Egypt (35) 19300 Korea, North (36) 19100 Malaysia (37) 18820 New Zealand (38) 17900 Algeria (39) 17400 Bulgaria (40) 16600 Ireland (41) 15400 Philippines (42) 14600 Venezuela (43) 14200 Hungary (44) 13600 Czech Republic (45) 13000 Kuwait (46) 12500 Cuba (47) 11200 Pakistan (48) 10900 Chile (49) 10800 Nigeria (50) 10500 Singapore (51) 9800 Slovenia (52) 9800 Libya (53) 9400 Romania (54) 8900 Morocco (55) 6700 Burma (56) 5500 Tunisia (57) 5200 Oman (58) 5100 Puerto Rico (59) 4800 United Arab Emirates (60) 4800 Slovakia (61) 4500 Vietnam (62) 4100 Bangladesh (63) 4050 Luxembourg (64) 3750 Bolivia (65) 3600 Sri Lanka (66) 3400 Cote d'Ivoire (67) 3200 Lebanon (68) 3000 Uruguay (69) 3000 Qatar (70) 2800 Tokelau (71) 2800 Kenya (72) 2760 Ecuador (73) 2500 Angola (74) 2400 Jordan (75) 2400 Cyprus (76) 2300 Cameroon (77) 2200 Zimbabwe (78) 2200 Dominican Republic (79) 2100 Iceland (80) 1990 Botswana (81) 1930 Panama (82) 1700 Peru (83) 1700 Ethiopia (84) 1600 Trinidad and Tobago (85) 1600 Gabon (86) 1600 Bahrain (87) 1500 Brunei (88) 1400 Paraguay (89) 1400 Malta (90) 1400 Albania (91) 1360 Papua New Guinea (92) 1340 Costa Rica (93) 1300 Martinique (94) 1200 Senegal (95) 1200 Ghana (96) 1100 Sudan (97) 1050 Namibia (98) 957 French Polynesia (99) 952 Congo (100) 914 Reunion (101) 890 El Salvador (102) 854 Nepal (103) 808 Guatemala (104) 767 Zambia (105) 756 The Bahamas (106) 736 Jamaica (107) 735 French Guiana (108) 708 Guinea (109) 700 Suriname (110) 697 Mali (111) 671 Guadeloupe (112) 668 Honduras (113) 639 Estonia (114) 636 Barbados (115) 635 Greenland (116) 631 Tanzania (117) 607 Mozambique (118) 579 Fiji (119) 567 Mauritius (120) 548 Burkina (121) 545 Uganda (122) 498 Malawi (123) 482.7 Faroe Islands (124) 435.4 Liberia (125) 430 Lesotho (126) 410 Swaziland (127) 410 Nicaragua (128) 407 Togo (129) 400 Niger (130) 395 Guam (131) 376 Monaco (132) 375 Benin (133) 365 Cambodia (134) 364.4 Virgin Islands (135) 363 Chad (136) 346 Mauritania (137) 326 Burundi (138) 312 Central African Republic (139) 308.9 Bermuda (140) 298 Macau (141) 292 Liechtenstein (142) 284.4 Jersey (143) 275 San Marino (144) 270.2 Lithuania (145) 265 Madagascar (146) 263 Seychelles (147) 235 Cape Verde (148) 234.6 Azerbaijan (149) 232 Netherlands Antilles (150) 211 New Caledonia (151) 201 Djibouti (152) 190.4 Northern Mariana Islands (153) 185 Aruba (154) 177 Andorra (155) 173.9 Guernsey (156) 167.5 Holy See (Vatican City) (157) 161 Antigua and Barbuda (158) 160.7 Cayman Islands (159) 150 Bhutan (160) 143 Maldives (161) 131 Haiti (162) 128.7 Marshall Islands (163) 127 Saint Lucia (164) 124 Gibraltar (165) 123.1 Belize (166) 118 Sierra Leone (167) 114.4 Man, Isle of (168) 107 Solomon Islands (169) 103 Vanuatu (170) 102.6 Saint Kitts and Nevis (171) 92 Comoros (172) 89 The Gambia (173) 88 British Virgin Islands (174) 84 Dominica (175) 77.3 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (176) 76.7 Western Samoa (177) 74.3 Grenada (178) 68.1 Tonga (179) 55.2 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (180) 51.5 Nauru (181) 44.8 Guinea-Bissau (182) 44 Turks and Caicos Islands (183) 37.3 Mayotte (184) 36.8 Sao Tome and Principe (185) 35.9 Equatorial Guinea (186) 34.5 Gaza Strip (187) 34.4 Cook Islands (188) 32.8 Kiribati (189) 31 Micronesia, Federated States of (190) 19.6 Guyana (191) 18.3 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (192) 15.2 Anguilla (193) 14.3 Montserrat (194) 13.3 Svalbard (195) 11 Saint Helena (196) 6.3 Niue (197) 4.3 Tuvalu (198) 4.2 Norfolk Island (199) 2.7 Wallis and Futuna (200) 0.451 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (201) 0.429 Pitcairn Islands (202) 0 American Samoa (203) Afghanistan Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Croatia Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Georgia Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Iran Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kazakhstan Kingman Reef Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Midway Islands Moldova Mongolia Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Russia Rwanda Serbia and Montenegro Somalia Spratly Islands Syria Tajikistan Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara World Yemen Zaire Budget Revenue title $Budget rev. Country Million _____________ _______ 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1) 0.292 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (2) 0.43 Pitcairn Islands (3) 0.431 Tokelau (4) 2.7 Wallis and Futuna (5) 4.3 Tuvalu (6) 5.5 Niue (7) 6 Palau (8) 10.2 Sao Tome and Principe (9) 11.2 Saint Helena (10) 12.1 Montserrat (11) 13.3 Svalbard (12) 13.8 Anguilla (13) 17.5 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (14) 18.3 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (15) 20.3 Turks and Caicos Islands (16) 23.7 Guyana (17) 29.6 Kiribati (18) 32.5 Equatorial Guinea (19) 33.6 Gaza Strip (20) 33.6 Guinea-Bissau (21) 36.4 Tonga (22) 38 Cook Islands (23) 45 Micronesia, Federated States of (24) 48 Solomon Islands (25) 51 British Virgin Islands (26) 52 Bhutan (27) 56 Haiti (28) 65 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (29) 68 Sierra Leone (30) 69.7 Nauru (31) 70 Dominica (32) 82.2 Grenada (33) 83 Comoros (34) 90 Vanuatu (35) 94 The Gambia (36) 95 Maldives (37) 95.3 Western Samoa (38) 97 American Samoa (39) 103.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (40) 105 Antigua and Barbuda (41) 106 Marshall Islands (42) 116 Gibraltar (43) 120 Chad (44) 121 Saint Lucia (45) 126.8 Belize (46) 130.4 Man, Isle of (47) 138 Andorra (48) 141.5 Cayman Islands (49) 145 Aruba (50) 164 Djibouti (51) 167.5 Azerbaijan (52) 169 Holy See (Vatican City) (53) 174 Cape Verde (54) 175 Central African Republic (55) 188 Niger (56) 190 Cambodia (57) 190.4 Northern Mariana Islands (58) 208.9 Guernsey (59) 209 Netherlands Antilles (60) 224 New Caledonia (61) 227.4 Seychelles (62) 242.1 Liberia (63) 250 Madagascar (64) 252 Mozambique (65) 258.5 Lithuania (66) 259 Liechtenstein (67) 272 Benin (68) 275 San Marino (69) 280 Mauritania (70) 284 Togo (71) 300 Suriname (72) 305 Macau (73) 308 Jersey (74) 318 Burundi (75) 327.5 Bermuda (76) 342 Swaziland (77) 350 Rwanda (78) 358 Reunion (79) 364.4 Virgin Islands (80) 365 Uganda (81) 375 Nicaragua (82) 376 Mali (83) 400 Guadeloupe (84) 407.2 Faroe Islands (85) 416 Malawi (86) 424 Monaco (87) 438 Lesotho (88) 449 Guinea (89) 455 Nepal (90) 483 Burkina (91) 485 Fiji (92) 493 Sudan (93) 495 Tanzania (94) 509 Barbados (95) 525 Guam (96) 527 Honduras (97) 600 Jamaica (98) 604 Guatemala (99) 610 Martinique (100) 614 French Polynesia (101) 643 Estonia (102) 653 Mauritius (103) 665 Zambia (104) 667 Greenland (105) 696 The Bahamas (106) 735 French Guiana (107) 765 Congo (108) 846 El Salvador (109) 928 Angola (110) 941 Namibia (111) 1050 Ghana (112) 1100 Albania (113) 1100 Costa Rica (114) 1200 Bahrain (115) 1200 Ethiopia (116) 1200 Paraguay (117) 1200 Senegal (118) 1300 Gabon (119) 1330 Papua New Guinea (120) 1400 Lebanon (121) 1400 Malta (122) 1500 Brunei (123) 1600 Cameroon (124) 1600 Trinidad and Tobago (125) 1700 Botswana (126) 1700 Zimbabwe (127) 1800 Cyprus (128) 1800 Dominican Republic (129) 1900 Cote d'Ivoire (130) 1900 Iceland (131) 1930 Panama (132) 2000 Jordan (133) 2000 Peru (134) 2300 Sri Lanka (135) 2400 Kenya (136) 2500 Qatar (137) 2760 Ecuador (138) 2800 Bangladesh (139) 2900 Uruguay (140) 3600 Vietnam (141) 3750 Bolivia (142) 4000 Luxembourg (143) 4300 Tunisia (144) 4300 United Arab Emirates (145) 4400 Burma (146) 4400 Oman (147) 4400 Slovakia (148) 5100 Puerto Rico (149) 8100 Libya (150) 8100 Morocco (151) 8300 Romania (152) 8999.999 Kuwait (153) 8999.999 Nigeria (154) 9300 Cuba (155) 9899.999 Slovenia (156) 10300 Venezuela (157) 10500 Pakistan (158) 10900 Chile (159) 11300 Hungary (160) 11899.999 Singapore (161) 13700 China (162) 14000 Bulgaria (163) 14000 Czech Republic (164) 14000 Philippines (165) 14300 Algeria (166) 16000 Colombia (167) 16000 Ireland (168) 17999.998 Egypt (169) 18700.002 Malaysia (170) 18940 New Zealand (171) 19200 Hong Kong (172) 19300 Korea, North (173) 21700 Finland (174) 26300 South Africa (175) 26700.002 Switzerland (176) 27100 Poland (177) 28300 Greece (178) 28300 Turkey (179) 28399.998 Thailand (180) 30300 Taiwan (181) 30850 India (182) 31000 Portugal (183) 32800 Indonesia (184) 39000 Saudi Arabia (185) 42300 Israel (186) 47900 Sweden (187) 48459.996 Argentina (188) 50900 Norway (189) 52200 Austria (190) 56500 Denmark (191) 63000 Korea, South (192) 83800.008 Australia (193) 85000 Canada (194) 96989.992 Mexico (195) 97699.992 Spain (196) 97800 Belgium (197) 109900.008 Netherlands (198) 113000 Brazil (199) 220500 France (200) 325500 United Kingdom (201) 339000 Italy (202) 569000 Japan (203) 690000 Germany (204) 1258000 United States (205) Afghanistan (206) Antarctica (207) Arctic Ocean (208) Armenia (209) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (210) Atlantic Ocean (211) Baker Island (212) Bassas da India (213) Belarus (214) Bosnia and Herzegovina (215) Bouvet Island (216) British Indian Ocean Territory (217) Christmas Island (218) Clipperton Island (219) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (220) Coral Sea Islands (221) Croatia (222) Eritrea (223) Europa Island (224) Georgia (225) Glorioso Islands (226) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (227) Howland Island (228) Indian Ocean (229) Iran (230) Iraq (231) Jan Mayen (232) Jarvis Island (233) Johnston Atoll (234) Juan de Nova Island (235) Kazakhstan (236) Kingman Reef (237) Kyrgyzstan (238) Laos (239) Latvia (240) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (241) Mayotte (242) Midway Islands (243) Moldova (244) Mongolia (245) Navassa Island (246) Norfolk Island (247) Pacific Ocean (248) Palmyra Atoll (249) Paracel Islands (250) Russia (251) Serbia and Montenegro (252) Somalia (253) Spratly Islands (254) Syria (255) Tajikistan (256) Tromelin Island (257) Turkmenistan (258) Ukraine (259) Uzbekistan (260) Wake Island (261) West Bank (262) Western Sahara (263) World (264) Yemen (265) Zaire (266) "Budget rev. Country Million _____________ _______ 1258000 United States (1) 690000 Germany (2) 569000 Japan (3) 339000 Italy (4) 325500 United Kingdom (5) 220500 France (6) 113000 Brazil (7) 109900.008 Netherlands (8) 97800 Belgium (9) 97699.992 Spain (10) 96989.992 Mexico (11) 85000 Canada (12) 83800.008 Australia (13) 63000 Korea, South (14) 56500 Denmark (15) 52200 Austria (16) 50900 Norway (17) 48459.996 Argentina (18) 47900 Sweden (19) 42300 Israel (20) 39000 Saudi Arabia (21) 32800 Indonesia (22) 31000 Portugal (23) 30850 India (24) 30300 Taiwan (25) 28399.998 Thailand (26) 28300 Turkey (27) 28300 Greece (28) 27100 Poland (29) 26700.002 Switzerland (30) 26300 South Africa (31) 21700 Finland (32) 19300 Korea, North (33) 19200 Hong Kong (34) 18940 New Zealand (35) 18700.002 Malaysia (36) 17999.998 Egypt (37) 16000 Ireland (38) 16000 Colombia (39) 14300 Algeria (40) 14000 Philippines (41) 14000 Czech Republic (42) 14000 Bulgaria (43) 13700 China (44) 11899.999 Singapore (45) 11300 Hungary (46) 10900 Chile (47) 10500 Pakistan (48) 10300 Venezuela (49) 9899.999 Slovenia (50) 9300 Cuba (51) 8999.999 Nigeria (52) 8999.999 Kuwait (53) 8300 Romania (54) 8100 Morocco (55) 8100 Libya (56) 5100 Puerto Rico (57) 4400 Slovakia (58) 4400 Oman (59) 4400 Burma (60) 4300 United Arab Emirates (61) 4300 Tunisia (62) 4000 Luxembourg (63) 3750 Bolivia (64) 3600 Vietnam (65) 2900 Uruguay (66) 2800 Bangladesh (67) 2760 Ecuador (68) 2500 Qatar (69) 2400 Kenya (70) 2300 Sri Lanka (71) 2000 Peru (72) 2000 Jordan (73) 1930 Panama (74) 1900 Iceland (75) 1900 Cote d'Ivoire (76) 1800 Dominican Republic (77) 1800 Cyprus (78) 1700 Zimbabwe (79) 1700 Botswana (80) 1600 Trinidad and Tobago (81) 1600 Cameroon (82) 1500 Brunei (83) 1400 Malta (84) 1400 Lebanon (85) 1330 Papua New Guinea (86) 1300 Gabon (87) 1200 Senegal (88) 1200 Paraguay (89) 1200 Ethiopia (90) 1200 Bahrain (91) 1100 Costa Rica (92) 1100 Albania (93) 1050 Ghana (94) 941 Namibia (95) 928 Angola (96) 846 El Salvador (97) 765 Congo (98) 735 French Guiana (99) 696 The Bahamas (100) 667 Greenland (101) 665 Zambia (102) 653 Mauritius (103) 643 Estonia (104) 614 French Polynesia (105) 610 Martinique (106) 604 Guatemala (107) 600 Jamaica (108) 527 Honduras (109) 525 Guam (110) 509 Barbados (111) 495 Tanzania (112) 493 Sudan (113) 485 Fiji (114) 483 Burkina (115) 455 Nepal (116) 449 Guinea (117) 438 Lesotho (118) 424 Monaco (119) 416 Malawi (120) 407.2 Faroe Islands (121) 400 Guadeloupe (122) 376 Mali (123) 375 Nicaragua (124) 365 Uganda (125) 364.4 Virgin Islands (126) 358 Reunion (127) 350 Rwanda (128) 342 Swaziland (129) 327.5 Bermuda (130) 318 Burundi (131) 308 Jersey (132) 305 Macau (133) 300 Suriname (134) 284 Togo (135) 280 Mauritania (136) 275 San Marino (137) 272 Benin (138) 259 Liechtenstein (139) 258.5 Lithuania (140) 252 Mozambique (141) 250 Madagascar (142) 242.1 Liberia (143) 227.4 Seychelles (144) 224 New Caledonia (145) 209 Netherlands Antilles (146) 208.9 Guernsey (147) 190.4 Northern Mariana Islands (148) 190 Cambodia (149) 188 Niger (150) 175 Central African Republic (151) 174 Cape Verde (152) 169 Holy See (Vatican City) (153) 167.5 Azerbaijan (154) 164 Djibouti (155) 145 Aruba (156) 141.5 Cayman Islands (157) 138 Andorra (158) 130.4 Man, Isle of (159) 126.8 Belize (160) 121 Saint Lucia (161) 120 Chad (162) 116 Gibraltar (163) 106 Marshall Islands (164) 105 Antigua and Barbuda (165) 103.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (166) 97 American Samoa (167) 95.3 Western Samoa (168) 95 Maldives (169) 94 The Gambia (170) 90 Vanuatu (171) 83 Comoros (172) 82.2 Grenada (173) 70 Dominica (174) 69.7 Nauru (175) 68 Sierra Leone (176) 65 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (177) 56 Haiti (178) 52 Bhutan (179) 51 British Virgin Islands (180) 48 Solomon Islands (181) 45 Micronesia, Federated States of (182) 38 Cook Islands (183) 36.4 Tonga (184) 33.6 Guinea-Bissau (185) 33.6 Gaza Strip (186) 32.5 Equatorial Guinea (187) 29.6 Kiribati (188) 23.7 Guyana (189) 20.3 Turks and Caicos Islands (190) 18.3 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (191) 17.5 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (192) 13.8 Anguilla (193) 13.3 Svalbard (194) 12.1 Montserrat (195) 11.2 Saint Helena (196) 10.2 Sao Tome and Principe (197) 6 Palau (198) 5.5 Niue (199) 4.3 Tuvalu (200) 2.7 Wallis and Futuna (201) 0.431 Tokelau (202) 0.43 Pitcairn Islands (203) 0.292 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (2 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (205) Afghanistan Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Croatia Eritrea Europa Island Georgia Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Iran Iraq Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kazakhstan Kingman Reef Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Mayotte Midway Islands Moldova Mongolia Navassa Island Norfolk Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Russia Serbia and Montenegro Somalia Spratly Islands Syria Tajikistan Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara World Yemen Zaire EXPORTS Exports title [ [ Exports Country Million ______ _______ 1.7 Norfolk Island (1) 2.7 British Virgin Islands (2) 2.8 Montserrat (3) 3.2 Micronesia, Federated States of (4) 3.4 Cook Islands (5) 3.9 Marshall Islands (6) 4 Mayotte (7) 4.2 Kiribati (8) 4.4 Cape Verde (9) 5.5 Sao Tome and Principe (10) 6.4 Western Samoa (11) 6.6 Wallis and Futuna (12) 6.8 Turks and Caicos Islands (13) 8 Western Sahara (14) 10 Cayman Islands (15) 11.3 Tonga (16) 13.7 Comoros (17) 14.7 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (18) 14.9 Vanuatu (19) 18.6 Grenada (20) 19 Guinea-Bissau (21) 27.4 Saint Helena (22) 30 Andorra (23) 30 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (24) 32.4 Saint Kitts and Nevis (25) 34 Guam (26) 38.5 Maldives (27) 43 Armenia (28) 44 Rwanda (29) 48.3 Dominica (30) 50 Seychelles (31) 54.7 Antigua and Barbuda (32) 56 Equatorial Guinea (33) 57 Gibraltar (34) 57.1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (35) 58 Somalia (36) 59 French Guiana (37) 60 Bermuda (38) 66.8 Bhutan (39) 68 Burundi (40) 81 The Gambia (41) 83 Gaza Strip (42) 84 Solomon Islands (43) 88.9 French Polynesia (44) 93 Nauru (45) 98 Tokelau (46) 109 Lesotho (47) 112 Albania (48) 115 Belize (49) 116 Kyrgyzstan (50) 117.5 Niue (51) 122.8 Saint Lucia (52) 123.5 Central African Republic (53) 130 Guadeloupe (54) 144 Moldova (55) 149 Sierra Leone (56) 150 Mozambique (57) 161 Barbados (58) 165 Tuvalu (59) 166 Reunion (60) 173.3 Haiti (61) 184 Djibouti (62) 188.2 Afghanistan (63) 190 Chad (64) 219.8 Ethiopia (65) 221 Togo (66) 237 Uganda (67) 240 Madagascar (68) 240 Netherlands Antilles (69) 246 Niger (70) 247 Martinique (71) 257 The Bahamas (72) 263.4 Northern Mariana Islands (73) 273 Burkina (74) 277 Laos (75) 283.6 Cambodia (76) 306 American Samoa (77) 311 Malawi (78) 320 Tajikistan (79) 329 Nicaragua (80) 330.5 Greenland (81) 332 Benin (82) 345.3 Faroe Islands (83) 360 Mongolia (84) 362 Zaire (85) 366 Azerbaijan (86) 382 Turkmenistan (87) 401 Mauritania (88) 405 Fiji (89) 415 Mali (90) 419 Sudan (91) 443.3 Suriname (92) 462 Tanzania (93) 475 Guyana (94) 505 Liberia (95) 520 Panama (96) 556 Anguilla (97) 585 Dominican Republic (98) 593 Nepal (99) 600 Palau (100) 622 Guinea (101) 632 Swaziland (102) 671 New Caledonia (103) 674 Burma (104) 728 Paraguay (105) 823 El Salvador (106) 850 Honduras (107) 868 Cyprus (108) 904 Senegal (109) 925 Lebanon (110) 943.7 Uzbekistan (111) 968 Belarus (112) 1000 Ghana (113) 1000 Latvia (114) 1010 Zambia (115) 1020 Korea, North (116) 1060 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (117) 1100 Bolivia (118) 1100 Congo (119) 1200 Jamaica (120) 1300 Aruba (121) 1300 Malta (122) 1300 Namibia (123) 1320 Mauritius (124) 1380 Guatemala (125) 1400 Iceland (126) 1400 Jordan (127) 1450 Kenya (128) 1600 Cameroon (129) 1600 Cuba (130) 1650 Estonia (131) 1750 Yemen (132) 1780 Uruguay (133) 1800 Botswana (134) 1800 Macau (135) 1800 Zimbabwe (136) 1900 Trinidad and Tobago (137) 2100 Costa Rica (138) 2100 Gabon (139) 2200 Brunei (140) 2200 Lithuania (141) 2380 Bangladesh (142) 2400 Papua New Guinea (143) 2700 Cote d'Ivoire (144) 2800 Virgin Islands (145) 2900 Sri Lanka (146) 3000 Angola (147) 3100 Egypt (148) 3100 Kazakhstan (149) 3130 Qatar (150) 3300 Ecuador (151) 3600 Bulgaria (152) 3600 Syria (153) 3600 Vietnam (154) 3690 Bahrain (155) 3900 Croatia (156) 4100 Morocco (157) 4100 Peru (158) 4600 Tunisia (159) 4800 Oman (160) 6000 Romania (161) 6300 Slovakia (162) 6400 Luxembourg (163) 6500 Slovenia (164) 6700 Pakistan (165) 7200 Libya (166) 8300 Colombia (167) 9000 Greece (168) 9100 Algeria (169) 10300 Hungary (170) 10400 Iraq (171) 10500 Kuwait (172) 11200 New Zealand (173) 11500 Chile (174) 11800 Ukraine (175) 11900 Nigeria (176) 13400 Czech Republic (177) 13400 Philippines (178) 15200 Venezuela (179) 15300 Turkey (180) 15400 Portugal (181) 15700 Argentina (182) 16000 Iran (183) 16200.001 Israel (184) 16299.999 Poland (185) 21800 Puerto Rico (186) 23400 Finland (187) 24000 United Arab Emirates (188) 24400 India (189) 25300 South Africa (190) 28000 Ireland (191) 36600 Norway (192) 39400 Saudi Arabia (193) 41300 Indonesia (194) 42900 Denmark (195) 43600 Brazil (196) 44100 Austria (197) 46000 Thailand (198) 48000 Russia (199) 50400 Australia (200) 56600 Malaysia (201) 59900 Sweden (202) 60800 Mexico (203) 69600 Switzerland (204) 72800 Spain (205) 93000 Taiwan (206) 96200 Korea, South (207) 96400 Singapore (208) 117000 Belgium (209) 121000 China (210) 153000 Netherlands (211) 164300 Canada (212) 168700 Hong Kong (213) 190800 Italy (214) 200000 United Kingdom (215) 249200 France (216) 395500 Japan (217) 437000 Germany (218) 513000 United States (219) 4000000 World (220) Antarctica (221) Arctic Ocean (222) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (223) Atlantic Ocean (224) Baker Island (225) Bassas da India (226) Bosnia and Herzegovina (227) Bouvet Island (228) British Indian Ocean Territory (229) Christmas Island (230) Clipperton Island (231) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (232) Coral Sea Islands (233) Eritrea (234) Europa Island (235) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (236) Georgia (237) Glorioso Islands (238) Guernsey (239) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (240) Holy See (Vatican City) (241) Howland Island (242) Indian Ocean (243) Jan Mayen (244) Jarvis Island (245) Jersey (246) Johnston Atoll (247) Juan de Nova Island (248) Kingman Reef (249) Liechtenstein (250) Man, Isle of (251) Midway Islands (252) Monaco (253) Navassa Island (254) Pacific Ocean (255) Palmyra Atoll (256) Paracel Islands (257) Pitcairn Islands (258) San Marino (259) Serbia and Montenegro (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tromelin Island (264) Wake Island (265) West Bank (266) Exports Country Million ______ _______ 4000000 World (1) 513000 United States (2) 437000 Germany (3) 395500 Japan (4) 249200 France (5) 200000 United Kingdom (6) 190800 Italy (7) 168700 Hong Kong (8) 164300 Canada (9) 153000 Netherlands (10) 121000 China (11) 117000 Belgium (12) 96400 Singapore (13) 96200 Korea, South (14) 93000 Taiwan (15) 72800 Spain (16) 69600 Switzerland (17) 60800 Mexico (18) 59900 Sweden (19) 56600 Malaysia (20) 50400 Australia (21) 48000 Russia (22) 46000 Thailand (23) 44100 Austria (24) 43600 Brazil (25) 42900 Denmark (26) 41300 Indonesia (27) 39400 Saudi Arabia (28) 36600 Norway (29) 28000 Ireland (30) 25300 South Africa (31) 24400 India (32) 24000 United Arab Emirates (33) 23400 Finland (34) 21800 Puerto Rico (35) 16299.999 Poland (36) 16200.001 Israel (37) 16000 Iran (38) 15700 Argentina (39) 15400 Portugal (40) 15300 Turkey (41) 15200 Venezuela (42) 13400 Philippines (43) 13400 Czech Republic (44) 11900 Nigeria (45) 11800 Ukraine (46) 11500 Chile (47) 11200 New Zealand (48) 10500 Kuwait (49) 10400 Iraq (50) 10300 Hungary (51) 9100 Algeria (52) 9000 Greece (53) 8300 Colombia (54) 7200 Libya (55) 6700 Pakistan (56) 6500 Slovenia (57) 6400 Luxembourg (58) 6300 Slovakia (59) 6000 Romania (60) 4800 Oman (61) 4600 Tunisia (62) 4100 Peru (63) 4100 Morocco (64) 3900 Croatia (65) 3690 Bahrain (66) 3600 Vietnam (67) 3600 Syria (68) 3600 Bulgaria (69) 3300 Ecuador (70) 3130 Qatar (71) 3100 Kazakhstan (72) 3100 Egypt (73) 3000 Angola (74) 2900 Sri Lanka (75) 2800 Virgin Islands (76) 2700 Cote d'Ivoire (77) 2400 Papua New Guinea (78) 2380 Bangladesh (79) 2200 Lithuania (80) 2200 Brunei (81) 2100 Gabon (82) 2100 Costa Rica (83) 1900 Trinidad and Tobago (84) 1800 Zimbabwe (85) 1800 Macau (86) 1800 Botswana (87) 1780 Uruguay (88) 1750 Yemen (89) 1650 Estonia (90) 1600 Cuba (91) 1600 Cameroon (92) 1450 Kenya (93) 1400 Jordan (94) 1400 Iceland (95) 1380 Guatemala (96) 1320 Mauritius (97) 1300 Namibia (98) 1300 Malta (99) 1300 Aruba (100) 1200 Jamaica (101) 1100 Congo (102) 1100 Bolivia (103) 1060 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (104) 1020 Korea, North (105) 1010 Zambia (106) 1000 Latvia (107) 1000 Ghana (108) 968 Belarus (109) 943.7 Uzbekistan (110) 925 Lebanon (111) 904 Senegal (112) 868 Cyprus (113) 850 Honduras (114) 823 El Salvador (115) 728 Paraguay (116) 674 Burma (117) 671 New Caledonia (118) 632 Swaziland (119) 622 Guinea (120) 600 Palau (121) 593 Nepal (122) 585 Dominican Republic (123) 556 Anguilla (124) 520 Panama (125) 505 Liberia (126) 475 Guyana (127) 462 Tanzania (128) 443.3 Suriname (129) 419 Sudan (130) 415 Mali (131) 405 Fiji (132) 401 Mauritania (133) 382 Turkmenistan (134) 366 Azerbaijan (135) 362 Zaire (136) 360 Mongolia (137) 345.3 Faroe Islands (138) 332 Benin (139) 330.5 Greenland (140) 329 Nicaragua (141) 320 Tajikistan (142) 311 Malawi (143) 306 American Samoa (144) 283.6 Cambodia (145) 277 Laos (146) 273 Burkina (147) 263.4 Northern Mariana Islands (148) 257 The Bahamas (149) 247 Martinique (150) 246 Niger (151) 240 Netherlands Antilles (152) 240 Madagascar (153) 237 Uganda (154) 221 Togo (155) 219.8 Ethiopia (156) 190 Chad (157) 188.2 Afghanistan (158) 184 Djibouti (159) 173.3 Haiti (160) 166 Reunion (161) 165 Tuvalu (162) 161 Barbados (163) 150 Mozambique (164) 149 Sierra Leone (165) 144 Moldova (166) 130 Guadeloupe (167) 123.5 Central African Republic (168) 122.8 Saint Lucia (169) 117.5 Niue (170) 116 Kyrgyzstan (171) 115 Belize (172) 112 Albania (173) 109 Lesotho (174) 98 Tokelau (175) 93 Nauru (176) 88.9 French Polynesia (177) 84 Solomon Islands (178) 83 Gaza Strip (179) 81 The Gambia (180) 68 Burundi (181) 66.8 Bhutan (182) 60 Bermuda (183) 59 French Guiana (184) 58 Somalia (185) 57.1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (186) 57 Gibraltar (187) 56 Equatorial Guinea (188) 54.7 Antigua and Barbuda (189) 50 Seychelles (190) 48.3 Dominica (191) 44 Rwanda (192) 43 Armenia (193) 38.5 Maldives (194) 34 Guam (195) 32.4 Saint Kitts and Nevis (196) 30 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (197) 30 Andorra (198) 27.4 Saint Helena (199) 19 Guinea-Bissau (200) 18.6 Grenada (201) 14.9 Vanuatu (202) 14.7 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (203) 13.7 Comoros (204) 11.3 Tonga (205) 10 Cayman Islands (206) 8 Western Sahara (207) 6.8 Turks and Caicos Islands (208) 6.6 Wallis and Futuna (209) 6.4 Western Samoa (210) 5.5 Sao Tome and Principe (211) 4.4 Cape Verde (212) 4.2 Kiribati (213) 4 Mayotte (214) 3.9 Marshall Islands (215) 3.4 Cook Islands (216) 3.2 Micronesia, Federated States of (217) 2.8 Montserrat (218) 2.7 British Virgin Islands (219) 1.7 Norfolk Island (220) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Georgia Glorioso Islands Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Liechtenstein Man, Isle of Midway Islands Monaco Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands San Marino Serbia and Montenegro South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank IMPORTS Imports title u"u"Imports Country Million ___________ _______ 4.1 Niue (1) 4.4 Tuvalu (2) 9.8 Saint Helena (3) 11.5 British Virgin Islands (4) 11.5 Western Samoa (5) 13.3 Wallis and Futuna (6) 13.9 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (7) 15.6 Norfolk Island (8) 21.8 Mayotte (9) 24.6 Palau (10) 30 Western Sahara (11) 31.5 Sao Tome and Principe (12) 33.1 Kiribati (13) 33.5 Anguilla (14) 40.9 Comoros (15) 42.8 Turks and Caicos Islands (16) 50 Cook Islands (17) 56 Guinea-Bissau (18) 56 Tonga (19) 62 Equatorial Guinea (20) 62.9 Marshall Islands (21) 73 Nauru (22) 74 Vanuatu (23) 80.6 Montserrat (24) 82 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (25) 91.2 Micronesia, Federated States of (26) 92.4 Kyrgyzstan (27) 97.6 Bhutan (28) 98.8 Dominica (29) 100 Saint Kitts and Nevis (30) 110 Solomon Islands (31) 120 Armenia (32) 133.8 Grenada (33) 134.6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (34) 149 Sierra Leone (35) 154 The Gambia (36) 165.1 Central African Republic (37) 173 Cape Verde (38) 174 Moldova (39) 177.8 Maldives (40) 203 Burundi (41) 234.4 Faroe Islands (42) 249 Somalia (43) 250 Rwanda (44) 260.9 Antigua and Barbuda (45) 261 Chad (46) 261 Seychelles (47) 276 Saint Lucia (48) 281 Belize (49) 286 Niger (50) 292 Togo (51) 296 Azerbaijan (52) 304 Turkmenistan (53) 308 Malawi (54) 312 Cayman Islands (55) 318 Tajikistan (56) 323.4 Tokelau (57) 356 Zaire (58) 360.3 American Samoa (59) 361 Mongolia (60) 365 Gaza Strip (61) 369.6 Greenland (62) 378 Mauritania (63) 384 Djibouti (64) 392.4 Northern Mariana Islands (65) 394 Liberia (66) 420 Gibraltar (67) 456 Guyana (68) 472 Congo (69) 476.8 Haiti (70) 479.3 Cambodia (71) 493 Guam (72) 510 Madagascar (73) 519 Bermuda (74) 520.5 Suriname (75) 528 Laos (76) 534 Belarus (77) 571 Benin (78) 616.4 Afghanistan (79) 621 Albania (80) 634 Fiji (81) 636 Burkina (82) 696 Uganda (83) 703 Barbados (84) 734 Swaziland (85) 764 New Caledonia (86) 765 French Polynesia (87) 768 Guinea (88) 786 Nicaragua (89) 832 Gabon (90) 842 Mali (91) 899 Nepal (92) 964 Lesotho (93) 990 Honduras (94) 996 Trinidad and Tobago (95) 1000 Estonia (96) 1040 Ethiopia (97) 1100 Namibia (98) 1130 Zambia (99) 1140 Mozambique (100) 1150 The Bahamas (101) 1150 Uzbekistan (102) 1200 Brunei (103) 1200 Burma (104) 1200 Latvia (105) 1200 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (106) 1200 Netherlands Antilles (107) 1200 Papua New Guinea (108) 1200 Senegal (109) 1210 Bolivia (110) 1300 Iceland (111) 1380 Paraguay (112) 1400 Tanzania (113) 1500 French Guiana (114) 1500 Guadeloupe (115) 1600 Angola (116) 1600 Aruba (117) 1600 Cote d'Ivoire (118) 1640 Korea, North (119) 1700 Cuba (120) 1700 Ghana (121) 1700 Mauritius (122) 1700 Reunion (123) 1700 Sudan (124) 1750 Martinique (125) 1750 Qatar (126) 1800 Botswana (127) 1800 Zimbabwe (128) 1850 Kenya (129) 1960 Cameroon (130) 2000 Macau (131) 2100 El Salvador (132) 2100 Malta (133) 2200 Jamaica (134) 2205 Panama (135) 2461 Uruguay (136) 2500 Dominican Republic (137) 2600 Cyprus (138) 2600 Guatemala (139) 2650 Yemen (140) 2700 Lithuania (141) 2900 Costa Rica (142) 3000 Ecuador (143) 3300 Virgin Islands (144) 3500 Jordan (145) 3500 Kazakhstan (146) 3830 Bahrain (147) 3990 Bangladesh (148) 4000 Sri Lanka (149) 4000 Syria (150) 4100 Lebanon (151) 4100 Oman (152) 4200 Vietnam (153) 4300 Bulgaria (154) 4700 Croatia (155) 5100 Peru (156) 6100 Slovakia (157) 6300 Romania (158) 6500 Slovenia (159) 6500 Tunisia (160) 6600 Iraq (161) 6600 Kuwait (162) 6900 Libya (163) 7500 Morocco (164) 7600 Venezuela (165) 8300 Luxembourg (166) 8300 Nigeria (167) 9200 Algeria (168) 9500 Pakistan (169) 10400 New Zealand (170) 10600 Colombia (171) 10900 Chile (172) 11200 Egypt (173) 13300 Czech Republic (174) 14200 Hungary (175) 14200 Ukraine (176) 16700 Puerto Rico (177) 18000 Finland (178) 18000 Iran (179) 18100 Poland (180) 19200 Greece (181) 20000 United Arab Emirates (182) 21300 Philippines (183) 21400 Argentina (184) 21400 South Africa (185) 22500 Israel (186) 24300 Portugal (187) 25500 India (188) 26000 Ireland (189) 27600 Turkey (190) 28900 Saudi Arabia (191) 29300 Norway (192) 31400 Indonesia (193) 33200 Brazil (194) 35700 Russia (195) 37100 Denmark (196) 49600 Sweden (197) 51100 Australia (198) 52600 Thailand (199) 53800 Austria (200) 55200 Malaysia (201) 68200 Switzerland (202) 79400 Mexico (203) 85100 Taiwan (204) 92500 Spain (205) 102300 Korea, South (206) 102400 Singapore (207) 115700 China (208) 120000 Belgium (209) 137000 Netherlands (210) 151500 Canada (211) 160000 Hong Kong (212) 168700 Italy (213) 215000 United Kingdom (214) 238100 France (215) 274300 Japan (216) 362000 Germany (217) 664000 United States (218) 4100000 World (219) Andorra (220) Antarctica (221) Arctic Ocean (222) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (223) Atlantic Ocean (224) Baker Island (225) Bassas da India (226) Bosnia and Herzegovina (227) Bouvet Island (228) British Indian Ocean Territory (229) Christmas Island (230) Clipperton Island (231) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (232) Coral Sea Islands (233) Eritrea (234) Europa Island (235) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (236) Georgia (237) Glorioso Islands (238) Guernsey (239) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (240) Holy See (Vatican City) (241) Howland Island (242) Indian Ocean (243) Jan Mayen (244) Jarvis Island (245) Jersey (246) Johnston Atoll (247) Juan de Nova Island (248) Kingman Reef (249) Liechtenstein (250) Man, Isle of (251) Midway Islands (252) Monaco (253) Navassa Island (254) Pacific Ocean (255) Palmyra Atoll (256) Paracel Islands (257) Pitcairn Islands (258) San Marino (259) Serbia and Montenegro (260) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (261) Spratly Islands (262) Svalbard (263) Tromelin Island (264) Wake Island (265) West Bank (266) Imports Country Million ___________ _______ 4100000 World (1) 664000 United States (2) 362000 Germany (3) 274300 Japan (4) 238100 France (5) 215000 United Kingdom (6) 168700 Italy (7) 160000 Hong Kong (8) 151500 Canada (9) 137000 Netherlands (10) 120000 Belgium (11) 115700 China (12) 102400 Singapore (13) 102300 Korea, South (14) 92500 Spain (15) 85100 Taiwan (16) 79400 Mexico (17) 68200 Switzerland (18) 55200 Malaysia (19) 53800 Austria (20) 52600 Thailand (21) 51100 Australia (22) 49600 Sweden (23) 37100 Denmark (24) 35700 Russia (25) 33200 Brazil (26) 31400 Indonesia (27) 29300 Norway (28) 28900 Saudi Arabia (29) 27600 Turkey (30) 26000 Ireland (31) 25500 India (32) 24300 Portugal (33) 22500 Israel (34) 21400 South Africa (35) 21400 Argentina (36) 21300 Philippines (37) 20000 United Arab Emirates (38) 19200 Greece (39) 18100 Poland (40) 18000 Iran (41) 18000 Finland (42) 16700 Puerto Rico (43) 14200 Ukraine (44) 14200 Hungary (45) 13300 Czech Republic (46) 11200 Egypt (47) 10900 Chile (48) 10600 Colombia (49) 10400 New Zealand (50) 9500 Pakistan (51) 9200 Algeria (52) 8300 Nigeria (53) 8300 Luxembourg (54) 7600 Venezuela (55) 7500 Morocco (56) 6900 Libya (57) 6600 Kuwait (58) 6600 Iraq (59) 6500 Tunisia (60) 6500 Slovenia (61) 6300 Romania (62) 6100 Slovakia (63) 5100 Peru (64) 4700 Croatia (65) 4300 Bulgaria (66) 4200 Vietnam (67) 4100 Oman (68) 4100 Lebanon (69) 4000 Syria (70) 4000 Sri Lanka (71) 3990 Bangladesh (72) 3830 Bahrain (73) 3500 Kazakhstan (74) 3500 Jordan (75) 3300 Virgin Islands (76) 3000 Ecuador (77) 2900 Costa Rica (78) 2700 Lithuania (79) 2650 Yemen (80) 2600 Guatemala (81) 2600 Cyprus (82) 2500 Dominican Republic (83) 2461 Uruguay (84) 2205 Panama (85) 2200 Jamaica (86) 2100 Malta (87) 2100 El Salvador (88) 2000 Macau (89) 1960 Cameroon (90) 1850 Kenya (91) 1800 Zimbabwe (92) 1800 Botswana (93) 1750 Qatar (94) 1750 Martinique (95) 1700 Sudan (96) 1700 Reunion (97) 1700 Mauritius (98) 1700 Ghana (99) 1700 Cuba (100) 1640 Korea, North (101) 1600 Cote d'Ivoire (102) 1600 Aruba (103) 1600 Angola (104) 1500 Guadeloupe (105) 1500 French Guiana (106) 1400 Tanzania (107) 1380 Paraguay (108) 1300 Iceland (109) 1210 Bolivia (110) 1200 Senegal (111) 1200 Papua New Guinea (112) 1200 Netherlands Antilles (113) 1200 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (114) 1200 Latvia (115) 1200 Burma (116) 1200 Brunei (117) 1150 Uzbekistan (118) 1150 The Bahamas (119) 1140 Mozambique (120) 1130 Zambia (121) 1100 Namibia (122) 1040 Ethiopia (123) 1000 Estonia (124) 996 Trinidad and Tobago (125) 990 Honduras (126) 964 Lesotho (127) 899 Nepal (128) 842 Mali (129) 832 Gabon (130) 786 Nicaragua (131) 768 Guinea (132) 765 French Polynesia (133) 764 New Caledonia (134) 734 Swaziland (135) 703 Barbados (136) 696 Uganda (137) 636 Burkina (138) 634 Fiji (139) 621 Albania (140) 616.4 Afghanistan (141) 571 Benin (142) 534 Belarus (143) 528 Laos (144) 520.5 Suriname (145) 519 Bermuda (146) 510 Madagascar (147) 493 Guam (148) 479.3 Cambodia (149) 476.8 Haiti (150) 472 Congo (151) 456 Guyana (152) 420 Gibraltar (153) 394 Liberia (154) 392.4 Northern Mariana Islands (155) 384 Djibouti (156) 378 Mauritania (157) 369.6 Greenland (158) 365 Gaza Strip (159) 361 Mongolia (160) 360.3 American Samoa (161) 356 Zaire (162) 323.4 Tokelau (163) 318 Tajikistan (164) 312 Cayman Islands (165) 308 Malawi (166) 304 Turkmenistan (167) 296 Azerbaijan (168) 292 Togo (169) 286 Niger (170) 281 Belize (171) 276 Saint Lucia (172) 261 Seychelles (173) 261 Chad (174) 260.9 Antigua and Barbuda (175) 250 Rwanda (176) 249 Somalia (177) 234.4 Faroe Islands (178) 203 Burundi (179) 177.8 Maldives (180) 174 Moldova (181) 173 Cape Verde (182) 165.1 Central African Republic (183) 154 The Gambia (184) 149 Sierra Leone (185) 134.6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (186) 133.8 Grenada (187) 120 Armenia (188) 110 Solomon Islands (189) 100 Saint Kitts and Nevis (190) 98.8 Dominica (191) 97.6 Bhutan (192) 92.4 Kyrgyzstan (193) 91.2 Micronesia, Federated States of (194) 82 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (195) 80.6 Montserrat (196) 74 Vanuatu (197) 73 Nauru (198) 62.9 Marshall Islands (199) 62 Equatorial Guinea (200) 56 Tonga (201) 56 Guinea-Bissau (202) 50 Cook Islands (203) 42.8 Turks and Caicos Islands (204) 40.9 Comoros (205) 33.5 Anguilla (206) 33.1 Kiribati (207) 31.5 Sao Tome and Principe (208) 30 Western Sahara (209) 24.6 Palau (210) 21.8 Mayotte (211) 15.6 Norfolk Island (212) 13.9 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (213) 13.3 Wallis and Futuna (214) 11.5 Western Samoa (215) 11.5 British Virgin Islands (216) 9.8 Saint Helena (217) 4.4 Tuvalu (218) 4.1 Niue (219) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Georgia Glorioso Islands Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Liechtenstein Man, Isle of Midway Islands Monaco Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands San Marino Serbia and Montenegro South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank EXTDEBT External Debt title %External debt Country Million ______________ _______ 0 Brunei (1) 0 Hong Kong (2) 0 Netherlands (3) 0 Tokelau (4) 0 Turkmenistan (5) 2 Kiribati (6) 2.05 Montserrat (7) 4.5 British Virgin Islands (8) 15 Cayman Islands (9) 20 Singapore (10) 33.3 Nauru (11) 40 Vanuatu (12) 43.3 Saint Kitts and Nevis (13) 47.5 Tonga (14) 74.9 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (15) 81 Aruba (16) 89.9 Grenada (17) 91 Macau (18) 92.8 Dominica (19) 96.4 Saint Lucia (20) 100 Palau (21) 124 Cook Islands (22) 128 Solomon Islands (23) 130 Maldives (24) 141 Bhutan (25) 141 Western Samoa (26) 156 Cape Verde (27) 158 Belize (28) 160 Comoros (29) 180 Suriname (30) 181 Seychelles (31) 227 Djibouti (32) 237 Sao Tome and Principe (33) 240 Swaziland (34) 250 Antigua and Barbuda (35) 260 Equatorial Guinea (36) 286 The Gambia (37) 297.1 Greenland (38) 300 Moldova (39) 318 Gibraltar (40) 344 Botswana (41) 383 Cambodia (42) 385 Namibia (43) 455 The Bahamas (44) 462 Guinea-Bissau (45) 492 Chad (46) 512 Lesotho (47) 603 Malta (48) 620 Taiwan (49) 650 Estonia (50) 652 Barbados (51) 670 Fiji (52) 672 Netherlands Antilles (53) 765 Lebanon (54) 800 Luxembourg (55) 840 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (56) 859 Central African Republic (57) 865 Burkina (58) 871 Haiti (59) 873 Rwanda (60) 920 Albania (61) 996.8 Mauritius (62) 1000 Benin (63) 1000 Kazakhstan (64) 1050 Burundi (65) 1150 Sierra Leone (66) 1200 Faroe Islands (67) 1200 French Guiana (68) 1200 Niger (69) 1300 Togo (70) 1400 Paraguay (71) 1500 Belarus (72) 1500 Qatar (73) 1800 Malawi (74) 1900 Mauritania (75) 1900 Somalia (76) 2000 Nepal (77) 2000 Trinidad and Tobago (78) 2100 Liberia (79) 2100 Slovenia (80) 2200 Guatemala (81) 2200 Guyana (82) 2300 Afghanistan (83) 2400 Cyprus (84) 2500 Guinea (85) 2500 Iceland (86) 2600 Bahrain (87) 2600 El Salvador (88) 2600 Mali (89) 2900 Croatia (90) 2900 Senegal (91) 2900 Uganda (92) 3000 Oman (93) 3200 Costa Rica (94) 3200 Papua New Guinea (95) 3300 Gabon (96) 3500 Libya (97) 3500 Zimbabwe (98) 3600 Jamaica (99) 3700 Ethiopia (100) 4000 Congo (101) 4000 Honduras (102) 4000 Vietnam (103) 4200 Bolivia (104) 4200 Serbia and Montenegro (105) 4200 Slovakia (106) 4200 Uruguay (107) 4300 Dominican Republic (108) 4300 Madagascar (109) 4400 Romania (110) 4600 Ghana (111) 5000 Mozambique (112) 5400 Burma (113) 6000 Cameroon (114) 6000 Jordan (115) 6700 Panama (116) 6700 Tanzania (117) 7000 Kenya (118) 7000 Yemen (119) 7200 Kuwait (120) 7200 Sri Lanka (121) 7300 Zambia (122) 7500 Ukraine (123) 7700 Tunisia (124) 8000 Korea, North (125) 8700 Czech Republic (126) 9200 Zaire (127) 10800 Cuba (128) 11000 Nicaragua (129) 11600 United Arab Emirates (130) 11700 Angola (131) 12000 Bulgaria (132) 12600 Colombia (133) 13200 Ecuador (134) 13500 Bangladesh (135) 16200.001 United Kingdom (136) 17000 Sudan (137) 17300 Cote d'Ivoire (138) 18000 South Africa (139) 18900 Saudi Arabia (140) 19400 Syria (141) 20000 Chile (142) 20000 Ireland (143) 20000 Portugal (144) 20500 Morocco (145) 21500 Austria (146) 22400 Peru (147) 24000 Pakistan (148) 25900 Israel (149) 26000 Algeria (150) 26900 Greece (151) 27000 Hungary (152) 29500 Nigeria (153) 30000 Finland (154) 30000 Iran (155) 31200 Egypt (156) 31300 Belgium (157) 35500 Malaysia (158) 38500 New Zealand (159) 40000 Philippines (160) 40100 Venezuela (161) 40900 Denmark (162) 44100 Korea, South (163) 47000 Poland (164) 50000 Iraq (165) 64300.004 Thailand (166) 66600 Turkey (167) 67000 Italy (168) 73000 Argentina (169) 87000 Indonesia (170) 89200 India (171) 90000 Spain (172) 95000 Russia (173) 100000 China (174) 128000 Mexico (175) 134000 Brazil (176) 147200 Australia (177) 243000 Canada (178) 300000 France (179) 1000000 World (180) American Samoa (181) Andorra (182) Anguilla (183) Antarctica (184) Arctic Ocean (185) Armenia (186) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (187) Atlantic Ocean (188) Azerbaijan (189) Baker Island (190) Bassas da India (191) Bermuda (192) Bosnia and Herzegovina (193) Bouvet Island (194) British Indian Ocean Territory (195) Christmas Island (196) Clipperton Island (197) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (198) Coral Sea Islands (199) Eritrea (200) Europa Island (201) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (202) French Polynesia (203) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (204) Gaza Strip (205) Georgia (206) Germany (207) Glorioso Islands (208) Guadeloupe (209) Guam (210) Guernsey (211) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (212) Holy See (Vatican City) (213) Howland Island (214) Indian Ocean (215) Jan Mayen (216) Japan (217) Jarvis Island (218) Jersey (219) Johnston Atoll (220) Juan de Nova Island (221) Kingman Reef (222) Kyrgyzstan (223) Laos (224) Latvia (225) Liechtenstein (226) Lithuania (227) Man, Isle of (228) Marshall Islands (229) Martinique (230) Mayotte (231) Micronesia, Federated States of (232) Midway Islands (233) Monaco (234) Mongolia (235) Navassa Island (236) New Caledonia (237) Niue (238) Norfolk Island (239) Northern Mariana Islands (240) Norway (241) Pacific Ocean (242) Palmyra Atoll (243) Paracel Islands (244) Pitcairn Islands (245) Puerto Rico (246) Reunion (247) Saint Helena (248) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (249) San Marino (250) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (251) Spratly Islands (252) Svalbard (253) Sweden (254) Switzerland (255) Tajikistan (256) Tromelin Island (257) Turks and Caicos Islands (258) Tuvalu (259) United States (260) Uzbekistan (261) Virgin Islands (262) Wake Island (263) Wallis and Futuna (264) West Bank (265) Western Sahara (266) "External debt Country Million ______________ _______ 1000000 World (1) 300000 France (2) 243000 Canada (3) 147200 Australia (4) 134000 Brazil (5) 128000 Mexico (6) 100000 China (7) 95000 Russia (8) 90000 Spain (9) 89200 India (10) 87000 Indonesia (11) 73000 Argentina (12) 67000 Italy (13) 66600 Turkey (14) 64300.004 Thailand (15) 50000 Iraq (16) 47000 Poland (17) 44100 Korea, South (18) 40900 Denmark (19) 40100 Venezuela (20) 40000 Philippines (21) 38500 New Zealand (22) 35500 Malaysia (23) 31300 Belgium (24) 31200 Egypt (25) 30000 Iran (26) 30000 Finland (27) 29500 Nigeria (28) 27000 Hungary (29) 26900 Greece (30) 26000 Algeria (31) 25900 Israel (32) 24000 Pakistan (33) 22400 Peru (34) 21500 Austria (35) 20500 Morocco (36) 20000 Portugal (37) 20000 Ireland (38) 20000 Chile (39) 19400 Syria (40) 18900 Saudi Arabia (41) 18000 South Africa (42) 17300 Cote d'Ivoire (43) 17000 Sudan (44) 16200.001 United Kingdom (45) 13500 Bangladesh (46) 13200 Ecuador (47) 12600 Colombia (48) 12000 Bulgaria (49) 11700 Angola (50) 11600 United Arab Emirates (51) 11000 Nicaragua (52) 10800 Cuba (53) 9200 Zaire (54) 8700 Czech Republic (55) 8000 Korea, North (56) 7700 Tunisia (57) 7500 Ukraine (58) 7300 Zambia (59) 7200 Sri Lanka (60) 7200 Kuwait (61) 7000 Yemen (62) 7000 Kenya (63) 6700 Tanzania (64) 6700 Panama (65) 6000 Jordan (66) 6000 Cameroon (67) 5400 Burma (68) 5000 Mozambique (69) 4600 Ghana (70) 4400 Romania (71) 4300 Madagascar (72) 4300 Dominican Republic (73) 4200 Uruguay (74) 4200 Slovakia (75) 4200 Serbia and Montenegro (76) 4200 Bolivia (77) 4000 Vietnam (78) 4000 Honduras (79) 4000 Congo (80) 3700 Ethiopia (81) 3600 Jamaica (82) 3500 Zimbabwe (83) 3500 Libya (84) 3300 Gabon (85) 3200 Papua New Guinea (86) 3200 Costa Rica (87) 3000 Oman (88) 2900 Uganda (89) 2900 Senegal (90) 2900 Croatia (91) 2600 Mali (92) 2600 El Salvador (93) 2600 Bahrain (94) 2500 Iceland (95) 2500 Guinea (96) 2400 Cyprus (97) 2300 Afghanistan (98) 2200 Guyana (99) 2200 Guatemala (100) 2100 Slovenia (101) 2100 Liberia (102) 2000 Trinidad and Tobago (103) 2000 Nepal (104) 1900 Somalia (105) 1900 Mauritania (106) 1800 Malawi (107) 1500 Qatar (108) 1500 Belarus (109) 1400 Paraguay (110) 1300 Togo (111) 1200 Niger (112) 1200 French Guiana (113) 1200 Faroe Islands (114) 1150 Sierra Leone (115) 1050 Burundi (116) 1000 Kazakhstan (117) 1000 Benin (118) 996.8 Mauritius (119) 920 Albania (120) 873 Rwanda (121) 871 Haiti (122) 865 Burkina (123) 859 Central African Republic (124) 840 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (125) 800 Luxembourg (126) 765 Lebanon (127) 672 Netherlands Antilles (128) 670 Fiji (129) 652 Barbados (130) 650 Estonia (131) 620 Taiwan (132) 603 Malta (133) 512 Lesotho (134) 492 Chad (135) 462 Guinea-Bissau (136) 455 The Bahamas (137) 385 Namibia (138) 383 Cambodia (139) 344 Botswana (140) 318 Gibraltar (141) 300 Moldova (142) 297.1 Greenland (143) 286 The Gambia (144) 260 Equatorial Guinea (145) 250 Antigua and Barbuda (146) 240 Swaziland (147) 237 Sao Tome and Principe (148) 227 Djibouti (149) 181 Seychelles (150) 180 Suriname (151) 160 Comoros (152) 158 Belize (153) 156 Cape Verde (154) 141 Western Samoa (155) 141 Bhutan (156) 130 Maldives (157) 128 Solomon Islands (158) 124 Cook Islands (159) 100 Palau (160) 96.4 Saint Lucia (161) 92.8 Dominica (162) 91 Macau (163) 89.9 Grenada (164) 81 Aruba (165) 74.9 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (166) 47.5 Tonga (167) 43.3 Saint Kitts and Nevis (168) 40 Vanuatu (169) 33.3 Nauru (170) 20 Singapore (171) 15 Cayman Islands (172) 4.5 British Virgin Islands (173) 2.05 Montserrat (174) 2 Kiribati (175) 0 Turkmenistan (176) 0 Tokelau (177) 0 Netherlands (178) 0 Hong Kong (179) 0 Brunei (180) American Samoa Andorra Anguilla Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Azerbaijan Baker Island Bassas da India Bermuda Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Eritrea Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Georgia Germany Glorioso Islands Guadeloupe Guam Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Japan Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Martinique Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Monaco Mongolia Navassa Island New Caledonia Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Puerto Rico Reunion Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon San Marino South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Tromelin Island Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu United States Uzbekistan Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara ELECAP Electricity Capacity title %Elec. capacity Country kmw ________ _______ 110 Pitcairn Islands (1) 200 Tokelau (2) 900 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (3) 1000 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (4) 1200 Wallis and Futuna (5) 1500 Niue (6) 2000 Anguilla (7) 2600 Tuvalu (8) 5000 Holy See (Vatican City) (9) 5000 Kiribati (10) 5000 Maldives (11) 5000 Sao Tome and Principe (12) 5271 Montserrat (13) 6000 Tonga (14) 7000 Dominica (15) 7000 Norfolk Island (16) 9050 Turks and Caicos Islands (17) 9200 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (18) 9800 Saint Helena (19) 10000 Monaco (20) 10000 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (21) 10500 British Virgin Islands (22) 11000 Christmas Island (23) 12500 Grenada (24) 14000 Cook Islands (25) 14000 Nauru (26) 15000 Cape Verde (27) 15000 Jan Mayen (28) 15800 Saint Kitts and Nevis (29) 16000 Comoros (30) 16000 Palau (31) 16600 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (32) 17000 Vanuatu (33) 18000 Micronesia, Federated States of (34) 20000 Saint Lucia (35) 21000 Solomon Islands (36) 21000 Svalbard (37) 22000 Guinea-Bissau (38) 23000 Equatorial Guinea (39) 23000 Liechtenstein (40) 29000 Western Samoa (41) 30000 American Samoa (42) 30000 Benin (43) 30000 The Gambia (44) 30000 Seychelles (45) 30000 Togo (46) 34532 Belize (47) 35000 Andorra (48) 40000 Cambodia (49) 40000 Central African Republic (50) 40000 Chad (51) 42000 Marshall Islands (52) 47000 Gibraltar (53) 50000 Jersey (54) 52100 Antigua and Barbuda (55) 55000 Burundi (56) 60000 Burkina (57) 60000 Niger (58) 60000 Rwanda (59) 60000 Western Sahara (60) 61000 Man, Isle of (61) 75000 French Polynesia (62) 75000 Somalia (63) 80000 Cayman Islands (64) 84000 Greenland (65) 90000 Aruba (66) 90000 Djibouti (67) 90000 Faroe Islands (68) 90000 Mali (69) 105000 Northern Mariana Islands (70) 110000 Guyana (71) 110000 Mauritania (72) 113100 Martinique (73) 120000 Congo (74) 120000 Swaziland (75) 130000 Sierra Leone (76) 140000 Bermuda (77) 150000 Haiti (78) 152100 Barbados (79) 160000 Uganda (80) 173000 Guernsey (81) 180000 French Guiana (82) 180000 Guinea (83) 180000 Reunion (84) 190000 Malawi (85) 200000 Fiji (86) 200000 Netherlands Antilles (87) 220000 Botswana (88) 220000 Madagascar (89) 230000 Senegal (90) 250000 Malta (91) 250000 New Caledonia (92) 258000 Macau (93) 260000 Laos (94) 280000 Nepal (95) 290000 Honduras (96) 300000 Guam (97) 315000 Gabon (98) 320000 Guadeloupe (99) 320000 Virgin Islands (100) 330000 Liberia (101) 340000 Mauritius (102) 360000 Bhutan (103) 380000 Brunei (104) 406000 Namibia (105) 420000 Suriname (106) 424000 The Bahamas (107) 440000 Tanzania (108) 460000 Ethiopia (109) 460000 Nicaragua (110) 480000 Afghanistan (111) 490000 Papua New Guinea (112) 500000 Sudan (113) 550000 Cyprus (114) 620000 Angola (115) 630000 Cameroon (116) 700000 Guatemala (117) 730000 Jamaica (118) 750000 El Salvador (119) 756200 Bolivia (120) 770000 Albania (121) 810000 Kenya (122) 810000 Yemen (123) 900000 Mongolia (124) 960000 Panama (125) 1040000 Costa Rica (126) 1050000 Bahrain (127) 1050000 Jordan (128) 1070000 Iceland (129) 1100000 Burma (130) 1150000 Trinidad and Tobago (131) 1170000 Cote d'Ivoire (132) 1180000 Ghana (133) 1220000 Lebanon (134) 1238750 Luxembourg (135) 1410000 Sri Lanka (136) 1410000 Tunisia (137) 1450000 Dominican Republic (138) 1520000 Qatar (139) 1540000 Oman (140) 1600000 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (141) 2040000 Zimbabwe (142) 2070000 Uruguay (143) 2080000 Latvia (144) 2200000 Vietnam (145) 2230000 Ecuador (146) 2360000 Mozambique (147) 2440000 Zambia (148) 2480000 Turkmenistan (149) 2620000 Morocco (150) 2700000 Slovenia (151) 2740000 Bangladesh (152) 2830000 Zaire (153) 3000000 Moldova (154) 3420000 Estonia (155) 3570000 Croatia (156) 3660000 Kyrgyzstan (157) 3800000 Bosnia and Herzegovina (158) 3800000 Tajikistan (159) 3930000 Ireland (160) 3990000 Cuba (161) 4140000 Israel (162) 4160000 Syria (163) 4190000 Peru (164) 4230000 Puerto Rico (165) 4410000 Georgia (166) 4510000 Singapore (167) 4570000 Nigeria (168) 4600000 Libya (169) 4620000 Armenia (170) 4760000 United Arab Emirates (171) 4810000 Chile (172) 4900000 Azerbaijan (173) 5370000 Algeria (174) 6190000 Lithuania (175) 6300000 Slovakia (176) 6530000 Paraguay (177) 6700000 Malaysia (178) 6740000 Hungary (179) 6770000 Philippines (180) 7010000 Belarus (181) 7070000 Kuwait (182) 7170000 Iraq (183) 7520000 New Zealand (184) 8220000 Portugal (185) 8930000 Hong Kong (186) 8970000 Greece (187) 9500000 Korea, North (188) 10030000 Denmark (189) 10220000 Colombia (190) 10400000 Serbia and Montenegro (191) 10800000 Pakistan (192) 11500000 Bulgaria (193) 11690000 Uzbekistan (194) 11830000 Egypt (195) 12100000 Indonesia (196) 12810000 Thailand (197) 13360000 Finland (198) 14040000 Belgium (199) 14470000 Czech Republic (200) 15430000 Switzerland (201) 17230000 Austria (202) 17330000 Argentina (203) 17380000 Kazakhstan (204) 17520000 Netherlands (205) 17550000 Saudi Arabia (206) 18710000 Turkey (207) 18740000 Venezuela (208) 19080000 Iran (209) 21460000 Taiwan (210) 22180000 Romania (211) 26940000 Korea, South (212) 27280000 Norway (213) 28780000 Mexico (214) 31120000 Poland (215) 34540000 Australia (216) 34560000 Sweden (217) 39750000 South Africa (218) 43800000 Spain (219) 54380000 Ukraine (220) 55130000 Brazil (221) 61630000 Italy (222) 65360000 United Kingdom (223) 81200000 India (224) 105250000 France (225) 108090000 Canada (226) 115430000 Germany (227) 162000000 China (228) 205140000 Japan (229) 213100000 Russia (230) 695120000 United States (231) 2772999936 World (232) Antarctica (233) Arctic Ocean (234) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (235) Atlantic Ocean (236) Baker Island (237) Bassas da India (238) Bouvet Island (239) British Indian Ocean Territory (240) Clipperton Island (241) Coral Sea Islands (242) Eritrea (243) Europa Island (244) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (245) Gaza Strip (246) Glorioso Islands (247) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (248) Howland Island (249) Indian Ocean (250) Jarvis Island (251) Johnston Atoll (252) Juan de Nova Island (253) Kingman Reef (254) Lesotho (255) Mayotte (256) Midway Islands (257) Navassa Island (258) Pacific Ocean (259) Palmyra Atoll (260) Paracel Islands (261) San Marino (262) Spratly Islands (263) Tromelin Island (264) Wake Island (265) West Bank (266) $Elec. capacity Country kmw ________ _______ 2772999936 World (1) 695120000 United States (2) 213100000 Russia (3) 205140000 Japan (4) 162000000 China (5) 115430000 Germany (6) 108090000 Canada (7) 105250000 France (8) 81200000 India (9) 65360000 United Kingdom (10) 61630000 Italy (11) 55130000 Brazil (12) 54380000 Ukraine (13) 43800000 Spain (14) 39750000 South Africa (15) 34560000 Sweden (16) 34540000 Australia (17) 31120000 Poland (18) 28780000 Mexico (19) 27280000 Norway (20) 26940000 Korea, South (21) 22180000 Romania (22) 21460000 Taiwan (23) 19080000 Iran (24) 18740000 Venezuela (25) 18710000 Turkey (26) 17550000 Saudi Arabia (27) 17520000 Netherlands (28) 17380000 Kazakhstan (29) 17330000 Argentina (30) 17230000 Austria (31) 15430000 Switzerland (32) 14470000 Czech Republic (33) 14040000 Belgium (34) 13360000 Finland (35) 12810000 Thailand (36) 12100000 Indonesia (37) 11830000 Egypt (38) 11690000 Uzbekistan (39) 11500000 Bulgaria (40) 10800000 Pakistan (41) 10400000 Serbia and Montenegro (42) 10220000 Colombia (43) 10030000 Denmark (44) 9500000 Korea, North (45) 8970000 Greece (46) 8930000 Hong Kong (47) 8220000 Portugal (48) 7520000 New Zealand (49) 7170000 Iraq (50) 7070000 Kuwait (51) 7010000 Belarus (52) 6770000 Philippines (53) 6740000 Hungary (54) 6700000 Malaysia (55) 6530000 Paraguay (56) 6300000 Slovakia (57) 6190000 Lithuania (58) 5370000 Algeria (59) 4900000 Azerbaijan (60) 4810000 Chile (61) 4760000 United Arab Emirates (62) 4620000 Armenia (63) 4600000 Libya (64) 4570000 Nigeria (65) 4510000 Singapore (66) 4410000 Georgia (67) 4230000 Puerto Rico (68) 4190000 Peru (69) 4160000 Syria (70) 4140000 Israel (71) 3990000 Cuba (72) 3930000 Ireland (73) 3800000 Tajikistan (74) 3800000 Bosnia and Herzegovina (75) 3660000 Kyrgyzstan (76) 3570000 Croatia (77) 3420000 Estonia (78) 3000000 Moldova (79) 2830000 Zaire (80) 2740000 Bangladesh (81) 2700000 Slovenia (82) 2620000 Morocco (83) 2480000 Turkmenistan (84) 2440000 Zambia (85) 2360000 Mozambique (86) 2230000 Ecuador (87) 2200000 Vietnam (88) 2080000 Latvia (89) 2070000 Uruguay (90) 2040000 Zimbabwe (91) 1600000 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (92) 1540000 Oman (93) 1520000 Qatar (94) 1450000 Dominican Republic (95) 1410000 Tunisia (96) 1410000 Sri Lanka (97) 1238750 Luxembourg (98) 1220000 Lebanon (99) 1180000 Ghana (100) 1170000 Cote d'Ivoire (101) 1150000 Trinidad and Tobago (102) 1100000 Burma (103) 1070000 Iceland (104) 1050000 Jordan (105) 1050000 Bahrain (106) 1040000 Costa Rica (107) 960000 Panama (108) 900000 Mongolia (109) 810000 Yemen (110) 810000 Kenya (111) 770000 Albania (112) 756200 Bolivia (113) 750000 El Salvador (114) 730000 Jamaica (115) 700000 Guatemala (116) 630000 Cameroon (117) 620000 Angola (118) 550000 Cyprus (119) 500000 Sudan (120) 490000 Papua New Guinea (121) 480000 Afghanistan (122) 460000 Nicaragua (123) 460000 Ethiopia (124) 440000 Tanzania (125) 424000 The Bahamas (126) 420000 Suriname (127) 406000 Namibia (128) 380000 Brunei (129) 360000 Bhutan (130) 340000 Mauritius (131) 330000 Liberia (132) 320000 Virgin Islands (133) 320000 Guadeloupe (134) 315000 Gabon (135) 300000 Guam (136) 290000 Honduras (137) 280000 Nepal (138) 260000 Laos (139) 258000 Macau (140) 250000 New Caledonia (141) 250000 Malta (142) 230000 Senegal (143) 220000 Madagascar (144) 220000 Botswana (145) 200000 Netherlands Antilles (146) 200000 Fiji (147) 190000 Malawi (148) 180000 Reunion (149) 180000 Guinea (150) 180000 French Guiana (151) 173000 Guernsey (152) 160000 Uganda (153) 152100 Barbados (154) 150000 Haiti (155) 140000 Bermuda (156) 130000 Sierra Leone (157) 120000 Swaziland (158) 120000 Congo (159) 113100 Martinique (160) 110000 Mauritania (161) 110000 Guyana (162) 105000 Northern Mariana Islands (163) 90000 Mali (164) 90000 Faroe Islands (165) 90000 Djibouti (166) 90000 Aruba (167) 84000 Greenland (168) 80000 Cayman Islands (169) 75000 Somalia (170) 75000 French Polynesia (171) 61000 Man, Isle of (172) 60000 Western Sahara (173) 60000 Rwanda (174) 60000 Niger (175) 60000 Burkina (176) 55000 Burundi (177) 52100 Antigua and Barbuda (178) 50000 Jersey (179) 47000 Gibraltar (180) 42000 Marshall Islands (181) 40000 Chad (182) 40000 Central African Republic (183) 40000 Cambodia (184) 35000 Andorra (185) 34532 Belize (186) 30000 Togo (187) 30000 Seychelles (188) 30000 The Gambia (189) 30000 Benin (190) 30000 American Samoa (191) 29000 Western Samoa (192) 23000 Liechtenstein (193) 23000 Equatorial Guinea (194) 22000 Guinea-Bissau (195) 21000 Svalbard (196) 21000 Solomon Islands (197) 20000 Saint Lucia (198) 18000 Micronesia, Federated States of (199) 17000 Vanuatu (200) 16600 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (201) 16000 Palau (202) 16000 Comoros (203) 15800 Saint Kitts and Nevis (204) 15000 Jan Mayen (205) 15000 Cape Verde (206) 14000 Nauru (207) 14000 Cook Islands (208) 12500 Grenada (209) 11000 Christmas Island (210) 10500 British Virgin Islands (211) 10000 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (212) 10000 Monaco (213) 9800 Saint Helena (214) 9200 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (215) 9050 Turks and Caicos Islands (216) 7000 Norfolk Island (217) 7000 Dominica (218) 6000 Tonga (219) 5271 Montserrat (220) 5000 Sao Tome and Principe (221) 5000 Maldives (222) 5000 Kiribati (223) 5000 Holy See (Vatican City) (224) 2600 Tuvalu (225) 2000 Anguilla (226) 1500 Niue (227) 1200 Wallis and Futuna (228) 1000 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (229) 900 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (230) 200 Tokelau (231) 110 Pitcairn Islands (232) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Lesotho Mayotte Midway Islands Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands San Marino Spratly Islands Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank ELECON Electricity Consumption title #Elec.Consump. Country kmw/person ________ __________ 13 Chad (1) 14 Cambodia (2) 17 Burkina (3) 20 Burundi (4) 23 Ethiopia (5) 23 Rwanda (6) 25 Benin (7) 27 Comoros (8) 29 Central African Republic (9) 30 Tanzania (10) 32 Uganda (11) 33 Mali (12) 37 Guinea-Bissau (13) 39 Afghanistan (14) 40 Madagascar (15) 41 Nepal (16) 42 Niger (17) 42 Sudan (18) 44 Laos (19) 44 Sierra Leone (20) 50 Equatorial Guinea (21) 55 Burma (22) 58 Mozambique (23) 61 Mauritania (24) 64 The Gambia (25) 70 Bangladesh (26) 70 Wallis and Futuna (27) 73 Cape Verde (28) 77 Guinea (29) 77 Malawi (30) 79 Senegal (31) 80 Solomon Islands (32) 83 Togo (33) 86 Haiti (34) 105 Sao Tome and Principe (35) 109 Nigeria (36) 117 Kenya (37) 123 Cote d'Ivoire (38) 123 Maldives (39) 125 Vietnam (40) 131 Kiribati (41) 133 Zaire (42) 143 Bhutan (43) 143 Liberia (44) 149 Yemen (45) 168 Sri Lanka (46) 180 Tokelau (47) 181 Vanuatu (48) 189 Angola (49) 196 Cameroon (50) 200 Western Samoa (51) 201 Congo (52) 207 Indonesia (53) 211 Guatemala (54) 231 Tonga (55) 278 Philippines (56) 286 Guyana (57) 323 Ghana (58) 324 India (59) 330 Tuvalu (60) 339 Western Sahara (61) 347 Dominica (62) 361 Morocco (63) 367 Bolivia (64) 376 Nicaragua (65) 380 Micronesia, Federated States of (66) 389 Pakistan (67) 390 Papua New Guinea (68) 398 Djibouti (69) 408 El Salvador (70) 436 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (71) 445 Honduras (72) 448 Peru (73) 490 Belize (74) 581 Fiji (75) 587 Algeria (76) 593 China (77) 595 Tunisia (78) 612 Ecuador (79) 639 Grenada (80) 650 Zambia (81) 651 Dominican Republic (82) 658 Namibia (83) 676 Lebanon (84) 693 Saint Lucia (85) 694 Botswana (86) 695 Egypt (87) 741 Cook Islands (88) 745 Iran (89) 757 Gabon (90) 777 Mauritius (91) 860 Turks and Caicos Islands (92) 862 Anguilla (93) 865 Syria (94) 890 Colombia (95) 909 Thailand (96) 913 Zimbabwe (97) 988 Jamaica (98) 990 Saint Kitts and Nevis (99) 1003 Swaziland (100) 1022 Cuba (101) 1047 Panama (102) 1072 Jordan (103) 1079 Turkey (104) 1106 Montserrat (105) 1164 Costa Rica (106) 1189 French Polynesia (107) 1200 Albania (108) 1239 Mexico (109) 1242 Antigua and Barbuda (110) 1247 Iraq (111) 1267 Mongolia (112) 1399 Seychelles (113) 1421 Guadeloupe (114) 1454 Reunion (115) 1490 Niue (116) 1499 Chile (117) 1505 American Samoa (118) 1526 Georgia (119) 1528 Malaysia (120) 1540 Palau (121) 1575 Uruguay (122) 1589 Brazil (123) 1610 Argentina (124) 1620 Armenia (125) 1677 Martinique (126) 1830 Moldova (127) 1840 Marshall Islands (128) 1841 Barbados (129) 1864 Latvia (130) 1937 World (131) 2053 Korea, North (132) 2076 Romania (133) 2093 Macau (134) 2130 Uzbekistan (135) 2270 Azerbaijan (136) 2400 Serbia and Montenegro (137) 2430 Saudi Arabia (138) 2539 Gibraltar (139) 2570 Andorra (140) 2600 Turkmenistan (141) 2642 Portugal (142) 2700 Kyrgyzstan (143) 2740 Trinidad and Tobago (144) 2749 Malta (145) 2800 Tajikistan (146) 2847 Korea, South (147) 2903 Cyprus (148) 2908 Poland (149) 2965 Man, Isle of (150) 2980 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (151) 3010 Belarus (152) 3012 Hungary (153) 3036 Nauru (154) 3078 Libya (155) 3123 Suriname (156) 3148 British Virgin Islands (157) 3149 French Guiana (158) 3160 Norfolk Island (159) 3200 The Bahamas (160) 3200 Ukraine (161) 3257 Greece (162) 3311 Venezuela (163) 3361 Greenland (164) 3395 Luxembourg (165) 3407 Oman (166) 3482 South Africa (167) 3545 Spain (168) 3609 Slovakia (169) 3750 Kazakhstan (170) 3819 Puerto Rico (171) 3827 Bulgaria (172) 3938 Ireland (173) 3953 Faroe Islands (174) 3971 Brunei (175) 4033 Italy (176) 4054 Netherlands Antilles (177) 4290 Israel (178) 4470 Slovenia (179) 4608 Lithuania (180) 4628 Hong Kong (181) 4761 Aruba (182) 4789 Taiwan (183) 4797 Guam (184) 4842 Czech Republic (185) 5100 Netherlands (186) 5123 United Kingdom (187) 5230 Liechtenstein (188) 5360 Pitcairn Islands (189) 5453 Bahrain (190) 5590 Singapore (191) 5683 Germany (192) 5796 United Arab Emirates (193) 5800 Russia (194) 5824 Austria (195) 5835 Denmark (196) 6007 Kuwait (197) 6013 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (198) 6149 France (199) 6178 New Caledonia (200) 6262 Japan (201) 6334 Belgium (202) 6528 Estonia (203) 6699 Switzerland (204) 6899 Cayman Islands (205) 7253 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (206) 7745 Bermuda (207) 8021 Australia (208) 8401 New Zealand (209) 8415 Qatar (210) 9060 Guernsey (211) 9172 Virgin Islands (212) 11236 United States (213) 12196 Finland (214) 13860 Svalbard (215) 14891 Sweden (216) 16133 Canada (217) 16458 Iceland (218) 17800 Christmas Island (219) 23735 Norway (220) Antarctica (221) Arctic Ocean (222) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (223) Atlantic Ocean (224) Baker Island (225) Bassas da India (226) Bosnia and Herzegovina (227) Bouvet Island (228) British Indian Ocean Territory (229) Clipperton Island (230) Coral Sea Islands (231) Croatia (232) Eritrea (233) Europa Island (234) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (235) Gaza Strip (236) Glorioso Islands (237) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (238) Holy See (Vatican City) (239) Howland Island (240) Indian Ocean (241) Jan Mayen (242) Jarvis Island (243) Jersey (244) Johnston Atoll (245) Juan de Nova Island (246) Kingman Reef (247) Lesotho (248) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (249) Mayotte (250) Midway Islands (251) Monaco (252) Navassa Island (253) Northern Mariana Islands (254) Pacific Ocean (255) Palmyra Atoll (256) Paracel Islands (257) Paraguay (258) Saint Helena (259) San Marino (260) Somalia (261) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (262) Spratly Islands (263) Tromelin Island (264) Wake Island (265) West Bank (266) "Elec.Consump. Country kmw/person ________ _______ 23735 Norway (1) 17800 Christmas Island (2) 16458 Iceland (3) 16133 Canada (4) 14891 Sweden (5) 13860 Svalbard (6) 12196 Finland (7) 11236 United States (8) 9172 Virgin Islands (9) 9060 Guernsey (10) 8415 Qatar (11) 8401 New Zealand (12) 8021 Australia (13) 7745 Bermuda (14) 7253 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (15) 6899 Cayman Islands (16) 6699 Switzerland (17) 6528 Estonia (18) 6334 Belgium (19) 6262 Japan (20) 6178 New Caledonia (21) 6149 France (22) 6013 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (23) 6007 Kuwait (24) 5835 Denmark (25) 5824 Austria (26) 5800 Russia (27) 5796 United Arab Emirates (28) 5683 Germany (29) 5590 Singapore (30) 5453 Bahrain (31) 5360 Pitcairn Islands (32) 5230 Liechtenstein (33) 5123 United Kingdom (34) 5100 Netherlands (35) 4842 Czech Republic (36) 4797 Guam (37) 4789 Taiwan (38) 4761 Aruba (39) 4628 Hong Kong (40) 4608 Lithuania (41) 4470 Slovenia (42) 4290 Israel (43) 4054 Netherlands Antilles (44) 4033 Italy (45) 3971 Brunei (46) 3953 Faroe Islands (47) 3938 Ireland (48) 3827 Bulgaria (49) 3819 Puerto Rico (50) 3750 Kazakhstan (51) 3609 Slovakia (52) 3545 Spain (53) 3482 South Africa (54) 3407 Oman (55) 3395 Luxembourg (56) 3361 Greenland (57) 3311 Venezuela (58) 3257 Greece (59) 3200 Ukraine (60) 3200 The Bahamas (61) 3160 Norfolk Island (62) 3149 French Guiana (63) 3148 British Virgin Islands (64) 3123 Suriname (65) 3078 Libya (66) 3036 Nauru (67) 3012 Hungary (68) 3010 Belarus (69) 2980 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (70) 2965 Man, Isle of (71) 2908 Poland (72) 2903 Cyprus (73) 2847 Korea, South (74) 2800 Tajikistan (75) 2749 Malta (76) 2740 Trinidad and Tobago (77) 2700 Kyrgyzstan (78) 2642 Portugal (79) 2600 Turkmenistan (80) 2570 Andorra (81) 2539 Gibraltar (82) 2430 Saudi Arabia (83) 2400 Serbia and Montenegro (84) 2270 Azerbaijan (85) 2130 Uzbekistan (86) 2093 Macau (87) 2076 Romania (88) 2053 Korea, North (89) 1937 World (90) 1864 Latvia (91) 1841 Barbados (92) 1840 Marshall Islands (93) 1830 Moldova (94) 1677 Martinique (95) 1620 Armenia (96) 1610 Argentina (97) 1589 Brazil (98) 1575 Uruguay (99) 1540 Palau (100) 1528 Malaysia (101) 1526 Georgia (102) 1505 American Samoa (103) 1499 Chile (104) 1490 Niue (105) 1454 Reunion (106) 1421 Guadeloupe (107) 1399 Seychelles (108) 1267 Mongolia (109) 1247 Iraq (110) 1242 Antigua and Barbuda (111) 1239 Mexico (112) 1200 Albania (113) 1189 French Polynesia (114) 1164 Costa Rica (115) 1106 Montserrat (116) 1079 Turkey (117) 1072 Jordan (118) 1047 Panama (119) 1022 Cuba (120) 1003 Swaziland (121) 990 Saint Kitts and Nevis (122) 988 Jamaica (123) 913 Zimbabwe (124) 909 Thailand (125) 890 Colombia (126) 865 Syria (127) 862 Anguilla (128) 860 Turks and Caicos Islands (129) 777 Mauritius (130) 757 Gabon (131) 745 Iran (132) 741 Cook Islands (133) 695 Egypt (134) 694 Botswana (135) 693 Saint Lucia (136) 676 Lebanon (137) 658 Namibia (138) 651 Dominican Republic (139) 650 Zambia (140) 639 Grenada (141) 612 Ecuador (142) 595 Tunisia (143) 593 China (144) 587 Algeria (145) 581 Fiji (146) 490 Belize (147) 448 Peru (148) 445 Honduras (149) 436 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (150) 408 El Salvador (151) 398 Djibouti (152) 390 Papua New Guinea (153) 389 Pakistan (154) 380 Micronesia, Federated States of (155) 376 Nicaragua (156) 367 Bolivia (157) 361 Morocco (158) 347 Dominica (159) 339 Western Sahara (160) 330 Tuvalu (161) 324 India (162) 323 Ghana (163) 286 Guyana (164) 278 Philippines (165) 231 Tonga (166) 211 Guatemala (167) 207 Indonesia (168) 201 Congo (169) 200 Western Samoa (170) 196 Cameroon (171) 189 Angola (172) 181 Vanuatu (173) 180 Tokelau (174) 168 Sri Lanka (175) 149 Yemen (176) 143 Liberia (177) 143 Bhutan (178) 133 Zaire (179) 131 Kiribati (180) 125 Vietnam (181) 123 Maldives (182) 123 Cote d'Ivoire (183) 117 Kenya (184) 109 Nigeria (185) 105 Sao Tome and Principe (186) 86 Haiti (187) 83 Togo (188) 80 Solomon Islands (189) 79 Senegal (190) 77 Malawi (191) 77 Guinea (192) 73 Cape Verde (193) 70 Wallis and Futuna (194) 70 Bangladesh (195) 64 The Gambia (196) 61 Mauritania (197) 58 Mozambique (198) 55 Burma (199) 50 Equatorial Guinea (200) 44 Sierra Leone (201) 44 Laos (202) 42 Sudan (203) 42 Niger (204) 41 Nepal (205) 40 Madagascar (206) 39 Afghanistan (207) 37 Guinea-Bissau (208) 33 Mali (209) 32 Uganda (210) 30 Tanzania (211) 29 Central African Republic (212) 27 Comoros (213) 25 Benin (214) 23 Rwanda (215) 23 Ethiopia (216) 20 Burundi (217) 17 Burkina (218) 14 Cambodia (219) 13 Chad (220) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Croatia Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Lesotho Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Mayotte Midway Islands Monaco Navassa Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Paraguay Saint Helena San Marino Somalia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank ELEPRO Electricity Production title 'Elec. production Country Million kmw ________ _______ 0 Pitcairn Islands (1) 0 Tokelau (2) 1 Wallis and Futuna (3) 2 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (4) 2 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (5) 3 Niue (6) 3 Tuvalu (7) 6 Anguilla (8) 8 Norfolk Island (9) 10 Benin (10) 10 Saint Helena (11) 11 Turks and Caicos Islands (12) 13 Kiribati (13) 17 Comoros (14) 17 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (15) 17 Montserrat (16) 17 Sao Tome and Principe (17) 20 Equatorial Guinea (18) 21 Cook Islands (19) 22 Palau (20) 30 Christmas Island (21) 30 Dominica (22) 30 Maldives (23) 30 Nauru (24) 30 Solomon Islands (25) 30 Tonga (26) 30 Vanuatu (27) 40 Cape Verde (28) 40 Guinea-Bissau (29) 40 Jan Mayen (30) 40 Micronesia, Federated States of (31) 45 Saint Kitts and Nevis (32) 45 Svalbard (33) 50 British Virgin Islands (34) 50 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (35) 50 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (36) 50 Western Samoa (37) 60 Grenada (38) 60 Togo (39) 70 The Gambia (40) 79 Western Sahara (41) 80 Chad (42) 80 Marshall Islands (43) 90 American Samoa (44) 90 Gibraltar (45) 95 Antigua and Barbuda (46) 100 Burundi (47) 100 Central African Republic (48) 110 Belize (49) 110 Seychelles (50) 112 Saint Lucia (51) 135 Mauritania (52) 140 Andorra (53) 150 Liechtenstein (54) 160 Cambodia (55) 170 Djibouti (56) 190 Burkina (57) 190 Man, Isle of (58) 190 Rwanda (59) 200 Faroe Islands (60) 200 Niger (61) 210 Greenland (62) 220 Sierra Leone (63) 230 Cayman Islands (64) 230 Guyana (65) 275 French Polynesia (66) 310 Mali (67) 330 Aruba (68) 400 Congo (69) 410 Swaziland (70) 440 Liberia (71) 450 French Guiana (72) 480 Fiji (73) 504 Bermuda (74) 510 Barbados (75) 520 Guinea (76) 525 Guernsey (77) 550 Afghanistan (78) 560 Madagascar (79) 590 Haiti (80) 650 Guadeloupe (81) 700 Martinique (82) 720 Senegal (83) 750 Guam (84) 780 Uganda (85) 810 Netherlands Antilles (86) 820 Malawi (87) 870 Laos (88) 880 Tanzania (89) 900 Botswana (90) 910 Gabon (91) 920 Mauritius (92) 920 Nepal (93) 929 The Bahamas (94) 950 Macau (95) 970 Virgin Islands (96) 1000 Reunion (97) 1100 Malta (98) 1200 Brunei (99) 1200 New Caledonia (100) 1290 Namibia (101) 1300 Ethiopia (102) 1300 Sudan (103) 1374 Luxembourg (104) 1400 Suriname (105) 1600 Nicaragua (106) 1700 Bhutan (107) 1700 Mozambique (108) 1800 Cote d'Ivoire (109) 1800 Papua New Guinea (110) 1800 Yemen (111) 1900 Angola (112) 2116 Bolivia (113) 2300 Cyprus (114) 2300 Guatemala (115) 2300 Honduras (116) 2400 El Salvador (117) 2500 Lebanon (118) 2600 Burma (119) 2600 Jamaica (120) 2700 Cameroon (121) 2800 Panama (122) 3100 Mongolia (123) 3200 Sri Lanka (124) 3300 Bahrain (125) 3300 Kenya (126) 3900 Trinidad and Tobago (127) 4000 Albania (128) 4100 Costa Rica (129) 4200 Jordan (130) 4500 Qatar (131) 4700 Iceland (132) 5400 Dominican Republic (133) 5400 Tunisia (134) 5500 Latvia (135) 5700 Armenia (136) 6000 Oman (137) 6100 Ghana (138) 6200 Zaire (139) 6900 Ecuador (140) 7800 Zambia (141) 8200 Moldova (142) 8900 Slovenia (143) 9000 Uruguay (144) 9000 Zimbabwe (145) 9100 Georgia (146) 9200 Bangladesh (147) 9700 Vietnam (148) 9900 Morocco (149) 10500 Turkmenistan (150) 11000 Kuwait (151) 11200 Peru (152) 11300 Estonia (153) 11300 Nigeria (154) 12000 Cuba (155) 12700 Kyrgyzstan (156) 13200 Syria (157) 14900 Ireland (158) 15600 Puerto Rico (159) 16100 Libya (160) 16500 United Arab Emirates (161) 17000 Singapore (162) 17000 Tajikistan (163) 17500 Azerbaijan (164) 18300 Algeria (165) 18900 Lithuania (166) 20400 Philippines (167) 20900 Slovakia (168) 22000 Chile (169) 23000 Israel (170) 25700 Iraq (171) 26500 Paraguay (172) 29500 Portugal (173) 30500 New Zealand (174) 31000 Hungary (175) 31000 Malaysia (176) 31400 Belarus (177) 32000 Denmark (178) 33000 Colombia (179) 33000 Hong Kong (180) 34000 Serbia and Montenegro (181) 35800 Greece (182) 35900 Bulgaria (183) 44000 Indonesia (184) 44500 Egypt (185) 46000 Saudi Arabia (186) 47500 Uzbekistan (187) 50000 Korea, North (188) 50200 Austria (189) 50800 Iran (190) 50800 Romania (191) 52400 Pakistan (192) 54800 Argentina (193) 56300 Czech Republic (194) 56800 Thailand (195) 58000 Finland (196) 58000 Switzerland (197) 65100 Kazakhstan (198) 66000 Belgium (199) 71000 Turkey (200) 72000 Venezuela (201) 72400 Netherlands (202) 108000 Taiwan (203) 118000 Norway (204) 122000 Mexico (205) 124000 Poland (206) 137000 Korea, South (207) 141000 Sweden (208) 148000 Spain (209) 155000 Australia (210) 163000 South Africa (211) 182000 Ukraine (212) 209000 Italy (213) 241400 Brazil (214) 303000 United Kingdom (215) 314000 India (216) 447000 France (217) 493000 Germany (218) 511000 Canada (219) 746000 China (220) 840000 Japan (221) 876000 Russia (222) 3100000 United States (223) 11601000 World (224) Antarctica (225) Arctic Ocean (226) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (227) Atlantic Ocean (228) Baker Island (229) Bassas da India (230) Bosnia and Herzegovina (231) Bouvet Island (232) British Indian Ocean Territory (233) Clipperton Island (234) Coral Sea Islands (235) Croatia (236) Eritrea (237) Europa Island (238) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (239) Gaza Strip (240) Glorioso Islands (241) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (242) Holy See (Vatican City) (243) Howland Island (244) Indian Ocean (245) Jarvis Island (246) Jersey (247) Johnston Atoll (248) Juan de Nova Island (249) Kingman Reef (250) Lesotho (251) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (252) Mayotte (253) Midway Islands (254) Monaco (255) Navassa Island (256) Northern Mariana Islands (257) Pacific Ocean (258) Palmyra Atoll (259) Paracel Islands (260) San Marino (261) Somalia (262) Spratly Islands (263) Tromelin Island (264) Wake Island (265) West Bank (266) f&f&Elec. production Country Million kmw ________ _______ 11601000 World (1) 3100000 United States (2) 876000 Russia (3) 840000 Japan (4) 746000 China (5) 511000 Canada (6) 493000 Germany (7) 447000 France (8) 314000 India (9) 303000 United Kingdom (10) 241400 Brazil (11) 209000 Italy (12) 182000 Ukraine (13) 163000 South Africa (14) 155000 Australia (15) 148000 Spain (16) 141000 Sweden (17) 137000 Korea, South (18) 124000 Poland (19) 122000 Mexico (20) 118000 Norway (21) 108000 Taiwan (22) 72400 Netherlands (23) 72000 Venezuela (24) 71000 Turkey (25) 66000 Belgium (26) 65100 Kazakhstan (27) 58000 Switzerland (28) 58000 Finland (29) 56800 Thailand (30) 56300 Czech Republic (31) 54800 Argentina (32) 52400 Pakistan (33) 50800 Romania (34) 50800 Iran (35) 50200 Austria (36) 50000 Korea, North (37) 47500 Uzbekistan (38) 46000 Saudi Arabia (39) 44500 Egypt (40) 44000 Indonesia (41) 35900 Bulgaria (42) 35800 Greece (43) 34000 Serbia and Montenegro (44) 33000 Hong Kong (45) 33000 Colombia (46) 32000 Denmark (47) 31400 Belarus (48) 31000 Malaysia (49) 31000 Hungary (50) 30500 New Zealand (51) 29500 Portugal (52) 26500 Paraguay (53) 25700 Iraq (54) 23000 Israel (55) 22000 Chile (56) 20900 Slovakia (57) 20400 Philippines (58) 18900 Lithuania (59) 18300 Algeria (60) 17500 Azerbaijan (61) 17000 Tajikistan (62) 17000 Singapore (63) 16500 United Arab Emirates (64) 16100 Libya (65) 15600 Puerto Rico (66) 14900 Ireland (67) 13200 Syria (68) 12700 Kyrgyzstan (69) 12000 Cuba (70) 11300 Nigeria (71) 11300 Estonia (72) 11200 Peru (73) 11000 Kuwait (74) 10500 Turkmenistan (75) 9900 Morocco (76) 9700 Vietnam (77) 9200 Bangladesh (78) 9100 Georgia (79) 9000 Zimbabwe (80) 9000 Uruguay (81) 8900 Slovenia (82) 8200 Moldova (83) 7800 Zambia (84) 6900 Ecuador (85) 6200 Zaire (86) 6100 Ghana (87) 6000 Oman (88) 5700 Armenia (89) 5500 Latvia (90) 5400 Tunisia (91) 5400 Dominican Republic (92) 4700 Iceland (93) 4500 Qatar (94) 4200 Jordan (95) 4100 Costa Rica (96) 4000 Albania (97) 3900 Trinidad and Tobago (98) 3300 Kenya (99) 3300 Bahrain (100) 3200 Sri Lanka (101) 3100 Mongolia (102) 2800 Panama (103) 2700 Cameroon (104) 2600 Jamaica (105) 2600 Burma (106) 2500 Lebanon (107) 2400 El Salvador (108) 2300 Honduras (109) 2300 Guatemala (110) 2300 Cyprus (111) 2116 Bolivia (112) 1900 Angola (113) 1800 Yemen (114) 1800 Papua New Guinea (115) 1800 Cote d'Ivoire (116) 1700 Mozambique (117) 1700 Bhutan (118) 1600 Nicaragua (119) 1400 Suriname (120) 1374 Luxembourg (121) 1300 Sudan (122) 1300 Ethiopia (123) 1290 Namibia (124) 1200 New Caledonia (125) 1200 Brunei (126) 1100 Malta (127) 1000 Reunion (128) 970 Virgin Islands (129) 950 Macau (130) 929 The Bahamas (131) 920 Nepal (132) 920 Mauritius (133) 910 Gabon (134) 900 Botswana (135) 880 Tanzania (136) 870 Laos (137) 820 Malawi (138) 810 Netherlands Antilles (139) 780 Uganda (140) 750 Guam (141) 720 Senegal (142) 700 Martinique (143) 650 Guadeloupe (144) 590 Haiti (145) 560 Madagascar (146) 550 Afghanistan (147) 525 Guernsey (148) 520 Guinea (149) 510 Barbados (150) 504 Bermuda (151) 480 Fiji (152) 450 French Guiana (153) 440 Liberia (154) 410 Swaziland (155) 400 Congo (156) 330 Aruba (157) 310 Mali (158) 275 French Polynesia (159) 230 Guyana (160) 230 Cayman Islands (161) 220 Sierra Leone (162) 210 Greenland (163) 200 Niger (164) 200 Faroe Islands (165) 190 Rwanda (166) 190 Man, Isle of (167) 190 Burkina (168) 170 Djibouti (169) 160 Cambodia (170) 150 Liechtenstein (171) 140 Andorra (172) 135 Mauritania (173) 112 Saint Lucia (174) 110 Seychelles (175) 110 Belize (176) 100 Central African Republic (177) 100 Burundi (178) 95 Antigua and Barbuda (179) 90 Gibraltar (180) 90 American Samoa (181) 80 Marshall Islands (182) 80 Chad (183) 79 Western Sahara (184) 70 The Gambia (185) 60 Togo (186) 60 Grenada (187) 50 Western Samoa (188) 50 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (189) 50 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (190) 50 British Virgin Islands (191) 45 Svalbard (192) 45 Saint Kitts and Nevis (193) 40 Micronesia, Federated States of (194) 40 Jan Mayen (195) 40 Guinea-Bissau (196) 40 Cape Verde (197) 30 Vanuatu (198) 30 Tonga (199) 30 Solomon Islands (200) 30 Nauru (201) 30 Maldives (202) 30 Dominica (203) 30 Christmas Island (204) 22 Palau (205) 21 Cook Islands (206) 20 Equatorial Guinea (207) 17 Sao Tome and Principe (208) 17 Montserrat (209) 17 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (210) 17 Comoros (211) 13 Kiribati (212) 11 Turks and Caicos Islands (213) 10 Saint Helena (214) 10 Benin (215) 8 Norfolk Island (216) 6 Anguilla (217) 3 Tuvalu (218) 3 Niue (219) 2 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (220) 2 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (221) 1 Wallis and Futuna (222) 0 Tokelau (223) 0 Pitcairn Islands (224) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Croatia Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Lesotho Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Mayotte Midway Islands Monaco Navassa Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands San Marino Somalia Spratly Islands Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank PAGRGDP Agricultre Percentage title "Agriculture Country % in GDP ________ _______ 0 Gibraltar (1) 0 Kuwait (2) 0 Monaco (3) 1 Bermuda (4) 1 Germany (5) 1 Puerto Rico (6) 2 Bahrain (7) 2 Belgium (8) 2 Japan (9) 2 Qatar (10) 2 United Arab Emirates (11) 2 United Kingdom (12) 2 United States (13) 3 Austria (14) 3 Canada (15) 3 Luxembourg (16) 3 Malta (17) 3 Norway (18) 3 Trinidad and Tobago (19) 4 Colombia (20) 4 Denmark (21) 4 France (22) 4 Italy (23) 4 Montserrat (24) 4 Oman (25) 4 Taiwan (26) 5 Antigua and Barbuda (27) 5 Australia (28) 5 The Bahamas (29) 5 Libya (30) 5 Netherlands (31) 5 Portugal (32) 5 Seychelles (33) 5 Slovenia (34) 5 South Africa (35) 5 Spain (36) 6 Barbados (37) 6 Cyprus (38) 6 Venezuela (39) 7 Chile (40) 7 Finland (41) 7 Jamaica (42) 7 Mexico (43) 7 Poland (44) 8 Argentina (45) 8 Jordan (46) 8 Korea, South (47) 9 Bosnia and Herzegovina (48) 9 New Zealand (49) 10 Estonia (50) 10 Ireland (51) 10 Martinique (52) 10 Mauritius (53) 10 Namibia (54) 10 Panama (55) 10 Saudi Arabia (56) 11 Brazil (57) 11 Iraq (58) 11 Thailand (59) 12 Algeria (60) 12 Congo (61) 12 Cook Islands (62) 12 Greece (63) 12 Peru (64) 12 Uruguay (65) 12 Zambia (66) 14 Ecuador (67) 14 Grenada (68) 14 Saint Lucia (69) 14 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (70) 15 Dominican Republic (71) 15 Hungary (72) 15 Iceland (73) 15 Morocco (74) 15 Nicaragua (75) 15 Suriname (76) 16 Malaysia (77) 16 Tunisia (78) 16 Turkey (79) 17 Saint Kitts and Nevis (80) 18 Romania (81) 19 Costa Rica (82) 20 Cape Verde (83) 20 Iran (84) 20 Kazakhstan (85) 20 Senegal (86) 20 Zimbabwe (87) 21 Bolivia (88) 21 Indonesia (89) 22 Philippines (90) 23 Fiji (91) 23 Kiribati (92) 24 El Salvador (93) 24 Pakistan (94) 25 Belarus (95) 25 Cameroon (96) 25 Guatemala (97) 25 Guyana (98) 25 Korea, North (99) 25 Lithuania (100) 25 Mauritania (101) 25 Papua New Guinea (102) 25 Sao Tome and Principe (103) 25 Ukraine (104) 26 Paraguay (105) 26 Yemen (106) 27 Faroe Islands (107) 27 Kenya (108) 28 Haiti (109) 28 Honduras (110) 30 China (111) 30 Dominica (112) 30 The Gambia (113) 30 Syria (114) 31 Madagascar (115) 31 Solomon Islands (116) 33 Bangladesh (117) 33 Cote d'Ivoire (118) 34 India (119) 35 Benin (120) 35 Mongolia (121) 35 Nigeria (122) 35 Sudan (123) 36 Vietnam (124) 40 Burkina (125) 40 Comoros (126) 40 Guinea (127) 40 Liberia (128) 40 Malawi (129) 40 Moldova (130) 40 Niger (131) 40 Tonga (132) 45 Chad (133) 45 Ethiopia (134) 45 Guinea-Bissau (135) 49 Togo (136) 50 Burundi (137) 50 Equatorial Guinea (138) 50 Ghana (139) 50 Lesotho (140) 50 Mali (141) 50 Mozambique (142) 50 Western Samoa (143) 55 Albania (144) 57 Uganda (145) 58 Tanzania (146) 65 Burma (147) 80 Brunei (148) Afghanistan (149) American Samoa (150) Andorra (151) Angola (152) Anguilla (153) Antarctica (154) Arctic Ocean (155) Armenia (156) Aruba (157) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (158) Atlantic Ocean (159) Azerbaijan (160) Baker Island (161) Bassas da India (162) Belize (163) Bhutan (164) Botswana (165) Bouvet Island (166) British Indian Ocean Territory (167) British Virgin Islands (168) Bulgaria (169) Cambodia (170) Cayman Islands (171) Central African Republic (172) Christmas Island (173) Clipperton Island (174) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (175) Coral Sea Islands (176) Croatia (177) Cuba (178) Czech Republic (179) Djibouti (180) Egypt (181) Eritrea (182) Europa Island (183) Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (184) French Guiana (185) French Polynesia (186) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (187) Gabon (188) Gaza Strip (189) Georgia (190) Glorioso Islands (191) Greenland (192) Guadeloupe (193) Guam (194) Guernsey (195) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (196) Holy See (Vatican City) (197) Hong Kong (198) Howland Island (199) Indian Ocean (200) Israel (201) Jan Mayen (202) Jarvis Island (203) Jersey (204) Johnston Atoll (205) Juan de Nova Island (206) Kingman Reef (207) Kyrgyzstan (208) Laos (209) Latvia (210) Lebanon (211) Liechtenstein (212) Macau (213) Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (214) Maldives (215) Man, Isle of (216) Marshall Islands (217) Mayotte (218) Micronesia, Federated States of (219) Midway Islands (220) Nauru (221) Navassa Island (222) Nepal (223) Netherlands Antilles (224) New Caledonia (225) Niue (226) Norfolk Island (227) Northern Mariana Islands (228) Pacific Ocean (229) Palau (230) Palmyra Atoll (231) Paracel Islands (232) Pitcairn Islands (233) Reunion (234) Russia (235) Rwanda (236) Saint Helena (237) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (238) San Marino (239) Serbia and Montenegro (240) Sierra Leone (241) Singapore (242) Slovakia (243) Somalia (244) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (245) Spratly Islands (246) Sri Lanka (247) Svalbard (248) Swaziland (249) Sweden (250) Switzerland (251) Tajikistan (252) Tokelau (253) Tromelin Island (254) Turkmenistan (255) Turks and Caicos Islands (256) Tuvalu (257) Uzbekistan (258) Vanuatu (259) Virgin Islands (260) Wake Island (261) Wallis and Futuna (262) West Bank (263) Western Sahara (264) World (265) Zaire (266) Agriculture Country % in GDP ________ _______ 80 Brunei (1) 65 Burma (2) 58 Tanzania (3) 57 Uganda (4) 55 Albania (5) 50 Western Samoa (6) 50 Mozambique (7) 50 Mali (8) 50 Lesotho (9) 50 Ghana (10) 50 Equatorial Guinea (11) 50 Burundi (12) 49 Togo (13) 45 Guinea-Bissau (14) 45 Ethiopia (15) 45 Chad (16) 40 Tonga (17) 40 Niger (18) 40 Moldova (19) 40 Malawi (20) 40 Liberia (21) 40 Guinea (22) 40 Comoros (23) 40 Burkina (24) 36 Vietnam (25) 35 Sudan (26) 35 Nigeria (27) 35 Mongolia (28) 35 Benin (29) 34 India (30) 33 Cote d'Ivoire (31) 33 Bangladesh (32) 31 Solomon Islands (33) 31 Madagascar (34) 30 Syria (35) 30 The Gambia (36) 30 Dominica (37) 30 China (38) 28 Honduras (39) 28 Haiti (40) 27 Kenya (41) 27 Faroe Islands (42) 26 Yemen (43) 26 Paraguay (44) 25 Ukraine (45) 25 Sao Tome and Principe (46) 25 Papua New Guinea (47) 25 Mauritania (48) 25 Lithuania (49) 25 Korea, North (50) 25 Guyana (51) 25 Guatemala (52) 25 Cameroon (53) 25 Belarus (54) 24 Pakistan (55) 24 El Salvador (56) 23 Kiribati (57) 23 Fiji (58) 22 Philippines (59) 21 Indonesia (60) 21 Bolivia (61) 20 Zimbabwe (62) 20 Senegal (63) 20 Kazakhstan (64) 20 Iran (65) 20 Cape Verde (66) 19 Costa Rica (67) 18 Romania (68) 17 Saint Kitts and Nevis (69) 16 Turkey (70) 16 Tunisia (71) 16 Malaysia (72) 15 Suriname (73) 15 Nicaragua (74) 15 Morocco (75) 15 Iceland (76) 15 Hungary (77) 15 Dominican Republic (78) 14 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (79) 14 Saint Lucia (80) 14 Grenada (81) 14 Ecuador (82) 12 Zambia (83) 12 Uruguay (84) 12 Peru (85) 12 Greece (86) 12 Cook Islands (87) 12 Congo (88) 12 Algeria (89) 11 Thailand (90) 11 Iraq (91) 11 Brazil (92) 10 Saudi Arabia (93) 10 Panama (94) 10 Namibia (95) 10 Mauritius (96) 10 Martinique (97) 10 Ireland (98) 10 Estonia (99) 9 New Zealand (100) 9 Bosnia and Herzegovina (101) 8 Korea, South (102) 8 Jordan (103) 8 Argentina (104) 7 Poland (105) 7 Mexico (106) 7 Jamaica (107) 7 Finland (108) 7 Chile (109) 6 Venezuela (110) 6 Cyprus (111) 6 Barbados (112) 5 Spain (113) 5 South Africa (114) 5 Slovenia (115) 5 Seychelles (116) 5 Portugal (117) 5 Netherlands (118) 5 Libya (119) 5 The Bahamas (120) 5 Australia (121) 5 Antigua and Barbuda (122) 4 Taiwan (123) 4 Oman (124) 4 Montserrat (125) 4 Italy (126) 4 France (127) 4 Denmark (128) 4 Colombia (129) 3 Trinidad and Tobago (130) 3 Norway (131) 3 Malta (132) 3 Luxembourg (133) 3 Canada (134) 3 Austria (135) 2 United States (136) 2 United Kingdom (137) 2 United Arab Emirates (138) 2 Qatar (139) 2 Japan (140) 2 Belgium (141) 2 Bahrain (142) 1 Puerto Rico (143) 1 Germany (144) 1 Bermuda (145) 0 Monaco (146) 0 Kuwait (147) 0 Gibraltar (148) Afghanistan American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Azerbaijan Baker Island Bassas da India Belize Bhutan Botswana Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Bulgaria Cambodia Cayman Islands Central African Republic Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gaza Strip Georgia Glorioso Islands Greenland Guadeloupe Guam Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Hong Kong Howland Island Indian Ocean Israel Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Liechtenstein Macau Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Maldives Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Nauru Navassa Island Nepal Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Pitcairn Islands Reunion Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Pierre and Miquelon San Marino Serbia and Montenegro Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Somalia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Sri Lanka Svalbard Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Tokelau Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Virgin Islands Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara World Zaire ECONAID Economic Aid title $Economic aid Country (- recipient) ________ _______ -701000000 Kazakhstan (1) -135000000 Russia (2) -48120000 India (3) -31100000 Egypt (4) -30688000 Indonesia (5) -24165000 Turkey (6) -22269650 American Samoa (7) -21000000 Israel (8) -19486600 Morocco (9) -19210000 Cuba (10) -14800000 Reunion (11) -12744000 Jordan (12) -11628000 Philippines (13) -10910000 Mexico (14) -10858000 Tanzania (15) -10478000 Burundi (16) -10288000 Sudan (17) -10193000 Zambia (18) -10100000 Martinique (19) -9869000 Bahrain (20) -9489000 Thailand (21) -9020000 Guatemala (22) -9000000 Hungary (23) -8486000 Kenya (24) -8298000 Zaire (25) -8239000 Guadeloupe (26) -7989000 Yemen (27) -7500000 Pakistan (28) -7200000 Algeria (29) -6900000 Korea, South (30) -6665000 Senegal (31) -6638000 Sri Lanka (32) -6577000 Peru (33) -6557600 Papua New Guinea (34) -6118000 Argentina (35) -5912000 Ethiopia (36) -5905000 Nigeria (37) -5875000 Somalia (38) -5677000 Mozambique (39) -5556000 Cote d'Ivoire (40) -5383000 Cameroon (41) -5299000 Colombia (42) -5100000 Taiwan (43) -4918170 Bangladesh (44) -4550000 Iraq (45) -4482000 Burma (46) -4200000 Syria (47) -4185000 New Caledonia (48) -4110000 Niger (49) -4094200 Brazil (50) -4000000 Suriname (51) -3950000 French Polynesia (52) -3825000 Cambodia (53) -3752000 Madagascar (54) -3725000 El Salvador (55) -3651000 Iran (56) -3651000 Mali (57) -3420000 Angola (58) -3355000 Bolivia (59) -3307000 Burkina (60) -3239000 Ghana (61) -3000000 Portugal (62) -2952000 Ecuador (63) -2916000 Congo (64) -2850000 Nepal (65) -2800000 Jamaica (66) -2652000 Palau (67) -2650000 Vietnam (68) -2507000 Chile (69) -2500000 Honduras (70) -2445000 Spain (71) -2437000 Gabon (72) -2365000 Malawi (73) -2362000 Costa Rica (74) -2302000 Rwanda (75) -2258000 Guinea (76) -2255000 Mauritania (77) -2228000 Togo (78) -2093700 Laos (79) -2001000 Nicaragua (80) -1915000 Greece (81) -1876000 Tunisia (82) -1806000 Chad (83) -1774000 Uganda (84) -1696000 Central African Republic (85) -1637000 Liberia (86) -1590000 Singapore (87) -1534000 Uzbekistan (88) -1510000 French Guiana (89) -1470000 Haiti (90) -1466000 Benin (91) -1400000 Korea, North (92) -1323000 Djibouti (93) -1300000 Micronesia, Federated States of (94) -1272000 Paraguay (95) -1230000 Dominican Republic (96) -1128000 Sierra Leone (97) -1125400 Lesotho (98) -1102000 Panama (99) -1082000 Oman (100) -1075000 Hong Kong (101) -891000 Trinidad and Tobago (102) -839000 Mauritius (103) -815000 Fiji (104) -804000 Tajikistan (105) -802500 Gibraltar (106) -773000 Guinea-Bissau (107) -727000 Cape Verde (108) -700000 Bulgaria (109) -683000 Guyana (110) -667000 The Gambia (111) -632000 Malta (112) -628000 Cyprus (113) -606000 Vanuatu (114) -594000 Uruguay (115) -513000 Netherlands Antilles (116) -500000 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (117) -498000 Venezuela (118) -485000 Comoros (119) -480000 Kyrgyzstan (120) -450000 Afghanistan (121) -406000 Seychelles (122) -402000 Mayotte (123) -395000 Moldova (124) -346000 The Bahamas (125) -328000 Western Samoa (126) -319000 Belize (127) -311000 Bermuda (128) -303000 Albania (129) -274000 Tonga (130) -273000 Kiribati (131) -250000 Solomon Islands (132) -242000 Libya (133) -220000 Aruba (134) -216700 Malaysia (135) -200000 Turkmenistan (136) -199000 Equatorial Guinea (137) -192000 Croatia (138) -186000 Barbados (139) -173600 Brunei (140) -167000 Maldives (141) -162000 Grenada (142) -160000 Georgia (143) -135000 Cook Islands (144) -130000 Faroe Islands (145) -126000 Bhutan (146) -120000 Dominica (147) -120000 Saint Lucia (148) -118000 Wallis and Futuna (149) -110000 Turks and Caicos Islands (150) -102000 Tuvalu (151) -97000 Sao Tome and Principe (152) -92000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (153) -90000 Montserrat (154) -87000 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (155) -87000 Swaziland (156) -85800 Botswana (157) -84000 Pitcairn Islands (158) -77700 Saint Kitts and Nevis (159) -62000 Niue (160) -61700 Cayman Islands (161) -60000 Antigua and Barbuda (162) -47200 Namibia (163) -42000 Virgin Islands (164) -40000 Marshall Islands (165) -38000 Anguilla (166) -24000 Tokelau (167) -19100 Iceland (168) -13500 Saint Helena (169) -10000 Estonia (170) -10000 Lithuania (171) -10000 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (172) -2000 Nauru (173) 90000 Ireland (174) 526000 New Zealand (175) 2400000 Austria (176) 2700000 Finland (177) 2700000 Qatar (178) 3200000 United Kingdom (179) 3500000 Switzerland (180) 4200000 Slovakia (181) 4400000 Norway (182) 5800000 Belgium (183) 5900000 Denmark (184) 7200000 Canada (185) 9100000 United Arab Emirates (186) 10200000 Poland (187) 10300000 Sweden (188) 10400000 Australia (189) 18300000 Kuwait (190) 19400000 Netherlands (191) 20720700 China (192) 25900000 Italy (193) 64799996 Saudi Arabia (194) 75100000 France (195) 79500000 Germany (196) 115700000 United States (197) 141900000 Japan (198) Andorra (199) Antarctica (200) Arctic Ocean (201) Armenia (202) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (203) Atlantic Ocean (204) Azerbaijan (205) Baker Island (206) Bassas da India (207) Belarus (208) Bosnia and Herzegovina (209) Bouvet Island (210) British Indian Ocean Territory (211) British Virgin Islands (212) Christmas Island (213) Clipperton Island (214) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (215) Coral Sea Islands (216) Czech Republic (217) Eritrea (218) Europa Island (219) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (220) Gaza Strip (221) Glorioso Islands (222) Greenland (223) Guam (224) Guernsey (225) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (226) Holy See (Vatican City) (227) Howland Island (228) Indian Ocean (229) Jan Mayen (230) Jarvis Island (231) Jersey (232) Johnston Atoll (233) Juan de Nova Island (234) Kingman Reef (235) Latvia (236) Lebanon (237) Liechtenstein (238) Luxembourg (239) Macau (240) Man, Isle of (241) Midway Islands (242) Monaco (243) Mongolia (244) Navassa Island (245) Norfolk Island (246) Northern Mariana Islands (247) Pacific Ocean (248) Palmyra Atoll (249) Paracel Islands (250) Puerto Rico (251) Romania (252) San Marino (253) Serbia and Montenegro (254) Slovenia (255) South Africa (256) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (257) Spratly Islands (258) Svalbard (259) Tromelin Island (260) Ukraine (261) Wake Island (262) West Bank (263) Western Sahara (264) World (265) Zimbabwe (266) o"o"Economic aid Country (- recipient) ________ _______ 141900000 Japan (1) 115700000 United States (2) 79500000 Germany (3) 75100000 France (4) 64799996 Saudi Arabia (5) 25900000 Italy (6) 20720700 China (7) 19400000 Netherlands (8) 18300000 Kuwait (9) 10400000 Australia (10) 10300000 Sweden (11) 10200000 Poland (12) 9100000 United Arab Emirates (13) 7200000 Canada (14) 5900000 Denmark (15) 5800000 Belgium (16) 4400000 Norway (17) 4200000 Slovakia (18) 3500000 Switzerland (19) 3200000 United Kingdom (20) 2700000 Qatar (21) 2700000 Finland (22) 2400000 Austria (23) 526000 New Zealand (24) 90000 Ireland (25) -2000 Nauru (26) -10000 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (27) -10000 Lithuania (28) -10000 Estonia (29) -13500 Saint Helena (30) -19100 Iceland (31) -24000 Tokelau (32) -38000 Anguilla (33) -40000 Marshall Islands (34) -42000 Virgin Islands (35) -47200 Namibia (36) -60000 Antigua and Barbuda (37) -61700 Cayman Islands (38) -62000 Niue (39) -77700 Saint Kitts and Nevis (40) -84000 Pitcairn Islands (41) -85800 Botswana (42) -87000 Swaziland (43) -87000 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (44) -90000 Montserrat (45) -92000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (46) -97000 Sao Tome and Principe (47) -102000 Tuvalu (48) -110000 Turks and Caicos Islands (49) -118000 Wallis and Futuna (50) -120000 Saint Lucia (51) -120000 Dominica (52) -126000 Bhutan (53) -130000 Faroe Islands (54) -135000 Cook Islands (55) -160000 Georgia (56) -162000 Grenada (57) -167000 Maldives (58) -173600 Brunei (59) -186000 Barbados (60) -192000 Croatia (61) -199000 Equatorial Guinea (62) -200000 Turkmenistan (63) -216700 Malaysia (64) -220000 Aruba (65) -242000 Libya (66) -250000 Solomon Islands (67) -273000 Kiribati (68) -274000 Tonga (69) -303000 Albania (70) -311000 Bermuda (71) -319000 Belize (72) -328000 Western Samoa (73) -346000 The Bahamas (74) -395000 Moldova (75) -402000 Mayotte (76) -406000 Seychelles (77) -450000 Afghanistan (78) -480000 Kyrgyzstan (79) -485000 Comoros (80) -498000 Venezuela (81) -500000 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (82) -513000 Netherlands Antilles (83) -594000 Uruguay (84) -606000 Vanuatu (85) -628000 Cyprus (86) -632000 Malta (87) -667000 The Gambia (88) -683000 Guyana (89) -700000 Bulgaria (90) -727000 Cape Verde (91) -773000 Guinea-Bissau (92) -802500 Gibraltar (93) -804000 Tajikistan (94) -815000 Fiji (95) -839000 Mauritius (96) -891000 Trinidad and Tobago (97) -1075000 Hong Kong (98) -1082000 Oman (99) -1102000 Panama (100) -1125400 Lesotho (101) -1128000 Sierra Leone (102) -1230000 Dominican Republic (103) -1272000 Paraguay (104) -1300000 Micronesia, Federated States of (105) -1323000 Djibouti (106) -1400000 Korea, North (107) -1466000 Benin (108) -1470000 Haiti (109) -1510000 French Guiana (110) -1534000 Uzbekistan (111) -1590000 Singapore (112) -1637000 Liberia (113) -1696000 Central African Republic (114) -1774000 Uganda (115) -1806000 Chad (116) -1876000 Tunisia (117) -1915000 Greece (118) -2001000 Nicaragua (119) -2093700 Laos (120) -2228000 Togo (121) -2255000 Mauritania (122) -2258000 Guinea (123) -2302000 Rwanda (124) -2362000 Costa Rica (125) -2365000 Malawi (126) -2437000 Gabon (127) -2445000 Spain (128) -2500000 Honduras (129) -2507000 Chile (130) -2650000 Vietnam (131) -2652000 Palau (132) -2800000 Jamaica (133) -2850000 Nepal (134) -2916000 Congo (135) -2952000 Ecuador (136) -3000000 Portugal (137) -3239000 Ghana (138) -3307000 Burkina (139) -3355000 Bolivia (140) -3420000 Angola (141) -3651000 Mali (142) -3651000 Iran (143) -3725000 El Salvador (144) -3752000 Madagascar (145) -3825000 Cambodia (146) -3950000 French Polynesia (147) -4000000 Suriname (148) -4094200 Brazil (149) -4110000 Niger (150) -4185000 New Caledonia (151) -4200000 Syria (152) -4482000 Burma (153) -4550000 Iraq (154) -4918170 Bangladesh (155) -5100000 Taiwan (156) -5299000 Colombia (157) -5383000 Cameroon (158) -5556000 Cote d'Ivoire (159) -5677000 Mozambique (160) -5875000 Somalia (161) -5905000 Nigeria (162) -5912000 Ethiopia (163) -6118000 Argentina (164) -6557600 Papua New Guinea (165) -6577000 Peru (166) -6638000 Sri Lanka (167) -6665000 Senegal (168) -6900000 Korea, South (169) -7200000 Algeria (170) -7500000 Pakistan (171) -7989000 Yemen (172) -8239000 Guadeloupe (173) -8298000 Zaire (174) -8486000 Kenya (175) -9000000 Hungary (176) -9020000 Guatemala (177) -9489000 Thailand (178) -9869000 Bahrain (179) -10100000 Martinique (180) -10193000 Zambia (181) -10288000 Sudan (182) -10478000 Burundi (183) -10858000 Tanzania (184) -10910000 Mexico (185) -11628000 Philippines (186) -12744000 Jordan (187) -14800000 Reunion (188) -19210000 Cuba (189) -19486600 Morocco (190) -21000000 Israel (191) -22269650 American Samoa (192) -24165000 Turkey (193) -30688000 Indonesia (194) -31100000 Egypt (195) -48120000 India (196) -135000000 Russia (197) -701000000 Kazakhstan (198) Andorra Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Azerbaijan Baker Island Bassas da India Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Czech Republic Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Greenland Guam Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City) Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Latvia Lebanon Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macau Man, Isle of Midway Islands Monaco Mongolia Navassa Island Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Puerto Rico Romania San Marino Serbia and Montenegro Slovenia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tromelin Island Ukraine Wake Island West Bank Western Sahara World Zimbabwe AIRPRTS Airports title Airports Country _______ _______ 0 Andorra (1) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (2) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (3) 0 Liechtenstein (4) 0 Macau (5) 0 Pitcairn Islands (6) 0 San Marino (7) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (8) 0 Tokelau (9) 1 Baker Island (10) 1 Barbados (11) 1 Bermuda (12) 1 British Indian Ocean Territory (13) 1 Christmas Island (14) 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (15) 1 Europa Island (16) 1 Faroe Islands (17) 1 The Gambia (18) 1 Gaza Strip (19) 1 Gibraltar (20) 1 Glorioso Islands (21) 1 Jan Mayen (22) 1 Jersey (23) 1 Johnston Atoll (24) 1 Juan de Nova Island (25) 1 Malta (26) 1 Man, Isle of (27) 1 Mayotte (28) 1 Montserrat (29) 1 Nauru (30) 1 Niue (31) 1 Norfolk Island (32) 1 Palmyra Atoll (33) 1 Paracel Islands (34) 1 Saint Helena (35) 1 Tromelin Island (36) 1 Tuvalu (37) 1 Wake Island (38) 2 Aruba (39) 2 Bhutan (40) 2 Dominica (41) 2 Guernsey (42) 2 Luxembourg (43) 2 Maldives (44) 2 Martinique (45) 2 Reunion (46) 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (47) 2 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (48) 2 Sao Tome and Principe (49) 2 Virgin Islands (50) 2 Wallis and Futuna (51) 2 West Bank (52) 3 Anguilla (53) 3 Antigua and Barbuda (54) 3 British Virgin Islands (55) 3 Cayman Islands (56) 3 Equatorial Guinea (57) 3 Grenada (58) 3 Hong Kong (59) 3 Midway Islands (60) 3 Palau (61) 3 Saint Lucia (62) 3 Western Samoa (63) 4 American Samoa (64) 4 Bahrain (65) 4 Burundi (66) 4 Comoros (67) 4 Spratly Islands (68) 4 Svalbard (69) 5 Brunei (70) 5 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (71) 5 Guam (72) 5 Mauritius (73) 5 Netherlands Antilles (74) 6 Cape Verde (75) 6 Micronesia, Federated States of (76) 6 Qatar (77) 6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (78) 6 Tonga (79) 6 Trinidad and Tobago (80) 7 Benin (81) 7 Cook Islands (82) 7 Rwanda (83) 7 Turks and Caicos Islands (84) 8 Kuwait (85) 8 Northern Mariana Islands (86) 9 Guadeloupe (87) 9 Lebanon (88) 9 Togo (89) 10 Greenland (90) 10 Singapore (91) 11 Albania (92) 11 Armenia (93) 11 French Guiana (94) 11 Sierra Leone (95) 12 Ghana (96) 13 Djibouti (97) 14 Haiti (98) 14 Seychelles (99) 14 Slovenia (100) 14 Sri Lanka (101) 14 Western Sahara (102) 15 Cyprus (103) 15 Guinea (104) 16 Bangladesh (105) 16 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (106) 16 Marshall Islands (107) 17 Jordan (108) 18 Swaziland (109) 20 Eritrea (110) 21 Kiribati (111) 22 Cambodia (112) 22 Estonia (113) 23 Fiji (114) 24 Senegal (115) 26 Moldova (116) 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina (117) 28 Georgia (118) 28 Mauritania (119) 29 Lesotho (120) 29 Netherlands (121) 29 Niger (122) 29 Uganda (123) 31 Puerto Rico (124) 31 Solomon Islands (125) 31 Tunisia (126) 31 Vanuatu (127) 32 Guinea-Bissau (128) 33 Mali (129) 34 Mongolia (130) 36 Dominican Republic (131) 36 New Caledonia (132) 37 Slovakia (133) 40 Cote d'Ivoire (134) 41 Congo (135) 41 Jamaica (136) 41 United Arab Emirates (137) 41 Taiwan (138) 42 Antarctica (139) 43 Belgium (140) 43 French Polynesia (141) 44 Ireland (142) 44 Nepal (143) 46 Belize (144) 46 Suriname (145) 46 Yemen (146) 47 Malawi (147) 48 Afghanistan (148) 48 Burkina (149) 48 Vietnam (150) 49 Korea, North (151) 50 Latvia (152) 52 Laos (153) 54 Guyana (154) 54 Kyrgyzstan (155) 54 Serbia and Montenegro (156) 55 Austria (157) 57 Israel (158) 59 Liberia (159) 59 Tajikistan (160) 60 The Bahamas (161) 60 Cameroon (162) 61 Central African Republic (163) 64 Turkmenistan (164) 65 Portugal (165) 66 Chad (166) 69 Azerbaijan (167) 69 Gabon (168) 69 Switzerland (169) 70 Sudan (170) 74 Morocco (171) 76 Croatia (172) 76 Somalia (173) 78 Hungary (174) 79 Greece (175) 80 Burma (176) 80 Nigeria (177) 85 Uruguay (178) 90 Iceland (179) 91 Egypt (180) 96 Lithuania (181) 98 Ethiopia (182) 100 Botswana (183) 102 New Zealand (184) 104 Norway (185) 105 Thailand (186) 106 El Salvador (187) 106 Spain (188) 107 Syria (189) 108 Tanzania (190) 113 Zambia (191) 114 Korea, South (192) 115 Malaysia (193) 115 Panama (194) 116 Czech Republic (195) 116 Turkey (196) 118 Belarus (197) 118 Denmark (198) 119 Pakistan (199) 121 Iraq (200) 134 Poland (201) 135 Namibia (202) 138 Italy (203) 138 Madagascar (204) 139 Algeria (205) 140 Oman (206) 146 Libya (207) 156 Romania (208) 159 Finland (209) 159 Honduras (210) 174 Costa Rica (211) 175 Ecuador (212) 175 Japan (213) 181 Cuba (214) 192 Mozambique (215) 198 Nicaragua (216) 204 China (217) 211 Saudi Arabia (218) 236 Peru (219) 246 Kenya (220) 253 Sweden (221) 261 Iran (222) 261 Uzbekistan (223) 269 Philippines (224) 270 Zaire (225) 289 Angola (226) 352 India (227) 352 Kazakhstan (228) 355 Bulgaria (229) 390 Chile (230) 431 Venezuela (231) 450 Indonesia (232) 471 Zimbabwe (233) 476 France (234) 480 Australia (235) 505 Papua New Guinea (236) 505 United Kingdom (237) 528 Guatemala (238) 660 Germany (239) 706 Ukraine (240) 853 South Africa (241) 929 Paraguay (242) 1307 Colombia (243) 1382 Bolivia (244) 1386 Canada (245) 1602 Argentina (246) 1937 Howland Island (247) 1937 Kingman Reef (248) 2055 Mexico (249) 2517 Russia (250) 3467 Brazil (251) 15032 United States (252) Arctic Ocean (253) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (254) Atlantic Ocean (255) Bassas da India (256) Bouvet Island (257) Clipperton Island (258) Coral Sea Islands (259) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (260) Indian Ocean (261) Jarvis Island (262) Monaco (263) Navassa Island (264) Pacific Ocean (265) World (266) Airports Country _______ _______ 15032 United States (1) 3467 Brazil (2) 2517 Russia (3) 2055 Mexico (4) 1937 Kingman Reef (5) 1937 Howland Island (6) 1602 Argentina (7) 1386 Canada (8) 1382 Bolivia (9) 1307 Colombia (10) 929 Paraguay (11) 853 South Africa (12) 706 Ukraine (13) 660 Germany (14) 528 Guatemala (15) 505 United Kingdom (16) 505 Papua New Guinea (17) 480 Australia (18) 476 France (19) 471 Zimbabwe (20) 450 Indonesia (21) 431 Venezuela (22) 390 Chile (23) 355 Bulgaria (24) 352 Kazakhstan (25) 352 India (26) 289 Angola (27) 270 Zaire (28) 269 Philippines (29) 261 Uzbekistan (30) 261 Iran (31) 253 Sweden (32) 246 Kenya (33) 236 Peru (34) 211 Saudi Arabia (35) 204 China (36) 198 Nicaragua (37) 192 Mozambique (38) 181 Cuba (39) 175 Japan (40) 175 Ecuador (41) 174 Costa Rica (42) 159 Honduras (43) 159 Finland (44) 156 Romania (45) 146 Libya (46) 140 Oman (47) 139 Algeria (48) 138 Madagascar (49) 138 Italy (50) 135 Namibia (51) 134 Poland (52) 121 Iraq (53) 119 Pakistan (54) 118 Denmark (55) 118 Belarus (56) 116 Turkey (57) 116 Czech Republic (58) 115 Panama (59) 115 Malaysia (60) 114 Korea, South (61) 113 Zambia (62) 108 Tanzania (63) 107 Syria (64) 106 Spain (65) 106 El Salvador (66) 105 Thailand (67) 104 Norway (68) 102 New Zealand (69) 100 Botswana (70) 98 Ethiopia (71) 96 Lithuania (72) 91 Egypt (73) 90 Iceland (74) 85 Uruguay (75) 80 Nigeria (76) 80 Burma (77) 79 Greece (78) 78 Hungary (79) 76 Somalia (80) 76 Croatia (81) 74 Morocco (82) 70 Sudan (83) 69 Switzerland (84) 69 Gabon (85) 69 Azerbaijan (86) 66 Chad (87) 65 Portugal (88) 64 Turkmenistan (89) 61 Central African Republic (90) 60 Cameroon (91) 60 The Bahamas (92) 59 Tajikistan (93) 59 Liberia (94) 57 Israel (95) 55 Austria (96) 54 Serbia and Montenegro (97) 54 Kyrgyzstan (98) 54 Guyana (99) 52 Laos (100) 50 Latvia (101) 49 Korea, North (102) 48 Vietnam (103) 48 Burkina (104) 48 Afghanistan (105) 47 Malawi (106) 46 Yemen (107) 46 Suriname (108) 46 Belize (109) 44 Nepal (110) 44 Ireland (111) 43 French Polynesia (112) 43 Belgium (113) 42 Antarctica (114) 41 Taiwan (115) 41 United Arab Emirates (116) 41 Jamaica (117) 41 Congo (118) 40 Cote d'Ivoire (119) 37 Slovakia (120) 36 New Caledonia (121) 36 Dominican Republic (122) 34 Mongolia (123) 33 Mali (124) 32 Guinea-Bissau (125) 31 Vanuatu (126) 31 Tunisia (127) 31 Solomon Islands (128) 31 Puerto Rico (129) 29 Uganda (130) 29 Niger (131) 29 Netherlands (132) 29 Lesotho (133) 28 Mauritania (134) 28 Georgia (135) 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina (136) 26 Moldova (137) 24 Senegal (138) 23 Fiji (139) 22 Estonia (140) 22 Cambodia (141) 21 Kiribati (142) 20 Eritrea (143) 18 Swaziland (144) 17 Jordan (145) 16 Marshall Islands (146) 16 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (147) 16 Bangladesh (148) 15 Guinea (149) 15 Cyprus (150) 14 Western Sahara (151) 14 Sri Lanka (152) 14 Slovenia (153) 14 Seychelles (154) 14 Haiti (155) 13 Djibouti (156) 12 Ghana (157) 11 Sierra Leone (158) 11 French Guiana (159) 11 Armenia (160) 11 Albania (161) 10 Singapore (162) 10 Greenland (163) 9 Togo (164) 9 Lebanon (165) 9 Guadeloupe (166) 8 Northern Mariana Islands (167) 8 Kuwait (168) 7 Turks and Caicos Islands (169) 7 Rwanda (170) 7 Cook Islands (171) 7 Benin (172) 6 Trinidad and Tobago (173) 6 Tonga (174) 6 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (175) 6 Qatar (176) 6 Micronesia, Federated States of (177) 6 Cape Verde (178) 5 Netherlands Antilles (179) 5 Mauritius (180) 5 Guam (181) 5 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (182) 5 Brunei (183) 4 Svalbard (184) 4 Spratly Islands (185) 4 Comoros (186) 4 Burundi (187) 4 Bahrain (188) 4 American Samoa (189) 3 Western Samoa (190) 3 Saint Lucia (191) 3 Palau (192) 3 Midway Islands (193) 3 Hong Kong (194) 3 Grenada (195) 3 Equatorial Guinea (196) 3 Cayman Islands (197) 3 British Virgin Islands (198) 3 Antigua and Barbuda (199) 3 Anguilla (200) 2 West Bank (201) 2 Wallis and Futuna (202) 2 Virgin Islands (203) 2 Sao Tome and Principe (204) 2 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (205) 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (206) 2 Reunion (207) 2 Martinique (208) 2 Maldives (209) 2 Luxembourg (210) 2 Guernsey (211) 2 Dominica (212) 2 Bhutan (213) 2 Aruba (214) 1 Wake Island (215) 1 Tuvalu (216) 1 Tromelin Island (217) 1 Saint Helena (218) 1 Paracel Islands (219) 1 Palmyra Atoll (220) 1 Norfolk Island (221) 1 Niue (222) 1 Nauru (223) 1 Montserrat (224) 1 Mayotte (225) 1 Man, Isle of (226) 1 Malta (227) 1 Juan de Nova Island (228) 1 Johnston Atoll (229) 1 Jersey (230) 1 Jan Mayen (231) 1 Glorioso Islands (232) 1 Gibraltar (233) 1 Gaza Strip (234) 1 The Gambia (235) 1 Faroe Islands (236) 1 Europa Island (237) 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (238) 1 Christmas Island (239) 1 British Indian Ocean Territory (240) 1 Bermuda (241) 1 Barbados (242) 1 Baker Island (243) 0 Tokelau (244) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (245) 0 San Marino (246) 0 Pitcairn Islands (247) 0 Macau (248) 0 Liechtenstein (249) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (250) 0 French Southern and Antarctic Lands (251) 0 Andorra (252) Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Bassas da India Bouvet Island Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Indian Ocean Jarvis Island Monaco Navassa Island Pacific Ocean World Railroads title e e Railroads Country km _________ _______ 0 American Samoa (1) 0 Andorra (2) 0 Anguilla (3) 0 Aruba (4) 0 The Bahamas (5) 0 Bahrain (6) 0 Barbados (7) 0 Belize (8) 0 Bermuda (9) 0 Bhutan (10) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (11) 0 British Virgin Islands (12) 0 Burundi (13) 0 Cape Verde (14) 0 Cayman Islands (15) 0 Central African Republic (16) 0 Chad (17) 0 Christmas Island (18) 0 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (19) 0 Comoros (20) 0 Cook Islands (21) 0 Cyprus (22) 0 Dominica (23) 0 Equatorial Guinea (24) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (25) 0 Faroe Islands (26) 0 French Polynesia (27) 0 The Gambia (28) 0 Greenland (29) 0 Grenada (30) 0 Guam (31) 0 Guernsey (32) 0 Guinea-Bissau (33) 0 Iceland (34) 0 Jersey (35) 0 Johnston Atoll (36) 0 Kiribati (37) 0 Kuwait (38) 0 Laos (39) 0 Macau (40) 0 Maldives (41) 0 Malta (42) 0 Marshall Islands (43) 0 Martinique (44) 0 Mauritius (45) 0 Mayotte (46) 0 Micronesia, Federated States of (47) 0 Midway Islands (48) 0 Montserrat (49) 0 Netherlands Antilles (50) 0 New Caledonia (51) 0 Niger (52) 0 Niue (53) 0 Norfolk Island (54) 0 Northern Mariana Islands (55) 0 Oman (56) 0 Palau (57) 0 Papua New Guinea (58) 0 Pitcairn Islands (59) 0 Qatar (60) 0 Reunion (61) 0 Rwanda (62) 0 Saint Helena (63) 0 Saint Lucia (64) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (65) 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (66) 0 San Marino (67) 0 Sao Tome and Principe (68) 0 Seychelles (69) 0 Solomon Islands (70) 0 Somalia (71) 0 Svalbard (72) 0 Tokelau (73) 0 Tonga (74) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (75) 0 Tuvalu (76) 0 United Arab Emirates (77) 0 Vanuatu (78) 0 Virgin Islands (79) 0 Wake Island (80) 0 Wallis and Futuna (81) 0 West Bank (82) 0 Western Sahara (83) 0 Western Samoa (84) 0 Yemen (85) 0.862 Holy See (Vatican City) (86) 1.7 Monaco (87) 2.6 Lesotho (88) 3.9 Nauru (89) 13 Brunei (90) 18.5 Liechtenstein (91) 22 French Guiana (92) 24.6 Afghanistan (93) 35 Hong Kong (94) 38.6 Singapore (95) 40 Haiti (96) 58 Saint Kitts and Nevis (97) 60 Man, Isle of (98) 77 Antigua and Barbuda (99) 84 Sierra Leone (100) 96 Puerto Rico (101) 97 Djibouti (102) 100 Guyana (103) 101 Nepal (104) 166 Suriname (105) 222 Lebanon (106) 238 Panama (107) 271 Luxembourg (108) 297 Swaziland (109) 307 Eritrea (110) 370 Jamaica (111) 370 Kyrgyzstan (112) 376 Nicaragua (113) 480 Tajikistan (114) 490 Liberia (115) 520 Israel (116) 532 Togo (117) 542 Venezuela (118) 543 Albania (119) 578 Benin (120) 602 El Salvador (121) 620 Burkina (122) 642 Mali (123) 644 Fiji (124) 649 Gabon (125) 655 Cambodia (126) 660 Cote d'Ivoire (127) 681 Ethiopia (128) 690 Mauritania (129) 785 Honduras (130) 789 Jordan (131) 789 Malawi (132) 797 Congo (133) 800 Philippines (134) 840 Armenia (135) 888 Botswana (136) 905 Senegal (137) 922 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (138) 950 Costa Rica (139) 953 Ghana (140) 965 Ecuador (141) 970 Paraguay (142) 1019 Guatemala (143) 1020 Madagascar (144) 1021 Bosnia and Herzegovina (145) 1030 Estonia (146) 1048 Guinea (147) 1111 Cameroon (148) 1150 Moldova (149) 1201 Slovenia (150) 1273 Zambia (151) 1300 Uganda (152) 1390 Saudi Arabia (153) 1570 Georgia (154) 1655 Dominican Republic (155) 1750 Mongolia (156) 1801 Malaysia (157) 1801 Peru (158) 1893 Morocco (159) 1947 Ireland (160) 1948 Sri Lanka (161) 1998 Syria (162) 2010 Lithuania (163) 2090 Azerbaijan (164) 2120 Turkmenistan (165) 2260 Tunisia (166) 2341 Namibia (167) 2400 Latvia (168) 2457 Iraq (169) 2503 Greece (170) 2600 Tanzania (171) 2650 Kenya (172) 2699 Croatia (173) 2745 Zimbabwe (174) 2757 Netherlands (175) 2838 Denmark (176) 2892 Bangladesh (177) 3000 Uruguay (178) 3059 Vietnam (179) 3068 Portugal (180) 3189 Angola (181) 3288 Mozambique (182) 3386 Colombia (183) 3410 Belgium (184) 3460 Uzbekistan (185) 3567 Nigeria (186) 3660 Slovakia (187) 3684 Bolivia (188) 3940 Thailand (189) 3960 Serbia and Montenegro (190) 3991 Burma (191) 4026 Norway (192) 4294 Bulgaria (193) 4600 Taiwan (194) 4716 New Zealand (195) 4733 Algeria (196) 4850 Iran (197) 4895 Egypt (198) 4915 Korea, North (199) 5138 Zaire (200) 5516 Sudan (201) 5570 Belarus (202) 5624 Austria (203) 5763 Switzerland (204) 5864 Finland (205) 6763 Korea, South (206) 6964 Indonesia (207) 7766 Chile (208) 7785 Hungary (209) 8773 Pakistan (210) 9434 Czech Republic (211) 10413 Turkey (212) 11365 Romania (213) 12000 Sweden (214) 12623 Cuba (215) 14400 Spain (216) 14460 Kazakhstan (217) 16888 United Kingdom (218) 19503 Italy (219) 20638 South Africa (220) 23350 Ukraine (221) 24500 Mexico (222) 25528 Poland (223) 27327 Japan (224) 30612 Brazil (225) 34074 France (226) 34572 Argentina (227) 40478 Australia (228) 43457 Germany (229) 62211 India (230) 65780 China (231) 78148 Canada (232) 154000 Russia (233) 240000 United States (234) 1201337 World (235) Antarctica (236) Arctic Ocean (237) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (238) Atlantic Ocean (239) Baker Island (240) Bassas da India (241) Bouvet Island (242) Clipperton Island (243) Coral Sea Islands (244) Europa Island (245) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (246) Gaza Strip (247) Gibraltar (248) Glorioso Islands (249) Guadeloupe (250) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (251) Howland Island (252) Indian Ocean (253) Jan Mayen (254) Jarvis Island (255) Juan de Nova Island (256) Kingman Reef (257) Libya (258) Navassa Island (259) Pacific Ocean (260) Palmyra Atoll (261) Paracel Islands (262) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (263) Spratly Islands (264) Trinidad and Tobago (265) Tromelin Island (266) Railroads Country km _________ _______ 1201337 World (1) 240000 United States (2) 154000 Russia (3) 78148 Canada (4) 65780 China (5) 62211 India (6) 43457 Germany (7) 40478 Australia (8) 34572 Argentina (9) 34074 France (10) 30612 Brazil (11) 27327 Japan (12) 25528 Poland (13) 24500 Mexico (14) 23350 Ukraine (15) 20638 South Africa (16) 19503 Italy (17) 16888 United Kingdom (18) 14460 Kazakhstan (19) 14400 Spain (20) 12623 Cuba (21) 12000 Sweden (22) 11365 Romania (23) 10413 Turkey (24) 9434 Czech Republic (25) 8773 Pakistan (26) 7785 Hungary (27) 7766 Chile (28) 6964 Indonesia (29) 6763 Korea, South (30) 5864 Finland (31) 5763 Switzerland (32) 5624 Austria (33) 5570 Belarus (34) 5516 Sudan (35) 5138 Zaire (36) 4915 Korea, North (37) 4895 Egypt (38) 4850 Iran (39) 4733 Algeria (40) 4716 New Zealand (41) 4600 Taiwan (42) 4294 Bulgaria (43) 4026 Norway (44) 3991 Burma (45) 3960 Serbia and Montenegro (46) 3940 Thailand (47) 3684 Bolivia (48) 3660 Slovakia (49) 3567 Nigeria (50) 3460 Uzbekistan (51) 3410 Belgium (52) 3386 Colombia (53) 3288 Mozambique (54) 3189 Angola (55) 3068 Portugal (56) 3059 Vietnam (57) 3000 Uruguay (58) 2892 Bangladesh (59) 2838 Denmark (60) 2757 Netherlands (61) 2745 Zimbabwe (62) 2699 Croatia (63) 2650 Kenya (64) 2600 Tanzania (65) 2503 Greece (66) 2457 Iraq (67) 2400 Latvia (68) 2341 Namibia (69) 2260 Tunisia (70) 2120 Turkmenistan (71) 2090 Azerbaijan (72) 2010 Lithuania (73) 1998 Syria (74) 1948 Sri Lanka (75) 1947 Ireland (76) 1893 Morocco (77) 1801 Peru (78) 1801 Malaysia (79) 1750 Mongolia (80) 1655 Dominican Republic (81) 1570 Georgia (82) 1390 Saudi Arabia (83) 1300 Uganda (84) 1273 Zambia (85) 1201 Slovenia (86) 1150 Moldova (87) 1111 Cameroon (88) 1048 Guinea (89) 1030 Estonia (90) 1021 Bosnia and Herzegovina (91) 1020 Madagascar (92) 1019 Guatemala (93) 970 Paraguay (94) 965 Ecuador (95) 953 Ghana (96) 950 Costa Rica (97) 922 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (98) 905 Senegal (99) 888 Botswana (100) 840 Armenia (101) 800 Philippines (102) 797 Congo (103) 789 Malawi (104) 789 Jordan (105) 785 Honduras (106) 690 Mauritania (107) 681 Ethiopia (108) 660 Cote d'Ivoire (109) 655 Cambodia (110) 649 Gabon (111) 644 Fiji (112) 642 Mali (113) 620 Burkina (114) 602 El Salvador (115) 578 Benin (116) 543 Albania (117) 542 Venezuela (118) 532 Togo (119) 520 Israel (120) 490 Liberia (121) 480 Tajikistan (122) 376 Nicaragua (123) 370 Kyrgyzstan (124) 370 Jamaica (125) 307 Eritrea (126) 297 Swaziland (127) 271 Luxembourg (128) 238 Panama (129) 222 Lebanon (130) 166 Suriname (131) 101 Nepal (132) 100 Guyana (133) 97 Djibouti (134) 96 Puerto Rico (135) 84 Sierra Leone (136) 77 Antigua and Barbuda (137) 60 Man, Isle of (138) 58 Saint Kitts and Nevis (139) 40 Haiti (140) 38.6 Singapore (141) 35 Hong Kong (142) 24.6 Afghanistan (143) 22 French Guiana (144) 18.5 Liechtenstein (145) 13 Brunei (146) 3.9 Nauru (147) 2.6 Lesotho (148) 1.7 Monaco (149) 0.862 Holy See (Vatican City) (150) 0 Yemen (151) 0 Western Samoa (152) 0 Western Sahara (153) 0 West Bank (154) 0 Wallis and Futuna (155) 0 Wake Island (156) 0 Virgin Islands (157) 0 Vanuatu (158) 0 United Arab Emirates (159) 0 Tuvalu (160) 0 Turks and Caicos Islands (161) 0 Tonga (162) 0 Tokelau (163) 0 Svalbard (164) 0 Somalia (165) 0 Solomon Islands (166) 0 Seychelles (167) 0 Sao Tome and Principe (168) 0 San Marino (169) 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (170) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (171) 0 Saint Lucia (172) 0 Saint Helena (173) 0 Rwanda (174) 0 Reunion (175) 0 Qatar (176) 0 Pitcairn Islands (177) 0 Papua New Guinea (178) 0 Palau (179) 0 Oman (180) 0 Northern Mariana Islands (181) 0 Norfolk Island (182) 0 Niue (183) 0 Niger (184) 0 New Caledonia (185) 0 Netherlands Antilles (186) 0 Montserrat (187) 0 Midway Islands (188) 0 Micronesia, Federated States of (189) 0 Mayotte (190) 0 Mauritius (191) 0 Martinique (192) 0 Marshall Islands (193) 0 Malta (194) 0 Maldives (195) 0 Macau (196) 0 Laos (197) 0 Kuwait (198) 0 Kiribati (199) 0 Johnston Atoll (200) 0 Jersey (201) 0 Iceland (202) 0 Guinea-Bissau (203) 0 Guernsey (204) 0 Guam (205) 0 Grenada (206) 0 Greenland (207) 0 The Gambia (208) 0 French Polynesia (209) 0 Faroe Islands (210) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (211) 0 Equatorial Guinea (212) 0 Dominica (213) 0 Cyprus (214) 0 Cook Islands (215) 0 Comoros (216) 0 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (217) 0 Christmas Island (218) 0 Chad (219) 0 Central African Republic (220) 0 Cayman Islands (221) 0 Cape Verde (222) 0 Burundi (223) 0 British Virgin Islands (224) 0 British Indian Ocean Territory (225) 0 Bhutan (226) 0 Bermuda (227) 0 Belize (228) 0 Barbados (229) 0 Bahrain (230) 0 The Bahamas (231) 0 Aruba (232) 0 Anguilla (233) 0 Andorra (234) 0 American Samoa (235) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Guadeloupe Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Libya Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Trinidad and Tobago Tromelin Island Highways title Highways Country km _______ _______ 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (1) 0 Monaco (2) 6 Pitcairn Islands (3) 8 Tuvalu (4) 27 Nauru (5) 32 Midway Islands (6) 42 Macau (7) 42 Mayotte (8) 50 Gibraltar (9) 61 Palau (10) 80 Norfolk Island (11) 96 Andorra (12) 104 San Marino (13) 105 Anguilla (14) 106 British Virgin Islands (15) 120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (16) 120 Wallis and Futuna (17) 121 Turks and Caicos Islands (18) 150 Greenland (19) 160 Cayman Islands (20) 187 Cook Islands (21) 200 Faroe Islands (22) 210 Bermuda (23) 226 Micronesia, Federated States of (24) 229 Niue (25) 240 Antigua and Barbuda (26) 260 Seychelles (27) 280 Montserrat (28) 300 Saint Kitts and Nevis (29) 300 Sao Tome and Principe (30) 323 Liechtenstein (31) 350 American Samoa (32) 366 Tonga (33) 382 Northern Mariana Islands (34) 510 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (35) 600 French Polynesia (36) 640 Kiribati (37) 640 Man, Isle of (38) 674 Guam (39) 750 Comoros (40) 750 Dominica (41) 760 Saint Lucia (42) 856 Virgin Islands (43) 950 Netherlands Antilles (44) 1000 Grenada (45) 1000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (46) 1027 Vanuatu (47) 1090 Brunei (48) 1100 Cape Verde (49) 1100 Hong Kong (50) 1137 French Guiana (51) 1190 Qatar (52) 1291 Malta (53) 1300 Solomon Islands (54) 1570 Barbados (55) 1680 Martinique (56) 1800 Mauritius (57) 1940 Guadeloupe (58) 2000 United Arab Emirates (59) 2042 Western Samoa (60) 2165 Bhutan (61) 2400 The Bahamas (62) 2670 Bahrain (63) 2710 Belize (64) 2760 Equatorial Guinea (65) 2800 Reunion (66) 2853 Swaziland (67) 2883 Singapore (68) 2900 Djibouti (69) 3083 The Gambia (70) 3218 Guinea-Bissau (71) 3300 Fiji (72) 3845 Eritrea (73) 4000 Haiti (74) 4270 Kuwait (75) 4885 Rwanda (76) 5108 Luxembourg (77) 5900 Burundi (78) 6200 Western Sahara (79) 6340 New Caledonia (80) 6462 Togo (81) 7215 Lesotho (82) 7240 Bangladesh (83) 7300 Lebanon (84) 7400 Nepal (85) 7400 Sierra Leone (86) 7500 Gabon (87) 7500 Jordan (88) 7525 Mauritania (89) 7665 Guyana (90) 8000 Trinidad and Tobago (91) 8435 Benin (92) 8530 Panama (93) 8800 Suriname (94) 8950 Honduras (95) 10000 El Salvador (96) 10087 Liberia (97) 10448 Cyprus (98) 10591 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (99) 11300 Armenia (100) 11373 Iceland (101) 11514 Botswana (102) 11960 Congo (103) 12000 Dominican Republic (104) 13135 Malawi (105) 13461 Israel (106) 13762 Puerto Rico (107) 14007 Senegal (108) 14130 Laos (109) 14726 Slovenia (110) 15286 Nicaragua (111) 15700 Mali (112) 16500 Burkina (113) 17650 Slovakia (114) 18200 Jamaica (115) 18450 Albania (116) 19200 Papua New Guinea (117) 19300 Libya (118) 20000 Moldova (119) 20041 Taiwan (120) 20703 Sudan (121) 21000 Afghanistan (122) 21168 Bosnia and Herzegovina (123) 22000 Central African Republic (124) 22500 Somalia (125) 23000 Turkmenistan (126) 24127 Ethiopia (127) 26000 Oman (128) 26200 Uganda (129) 26429 Guatemala (130) 26477 Cuba (131) 26498 Mozambique (132) 27000 Burma (133) 27368 Croatia (134) 28300 Paraguay (135) 29028 Malaysia (136) 29183 Tunisia (137) 29900 Tajikistan (138) 30000 Korea, North (139) 30100 Guinea (140) 30300 Estonia (141) 30300 Kyrgyzstan (142) 31322 Chad (143) 31569 Syria (144) 32250 Ghana (145) 33900 Georgia (146) 34100 Cambodia (147) 35560 Costa Rica (148) 36370 Zambia (149) 36700 Azerbaijan (150) 36932 Bulgaria (151) 39970 Niger (152) 40000 Madagascar (153) 42815 Bolivia (154) 43709 Ecuador (155) 44200 Lithuania (156) 45550 Iraq (157) 46019 Serbia and Montenegro (158) 46600 Cote d'Ivoire (159) 46700 Mongolia (160) 47387 Egypt (161) 49900 Uruguay (162) 51390 Yemen (163) 54500 Namibia (164) 55890 Czech Republic (165) 59474 Morocco (166) 59500 Latvia (167) 63200 Korea, South (168) 64590 Kenya (169) 65000 Cameroon (170) 69942 Peru (171) 70176 Portugal (172) 71042 Denmark (173) 71118 Switzerland (174) 73828 Angola (175) 75263 Sri Lanka (176) 76755 Finland (177) 77697 Thailand (178) 78400 Uzbekistan (179) 79599 Chile (180) 81000 Venezuela (181) 81900 Tanzania (182) 85000 Vietnam (183) 85237 Zimbabwe (184) 88922 Norway (185) 92327 Ireland (186) 92648 New Zealand (187) 95576 Algeria (188) 98200 Belarus (189) 104831 Netherlands (190) 107377 Colombia (191) 107990 Nigeria (192) 110000 Austria (193) 119500 Indonesia (194) 130000 Greece (195) 135859 Sweden (196) 137912 Belgium (197) 140200 Iran (198) 146500 Zaire (199) 151530 Saudi Arabia (200) 158711 Hungary (201) 160700 Philippines (202) 177410 Pakistan (203) 188309 South Africa (204) 189000 Kazakhstan (205) 208350 Argentina (206) 242300 Mexico (207) 273700 Ukraine (208) 305388 Italy (209) 320611 Turkey (210) 331961 Spain (211) 360047 United Kingdom (212) 367000 Poland (213) 461880 Romania (214) 636282 Germany (215) 837872 Australia (216) 849404 Canada (217) 934000 Russia (218) 1029000 China (219) 1111974 Japan (220) 1511200 France (221) 1670148 Brazil (222) 1970000 India (223) 6243163 United States (224) Antarctica (225) Arctic Ocean (226) Aruba (227) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (228) Atlantic Ocean (229) Baker Island (230) Bassas da India (231) Bouvet Island (232) British Indian Ocean Territory (233) Christmas Island (234) Clipperton Island (235) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (236) Coral Sea Islands (237) Europa Island (238) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (239) Gaza Strip (240) Glorioso Islands (241) Guernsey (242) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (243) Howland Island (244) Indian Ocean (245) Jan Mayen (246) Jarvis Island (247) Jersey (248) Johnston Atoll (249) Juan de Nova Island (250) Kingman Reef (251) Maldives (252) Marshall Islands (253) Navassa Island (254) Pacific Ocean (255) Palmyra Atoll (256) Paracel Islands (257) Saint Helena (258) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (259) Spratly Islands (260) Svalbard (261) Tokelau (262) Tromelin Island (263) Wake Island (264) West Bank (265) World (266) Highways Country km _______ _______ 6243163 United States (1) 1970000 India (2) 1670148 Brazil (3) 1511200 France (4) 1111974 Japan (5) 1029000 China (6) 934000 Russia (7) 849404 Canada (8) 837872 Australia (9) 636282 Germany (10) 461880 Romania (11) 367000 Poland (12) 360047 United Kingdom (13) 331961 Spain (14) 320611 Turkey (15) 305388 Italy (16) 273700 Ukraine (17) 242300 Mexico (18) 208350 Argentina (19) 189000 Kazakhstan (20) 188309 South Africa (21) 177410 Pakistan (22) 160700 Philippines (23) 158711 Hungary (24) 151530 Saudi Arabia (25) 146500 Zaire (26) 140200 Iran (27) 137912 Belgium (28) 135859 Sweden (29) 130000 Greece (30) 119500 Indonesia (31) 110000 Austria (32) 107990 Nigeria (33) 107377 Colombia (34) 104831 Netherlands (35) 98200 Belarus (36) 95576 Algeria (37) 92648 New Zealand (38) 92327 Ireland (39) 88922 Norway (40) 85237 Zimbabwe (41) 85000 Vietnam (42) 81900 Tanzania (43) 81000 Venezuela (44) 79599 Chile (45) 78400 Uzbekistan (46) 77697 Thailand (47) 76755 Finland (48) 75263 Sri Lanka (49) 73828 Angola (50) 71118 Switzerland (51) 71042 Denmark (52) 70176 Portugal (53) 69942 Peru (54) 65000 Cameroon (55) 64590 Kenya (56) 63200 Korea, South (57) 59500 Latvia (58) 59474 Morocco (59) 55890 Czech Republic (60) 54500 Namibia (61) 51390 Yemen (62) 49900 Uruguay (63) 47387 Egypt (64) 46700 Mongolia (65) 46600 Cote d'Ivoire (66) 46019 Serbia and Montenegro (67) 45550 Iraq (68) 44200 Lithuania (69) 43709 Ecuador (70) 42815 Bolivia (71) 40000 Madagascar (72) 39970 Niger (73) 36932 Bulgaria (74) 36700 Azerbaijan (75) 36370 Zambia (76) 35560 Costa Rica (77) 34100 Cambodia (78) 33900 Georgia (79) 32250 Ghana (80) 31569 Syria (81) 31322 Chad (82) 30300 Kyrgyzstan (83) 30300 Estonia (84) 30100 Guinea (85) 30000 Korea, North (86) 29900 Tajikistan (87) 29183 Tunisia (88) 29028 Malaysia (89) 28300 Paraguay (90) 27368 Croatia (91) 27000 Burma (92) 26498 Mozambique (93) 26477 Cuba (94) 26429 Guatemala (95) 26200 Uganda (96) 26000 Oman (97) 24127 Ethiopia (98) 23000 Turkmenistan (99) 22500 Somalia (100) 22000 Central African Republic (101) 21168 Bosnia and Herzegovina (102) 21000 Afghanistan (103) 20703 Sudan (104) 20041 Taiwan (105) 20000 Moldova (106) 19300 Libya (107) 19200 Papua New Guinea (108) 18450 Albania (109) 18200 Jamaica (110) 17650 Slovakia (111) 16500 Burkina (112) 15700 Mali (113) 15286 Nicaragua (114) 14726 Slovenia (115) 14130 Laos (116) 14007 Senegal (117) 13762 Puerto Rico (118) 13461 Israel (119) 13135 Malawi (120) 12000 Dominican Republic (121) 11960 Congo (122) 11514 Botswana (123) 11373 Iceland (124) 11300 Armenia (125) 10591 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (126) 10448 Cyprus (127) 10087 Liberia (128) 10000 El Salvador (129) 8950 Honduras (130) 8800 Suriname (131) 8530 Panama (132) 8435 Benin (133) 8000 Trinidad and Tobago (134) 7665 Guyana (135) 7525 Mauritania (136) 7500 Jordan (137) 7500 Gabon (138) 7400 Sierra Leone (139) 7400 Nepal (140) 7300 Lebanon (141) 7240 Bangladesh (142) 7215 Lesotho (143) 6462 Togo (144) 6340 New Caledonia (145) 6200 Western Sahara (146) 5900 Burundi (147) 5108 Luxembourg (148) 4885 Rwanda (149) 4270 Kuwait (150) 4000 Haiti (151) 3845 Eritrea (152) 3300 Fiji (153) 3218 Guinea-Bissau (154) 3083 The Gambia (155) 2900 Djibouti (156) 2883 Singapore (157) 2853 Swaziland (158) 2800 Reunion (159) 2760 Equatorial Guinea (160) 2710 Belize (161) 2670 Bahrain (162) 2400 The Bahamas (163) 2165 Bhutan (164) 2042 Western Samoa (165) 2000 United Arab Emirates (166) 1940 Guadeloupe (167) 1800 Mauritius (168) 1680 Martinique (169) 1570 Barbados (170) 1300 Solomon Islands (171) 1291 Malta (172) 1190 Qatar (173) 1137 French Guiana (174) 1100 Hong Kong (175) 1100 Cape Verde (176) 1090 Brunei (177) 1027 Vanuatu (178) 1000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (179) 1000 Grenada (180) 950 Netherlands Antilles (181) 856 Virgin Islands (182) 760 Saint Lucia (183) 750 Dominica (184) 750 Comoros (185) 674 Guam (186) 640 Man, Isle of (187) 640 Kiribati (188) 600 French Polynesia (189) 510 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (190) 382 Northern Mariana Islands (191) 366 Tonga (192) 350 American Samoa (193) 323 Liechtenstein (194) 300 Sao Tome and Principe (195) 300 Saint Kitts and Nevis (196) 280 Montserrat (197) 260 Seychelles (198) 240 Antigua and Barbuda (199) 229 Niue (200) 226 Micronesia, Federated States of (201) 210 Bermuda (202) 200 Faroe Islands (203) 187 Cook Islands (204) 160 Cayman Islands (205) 150 Greenland (206) 121 Turks and Caicos Islands (207) 120 Wallis and Futuna (208) 120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (209) 106 British Virgin Islands (210) 105 Anguilla (211) 104 San Marino (212) 96 Andorra (213) 80 Norfolk Island (214) 61 Palau (215) 50 Gibraltar (216) 42 Mayotte (217) 42 Macau (218) 32 Midway Islands (219) 27 Nauru (220) 8 Tuvalu (221) 6 Pitcairn Islands (222) 0 Monaco (223) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (224) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Guernsey Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Maldives Marshall Islands Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Saint Helena South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Svalbard Tokelau Tromelin Island Wake Island West Bank World RADIO Number of Radio Stations title Radio Country stations ______ ___________ 0 Gaza Strip (1) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (2) 0 Wake Island (3) 1 Andorra (4) 1 British Virgin Islands (5) 1 Cambodia (6) 1 Christmas Island (7) 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (8) 1 Grenada (9) 1 Guernsey (10) 1 Jersey (11) 1 Kiribati (12) 1 Mayotte (13) 1 Nauru (14) 1 Norfolk Island (15) 1 Pitcairn Islands (16) 1 Saint Helena (17) 1 Tonga (18) 1 Tuvalu (19) 1 Wallis and Futuna (20) 1 West Bank (21) 1 Western Samoa (22) 2 American Samoa (23) 2 Bhutan (24) 2 British Indian Ocean Territory (25) 2 Central African Republic (26) 2 Cook Islands (27) 2 Equatorial Guinea (28) 2 Mauritania (29) 2 Mauritius (30) 2 Palau (31) 2 Rwanda (32) 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (33) 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (34) 2 Seychelles (35) 2 Sierra Leone (36) 2 Svalbard (37) 2 Togo (38) 2 Vanuatu (39) 2 Western Sahara (40) 3 Burkina (41) 3 Burma (42) 3 Cayman Islands (43) 3 Comoros (44) 3 Kuwait (45) 3 Maldives (46) 3 Marshall Islands (47) 3 Northern Mariana Islands (48) 3 Sao Tome and Principe (49) 3 Turks and Caicos Islands (50) 4 Anguilla (51) 4 Benin (52) 4 Burundi (53) 4 Djibouti (54) 4 Ethiopia (55) 4 Faroe Islands (56) 4 Guinea (57) 4 Mali (58) 4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (59) 4 Solomon Islands (60) 5 Afghanistan (61) 5 The Bahamas (62) 5 Bahrain (63) 5 Barbados (64) 5 Congo (65) 5 Denmark (66) 5 Dominica (67) 5 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (68) 5 The Gambia (69) 5 Ghana (70) 5 Guinea-Bissau (71) 5 Luxembourg (72) 5 Man, Isle of (73) 5 Oman (74) 5 Qatar (75) 5 Saint Lucia (76) 5 Yemen (77) 6 Antigua and Barbuda (78) 6 Guam (79) 6 Micronesia, Federated States of (80) 6 Trinidad and Tobago (81) 7 Cape Verde (82) 7 Chad (83) 7 French Polynesia (84) 7 Gibraltar (85) 7 Guyana (86) 7 Holy See (Vatican City) (87) 7 Lesotho (88) 7 Liberia (89) 7 Macau (90) 7 Martinique (91) 7 Monaco (92) 8 Aruba (93) 8 Bermuda (94) 8 Brunei (95) 8 Fiji (96) 8 Lebanon (97) 8 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (98) 8 New Caledonia (99) 8 Senegal (100) 10 Guadeloupe (101) 10 Laos (102) 10 Syria (103) 10 Uganda (104) 11 Belize (105) 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina (106) 11 Slovenia (107) 11 Sudan (108) 11 United Arab Emirates (109) 12 French Guiana (110) 12 Gabon (111) 12 Greenland (112) 12 Hong Kong (113) 12 Jordan (114) 12 Malta (115) 12 Montserrat (116) 12 Virgin Islands (117) 13 Mongolia (118) 13 Netherlands Antilles (119) 13 Swaziland (120) 14 Zaire (121) 15 Bangladesh (122) 15 Netherlands (123) 15 Tunisia (124) 16 Reunion (125) 16 Tanzania (126) 16 Zambia (127) 17 Iraq (128) 17 Romania (129) 17 Singapore (130) 17 Sri Lanka (131) 18 Albania (132) 18 Korea, North (133) 19 Cyprus (134) 19 Suriname (135) 20 Botswana (136) 20 Kenya (137) 20 Libya (138) 20 Madagascar (139) 20 Niger (140) 22 Cameroon (141) 22 Croatia (142) 26 Algeria (143) 26 Zimbabwe (144) 27 Austria (145) 27 Jamaica (146) 27 Malawi (147) 27 Morocco (148) 27 Pakistan (149) 30 Angola (150) 31 Malaysia (151) 33 Haiti (152) 33 Mozambique (153) 33 Papua New Guinea (154) 35 Bulgaria (155) 35 Serbia and Montenegro (156) 39 Lithuania (157) 40 Paraguay (158) 42 Belgium (159) 44 Namibia (160) 45 Egypt (161) 45 Nicaragua (162) 46 Greece (163) 47 Hungary (164) 52 Nigeria (165) 54 Ireland (166) 54 Israel (167) 54 Poland (168) 56 Saudi Arabia (169) 66 New Zealand (170) 71 Costa Rica (171) 71 Cote d'Ivoire (172) 77 El Salvador (173) 80 Iran (174) 88 Nepal (175) 91 Guatemala (176) 91 Panama (177) 99 Uruguay (178) 100 India (179) 109 Turkey (180) 111 Finland (181) 113 Puerto Rico (182) 114 Taiwan (183) 120 Dominican Republic (184) 123 Portugal (185) 125 Korea, South (186) 129 Bolivia (187) 152 Iceland (188) 155 Cuba (189) 159 Chile (190) 163 Italy (191) 171 Argentina (192) 176 Honduras (193) 181 Venezuela (194) 228 Vietnam (195) 272 Ecuador (196) 272 Switzerland (197) 273 Peru (198) 274 China (199) 300 South Africa (200) 300 Thailand (201) 322 Philippines (202) 325 Australia (203) 365 Sweden (204) 376 Japan (205) 413 Colombia (206) 539 Norway (207) 550 Germany (208) 596 Spain (209) 656 Indonesia (210) 679 Mexico (211) 750 United Kingdom (212) 841 France (213) 929 Canada (214) 1001 Niue (215) 1223 Brazil (216) 2100 Russia (217) 9919 United States (218) Antarctica (219) Arctic Ocean (220) Armenia (221) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (222) Atlantic Ocean (223) Azerbaijan (224) Baker Island (225) Bassas da India (226) Belarus (227) Bouvet Island (228) Clipperton Island (229) Coral Sea Islands (230) Czech Republic (231) Eritrea (232) Estonia (233) Europa Island (234) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (235) Georgia (236) Glorioso Islands (237) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (238) Howland Island (239) Indian Ocean (240) Jan Mayen (241) Jarvis Island (242) Johnston Atoll (243) Juan de Nova Island (244) Kazakhstan (245) Kingman Reef (246) Kyrgyzstan (247) Latvia (248) Liechtenstein (249) Midway Islands (250) Moldova (251) Navassa Island (252) Pacific Ocean (253) Palmyra Atoll (254) Paracel Islands (255) San Marino (256) Slovakia (257) Somalia (258) Spratly Islands (259) Tajikistan (260) Tokelau (261) Tromelin Island (262) Turkmenistan (263) Ukraine (264) Uzbekistan (265) World (266) Radio Country stations ________ _______ 9919 United States (1) 2100 Russia (2) 1223 Brazil (3) 1001 Niue (4) 929 Canada (5) 841 France (6) 750 United Kingdom (7) 679 Mexico (8) 656 Indonesia (9) 596 Spain (10) 550 Germany (11) 539 Norway (12) 413 Colombia (13) 376 Japan (14) 365 Sweden (15) 325 Australia (16) 322 Philippines (17) 300 Thailand (18) 300 South Africa (19) 274 China (20) 273 Peru (21) 272 Switzerland (22) 272 Ecuador (23) 228 Vietnam (24) 181 Venezuela (25) 176 Honduras (26) 171 Argentina (27) 163 Italy (28) 159 Chile (29) 155 Cuba (30) 152 Iceland (31) 129 Bolivia (32) 125 Korea, South (33) 123 Portugal (34) 120 Dominican Republic (35) 114 Taiwan (36) 113 Puerto Rico (37) 111 Finland (38) 109 Turkey (39) 100 India (40) 99 Uruguay (41) 91 Panama (42) 91 Guatemala (43) 88 Nepal (44) 80 Iran (45) 77 El Salvador (46) 71 Cote d'Ivoire (47) 71 Costa Rica (48) 66 New Zealand (49) 56 Saudi Arabia (50) 54 Poland (51) 54 Israel (52) 54 Ireland (53) 52 Nigeria (54) 47 Hungary (55) 46 Greece (56) 45 Nicaragua (57) 45 Egypt (58) 44 Namibia (59) 42 Belgium (60) 40 Paraguay (61) 39 Lithuania (62) 35 Serbia and Montenegro (63) 35 Bulgaria (64) 33 Papua New Guinea (65) 33 Mozambique (66) 33 Haiti (67) 31 Malaysia (68) 30 Angola (69) 27 Pakistan (70) 27 Morocco (71) 27 Malawi (72) 27 Jamaica (73) 27 Austria (74) 26 Zimbabwe (75) 26 Algeria (76) 22 Croatia (77) 22 Cameroon (78) 20 Niger (79) 20 Madagascar (80) 20 Libya (81) 20 Kenya (82) 20 Botswana (83) 19 Suriname (84) 19 Cyprus (85) 18 Korea, North (86) 18 Albania (87) 17 Sri Lanka (88) 17 Singapore (89) 17 Romania (90) 17 Iraq (91) 16 Zambia (92) 16 Tanzania (93) 16 Reunion (94) 15 Tunisia (95) 15 Netherlands (96) 15 Bangladesh (97) 14 Zaire (98) 13 Swaziland (99) 13 Netherlands Antilles (100) 13 Mongolia (101) 12 Virgin Islands (102) 12 Montserrat (103) 12 Malta (104) 12 Jordan (105) 12 Hong Kong (106) 12 Greenland (107) 12 Gabon (108) 12 French Guiana (109) 11 United Arab Emirates (110) 11 Sudan (111) 11 Slovenia (112) 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina (113) 11 Belize (114) 10 Uganda (115) 10 Syria (116) 10 Laos (117) 10 Guadeloupe (118) 8 Senegal (119) 8 New Caledonia (120) 8 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (121) 8 Lebanon (122) 8 Fiji (123) 8 Brunei (124) 8 Bermuda (125) 8 Aruba (126) 7 Monaco (127) 7 Martinique (128) 7 Macau (129) 7 Liberia (130) 7 Lesotho (131) 7 Holy See (Vatican City) (132) 7 Guyana (133) 7 Gibraltar (134) 7 French Polynesia (135) 7 Chad (136) 7 Cape Verde (137) 6 Trinidad and Tobago (138) 6 Micronesia, Federated States of (139) 6 Guam (140) 6 Antigua and Barbuda (141) 5 Yemen (142) 5 Saint Lucia (143) 5 Qatar (144) 5 Oman (145) 5 Man, Isle of (146) 5 Luxembourg (147) 5 Guinea-Bissau (148) 5 Ghana (149) 5 The Gambia (150) 5 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (151) 5 Dominica (152) 5 Denmark (153) 5 Congo (154) 5 Barbados (155) 5 Bahrain (156) 5 The Bahamas (157) 5 Afghanistan (158) 4 Solomon Islands (159) 4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (160) 4 Mali (161) 4 Guinea (162) 4 Faroe Islands (163) 4 Ethiopia (164) 4 Djibouti (165) 4 Burundi (166) 4 Benin (167) 4 Anguilla (168) 3 Turks and Caicos Islands (169) 3 Sao Tome and Principe (170) 3 Northern Mariana Islands (171) 3 Marshall Islands (172) 3 Maldives (173) 3 Kuwait (174) 3 Comoros (175) 3 Cayman Islands (176) 3 Burma (177) 3 Burkina (178) 2 Western Sahara (179) 2 Vanuatu (180) 2 Togo (181) 2 Svalbard (182) 2 Sierra Leone (183) 2 Seychelles (184) 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (185) 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis (186) 2 Rwanda (187) 2 Palau (188) 2 Mauritius (189) 2 Mauritania (190) 2 Equatorial Guinea (191) 2 Cook Islands (192) 2 Central African Republic (193) 2 British Indian Ocean Territory (194) 2 Bhutan (195) 2 American Samoa (196) 1 Western Samoa (197) 1 West Bank (198) 1 Wallis and Futuna (199) 1 Tuvalu (200) 1 Tonga (201) 1 Saint Helena (202) 1 Pitcairn Islands (203) 1 Norfolk Island (204) 1 Nauru (205) 1 Mayotte (206) 1 Kiribati (207) 1 Jersey (208) 1 Guernsey (209) 1 Grenada (210) 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (211) 1 Christmas Island (212) 1 Cambodia (213) 1 British Virgin Islands (214) 1 Andorra (215) 0 Wake Island (216) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (217) 0 Gaza Strip (218) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Azerbaijan Baker Island Bassas da India Belarus Bouvet Island Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Czech Republic Eritrea Estonia Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Georgia Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kazakhstan Kingman Reef Kyrgyzstan Latvia Liechtenstein Midway Islands Moldova Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands San Marino Slovakia Somalia Spratly Islands Tajikistan Tokelau Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan World Number of Telephones title h!h!Telephones Country _______ _______ 24 Pitcairn Islands (1) 108 Tuvalu (2) 225 Wallis and Futuna (3) 383 Niue (4) 450 Mayotte (5) 550 Saint Helena (6) 570 Marshall Islands (7) 590 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (8) 890 Anguilla (9) 960 Micronesia, Federated States of (10) 987 Norfolk Island (11) 1400 Kiribati (12) 1446 Turks and Caicos Islands (13) 1600 Nauru (14) 1700 Cape Verde (15) 1800 Comoros (16) 2000 Equatorial Guinea (17) 2000 Holy See (Vatican City) (18) 2000 Western Sahara (19) 2052 Cook Islands (20) 2400 Saint Kitts and Nevis (21) 2804 Maldives (22) 3000 British Virgin Islands (23) 3000 Guinea-Bissau (24) 3000 Montserrat (25) 3000 Solomon Islands (26) 3000 Vanuatu (27) 3500 The Gambia (28) 3529 Tonga (29) 3601 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (30) 4600 Dominica (31) 5650 Grenada (32) 5920 Lesotho (33) 6500 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (34) 6700 Antigua and Barbuda (35) 7390 Laos (36) 7500 Western Samoa (37) 8000 Burundi (38) 8399 American Samoa (39) 8650 Belize (40) 9400 Gibraltar (41) 9500 Saint Lucia (42) 11000 Mali (43) 11700 San Marino (44) 13000 Seychelles (45) 14260 Niger (46) 15000 Gabon (47) 15000 Guinea (48) 17000 Swaziland (49) 17700 Andorra (50) 17900 Greenland (51) 18100 Congo (52) 18100 French Guiana (53) 23650 Sierra Leone (54) 24435 Man, Isle of (55) 25400 Liechtenstein (56) 26000 Botswana (57) 26000 Cameroon (58) 26317 Guam (59) 27000 Guyana (60) 27500 Suriname (61) 27900 Faroe Islands (62) 31200 Afghanistan (63) 32578 New Caledonia (64) 33000 Brunei (65) 33200 French Polynesia (66) 35000 Cayman Islands (67) 36000 Haiti (68) 38200 Monaco (69) 40300 Angola (70) 41900 Guernsey (71) 42250 Malawi (72) 42300 Ghana (73) 48000 Mauritius (74) 50000 Nepal (75) 50000 Oman (76) 52000 Macau (77) 52670 Bermuda (78) 53000 Burma (79) 53228 Fiji (80) 55000 Albania (81) 57300 Guadeloupe (82) 58931 Virgin Islands (83) 60000 Nicaragua (84) 62800 Namibia (85) 63000 Mongolia (86) 63700 Jersey (87) 65000 Yemen (88) 68900 Martinique (89) 70000 Papua New Guinea (90) 72168 Aruba (91) 78300 Paraguay (92) 81500 Jordan (93) 85900 Reunion (94) 87700 Cote d'Ivoire (95) 89000 Barbados (96) 97670 Guatemala (97) 98000 Bahrain (98) 99000 The Bahamas (99) 103800 Tanzania (100) 109000 Trinidad and Tobago (101) 110000 Qatar (102) 114000 Sri Lanka (103) 116000 El Salvador (104) 125000 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (105) 127000 Jamaica (106) 130000 Slovenia (107) 140000 Iceland (108) 150000 Bolivia (109) 153000 Malta (110) 190000 Dominican Republic (111) 210000 Cyprus (112) 220000 Panama (113) 229000 Cuba (114) 230000 Luxembourg (115) 233000 Tunisia (116) 241250 Bangladesh (117) 247000 Zimbabwe (118) 260000 Kenya (119) 280000 Morocco (120) 292000 Costa Rica (121) 303000 Tajikistan (122) 318000 Ecuador (123) 325000 Lebanon (124) 337000 Uruguay (125) 342000 Kyrgyzstan (126) 350000 Croatia (127) 370000 Libya (128) 386600 United Arab Emirates (129) 400000 Estonia (130) 512600 Syria (131) 544000 Peru (132) 577000 Moldova (133) 600000 Egypt (134) 632000 Iraq (135) 650000 Armenia (136) 660000 Latvia (137) 672000 Georgia (138) 700000 Serbia and Montenegro (139) 710000 Azerbaijan (140) 727000 Bosnia and Herzegovina (141) 739500 Thailand (142) 763000 Indonesia (143) 768000 Chile (144) 822000 Algeria (145) 872900 Philippines (146) 900000 Ireland (147) 900000 Lithuania (148) 994860 Malaysia (149) 1110000 Singapore (150) 1440000 Venezuela (151) 1458000 Uzbekistan (152) 1520000 Hungary (153) 1624000 Saudi Arabia (154) 1800000 Israel (155) 1849000 Belarus (156) 1890000 Colombia (157) 2110000 New Zealand (158) 2143000 Iran (159) 2200000 Kazakhstan (160) 2300000 Romania (161) 2600000 Bulgaria (162) 2650000 Argentina (163) 2690000 Portugal (164) 3000000 Hong Kong (165) 3102000 Norway (166) 3140000 Finland (167) 3400000 Turkey (168) 4014000 Austria (169) 4080000 Greece (170) 4500000 South Africa (171) 4509000 Denmark (172) 4720000 Belgium (173) 4900000 Poland (174) 5890000 Switzerland (175) 6410000 Mexico (176) 7800000 Taiwan (177) 7886000 Ukraine (178) 8200000 Sweden (179) 8700000 Australia (180) 9418000 Netherlands (181) 9860000 Brazil (182) 13300000 Korea, South (183) 15350464 Spain (184) 18000000 Canada (185) 20000000 China (186) 24400000 Russia (187) 25600000 Italy (188) 30200000 United Kingdom (189) 39200000 France (190) 40300000 Germany (191) 64000000 Japan (192) 126000000 United States (193) Antarctica (194) Arctic Ocean (195) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (196) Atlantic Ocean (197) Baker Island (198) Bassas da India (199) Benin (200) Bhutan (201) Bouvet Island (202) British Indian Ocean Territory (203) Burkina (204) Cambodia (205) Central African Republic (206) Chad (207) Christmas Island (208) Clipperton Island (209) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (210) Coral Sea Islands (211) Czech Republic (212) Djibouti (213) Eritrea (214) Ethiopia (215) Europa Island (216) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (217) Gaza Strip (218) Glorioso Islands (219) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (220) Honduras (221) Howland Island (222) India (223) Indian Ocean (224) Jan Mayen (225) Jarvis Island (226) Johnston Atoll (227) Juan de Nova Island (228) Kingman Reef (229) Korea, North (230) Kuwait (231) Liberia (232) Madagascar (233) Mauritania (234) Midway Islands (235) Mozambique (236) Navassa Island (237) Netherlands Antilles (238) Nigeria (239) Northern Mariana Islands (240) Pacific Ocean (241) Pakistan (242) Palau (243) Palmyra Atoll (244) Paracel Islands (245) Puerto Rico (246) Rwanda (247) Sao Tome and Principe (248) Senegal (249) Slovakia (250) Somalia (251) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (252) Spratly Islands (253) Sudan (254) Svalbard (255) Togo (256) Tokelau (257) Tromelin Island (258) Turkmenistan (259) Uganda (260) Vietnam (261) Wake Island (262) West Bank (263) World (264) Zaire (265) Zambia (266) Telephones Country _______ _______ 126000000 United States (1) 64000000 Japan (2) 40300000 Germany (3) 39200000 France (4) 30200000 United Kingdom (5) 25600000 Italy (6) 24400000 Russia (7) 20000000 China (8) 18000000 Canada (9) 15350464 Spain (10) 13300000 Korea, South (11) 9860000 Brazil (12) 9418000 Netherlands (13) 8700000 Australia (14) 8200000 Sweden (15) 7886000 Ukraine (16) 7800000 Taiwan (17) 6410000 Mexico (18) 5890000 Switzerland (19) 4900000 Poland (20) 4720000 Belgium (21) 4509000 Denmark (22) 4500000 South Africa (23) 4080000 Greece (24) 4014000 Austria (25) 3400000 Turkey (26) 3140000 Finland (27) 3102000 Norway (28) 3000000 Hong Kong (29) 2690000 Portugal (30) 2650000 Argentina (31) 2600000 Bulgaria (32) 2300000 Romania (33) 2200000 Kazakhstan (34) 2143000 Iran (35) 2110000 New Zealand (36) 1890000 Colombia (37) 1849000 Belarus (38) 1800000 Israel (39) 1624000 Saudi Arabia (40) 1520000 Hungary (41) 1458000 Uzbekistan (42) 1440000 Venezuela (43) 1110000 Singapore (44) 994860 Malaysia (45) 900000 Lithuania (46) 900000 Ireland (47) 872900 Philippines (48) 822000 Algeria (49) 768000 Chile (50) 763000 Indonesia (51) 739500 Thailand (52) 727000 Bosnia and Herzegovina (53) 710000 Azerbaijan (54) 700000 Serbia and Montenegro (55) 672000 Georgia (56) 660000 Latvia (57) 650000 Armenia (58) 632000 Iraq (59) 600000 Egypt (60) 577000 Moldova (61) 544000 Peru (62) 512600 Syria (63) 400000 Estonia (64) 386600 United Arab Emirates (65) 370000 Libya (66) 350000 Croatia (67) 342000 Kyrgyzstan (68) 337000 Uruguay (69) 325000 Lebanon (70) 318000 Ecuador (71) 303000 Tajikistan (72) 292000 Costa Rica (73) 280000 Morocco (74) 260000 Kenya (75) 247000 Zimbabwe (76) 241250 Bangladesh (77) 233000 Tunisia (78) 230000 Luxembourg (79) 229000 Cuba (80) 220000 Panama (81) 210000 Cyprus (82) 190000 Dominican Republic (83) 153000 Malta (84) 150000 Bolivia (85) 140000 Iceland (86) 130000 Slovenia (87) 127000 Jamaica (88) 125000 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (89) 116000 El Salvador (90) 114000 Sri Lanka (91) 110000 Qatar (92) 109000 Trinidad and Tobago (93) 103800 Tanzania (94) 99000 The Bahamas (95) 98000 Bahrain (96) 97670 Guatemala (97) 89000 Barbados (98) 87700 Cote d'Ivoire (99) 85900 Reunion (100) 81500 Jordan (101) 78300 Paraguay (102) 72168 Aruba (103) 70000 Papua New Guinea (104) 68900 Martinique (105) 65000 Yemen (106) 63700 Jersey (107) 63000 Mongolia (108) 62800 Namibia (109) 60000 Nicaragua (110) 58931 Virgin Islands (111) 57300 Guadeloupe (112) 55000 Albania (113) 53228 Fiji (114) 53000 Burma (115) 52670 Bermuda (116) 52000 Macau (117) 50000 Oman (118) 50000 Nepal (119) 48000 Mauritius (120) 42300 Ghana (121) 42250 Malawi (122) 41900 Guernsey (123) 40300 Angola (124) 38200 Monaco (125) 36000 Haiti (126) 35000 Cayman Islands (127) 33200 French Polynesia (128) 33000 Brunei (129) 32578 New Caledonia (130) 31200 Afghanistan (131) 27900 Faroe Islands (132) 27500 Suriname (133) 27000 Guyana (134) 26317 Guam (135) 26000 Cameroon (136) 26000 Botswana (137) 25400 Liechtenstein (138) 24435 Man, Isle of (139) 23650 Sierra Leone (140) 18100 French Guiana (141) 18100 Congo (142) 17900 Greenland (143) 17700 Andorra (144) 17000 Swaziland (145) 15000 Guinea (146) 15000 Gabon (147) 14260 Niger (148) 13000 Seychelles (149) 11700 San Marino (150) 11000 Mali (151) 9500 Saint Lucia (152) 9400 Gibraltar (153) 8650 Belize (154) 8399 American Samoa (155) 8000 Burundi (156) 7500 Western Samoa (157) 7390 Laos (158) 6700 Antigua and Barbuda (159) 6500 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (160) 5920 Lesotho (161) 5650 Grenada (162) 4600 Dominica (163) 3601 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (164) 3529 Tonga (165) 3500 The Gambia (166) 3000 Vanuatu (167) 3000 Solomon Islands (168) 3000 Montserrat (169) 3000 Guinea-Bissau (170) 3000 British Virgin Islands (171) 2804 Maldives (172) 2400 Saint Kitts and Nevis (173) 2052 Cook Islands (174) 2000 Western Sahara (175) 2000 Holy See (Vatican City) (176) 2000 Equatorial Guinea (177) 1800 Comoros (178) 1700 Cape Verde (179) 1600 Nauru (180) 1446 Turks and Caicos Islands (181) 1400 Kiribati (182) 987 Norfolk Island (183) 960 Micronesia, Federated States of (184) 890 Anguilla (185) 590 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (186) 570 Marshall Islands (187) 550 Saint Helena (188) 450 Mayotte (189) 383 Niue (190) 225 Wallis and Futuna (191) 108 Tuvalu (192) 24 Pitcairn Islands (193) Antarctica Arctic Ocean Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Baker Island Bassas da India Benin Bhutan Bouvet Island British Indian Ocean Territory Burkina Cambodia Central African Republic Chad Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Coral Sea Islands Czech Republic Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gaza Strip Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Honduras Howland Island India Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Korea, North Kuwait Liberia Madagascar Mauritania Midway Islands Mozambique Navassa Island Netherlands Antilles Nigeria Northern Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean Pakistan Palau Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands Puerto Rico Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Slovakia Somalia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spratly Islands Sudan Svalbard Togo Tokelau Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Uganda Vietnam Wake Island West Bank World Zaire Zambia Number of Television Stations title u"u"TV stations Country _______ _______ 0 Andorra (1) 0 Anguilla (2) 0 Bhutan (3) 0 Botswana (4) 0 Cayman Islands (5) 0 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (6) 0 Comoros (7) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (8) 0 Fiji (9) 0 Gaza Strip (10) 0 Guyana (11) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (12) 0 Kiribati (13) 0 Macau (14) 0 Malawi (15) 0 Mayotte (16) 0 Nauru (17) 0 Niue (18) 0 Norfolk Island (19) 0 Pitcairn Islands (20) 0 Saint Helena (21) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (22) 0 Sao Tome and Principe (23) 0 Solomon Islands (24) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (25) 0 Tonga (26) 0 Tuvalu (27) 0 Vanuatu (28) 0 Wallis and Futuna (29) 0 West Bank (30) 0 Western Samoa (31) 1 American Samoa (32) 1 Aruba (33) 1 The Bahamas (34) 1 Belize (35) 1 British Indian Ocean Territory (36) 1 British Virgin Islands (37) 1 Brunei (38) 1 Burma (39) 1 Burundi (40) 1 Cambodia (41) 1 Cameroon (42) 1 Cape Verde (43) 1 Central African Republic (44) 1 Christmas Island (45) 1 Cook Islands (46) 1 Djibouti (47) 1 Dominica (48) 1 Equatorial Guinea (49) 1 Ethiopia (50) 1 Grenada (51) 1 Guernsey (52) 1 Guinea (53) 1 Guinea-Bissau (54) 1 Jersey (55) 1 Lesotho (56) 1 Madagascar (57) 1 Maldives (58) 1 Marshall Islands (59) 1 Mauritania (60) 1 Mongolia (61) 1 Montserrat (62) 1 Mozambique (63) 1 Nepal (64) 1 Netherlands Antilles (65) 1 Northern Mariana Islands (66) 1 Reunion (67) 1 Rwanda (68) 1 Saint Lucia (69) 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (70) 1 Senegal (71) 1 Sierra Leone (72) 1 Svalbard (73) 2 Antigua and Barbuda (74) 2 Bahrain (75) 2 Barbados (76) 2 Benin (77) 2 Bermuda (78) 2 Burkina (79) 2 Laos (80) 2 Mali (81) 2 Malta (82) 2 Palau (83) 2 Papua New Guinea (84) 2 Seychelles (85) 2 Singapore (86) 2 Tanzania (87) 2 Western Sahara (88) 3 Estonia (89) 3 Faroe Islands (90) 3 Gabon (91) 3 Guam (92) 3 Kuwait (93) 3 Lithuania (94) 3 Luxembourg (95) 3 Namibia (96) 3 Qatar (97) 3 Sudan (98) 3 Togo (99) 4 Congo (100) 4 Ghana (101) 4 Gibraltar (102) 4 Greenland (103) 4 Haiti (104) 4 Hong Kong (105) 4 Man, Isle of (106) 4 Mauritius (107) 4 Saint Kitts and Nevis (108) 4 Virgin Islands (109) 5 El Salvador (110) 5 Kazakhstan (111) 5 Liberia (112) 5 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (113) 5 Monaco (114) 5 Paraguay (115) 5 Sri Lanka (116) 5 Trinidad and Tobago (117) 6 Angola (118) 6 Bosnia and Herzegovina (119) 6 French Polynesia (120) 6 Kenya (121) 6 Micronesia, Federated States of (122) 6 Suriname (123) 7 New Caledonia (124) 7 Nicaragua (125) 7 Oman (126) 7 Slovenia (127) 8 Jamaica (128) 8 Jordan (129) 8 Netherlands (130) 8 Zimbabwe (131) 9 Albania (132) 9 French Guiana (133) 9 Guadeloupe (134) 9 Indonesia (135) 9 Puerto Rico (136) 9 Uganda (137) 9 Zambia (138) 10 Martinique (139) 10 Swaziland (140) 10 Yemen (141) 11 Bangladesh (142) 11 Korea, North (143) 11 Thailand (144) 12 Croatia (145) 12 Libya (146) 12 United Arab Emirates (147) 13 Iraq (148) 13 Lebanon (149) 13 Romania (150) 14 New Zealand (151) 15 Taiwan (152) 17 Syria (153) 18 Algeria (154) 18 Costa Rica (155) 18 Cote d'Ivoire (156) 18 Dominican Republic (157) 18 Niger (158) 18 Serbia and Montenegro (159) 18 Switzerland (160) 18 Zaire (161) 19 Tunisia (162) 20 Israel (163) 23 Panama (164) 25 Guatemala (165) 26 Morocco (166) 26 Uruguay (167) 28 Honduras (168) 28 Iran (169) 28 Nigeria (170) 29 Bulgaria (171) 29 Pakistan (172) 32 Belgium (173) 33 Colombia (174) 33 Ecuador (175) 33 Malaysia (176) 33 Philippines (177) 36 Vietnam (178) 40 Poland (179) 41 Egypt (180) 41 Hungary (181) 43 Bolivia (182) 47 Austria (183) 50 Denmark (184) 53 Canada (185) 54 Norway (186) 58 Cuba (187) 59 Venezuela (188) 66 Portugal (189) 67 South Africa (190) 80 Saudi Arabia (191) 83 Italy (192) 86 Ireland (193) 100 Spain (194) 112 Brazil (195) 131 Chile (196) 134 Australia (197) 140 Peru (198) 202 China (199) 202 Iceland (200) 207 United Kingdom (201) 231 Argentina (202) 235 Finland (203) 238 Mexico (204) 246 Germany (205) 256 Korea, South (206) 274 India (207) 357 Turkey (208) 361 Greece (209) 846 France (210) 880 Sweden (211) 1092 United States (212) 7183 Russia (213) 12350 Japan (214) Afghanistan (215) Antarctica (216) Arctic Ocean (217) Armenia (218) Ashmore and Cartier Islands (219) Atlantic Ocean (220) Azerbaijan (221) Baker Island (222) Bassas da India (223) Belarus (224) Bouvet Island (225) Chad (226) Clipperton Island (227) Coral Sea Islands (228) Cyprus (229) Czech Republic (230) Eritrea (231) Europa Island (232) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (233) The Gambia (234) Georgia (235) Glorioso Islands (236) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (237) Howland Island (238) Indian Ocean (239) Jan Mayen (240) Jarvis Island (241) Johnston Atoll (242) Juan de Nova Island (243) Kingman Reef (244) Kyrgyzstan (245) Latvia (246) Liechtenstein (247) Midway Islands (248) Moldova (249) Navassa Island (250) Pacific Ocean (251) Palmyra Atoll (252) Paracel Islands (253) San Marino (254) Slovakia (255) Somalia (256) Spratly Islands (257) Tajikistan (258) Tokelau (259) Tromelin Island (260) Turkmenistan (261) Turks and Caicos Islands (262) Ukraine (263) Uzbekistan (264) Wake Island (265) World (266) TV stations Country _______ _______ 12350 Japan (1) 7183 Russia (2) 1092 United States (3) 880 Sweden (4) 846 France (5) 361 Greece (6) 357 Turkey (7) 274 India (8) 256 Korea, South (9) 246 Germany (10) 238 Mexico (11) 235 Finland (12) 231 Argentina (13) 207 United Kingdom (14) 202 Iceland (15) 202 China (16) 140 Peru (17) 134 Australia (18) 131 Chile (19) 112 Brazil (20) 100 Spain (21) 86 Ireland (22) 83 Italy (23) 80 Saudi Arabia (24) 67 South Africa (25) 66 Portugal (26) 59 Venezuela (27) 58 Cuba (28) 54 Norway (29) 53 Canada (30) 50 Denmark (31) 47 Austria (32) 43 Bolivia (33) 41 Hungary (34) 41 Egypt (35) 40 Poland (36) 36 Vietnam (37) 33 Philippines (38) 33 Malaysia (39) 33 Ecuador (40) 33 Colombia (41) 32 Belgium (42) 29 Pakistan (43) 29 Bulgaria (44) 28 Nigeria (45) 28 Iran (46) 28 Honduras (47) 26 Uruguay (48) 26 Morocco (49) 25 Guatemala (50) 23 Panama (51) 20 Israel (52) 19 Tunisia (53) 18 Zaire (54) 18 Switzerland (55) 18 Serbia and Montenegro (56) 18 Niger (57) 18 Dominican Republic (58) 18 Cote d'Ivoire (59) 18 Costa Rica (60) 18 Algeria (61) 17 Syria (62) 15 Taiwan (63) 14 New Zealand (64) 13 Romania (65) 13 Lebanon (66) 13 Iraq (67) 12 United Arab Emirates (68) 12 Libya (69) 12 Croatia (70) 11 Thailand (71) 11 Korea, North (72) 11 Bangladesh (73) 10 Yemen (74) 10 Swaziland (75) 10 Martinique (76) 9 Zambia (77) 9 Uganda (78) 9 Puerto Rico (79) 9 Indonesia (80) 9 Guadeloupe (81) 9 French Guiana (82) 9 Albania (83) 8 Zimbabwe (84) 8 Netherlands (85) 8 Jordan (86) 8 Jamaica (87) 7 Slovenia (88) 7 Oman (89) 7 Nicaragua (90) 7 New Caledonia (91) 6 Suriname (92) 6 Micronesia, Federated States of (93) 6 Kenya (94) 6 French Polynesia (95) 6 Bosnia and Herzegovina (96) 6 Angola (97) 5 Trinidad and Tobago (98) 5 Sri Lanka (99) 5 Paraguay (100) 5 Monaco (101) 5 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (102) 5 Liberia (103) 5 Kazakhstan (104) 5 El Salvador (105) 4 Virgin Islands (106) 4 Saint Kitts and Nevis (107) 4 Mauritius (108) 4 Man, Isle of (109) 4 Hong Kong (110) 4 Haiti (111) 4 Greenland (112) 4 Gibraltar (113) 4 Ghana (114) 4 Congo (115) 3 Togo (116) 3 Sudan (117) 3 Qatar (118) 3 Namibia (119) 3 Luxembourg (120) 3 Lithuania (121) 3 Kuwait (122) 3 Guam (123) 3 Gabon (124) 3 Faroe Islands (125) 3 Estonia (126) 2 Western Sahara (127) 2 Tanzania (128) 2 Singapore (129) 2 Seychelles (130) 2 Papua New Guinea (131) 2 Palau (132) 2 Malta (133) 2 Mali (134) 2 Laos (135) 2 Burkina (136) 2 Bermuda (137) 2 Benin (138) 2 Barbados (139) 2 Bahrain (140) 2 Antigua and Barbuda (141) 1 Svalbard (142) 1 Sierra Leone (143) 1 Senegal (144) 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (145) 1 Saint Lucia (146) 1 Rwanda (147) 1 Reunion (148) 1 Northern Mariana Islands (149) 1 Netherlands Antilles (150) 1 Nepal (151) 1 Mozambique (152) 1 Montserrat (153) 1 Mongolia (154) 1 Mauritania (155) 1 Marshall Islands (156) 1 Maldives (157) 1 Madagascar (158) 1 Lesotho (159) 1 Jersey (160) 1 Guinea-Bissau (161) 1 Guinea (162) 1 Guernsey (163) 1 Grenada (164) 1 Ethiopia (165) 1 Equatorial Guinea (166) 1 Dominica (167) 1 Djibouti (168) 1 Cook Islands (169) 1 Christmas Island (170) 1 Central African Republic (171) 1 Cape Verde (172) 1 Cameroon (173) 1 Cambodia (174) 1 Burundi (175) 1 Burma (176) 1 Brunei (177) 1 British Virgin Islands (178) 1 British Indian Ocean Territory (179) 1 Belize (180) 1 The Bahamas (181) 1 Aruba (182) 1 American Samoa (183) 0 Western Samoa (184) 0 West Bank (185) 0 Wallis and Futuna (186) 0 Vanuatu (187) 0 Tuvalu (188) 0 Tonga (189) 0 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (190) 0 Solomon Islands (191) 0 Sao Tome and Principe (192) 0 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (193) 0 Saint Helena (194) 0 Pitcairn Islands (195) 0 Norfolk Island (196) 0 Niue (197) 0 Nauru (198) 0 Mayotte (199) 0 Malawi (200) 0 Macau (201) 0 Kiribati (202) 0 Holy See (Vatican City) (203) 0 Guyana (204) 0 Gaza Strip (205) 0 Fiji (206) 0 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (207) 0 Comoros (208) 0 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (209) 0 Cayman Islands (210) 0 Botswana (211) 0 Bhutan (212) 0 Anguilla (213) 0 Andorra (214) Afghanistan Antarctica Arctic Ocean Armenia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Azerbaijan Baker Island Bassas da India Belarus Bouvet Island Chad Clipperton Island Coral Sea Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Eritrea Europa Island French Southern and Antarctic Lands The Gambia Georgia Glorioso Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands Howland Island Indian Ocean Jan Mayen Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Juan de Nova Island Kingman Reef Kyrgyzstan Latvia Liechtenstein Midway Islands Moldova Navassa Island Pacific Ocean Palmyra Atoll Paracel Islands San Marino Slovakia Somalia Spratly Islands Tajikistan Tokelau Tromelin Island Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Ukraine Uzbekistan Wake Island World Europe and Asia NE Asia Asia + SE Asia Southeast Asia Europe Europe Middle East Middle East Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Europe and Asia q[~}XgX NsV0/ LiitL ~nBbNx ;$jjc D6ss5[ 99DlD EB$EhX uu&NN ;ped$u UwllL J2tii &&2&J NMyc1c [cBb>bjc ;$$uj ujbb$ ;}jju ;uubMs ~cbcBc `/CH` V]Wcc$ Xhn$! cjjb$ jjB2bj cN;B}}bW 5N5jN ujM;u ^unnjuj A^Xn3 n%XaG ^aA^AE EXX^XX^ +AX%3+3 XXa^^$ 3%3EA A3AEAGe $AaaEG$eE. 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Out Search I_Flags Languages Charts I_Charts SearchHere WWW: http://Wayzata-Tech.com Technical Support: e-mail: TechSupport@Wayzata-Tech.com phone: 1(800) 377-7321 TechnicalSupport Fax: (218) 326-0598 WWW: http://Wayzata-Tech.com Sales/Customer Service: 1(800) 735-7321 Telephone: (218) 326-0597 Others .'+ +F .', " .'+ +F not found. SWSearch HitList swords nSWSearch sText \wfb96.sws SWSearch.DLL Search string : mHitList SearchWord buttonUp mText HitList sText mHitList SearchWord hText searchWord enterPage sText SearchWord Search keyDown mText HitList sText mHitList SearchWord hText leavePage mText HitList sText mHitList SearchWord hText searchWord enterPage sText SearchWord Search keyDown mText HitList sText mHitList SearchWord hText leavePage to bring in sea-going vessel. Obtain necessary forms from airline or shipping agent serving Marshall Islands. Departure fee $10 (those over age 60 exempt). Health certificate required if arriving from infected areas. AIDS test may be required for visits over 30 days; U.S. test accepted. Check information with Representative Office, Suite 1004, 1901 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 (202/234-5414) or the nearest Consulate General: CA (714/474-0331) or HI (808/942-4422). Marshall Islands - Consular Information Sheet September 7, 1994 Country Description: The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a parliamentary democracy, constitutionally in free association with the United States. It has a developing agrarian economy. Tourist facilities are not widely available, but adequate. Small hotels exist in Majuro and on Ebeye, the second most populous island in the nation. Rental cars and taxis are plentiful. Entry Requirements: Proof of U.S. citizenship (ie: a U.S. passport, U.S. birth certificate, Certificate of U.S. Naturalization, Certificate of U.S. Citizenship, or Report of Birth Abroad of a U.S. citizen), sufficient funds for the intended stay, and and onward/return ticket are required for a stay of up to 30 days. Further specific information is available through the Embassy of The Republic of the Marshall Islands, 2433 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008. The telephone number is (202) 234-5414. Medical Facilities: Health facilities in the Republic of the Marshall Islands are adequate for routine medical problems, but are available only on Majuro and Ebeye. Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health services. U.S. medical insurance is not always valid outside the United States. Supplemental overseas medical insurance, including coverage for medical evacuation, has proven useful. The Medicare/Medicaid program does not provide payment of medical services outside the United States. The international travelers hotline of the Centers for Disease Control at (404) 332-4559 has additional useful health information. Information on Crime: The crime rate in the Republic of the Marshall Islands is low, but rapidly increasing. Most common crimes are break-ins and thefts from homes, hotel rooms and vehicles. The loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport should be reported immediately to the local police, and the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Useful information on safeguarding valuables and protecting personal security while traveling abroad is provided in the Department of State pamphlet, "A Safe Trip Abroad." It is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402. Drug Penalties: Travelers are subject to the laws and legal practices of the country in which they travel. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs are strict, and convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and fines. Civil Aviation Oversight: In July 1992, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration assessed the Republic of the Marshall Islands' civil aviation authority as in compliance with international aviation safety oversight standards for the Republic of the Marshall Islands' carriers operating to and from the U.S. However, during its assessment, the FAA noted that the Republic of the Marshall Islands' operations to destinations other than the U.S. are not provided a similar level of safety oversight. For further information, travelers may contact the Department of Transportation at 1-800- 322-7873. Registration: Americans who register at the U.S. Embassy in Majuro can obtain updated information on travel and security within the area. Embassy Location: The U.S. Embassy is located in Majuro, c/o P.O. Box 1379; telephone (692) 247-4011, on the ocean-side of the island's road, near the Mormon church and "Blue Wall" compound. No. 94-193 This replaces the Consular Information Sheet dated August 17, 1993. It provides updated information concerning supplemental medical evacuation coverage and also adds information regarding aviation oversight. "Marshall Islands Geography Location: Oceania, group of atolls and reefs in the North Pacific Ocean, about one-half of the way from Hawaii to Papua New Guinea Map references: Oceania Area: total area: 181.3 sq km land area: 181.3 sq km comparative area: slightly larger than Washington, DC note: includes the atolls of Bikini, Eniwetak, and Kwajalein Land boundaries: 0 km Coastline: 370.4 km Maritime claims: contiguous zone: 24 nm exclusive economic zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 12 nm International disputes: claims US territory of Wake Island Climate: wet season May to November; hot and humid; islands border typhoon belt Terrain: low coral limestone and sand islands Natural resources: phosphate deposits, marine products, deep seabed minerals Land use: arable land: 0% permanent crops: 60% meadows and pastures: 0% forest and woodland: 0% other: 40% Irrigated land: NA sq km Environment: current issues: inadequate supplies of potable water natural hazards: occasional typhoons international agreements: party to - Biodiversity, Climate Change, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution Note: two archipelagic island chains of 30 atolls and 1,152 islands; Bikini and Eniwetak are former US nuclear test sites; Kwajalein, the famous World War II battleground, is now used as a US missile test range People Population: 56,157 (July 1995 est.) Age structure: 0-14 years: 51% (female 13,950; male 14,547) 15-64 years: 47% (female 12,801; male 13,470) 65 years and over: 2% (female 740; male 649) (July 1995 est.) Population growth rate: 3.86% (1995 est.) Birth rate: 46.03 births/1,000 population (1995 est.) Death rate: 7.48 deaths/1,000 population (1995 est.) Net migration rate: 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1995 est.) Infant mortality rate: 48 deaths/1,000 live births (1995 est.) Life expectancy at birth: total population: 63.49 years male: 61.94 years female: 65.11 years (1995 est.) Total fertility rate: 6.89 children born/woman (1995 est.) Nationality: noun: Marshallese (singular and plural) adjective: Marshallese Ethnic divisions: Micronesian Religions: Christian (mostly Protestant) Languages: English (universally spoken and is the official language), two major Marshallese dialects from the Malayo-Polynesian family, Japanese Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write (1980) total population: 93% male: 100% female: 88% Labor force: 4,800 (1986) by occupation: NA Government Names: conventional long form: Republic of the Marshall Islands conventional short form: Marshall Islands former: Marshall Islands District (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) Digraph: RM Type: constitutional government in free association with the US; the Compact of Free Association entered into force 21 October 1986 Capital: Majuro Administrative divisions: none Independence: 21 October 1986 (from the US-administered UN trusteeship) National holiday: Proclamation of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, 1 May (1979) Constitution: 1 May 1979 Legal system: based on adapted Trust Territory laws, acts of the legislature, municipal, common, and customary laws Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal Executive branch: chief of state and head of government: President Amata KABUA (since 1979); election last held 6 January 1992 (next to be held NA); results - President Amata KABUA was reelected cabinet: Cabinet; president selects from the parliament Legislative branch: unicameral Parliament (Nitijela): elections last held 18 November 1991 (next to be held November 1995); results - percent of vote NA; seats - (33 total) independents 33 Judicial branch: Supreme Court Political parties and leaders: no formal parties; President KABUA is chief political (and traditional) leader Member of: AsDB, ESCAP, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, IFC, IMF, INTELSAT (nonsignatory user), INTERPOL, SPARTECA, SPC, SPF, UN, UNCTAD, WHO Diplomatic representation in US: chief of mission: Ambassador Wilfred I. KENDALL chancery: 2433 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008 telephone: [1] (202) 234-5414 FAX: [1] (202) 232-3236 consulate(s) general: Honolulu and Los Angeles Government US diplomatic representation: chief of mission: Ambassador David C. FIELDS embassy: address NA, Majuro mailing address: P. O. Box 1379, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960-1379 telephone: [692] 247-4011 FAX: [692] 247-4012 Flag: blue with two stripes radiating from the lower hoist-side corner - orange (top) and white; there is a white star with four large rays and 20 small rays on the hoist side above the two stripes Economy Overview: Agriculture and tourism are the mainstays of the economy. Agricultural production is concentrated on small farms, and the most important commercial crops are coconuts, tomatoes, melons, and breadfruit. A few cattle ranches supply the domestic meat market. Small-scale industry is limited to handicrafts, fish processing, and copra. The tourist industry is the primary source of foreign exchange and employs about 10% of the labor force. The islands have few natural resources, and imports far exc UATP___FOT WATP___TTF WATP___FOT WATA___TTF WATA___FOT WATL___TTF WATL___FOT ATAC___TTF ATAC___FOT UMMSO__TTF UMMSO__FOT UMPLED_TTF UMPLED_FOT AFEP___TTF AFEP___FOT ALLC___TTF UATP___FOT WATP___TTF WATP___FOT